Worthy.Bible » BBE » Mark » Chapter 15 » Verse 18

Mark 15:18 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

18 And, as if honouring him, they said, Long life to the King of the Jews!

Cross Reference

Genesis 37:10 BBE

And he gave word of it to his father and his brothers; but his father protesting said, What sort of a dream is this? am I and your mother and your brothers to go down on our faces to the earth before you?

Genesis 37:20 BBE

Let us now put him to death and put his body into one of these holes, and we will say, An evil beast has put him to death: then we will see what becomes of his dreams.

Matthew 27:42-43 BBE

A saviour of others, he has no salvation for himself. If he is the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will have faith in him. He put his faith in God; let God be his saviour now, if he will have him; for he said, I am the Son of God.

Mark 15:2 BBE

And Pilate put a question to him, Are you the King of the Jews? And he, answering, said to him, You say so.

Mark 15:29-32 BBE

And those who went by made sport of him, shaking their heads, and saying, Ha! you who give the Temple to destruction, and put it up again in three days, Keep yourself from death, and come down from the cross. In the same way the chief priests, laughing at him among themselves with the scribes, said, A saviour of others, he has no salvation for himself. Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, so that we may see and have belief. And those who were put on crosses with him said evil things against him.

Luke 23:36-37 BBE

And the men of the army made sport of him, coming to him and giving him bitter wine, And saying, If you are the King of the Jews, get yourself free.

John 19:14-15 BBE

(It was the day when they made ready for the Passover; and it was about the sixth hour.) And he said to the Jews, There is your King! Then they gave a loud cry, Away with him! away with him! to the cross! Pilate said to them, Am I to put your King to death on the cross? The chief priests said in answer, We have no king but Caesar.

Commentary on Mark 15 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Mr 15:1-20. Jesus Is Brought before PilateAt a Second Hearing, Pilate, after Seeking to Release Him, Delivers Him UpAfter Being Cruelly Entreated, He Is Led Away to Be Crucified. ( = Mt 26:1, 2, 11-31; Lu 23:1-6, 13-25; Joh 18:28-19:16).

See on Joh 18:28-19:16.

Mr 15:21-37. Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus. ( = Mt 27:32-50; Lu 23:26-46; Joh 19:17-30).

See on Joh 19:17-30.

Mr 15:38-47. Signs and Circumstances Following the Death of the Lord Jesus.He Is Taken Down from the Cross and BuriedThe Sepulchre Is Guarded. ( = Mt 27:51-66; Lu 23:45, 47-56; Joh 19:31-42).

See on Mt 27:51-56; and Joh 19:31-42.