Worthy.Bible » BBE » Psalms » Chapter 94 » Verse 6

Psalms 94:6 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

6 They put to death the widow and the guest, they take the lives of children who have no father;

Cross Reference

Isaiah 10:2 BBE

Who do wrong to the poor in their cause, and take away the right of the crushed among my people, so that they may have the property of widows, and get under their power those who have no father.

Isaiah 13:15-18 BBE

Everyone who is overtaken will have a spear put through him, and everyone who goes in flight will be put to the sword. Their young children will be broken up before their eyes; their goods will be taken away, and their wives made the property of others. See, I am driving the Medes against them, who put no value on silver and have no pleasure in gold. In their hands are bows and spears; they are cruel, violently putting the young men to death, and crushing the young women; they have no pity for children, and no mercy for the fruit of the body.

Jeremiah 7:6 BBE

If you are not cruel to the man from a strange country, and to the child without a father, and to the widow, and do not put the upright to death in this place, or go after other gods, causing damage to yourselves:

Jeremiah 22:3 BBE

This is what the Lord has said: Do what is right, judging uprightly, and make free from the hands of the cruel one him whose goods have been violently taken away: do no wrong and be not violent to the man from a strange country and the child without a father and the widow, and let not those who have done no wrong be put to death in this place.

Ezekiel 22:7 BBE

In you they have had no respect for father and mother; in you they have been cruel to the man from a strange land; in you they have done wrong to the child without a father and to the widow.

Malachi 3:5 BBE

And I will come near to you for judging; I will quickly be a witness against the wonder-workers, against those who have been untrue in married life, against those who take false oaths; against those who keep back from the servant his payment, and who are hard on the widow and the child without a father, who do not give his rights to the man from a strange country, and have no fear of me, says the Lord of armies.

Commentary on Psalms 94 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 94:1-23. The writer, appealing to God in view of the oppression of enemies, rebukes them for their wickedness and folly, and encourages himself, in the confidence that God will punish evildoers, and favor His people.

1, 2. God's revenge is His judicial infliction of righteous punishment.

show thyself—(Compare Margin).

2. Lift up thyself—or, "Arise," both figures representing God as heretofore indifferent (compare Ps 3:7; 22:16, 20).

3, 4. In an earnest expostulation he expresses his desire that the insolent triumph of the wicked may be ended.

5, 6. thy people [and] thine heritage—are synonymous, the people being often called God's heritage. As justice to the weak is a sign of the best government, their oppression is a sign of the worst (De 10:18; Isa 10:2).

7. Their cruelty is only exceeded by their wicked and absurd presumption (Ps 10:11; 59:7).

8. ye brutish—(Compare Ps 73:22; 92:6).

9-11. The evidence of God's providential government is found in His creative power and omniscience, which also assure us that He can punish the wicked in regard to all their vain purposes.

12, 13. On the other hand He favors though He chastens, the pious, and will teach and preserve them till the prosperous wicked are overthrown.

14, 15. This results from His abiding love (De 32:15), which is further evinced by His restoring order in His government, whose right administration will be approved by the good.

16. These questions imply that none other than God will help (Ps 60:9),

17-19. a fact fully confirmed by his past experience.

dwelt in silence—as in the grave (Ps 31:17).

19. my thoughts—or, anxious cares.

20. throne—power, rulers.

iniquity [and] mischief—both denote evils done to others, as Ps 94:21 explains.

22, 23. Yet he is safe in God's care.

defence—(Ps 59:9).

rock of … refuge—(Ps 9:9; 18:2).

23. bring … iniquity—(Compare Ps 5:10; 7:16).

in their … wickedness—while they are engaged in evil doing.