Worthy.Bible » BBE » Proverbs » Chapter 10 » Verse 2

Proverbs 10:2 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

2 Wealth which comes from sin is of no profit, but righteousness gives salvation from death.

Cross Reference

Proverbs 11:4 BBE

Wealth is of no profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness keeps a man safe from death.

Proverbs 21:6 BBE

He who gets stores of wealth by a false tongue, is going after what is only breath, and searching for death.

Psalms 49:6-10 BBE

Even of those whose faith is in their wealth, and whose hearts are lifted up because of their stores. Truly, no man may get back his soul for a price, or give to God the payment for himself; (Because it takes a great price to keep his soul from death, and man is not able to give it.) So that he might have eternal life, and never see the underworld. For he sees that wise men come to their end, and foolish persons of low behaviour come to destruction together, letting their wealth go to others.

Proverbs 12:28 BBE

In the road of righteousness is life, but the way of the evil-doer goes to death.

Isaiah 10:2-3 BBE

Who do wrong to the poor in their cause, and take away the right of the crushed among my people, so that they may have the property of widows, and get under their power those who have no father. And what will you do in the day of punishment, and in the destruction which is coming from far? to whom will you go for help, and what will become of your glory?

Ezekiel 7:19 BBE

They will put out their silver into the streets, and their gold will be as an unclean thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to keep them safe in the day of the wrath of the Lord; they will not get their desire or have food for their need: because it has been the cause of their falling into sin.

Daniel 4:27 BBE

For this cause, O King, let my suggestion be pleasing to you, and let your sins be covered by righteousness and your evil-doing by mercy to the poor, so that the time of your well-being may be longer.

Zephaniah 1:18 BBE

Even their silver and their gold will not be able to keep them safe in the day of the Lord's wrath; but all the land will be burned up in the fire of his bitter wrath: for he will put an end, even suddenly, to all who are living in the land.

Luke 12:15-21 BBE

And he said to them, Take care to keep yourselves free from the desire for property; for a man's life is not made up of the number of things which he has. And he said to them, in a story, The land of a certain man of great wealth was very fertile: And he said to himself, What is to be done? for I have no place in which to put all my fruit. And he said, This I will do: I will take down my store-houses and make greater ones, and there I will put all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have a great amount of goods in store, enough for a number of years; be at rest, take food and wine and be happy. But God said to him, You foolish one, tonight I will take your soul from you, and who then will be the owner of all the things which you have got together? So that is what comes to the man who gets wealth for himself, and has not wealth in the eyes of God.

Luke 16:22-23 BBE

And in time the poor man came to his end, and angels took him to Abraham's breast. And the man of wealth came to his end, and was put in the earth. And in hell, being in great pain, lifting up his eyes he saw Abraham, far away, and Lazarus on his breast.

Romans 2:5 BBE

But by your hard and unchanged heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of the revelation of God's judging in righteousness;

Romans 5:21 BBE

That, as sin had power in death, so grace might have power through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Philippians 3:9 BBE

And be seen in him, not having my righteousness which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

James 5:1-3 BBE

Come now, you men of wealth, give yourselves to weeping and crying because of the bitter troubles which are coming to you. Your wealth is unclean and insects have made holes in your clothing. Your gold and your silver are wasted and their waste will be a witness against you, burning into your flesh. You have put by your store in the last days.

Commentary on Proverbs 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 10:1-32. Here begins the second part of the book, Pr 10:1-22:16, which, with the third, Pr 22:16-25:28, contains series of proverbs whose sense is complete in one or two verses, and which, having no logical connection, admit of no analysis. The parallelisms of Pr 10:1-15:33 are mostly antithetic; and those of Pr 16:1-22:16, synthetic. The evidences of art in the structure are very clear, and indicate, probably, a purpose of facilitating the labor of memorizing.

1. wise [and] foolish—as they follow or reject the precepts of wisdom.

maketh … father—or, "gladdens a father."

heaviness—or, "grief."

2. Treasures … nothing—that is, Ill-gotten gains give no true happiness (compare Pr 4:17; Mt 6:19).

righteousness—especially beneficence (Ps 112:9).

death—the greatest of all evils.

3. (Compare Ps 37:16-20). The last clause is better: "He will repel the greedy desires of the wicked."

4. slack—literally, "deceitful," failing of its purpose (compare Ho 7:16).

maketh rich—(compare Pr 10:22).

5. son—as Pr 1:8, 10, and often.

sleepeth—in indolence, and not for rest.

causeth shame—literally, "is base" (compare Pr 14:35; 17:2).

6. Blessings—literally, "Praises." The last clause is better: "The mouth of the wicked covereth (or concealeth) violence (or mischievous devices)" to be executed in due time (Ps 5:9; 10:7; Ro 3:14), and hence has no praises (compare Pr 10:11).

7. blessed—literally, "for a blessing," or praise.

shall rot—literally, "be worm-eaten," useless and disgusting.

8. wise, &c.—(compare Pr 9:8, 9, 16), opposed to

prating fool—or, "fool of lips of wicked language."

fall—headlong, suddenly.

9. perverteth his ways—acts deceitfully.

known—discovered and punished.

10. Two vices contrasted; hypocrisy, or insinuating evil against one (Pr 6:13; Ps 35:19), and rashness of speech. In each case, the results are on the evildoers.

11. a well—or, "source" of good to himself and others (Joh 7:37, 38). On last clause, see on Pr 10:6.

12. strifes—or, "litigations."

covereth—by forgiveness and forbearance.

13. In the lips … found—hence, not beaten, as the wicked-speaking fool.

void of understanding—(Pr 6:32; 7:7).

14. lay up knowledge—that is, as treasures for good use.

mouth … destruction—or, "as to the mouth," &c., destruction is near; they expose themselves to evil by prating.

15. Both by trusting in "uncertain riches" (1Ti 6:17), or by the evils of poverty (Pr 30:9), men, not fearing God, fall into dangers.

16. The industry of the righteous is alone truly successful, while the earnings of the wicked tempt and lead to sin.

17. keepeth—observes (Pr 3:18; 4:22).

refuseth—or, "turns from reproof," which might direct him aright.

18. Both vices must one day be known and punished, and hence their folly.

19. Much speech involves risk of sin; hence the wisdom of restraining the tongue (Ps 39:1; Jas 1:26).

20. Right speech is the fruit of a good heart, but the wicked show theirs to be useless.

21. Fools not only fail to benefit others, as do the righteous, but procure their own ruin (compare Pr 10:11, 17; Ho 4:6).

22. it maketh, &c.—"it" is emphatic. Riches from God are without the sorrow of ill-gotten wealth (compare Ec 2:21-23; 1Ti 6:9, 10, 17).

23. Sin is the pleasure of the wicked; wisdom that of the good.

24. it—the very thing. The wicked get dreaded evil; the righteous, desired good.

25. (Compare Ps 1:4; 37:9, 10, 36).

righteous … foundation—well laid and firm (Mt 7:24, 25).

26. that is, causes vexation.

27. (Compare Pr 9:11; Ps 55:23).

28. gladness—in confidence of realizing it.

expectation … perish—in disappointment.

29. The way, &c.—that is, God's providence sustains the righteous and overthrows the wicked (Ho 14:9).

30. (Compare Pr 12:3; Ps 37:9-11; 102:28).

earth—or, "land of promise."

31. bringeth forth—literally, "germinates" as a plant.

froward—(Compare Pr 2:12, 14).

cut off—as an unproductive plant.

32. know—regard and provide for (Ps 1:6).

frowardness—all kinds of deceit and ill-nature. The word is plural.