Worthy.Bible » BBE » Psalms » Chapter 96 » Verse 8

Psalms 96:8 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

8 Give to the Lord the glory of his name; take with you an offering and come into his house.

Cross Reference

Psalms 100:4 BBE

Come into his doors with joy, and into his house with praise; give him honour, blessing his name.

Hebrews 13:15-16 BBE

Let us then make offerings of praise to God at all times through him, that is to say, the fruit of lips giving witness to his name. But go on doing good and giving to others, because God is well-pleased with such offerings.

Malachi 1:11 BBE

For, from the coming up of the sun till its going down, my name is great among the Gentiles; and in every place the smell of burning flesh is offered to my name, and a clean offering: for my name is great among the Gentiles, says the Lord of armies.

Psalms 108:3-5 BBE

I will give you praise, O Lord, among the peoples; I will make melody to you among the nations. For your mercy is higher than the heavens: and your unchanging faith than the clouds. Be lifted up, O God, higher than the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.

Psalms 72:10 BBE

Let the kings of Tarshish and of the islands come back with offerings; let the kings of Sheba and Seba give of their stores.

Psalms 45:12 BBE

And the daughters of Tyre will be there with an offering; those who have wealth among the people will be looking for your approval.

1 Peter 2:5 BBE

You, as living stones, are being made into a house of the spirit, a holy order of priests, making those offerings of the spirit which are pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.

Revelation 15:4 BBE

What man is there who will not have fear before you, O Lord, and give glory to your name? because you only are holy; for all the nations will come and give worship before you; for your righteousness has been made clear.

Revelation 8:3-4 BBE

And another angel came and took his place at the altar, having a gold vessel for burning perfume; and there was given to him much perfume, so that he might put it with the prayers of all the saints on the gold altar which was before the high seat. And the smoke of the perfume, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel's hand.

Exodus 34:5-9 BBE

And the Lord came down in the cloud and took his place by the side of Moses, and Moses gave worship to the name of the Lord. And the Lord went past before his eyes, saying, The Lord, the Lord, a God full of pity and grace, slow to wrath and great in mercy and faith; Having mercy on thousands, overlooking evil and wrongdoing and sin; he will not let wrongdoers go free, but will send punishment on children for the sins of their fathers, and on their children's children to the third and fourth generation. Then Moses quickly went down on his face in worship. And he said, If now I have grace in your eyes, let the Lord go among us, for this is a stiff-necked people, and give us forgiveness for our wrongdoing and our sin, and take us for your heritage.

Hebrews 13:13 BBE

Let us then go out to him outside the circle of the tents, taking his shame on ourselves.

Philippians 4:18 BBE

I have all things and more than enough: I am made full, having had from Epaphroditus the things which came from you, a perfume of a sweet smell, an offering well pleasing to God.

Philippians 2:17 BBE

And even if I am offered like a drink offering, giving myself for the cause and work of your faith, I am glad and have joy with you all:

Romans 15:16 BBE

To be a servant of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, doing the work of a priest in the good news of God, so that the offering of the Gentiles might be pleasing to God, being made holy by the Holy Spirit.

Romans 12:1 BBE

For this reason I make request to you, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you will give your bodies as a living offering, holy, pleasing to God, which is the worship it is right for you to give him.

Isaiah 60:6-7 BBE

You will be full of camel-trains, even the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all from Sheba will come, with gold and spices, giving word of the great acts of the Lord. All the flocks of Kedar will come together to you, the sheep of Nebaioth will be ready for your need; they will be pleasing offerings on my altar, and my house of prayer will be beautiful.

Psalms 148:13-14 BBE

Let them give glory to the name of the Lord: for his name only is to be praised: his kingdom is over the earth and the heaven. He has put on high the horn of his people, for the praise of all his saints; even the children of Israel, a people which is near to him. Let the Lord be praised.

Psalms 111:9 BBE

He has sent salvation to his people; he has given his word for ever: holy is his name and greatly to be feared.

Commentary on Psalms 96 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 96:1-13. The substance of this Psalm, and portions of the ninety-seventh, ninety-eighth, and hundredth, are found in 1Ch 16:7-36, which was used by David's directions in the dedication of the tabernacle on Mount Zion. The dispensation of the Messiah was typified by that event, involving, as it did, a more permanent seat of worship, and the introduction of additional and more spiritual services. Hence the language of these Psalms may be regarded as having a higher import than that pertinent to the occasion on which it was thus publicly used.

1-3. All nations are invited to unite in this most joyful praise.

new song—literally, "fresh," or new mercies (Ps 33:3; 40:3).

2. show forth—literally, "declare joyful tidings."

salvation—illustrates His glory in its wonders of love and mercy.

4, 5. For He is not a local God, but of universal agency, while idols are nothing.

6. Honour and majesty—are His attendants, declared in His mighty works, while power and grace are specially seen in His spiritual relations to His people.

7-9. Give—or, "ascribe" (Ps 29:1) due honor to Him, by acts of appointed and solemn worship in His house.

8. offering—of thanks.

9. beauty of holiness—(Ps 29:2).

fear … him—(Ps 2:11).

10. Let all know that the government of the world is ordered in justice, and they shall enjoy firm and lasting peace (compare Ps 72:3, 7; Isa 9:6, 7).

11-13. For which reason the universe is invoked to unite in joy, and even inanimate nature (Ro 8:14-22) is poetically represented as capable of joining in the anthem of praise.