Worthy.Bible » BBE » Psalms » Chapter 122 » Verse 4

Psalms 122:4 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

4 To which the tribes went up, even the tribes of the Lord, for a witness to Israel, to give praise to the name of the Lord.

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 16:16 BBE

Three times in the year let all your males come before the Lord your God in the place named by him; at the feast of unleavened bread, the feast of weeks, and the feast of tents: and they are not to come before the Lord with nothing in their hands;

Exodus 23:17 BBE

Three times in the year let all your males come before the Lord God.

Exodus 16:34 BBE

So Aaron put it away in front of the holy chest to be kept, as the Lord gave orders to Moses.

Exodus 26:33-34 BBE

And you are to put up the veil under the hooks, and put inside it the ark of the law: the veil is to be a division between the holy place and the most holy. You are to put the cover on the ark of the law, inside the most holy place.

Exodus 32:15 BBE

Then Moses came down the mountain with the two stones of the law in his hand; the stones had writing on their two sides, on the front and on the back.

Exodus 34:23-24 BBE

Three times in the year let all your males come before the Lord, the God of Israel. For I will send out the nations before you and make wide the limits of your land; and no man will make an attempt to take your land while you go up to give worship to the Lord, three times in the year.

Deuteronomy 12:5 BBE

But let your hearts be turned to the place which will be marked out by the Lord your God, among your tribes, to put his name there;

Deuteronomy 12:11 BBE

Then there will be a place marked out by the Lord your God as the resting-place for his name, and there you will take all the things which I give you orders to take: your burned offerings and other offerings, and the tenth part of your goods, and the offerings to be lifted up, and the offerings of your oaths which you make to the Lord;

Psalms 66:13-16 BBE

I will come into your house with burned offerings, I will make payment of my debt to you, Keeping the word which came from my lips, and which my mouth said, when I was in trouble. I will give you burned offerings of fat beasts, and the smoke of sheep; I will make offerings of oxen and goats. (Selah.) Come, give ear to me, all you God-fearing men, so that I may make clear to you what he has done for my soul.

Psalms 78:68 BBE

But he took the tribe of Judah for himself, and the mountain of Zion, in which he had pleasure.

Psalms 107:1-3 BBE

O give praise to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy is unchanging for ever. Let those whose cause the Lord has taken up say so, his people whom he has taken out of the hands of their haters; Making them come together out of all the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.

Psalms 116:17-19 BBE

I will give an offering of praise to you, and make my prayer in the name of the Lord. I will make the offerings of my oath, even before all his people; In the Lord's house, even in Jerusalem. Praise be to the Lord.

Psalms 118:19 BBE

Let the doors of righteousness be open to me; I will go in and give praise to the Lord.

Psalms 132:13 BBE

For the Lord's heart is on Zion, desiring it for his resting-place.

Commentary on Psalms 122 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 122:1-9. This Psalm might well express the sacred joy of the pilgrims on entering the holy city, where praise, as the religious as well as civil metropolis, is celebrated, and for whose prosperity, as representing the Church, prayer is offered.

1, 2. Our feet shall stand—literally, "are standing."

2. gates—(Compare Ps 9:14; 87:2).

3-5. compact together—all parts united, as in David's time.

4. testimony—If "unto" is supplied, this may denote the ark (Ex 25:10-21); otherwise the act of going is denoted, called a testimony in allusion to the requisition (De 16:16), with which it was a compliance.

5. there are set thrones—or, "do sit, thrones," used for the occupants, David's sons (2Sa 8:18).

6, 7. Let peace—including prosperity, everywhere prevail.

8, 9. In the welfare of the city, as its civil, and especially the religious relations, was involved that of Israel.

now—as in Ps 115:2.

9. Let me say—house of … God—in wider sense, the Church, whose welfare would be promoted by the good of Jerusalem.