Worthy.Bible » BBE » Proverbs » Chapter 7 » Verse 14

Proverbs 7:14 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

14 I have a feast of peace-offerings, for today my oaths have been effected.

Cross Reference

Leviticus 7:11 BBE

And this is the law for the peace-offerings offered to the Lord.

Leviticus 7:15-16 BBE

And the flesh of the praise-offering is to be taken as food on the day when it is offered; no part of it may be kept till the morning. But if his offering is made because of an oath or given freely, it may be taken as food on the day when it is offered; and the rest may be used up on the day after:

Deuteronomy 12:6-7 BBE

And there you are to take your burned offerings and other offerings, and the tenth part of your goods, and the offerings to be lifted up to the Lord, and the offerings of your oaths, and those which you give freely from the impulse of your hearts, and the first births among your herds and your flocks; There you and all your families are to make a feast before the Lord your God, with joy in everything to which you put your hand, because the Lord has given you his blessing.

2 Samuel 15:7-9 BBE

Now at the end of four years, Absalom said to the king, Let me go to Hebron and give effect to the oath which I made to the Lord: For while I was living in Geshur in Aram, your servant made an oath, saying, If ever the Lord lets me come back to Jerusalem, I will give him worship in Hebron. And the king said to him, Go in peace. So he got up and went to Hebron.

1 Kings 21:9-10 BBE

And in the letter she said, Let a time of public sorrow be fixed, and put Naboth at the head of the people; And get two good-for-nothing persons to come before him and give witness that he has been cursing God and the king. Then take him out and have him stoned to death.

Proverbs 15:8 BBE

The offering of the evil-doer is disgusting to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright man is his delight.

Proverbs 17:1 BBE

Better a bit of dry bread in peace, than a house full of feasting and violent behaviour.

Proverbs 21:27 BBE

The offering of evil-doers is disgusting: how much more when they give it with an evil purpose!

John 18:28 BBE

So they took Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the Praetorium. It was early. They themselves did not go into the Praetorium, so that they might not become unclean, but might take the Passover.

Commentary on Proverbs 7 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 7:1-27. The subject continued, by a delineation of the arts of strange women, as a caution to the unwary.

1-4. Similar calls (Pr 3:1-3; 4:10, &c.).

2. apple … eye—pupil of eye, a custody (Pr 4:23) of special value.

3. Bind … fingers—as inscriptions on rings.

5. The design of the teaching (compare Pr 2:16; 6:24).

6. For—or, "Since," introducing an example to illustrate the warning, which, whether a narrative or a parable, is equally pertinent.

window—or, "opening"

looked—literally, "watched earnestly" (Jud 5:28).

casement—or, "lattice."

7. simple—as in Pr 1:4.

void of, &c.—(Compare Pr 6:32).

8. her corner—where she was usually found.

went … house—implying, perhaps, confidence in himself by his manner, as denoted in the word

went—literally, "tread pompously."

9. The time, twilight, ending in darkness.

black … night—literally, "pupil," or, "eye," that is, middle of night.

10. attire—that of harlots was sometimes peculiar.

subtile—or, "wary," "cunning."

11, 12. loud—or, "noisy," "bustling."

stubborn—not submissive.

without … streets, … corner—(Compare 1Ti 5:13; Tit 2:5).

13-15. The preparations for a feast do not necessarily imply peculiar religious professions. The offerer retained part of the victim for a feast (Le 3:9, &c.). This feast she professes was prepared for him whom she boldly addresses as one sought specially to partake of it.

16, 17. my bed—or, "couch," adorned in the costliest manner.

17. bed—a place for sleeping.

18-20. There is no fear of discovery.

20. the day appointed—perhaps, literally, "a full moon," that is, a fortnight's time (compare Pr 7:19).

21. caused … yield—or, "inclines."

flattering—(Compare Pr 5:3).

forced him—by persuasion overcoming his scruples.

22. straightway—quickly, either as ignorant of danger, or incapable of resistance.

23. Till—He is now caught (Pr 6:26).

24. The inferential admonition is followed (Pr 7:26, 27), by a more general allegation of the evils of this vice.

26, 27. Even the mightiest fail to resist her deathly allurements.