Worthy.Bible » BBE » Exodus » Chapter 37 » Verse 16

Exodus 37:16 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

16 And all the table-vessels, the plates and spoons and basins and the cups for liquids, he made of the best gold.

Cross Reference

Exodus 25:29 BBE

And make the table-vessels, the spoons and the cups and the basins for liquids, all of the best gold.

1 Kings 7:50 BBE

And the cups and the scissors and the basins and the spoons and the fire-trays, all of gold; and the pins on which the doors were turned, the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and the doors of the Temple, all of gold.

2 Kings 12:13 BBE

But the money was not used for making silver cups or scissors or basins or wind-instruments or any vessels of gold or silver for the house of the Lord;

Jeremiah 52:18-19 BBE

And the pots and the spades and the scissors for the lights and the spoons, and all the brass vessels used in the Lord's house, they took away. And the cups and the fire-trays and the basins and the pots and the supports for the lights and the spoons and the wide basins; the gold of the gold vessels, and the silver of the silver vessels, the captain of the armed men took away.

2 Timothy 2:20 BBE

Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but others of wood and earth, and some which are honoured and some without honour.

Commentary on Exodus 37 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter continues the account of the making of the tabernacle, and the furniture of it, particularly the ark, mercy seat, and cherubim, Exodus 37:1 the shewbread table, and what appertained to that, Exodus 37:10 the candlestick, and all the vessels of it, Exodus 37:17 and the altar of incense, together with the anointing oil, and pure incense, Exodus 37:25.

Verses 1-29

And Bezaleel made the ark of shittim wood,.... Jarchi says, because he gave his mind to this work more than the rest of the wise men, it is called by his name. It is a notion of some Jewish writers that the ark was made by Bezaleel, without the help of others; but there is no sufficient reason to be given for it; for other things are equally ascribed to him in this and the following chapter, as the mercy seat with the cherubim, the shewbread table, the candlestick of pure gold, the two altars, the laver of brass, with other things, which are only said to be made by him, because they were made by his direction, and he having the oversight of them while making; wherefore Aben Ezra observes, that this is particularly said for the glory of the ark. Of the ark, and all other things mentioned in this chapter; see Gill on Exodus 25:1 &c. to end of chapter; see Gill on Exodus 30:1 &c. to end of chapter.