Worthy.Bible » BBE » Psalms » Chapter 80 » Verse 4-16

Psalms 80:4-16 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

4 O Lord God of armies, how long will your wrath be burning against the rest of your people?

5 You have given them the bread of weeping for food; for their drink you have given them sorrow in great measure.

6 You make us a cause of war among our neighbours; our haters are laughing at us among themselves.

7 Take us back again, O God of armies; let us see the shining of your face, and let us be safe.

8 You took a vine out of Egypt: driving out the nations, and planting it in their land.

9 You made ready a place for it, so that it might take deep root, and it sent out its branches over all the land.

10 The mountains were covered with its shade, and the great trees with its branches.

11 It sent out its arms to the Sea, and its branches to the River.

12 Why are its walls broken down by your hands, so that all who go by may take its fruit?

13 It is uprooted by the pigs from the woods, the beasts of the field get their food from it.

14 Come back, O God of armies: from heaven let your eyes be turned to this vine, and give your mind to it,

15 Even to the tree which was planted by your right hand, and to the branch which you made strong for yourself.

16 It is burned with fire; it is cut down: they are made waste by the wrath of your face.

Commentary on Psalms 80 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 80:1-19. Shoshannim—"Lilies" (see on Ps 45:1, title). Eduth—Testimony, referring to the topic as a testimony of God to His people (compare Ps 19:7). This Psalm probably relates to the captivity of the ten tribes, as the former to that of Judah. Its complaint is aggravated by the contrast of former prosperity, and the prayer for relief occurs as a refrain through the Psalm.

1, 2. Joseph—for Ephraim (1Ch 7:20-29; Ps 78:67; Re 7:8), for Israel.

Shepherd—(Compare Ge 49:24).

leadest, &c.—(Ps 77:20).

dwellest … cherubim—(Ex 25:20); the place of God's visible glory, whence He communed with the people (Heb 9:5).

shine forth—appear (Ps 50:2; 94:1).

2. Before Ephraim, &c.—These tribes marched next the ark (Nu 2:18-24). The name of Benjamin may be introduced merely in allusion to that fact, and not because that tribe was identified with Israel in the schism (1Ki 12:16-21; compare also Nu 10:24).

3. Turn us—that is, from captivity.

thy face to shine—(Nu 6:25).

4. be angry—(Compare Margin.)

5. bread of tears—still an Eastern figure for affliction.

6. strife—object or cause of (Isa 9:11). On last clause compare Ps 79:4; Eze 36:4.

8-11. brought—or, "plucked up," as by roots, to be replanted.

a vine—(Ps 78:47). The figure (Isa 16:8) represents the flourishing state of Israel, as predicted (Ge 28:14), and verified (1Ki 4:20-25).

12. hedges—(Isa 5:5).

13. The boar—may represent the ravaging Assyrian and

the wild beast—other heathen.

14, 15. visit this vine—favorably (Ps 8:4).

15. And the vineyard—or, "And protect or guard what thy right hand," &c.

the branch—literally, "over the Son of man," preceding this phrase, with "protect" or "watch."

for thyself—a tacit allusion to the plea for help; for

16. it—the "vine" or

they—the "people" are suffering from Thy displeasure.

17. thy hand … upon—that is, strengthen (Ezr 7:6; 8:22).

man of … hand—may allude to Benjamin (Ge 35:18). The terms in the latter clause correspond with those of Ps 80:15, from "and the branch," &c., literally, and confirm the exposition given above.

18. We need quickening grace (Ps 71:20; 119:25) to persevere in Thy right worship (Ge 4:26; Ro 10:11).

19. (Compare Ps 80:3, "O God"; Ps 80:7, "O God of hosts").