Worthy.Bible » BBE » Proverbs » Chapter 12 » Verse 7

Proverbs 12:7 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

7 Evil-doers are overturned and never seen again, but the house of upright men will keep its place.

Cross Reference

Matthew 7:24-27 BBE

Everyone, then, to whom my words come and who does them, will be like a wise man who made his house on a rock; And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house, but it was not moved; because it was based on the rock. And everyone to whom my words come and who does them not, will be like a foolish man who made his house on sand; And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house; and it came down and great was its fall.

Proverbs 11:21 BBE

Certainly the evil-doer will not go free from punishment, but the seed of the upright man will be safe.

Proverbs 10:25 BBE

When the storm-wind is past, the sinner is seen no longer, but the upright man is safe for ever.

Psalms 37:10 BBE

For in a short time the evil-doer will be gone: you will go searching for his place, and it will not be there.

Proverbs 24:3-4 BBE

The building of a house is by wisdom, and by reason it is made strong: And by knowledge its rooms are full of all dear and pleasing things.

Proverbs 15:25 BBE

The house of the man of pride will be uprooted by the Lord, but he will make safe the heritage of the widow.

Proverbs 14:11 BBE

The house of the sinner will be overturned, but the tent of the upright man will do well.

Proverbs 14:1 BBE

Wisdom is building her house, but the foolish woman is pulling it down with her hands.

Psalms 73:18-19 BBE

You put their feet where there was danger of slipping, so that they go down into destruction. How suddenly are they wasted! fears are the cause of their destruction.

Psalms 37:35-37 BBE

I have seen the evil-doer in great power, covering the earth like a great tree. But he came to an end, and there was no sign of him; I made a search for him and he was not there. Give attention to the good man, and take note of the upright; because the end of that man is peace.

2 Samuel 7:16 BBE

And your family and your kingdom will keep their place before me for ever: the seat of your authority will never be overturned.

Job 34:25 BBE

For he has knowledge of their works, overturning them in the night, so that they are crushed.

Job 27:18-23 BBE

His house has no more strength than a spider's thread, or a watchman's tent. He goes to rest full of wealth, but does so for the last time: on opening his eyes, he sees it there no longer. Fears overtake him like rushing waters; in the night the storm-wind takes him away. The east wind takes him up and he is gone; he is forced violently out of his place. God sends his arrows against him without mercy; he goes in flight before his hand. Men make signs of joy because of him, driving him from his place with sounds of hissing.

Job 18:15-20 BBE

In his tent will be seen that which is not his, burning stone is dropped on his house. Under the earth his roots are dry, and over it his branch is cut off. His memory is gone from the earth, and in the open country there is no knowledge of his name. He is sent away from the light into the dark; he is forced out of the world. He has no offspring or family among his people, and in his living-place there is no one of his name. At his fate those of the west are shocked, and those of the east are overcome with fear.

Job 11:20 BBE

But the eyes of the evil-doers will be wasting away; their way of flight is gone, and their only hope is the taking of their last breath.

Job 5:3-4 BBE

I have seen the foolish taking root, but suddenly the curse came on his house. Now his children have no safe place, and they are crushed before the judges, for no one takes up their cause.

Esther 9:14 BBE

And the king said that this was to be done, and the order was given out in Shushan, and the hanging of Haman's ten sons was effected.

Esther 9:6-10 BBE

And in Shushan the Jews put to death five hundred men. They put to death Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha, The ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the hater of the Jews; but they put not a hand on any of their goods.

2 Samuel 7:26 BBE

And let your name be made great for ever, and let men say, The Lord of armies is God over Israel: and let the family of David your servant be made strong before you!

Commentary on Proverbs 12 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 12:1-28.

1. loveth knowledge—as the fruit of instruction or training (Pr 1:2).

hateth reproof—(Pr 10:17).

brutish—stupid, regardless of his own welfare (Ps 49:10; 73:22).

3. Wickedness cannot give permanent prosperity.

root … not be moved—firm as a flourishing tree—(Ps 1:3; 15:5; Jer 17:8).

4. A virtuous woman—in the wide sense of well-disposed to all moral duties (Pr 31:10).

maketh ashamed—that is, by misconduct.

rottenness—an incurable evil.

5. thoughts—or, "purposes."

are right—literally, "are judgment," that is, true decisions.

counsels—(Compare Pr 11:14).

deceit—contrary to truth and honesty.

6. The words—or, "expressed designs" of the wicked are for evil purposes.

the mouth—or, "words" of the righteous delivering instead of ensnaring men.

7. Such conduct brings a proper return, by the destruction of the wicked and well-being of the righteous and his family.

8. despised—as opposed to commended (Pr 11:12).

perverse heart—or, "wicked principles," as opposed to one of wisdom.

9. despised—held in little repute, obscure (1Sa 18:23; Isa 3:5).

hath a servant—implying some means of honest living.

honoureth himself—is self-conceited.

10. regardeth—literally, "knoweth" (Ps 1:6).

mercies … cruel—as acts of compassion ungraciously rendered to the needy. The righteous more regards a beast than the wicked a man.

11. The idler's fate is the result of indolence and want of principle (Pr 6:32; 7:7).

12. the wicked … evil—They love the crafty arts of deception.

the root … fruit—their own resources supply them; or, it may be rendered: "He (God) giveth, or, sets (Eze 17:22) the root of the righteous," and hence it is firm: or, the verb is impersonal; "As to the root … it is firm" (Pr 17:19).

13, 14. The wicked is snared, &c.—The sentiment expanded. While the wicked, such as liars, flatterers, &c., fall by their own words, the righteous are unhurt. Their good conduct makes friends, and God rewards them.

15. The way … eyes—The fool is self-conceited (compare Pr 12:1; 1:32; 10:17; Jas 3:17).

16. prudent … shame—He is slow to denounce his insulters (Jas 1:19).

18. speaketh—literally, "speaketh hastily," or indiscreetly (Ps 106:33), as an angry man retorts harsh and provoking invectives.

tongue … health—by soothing and gentle language.

19. Words of truth are consistent, and stand all tests, while lies are soon discovered and exposed.

20. that imagine—or, "plan" (Pr 3:29). They design a deceitful course, to which, with all its evils and dangers to others and themselves, the happiness of peace-makers is opposed (compare Mt 5:9; Ro 12:18).

21. no evil—(as in Ps 91:10), under God's wise limitations (Ro 8:28).

mischief—as penal evil.

22. deal truly—or, "faithfully," that is, according to promises (compare Joh 3:21).

23. concealeth—by his modesty (Pr 10:14; 11:13).

heart … proclaimeth—as his lips speak his thoughts (compare Ec 10:3).

24. slothful—(Compare Margin), so called because he fails to meet his promises.

under tribute—not denoting legal taxes, but the obligation of dependence.

25. a good word—one of comfort.

26. more excellent—(Compare Margin); or, "more successful," while the wicked fail; or, we may read it: "The righteous guides his friend, but," &c., that is, The ability of the righteous to aid others is contrasted with the ruin to which the way of the wicked leads themselves.

27. (Compare Pr 12:24).

took in hunting—or, "his venison." He does not improve his advantages.

the substance … precious—or, "the wealth of a man of honor is being diligent," or "diligence."

precious—literally, "honor" (Ec 10:1).

28. (Compare Pr 8:8, 20, &c.). A sentiment often stated; here first affirmatively, then negatively.