Worthy.Bible » BBE » Proverbs » Chapter 27 » Verse 18

Proverbs 27:18 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

18 Whoever keeps a fig-tree will have its fruit; and the servant waiting on his master will be honoured.

Cross Reference

1 Corinthians 9:7 BBE

Who ever goes to war without looking to someone to be responsible for his payment? who puts in vines and does not take the fruit of them? or who takes care of sheep without drinking of their milk?

Song of Solomon 8:12 BBE

My vine-garden, which is mine, is before me: you, O Solomon, will have the thousand, and those who keep the fruit of them two hundred.

2 Timothy 2:6 BBE

It is right for the worker in the fields to be the first to take of the fruit.

1 Corinthians 3:8 BBE

Now the planter and the waterer are working for the same end: but they will have their separate rewards in the measure of their work.

Luke 12:43-44 BBE

Happy is that servant who, when his lord comes, is doing so. Truly I say to you, he will put him in control of all his goods.

Proverbs 22:29 BBE

Have you seen a man who is expert in his business? he will take his place before kings; his place will not be among low persons.

Mark 10:43 BBE

But it is not so among you: but whoever has a desire to become great among you, let him be your servant:

1 Peter 2:21 BBE

This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:

1 Peter 2:18 BBE

Servants, take orders from your masters with all respect; not only if they are good and gentle, but even if they are bad-humoured.

Colossians 3:22 BBE

Servants, in all things do the orders of your natural masters; not only when their eyes are on you, as pleasers of men, but with all your heart, fearing the Lord:

1 Corinthians 9:13 BBE

Do you not see that the servants of the holy things get their living from the Temple, and the servants of the altar have their part in the food which is offered on the altar?

Acts 10:7 BBE

And when the angel who said these words to him had gone away, he sent for two of his house-servants, and a God-fearing man of the army, one of those who were waiting on him at all times;

John 12:26 BBE

If any man is my servant, let him come after me; and where I am, there will my servant be. If any man becomes my servant, my Father will give him honour.

Luke 19:17 BBE

And he said to him, You have done well, O good servant: because you have done well in a small thing you will have authority over ten towns.

Luke 12:37 BBE

Happy are those servants who are watching when the lord comes; truly I say to you, he will make himself their servant and, placing them at the table, he will come out and give them food.

Genesis 24:2-3 BBE

And Abraham said to his chief servant, the manager of all his property, Come now, put your hand under my leg: And take an oath by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not get a wife for my son Isaac from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I am living;

Matthew 25:21-22 BBE

His lord said to him, Well done, good and true servant: you have been true in a small thing, I will give you control over great things: take your part in the joy of your lord. And he who had the two talents came and said, Lord, you gave into my care two talents: see, I have got two more.

Matthew 24:46 BBE

A blessing on that servant, who will be doing so when his lord comes.

Matthew 24:25 BBE

See, I have made it clear to you before it comes about.

Proverbs 17:2 BBE

A servant who does wisely will have rule over a son causing shame, and will have his part in the heritage among brothers.

Psalms 123:2 BBE

See! as the eyes of servants are turned to the hands of their masters, and the eyes of a servant-girl to her owner, so our eyes are waiting for the Lord our God, till he has mercy on us.

2 Kings 5:27 BBE

Because of what you have done, the disease of Naaman the leper will take you in its grip, and your seed after you, for ever. And he went out from before him a leper as white as snow.

2 Kings 5:25 BBE

Then he came in and took his place before his master. And Elisha said to him, Where have you come from, Gehazi? And he said, Your servant went nowhere.

2 Kings 5:2-3 BBE

Now the Aramaeans had gone out in bands, and taken prisoner from Israel a little girl, who became servant to Naaman's wife. And she said to her master's wife, If only my lord would go to the prophet in Samaria, he would make him well.

2 Kings 3:11 BBE

But Jehoshaphat said, Is there no prophet of the Lord here, through whom we may get directions from the Lord? And one of the king of Israel's men said in answer, Elisha, the son of Shaphat, is here, who was servant to Elijah.

1 Samuel 2:30 BBE

For this reason the Lord God of Israel has said, Truly I did say that your family and your father's people would have their place before me for ever: but now the Lord says, Let it not be so; I will give honour to those by whom I am honoured, and those who have no respect for me will be of small value in my eyes.

Exodus 24:13 BBE

Then Moses and Joshua his servant got up; and Moses went up into the mountain of God.

Genesis 39:22-23 BBE

And the keeper of the prison put all the prisoners under Joseph's control, and he was responsible for whatever was done there. And the keeper of the prison gave no attention to anything which was under his care, because the Lord was with him; and the Lord made everything he did go well.

Genesis 39:2-5 BBE

And the Lord was with Joseph, and he did well; and he was living in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the Lord was with him, making everything he did go well. And having a high opinion of Joseph as his servant, he made him the overseer of his house and gave him control over all he had. And from the time when he made him overseer and gave him control of all his property, the blessing of the Lord was with the Egyptian, because of Joseph; the blessing of the Lord was on all he had, in the house and in the field.

Commentary on Proverbs 27 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 27:1-27.

1. Do not confide implicitly in your plans (Pr 16:9; 19:21; Jas 4:13-15).

2. Avoid self-praise.

3. heavy—The literal sense of "heavy," applied to material subjects, illustrates its figurative, "grievous," applied to moral.

a fool's wrath—is unreasonable and excessive.

4. envy—or, "jealousy" (compare Margin; Pr 6:34), is more unappeasable than the simpler bad passions.

5, 6. secret love—not manifested in acts is useless; and even, if its exhibition by rebukes wounds us, such love is preferable to the frequent (compare Margin), and hence deceitful, kisses of an enemy.

7. The luxury of wealth confers less happiness than the healthy appetite of labor.

8. Such are not only out of place, but out of duty and in danger.

9. rejoice the heart—the organ of perceiving what pleases the senses.

sweetness … counsel—or, "wise counsel is also pleasing."

10. Adhere to tried friends. The ties of blood may be less reliable than those of genuine friendship.

11. The wisdom of children both reflects credit on parents and contributes to their aid in difficulties.

12, 13. (Compare Pr 20:16; 22:3).

14. Excessive zeal in praising raises suspicions of selfishness.

15. (Compare Pr 19:13).

very … day—literally, "a day of showers."

16. hideth—or, "restrains" (that is, tries to do it); is as fruitless an effort, as that of holding the wind.

the ointment of his right hand—the organ of power (Ps 17:7; 18:35). His right hand endeavors to repress perfume, but vainly. Some prefer: "His right hand comes on oil," that is, "cannot take hold." Such a woman cannot be tamed.

17. a man sharpeneth … friend—that is, conversation promotes intelligence, which the face exhibits.

18. Diligence secures a reward, even for the humble servant.

19. We may see our characters in the developed tempers of others.

20. Men's cupidity is as insatiable as the grave.

21. Praise tests character.

a man to his praise—according to his praise, as he bears it. Thus vain men seek it, weak men are inflated by it, wise men disregard it, &c.

22. The obstinate wickedness of such is incurable by the heaviest inflictions.

23, 24. flocks—constituted the staple of wealth. It is only by care and diligence that the most solid possessions can be perpetuated (Pr 23:5).

25-27. The fact that providential arrangements furnish the means of competence to those who properly use them is another motive to diligence (compare Ps 65:9-13).

The hay appeareth—literally, "Grass appeareth" (Job 40:15; Ps 104:14).

27. household—literally, "house," the family (Ac 16:15; 1Co 1:16).