Worthy.Bible » DARBY » Psalms » Chapter 50 » Verse 11

Psalms 50:11 Darby English Bible (DARBY)

11 I know all the fowl of the mountains, and the roaming creatures of the field are mine:

Cross Reference

Genesis 1:20-22 DARBY

And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living souls, and let fowl fly above the earth in the expanse of the heavens. And God created the great sea monsters, and every living soul that moves with which the waters swarm, after their kind, and every winged fowl after its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply on the earth.

Matthew 6:26 DARBY

Look at the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, nor reap, nor gather into granaries, and your heavenly Father nourishes them. Are *ye* not much more excellent than they?

Job 38:41 DARBY

Who provideth for the raven his food, when his young ones cry unto ùGod, [and] they wander for lack of meat?

Job 39:13-18 DARBY

The wing of the ostrich beats joyously -- But is it the stork's pinion and plumage? For she leaveth her eggs to the earth, and warmeth them in the dust, And forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the beast of the field may trample them. She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not hers; her labour is in vain, without her concern. For +God hath deprived her of wisdom, and hath not furnished her with understanding. What time she lasheth herself on high, she scorneth the horse and his rider.

Job 39:26-30 DARBY

Doth the hawk fly by thine intelligence, [and] stretch his wings toward the south? Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make his nest on high? He inhabiteth the rock and maketh his dwelling on the point of the cliff, and the fastness: From thence he spieth out the prey, his eyes look into the distance; And his young ones suck up blood; and where the slain are, there is he.

Psalms 104:12 DARBY

The birds of heaven dwell by them; they give forth their voice from among the branches.

Psalms 147:9 DARBY

Who giveth to the cattle their food, to the young ravens which cry.

Isaiah 56:9 DARBY

All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, all ye beasts in the forest.

Ezekiel 14:15-16 DARBY

If I cause evil beasts to pass through the land, and they bereave it, and it become a desolation, so that no one passeth through because of the beasts; -- though these three men should be in it, [as] I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, they should deliver neither sons nor daughters: they only should be delivered, and the land should be a desolation.

Matthew 10:29-31 DARBY

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall to the ground without your Father; but of you even the hairs of the head are all numbered. Fear not therefore; *ye* are better than many sparrows.

Luke 12:24 DARBY

Consider the ravens, that they sow not nor reap; which have neither storehouse nor granary; and God feeds them. How much better are *ye* than the birds?

Commentary on Psalms 50 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 50:1-23. In the grandeur and solemnity of a divine judgment, God is introduced as instructing men in the nature of true worship, exposing hypocrisy, warning the wicked, and encouraging the pious.

1-4. The description of this majestic appearance of God resembles that of His giving the law (compare Ex 19:16; 20:18; De 32:1).

4. above—literally, "above" (Ge 1:7).

heavens … earth—For all creatures are witnesses (De 4:26; 30:19; Isa 1:2).

5. my saints—(Ps 4:3).

made—literally, "cut"

a covenant, &c.—alluding to the dividing of a victim of sacrifice, by which covenants were ratified, the parties passing between the divided portions (compare Ge 15:10, 18).

6. The inhabitants of heaven, who well know God's character, attest His righteousness as a judge.

7. I will testify—that is, for failure to worship aught.

thy God—and so, by covenant as well as creation, entitled to a pure worship.

8-15. However scrupulous in external worship, it was offered as if they conferred an obligation in giving God His own, and with a degrading view of Him as needing it [Ps 50:9-13]. Reproving them for such foolish and blasphemous notions, He teaches them to offer, or literally, "sacrifice," thanksgiving, and pay, or perform, their vows—that is, to bring, with the external symbolical service, the homage of the heart, and faith, penitence, and love. To this is added an invitation to seek, and a promise to afford, all needed help in trouble.

16-20. the wicked—that is, the formalists, as now exposed, and who lead vicious lives (compare Ro 2:21, 23). They are unworthy to use even the words of God's law. Their hypocrisy and vice are exposed by illustrations from sins against the seventh, eighth, and ninth commandments.

21, 22. God, no longer (even in appearance) disregarding such, exposes their sins and threatens a terrible punishment.

22. forget God—This denotes unmindfulness of His true character.

23. offereth praise—(Ps 50:14), so that the external worship is a true index of the heart.

ordereth … aright—acts in a straight, right manner, opposed to turning aside (Ps 25:5). In such, pure worship and a pure life evince their true piety, and they will enjoy God's presence and favor.