Worthy.Bible » DARBY » Psalms » Chapter 62 » Verse 11

Psalms 62:11 Darby English Bible (DARBY)

11 Once hath God spoken, twice have I heard this, that strength [belongeth] unto God.

Cross Reference

Revelation 19:1 DARBY

After these things I heard as a loud voice of a great multitude in the heaven, saying, Hallelujah: the salvation and the glory and the power of our God:

Job 33:14 DARBY

For ùGod speaketh once, and twice, -- [and man] perceiveth it not --

Job 40:5 DARBY

Once have I spoken, and I will not answer; yea twice, but I will proceed no further.

Psalms 68:34-35 DARBY

Ascribe ye strength unto God: his excellency is over Israel, and his strength is in the clouds. Terrible art thou, O God, out of thy sanctuaries, -- the ùGod of Israel! He it is that giveth strength and might unto the people. Blessed be God!

Isaiah 26:4 DARBY

Confide ye in Jehovah for ever; for in Jah, Jehovah, is the rock of ages.

Matthew 28:18 DARBY

And Jesus coming up spoke to them, saying, All power has been given me in heaven and upon earth.

John 19:11 DARBY

Jesus answered, Thou hadst no authority whatever against me if it were not given to thee from above. On this account he that has delivered me up to thee has [the] greater sin.

Psalms 59:17 DARBY

Unto thee, my strength, will I sing psalms; for God is my high fortress, the God of my mercy.

Matthew 6:13 DARBY

and lead us not into temptation, but save us from evil.

Commentary on Psalms 62 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 62:1-12. To Jeduthun—(See on Ps 39:1, title). The general tone of this Psalm is expressive of confidence in God. Occasion is taken to remind the wicked of their sin, their ruin, and their meanness.

1. waiteth—literally, "is silent," trusts submissively and confidently as a servant.

2. The titles applied to God often occur (Ps 9:9; 18:2).

be greatly moved—(Ps 10:6). No injury shall be permanent, though devised by enemies.

3. Their destruction will come; as a tottering wall they already are feeble and failing.

bowing wall shall ye be—better supply "are." Some propose to apply these phrases to describe the condition of "a man"—that is, the pious suffer: thus, "Will ye slay him," &c.; but the other is a good sense.

4. his excellency—or, elevation to which God had raised him (Ps 4:2). This they try to do by lies and duplicity (Ps 5:9).

5, 6. (Compare Ps 62:1, 2).

6. not be moved—not at all; his confidence has increased.

7. rock of my strength—or strongest support (Ps 7:10; 61:3).

8. pour out your heart—give full expression to feeling (1Sa 1:15; Job 30:16; Ps 42:4).

ye people—God's people.

9. No kind of men are reliable, compared with God (Isa 2:22; Jer 17:5).

altogether—alike, one as the other (Ps 34:3).

10. Not only are oppression and robbery, which are wicked means of wealth, no grounds of boasting; but even wealth, increasing lawfully, ought not to engross the heart.

11. once; twice—(as in Job 33:14; 40:5), are used to give emphasis to the sentiment. God's power is tempered by His mercy, which it also sustains.

12. for thou renderest—literally, "that Thou renderest," &c., connected with "I heard this," as the phrase—"that power," &c. [Ps 62:11]—teaching that by His power He can show both mercy and justice.