1 Chronicles 10:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 So Saul H7586 died H4191 for his transgression H4604 which he committed H4603 against the LORD, H3068 even against the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 which he kept H8104 not, and also for asking H7592 counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, H178 to enquire H1875 of it;

Cross Reference

Leviticus 19:31 STRONG

Regard H6437 not them that have familiar spirits, H178 neither seek H1245 after wizards, H3049 to be defiled H2930 by them: I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Leviticus 20:6 STRONG

And the soul H5315 that turneth H6437 after H413 such as have familiar spirits, H178 and after H310 wizards, H3049 to go a whoring H2181 after H310 them, I will even set H5414 my face H6440 against that soul, H5315 and will cut him off H3772 from among H7130 his people. H5971

1 Samuel 15:23 STRONG

For rebellion H4805 is as the sin H2403 of witchcraft, H7081 and stubbornness H6484 is as iniquity H205 and idolatry. H8655 Because thou hast rejected H3988 the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 he hath also rejected H3988 thee from being king. H4428

Deuteronomy 18:10-14 STRONG

There shall not be found H4672 among you any one that maketh his son H1121 or his daughter H1323 to pass H5674 through the fire, H784 or that useth H7080 divination, H7081 or an observer of times, H6049 or an enchanter, H5172 or a witch, H3784 Or a charmer, H2266 H2267 or a consulter H7592 with familiar spirits, H178 or a wizard, H3049 or a necromancer. H1875 H4191 For all that do H6213 these things are an abomination H8441 unto the LORD: H3068 and because H1558 of these abominations H8441 the LORD H3068 thy God H430 doth drive them out H3423 from before H6440 thee. Thou shalt be perfect H8549 with the LORD H3068 thy God. H430 For these nations, H1471 which thou shalt possess, H3423 hearkened H8085 unto observers of times, H6049 and unto diviners: H7080 but as for thee, the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath not suffered H5414 thee so to do.

Isaiah 8:19 STRONG

And when they shall say H559 unto you, Seek H1875 unto them that have familiar spirits, H178 and unto wizards H3049 that peep, H6850 and that mutter: H1897 should not a people H5971 seek H1875 unto their God? H430 for the living H2416 to the dead? H4191

Exodus 22:18 STRONG

Thou shalt not suffer a witch H3784 to live. H2421

1 Samuel 13:13-14 STRONG

And Samuel H8050 said H559 to Saul, H7586 Thou hast done foolishly: H5528 thou hast not kept H8104 the commandment H4687 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which he commanded H6680 thee: for now would the LORD H3068 have established H3559 thy kingdom H4467 upon Israel H3478 for H5704 ever. H5769 But now thy kingdom H4467 shall not continue: H6965 the LORD H3068 hath sought H1245 him a man H376 after his own heart, H3824 and the LORD H3068 hath commanded H6680 him to be captain H5057 over his people, H5971 because thou hast not kept H8104 that which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 thee.

1 Samuel 15:2 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 I remember H6485 that which Amalek H6002 did H6213 to Israel, H3478 how he laid H7760 wait for him in the way, H1870 when he came up H5927 from Egypt. H4714

1 Samuel 28:7-20 STRONG

Then said H559 Saul H7586 unto his servants, H5650 Seek H1245 me a woman H802 that hath H1172 a familiar spirit, H178 that I may go H3212 to her, and enquire H1875 of her. And his servants H5650 said H559 to him, Behold, there is a woman H802 that hath H1172 a familiar spirit H178 at Endor. H5874 And Saul H7586 disguised H2664 himself, and put on H3847 other H312 raiment, H899 and he went, H3212 and two H8147 men H582 with him, and they came H935 to the woman H802 by night: H3915 and he said, H559 I pray thee, divine H7080 unto me by the familiar spirit, H178 and bring me him up, H5927 whom I shall name H559 unto thee. And the woman H802 said H559 unto him, Behold, thou knowest H3045 what Saul H7586 hath done, H6213 how he hath cut off H3772 those that have familiar spirits, H178 and the wizards, H3049 out of the land: H776 wherefore then layest thou a snare H5367 for my life, H5315 to cause me to die? H4191 And Saul H7586 sware H7650 to her by the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 As the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 there shall H518 no punishment H5771 happen H7136 to thee for this thing. H1697 Then said H559 the woman, H802 Whom shall I bring up H5927 unto thee? And he said, H559 Bring me up H5927 Samuel. H8050 And when the woman H802 saw H7200 Samuel, H8050 she cried H2199 with a loud H1419 voice: H6963 and the woman H802 spake H559 to Saul, H7586 saying, H559 Why hast thou deceived H7411 me? for thou art Saul. H7586 And the king H4428 said H559 unto her, Be not afraid: H3372 for what sawest H7200 thou? And the woman H802 said H559 unto Saul, H7586 I saw H7200 gods H430 ascending H5927 out of the earth. H776 And he said H559 unto her, What form H8389 is he of? And she said, H559 An old H2205 man H376 cometh up; H5927 and he is covered H5844 with a mantle. H4598 And Saul H7586 perceived H3045 that it was Samuel, H8050 and he stooped H6915 with his face H639 to the ground, H776 and bowed H7812 himself. And Samuel H8050 said H559 to Saul, H7586 Why hast thou disquieted H7264 me, to bring me up? H5927 And Saul H7586 answered, H559 I am sore H3966 distressed; H6887 for the Philistines H6430 make war H3898 against me, and God H430 is departed H5493 from me, and answereth H6030 me no more, neither by H3027 prophets, H5030 nor by dreams: H2472 therefore I have called H7121 thee, that thou mayest make known H3045 unto me what I shall do. H6213 Then said H559 Samuel, H8050 Wherefore then dost thou ask H7592 of me, seeing the LORD H3068 is departed H5493 from thee, and is become thine enemy? H6145 And the LORD H3068 hath done H6213 to him, as he spake H1696 by me: H3027 for the LORD H3068 hath rent H7167 the kingdom H4467 out of thine hand, H3027 and given H5414 it to thy neighbour, H7453 even to David: H1732 Because H834 thou obeyedst H8085 not the voice H6963 of the LORD, H3068 nor executedst H6213 his fierce H2740 wrath H639 upon Amalek, H6002 therefore hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 this thing H1697 unto thee this day. H3117 Moreover the LORD H3068 will also deliver H5414 Israel H3478 with thee into the hand H3027 of the Philistines: H6430 and to morrow H4279 shalt thou and thy sons H1121 be with me: the LORD H3068 also shall deliver H5414 the host H4264 of Israel H3478 into the hand H3027 of the Philistines. H6430 Then Saul H7586 fell H5307 straightway H4116 all H4393 along H6967 on the earth, H776 and was sore H3966 afraid, H3372 because of the words H1697 of Samuel: H8050 and there was no strength H3581 in him; for he had eaten H398 no bread H3899 all the day, H3117 nor all the night. H3915

2 Kings 21:6 STRONG

And he made his son H1121 pass H5674 through the fire, H784 and observed times, H6049 and used enchantments, H5172 and dealt H6213 with familiar spirits H178 and wizards: H3049 he wrought H6213 much H7235 wickedness H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 to provoke him to anger. H3707

Acts 8:9-11 STRONG

But G1161 there was a certain G5100 man, G435 called G3686 Simon, G4613 which beforetime G4391 in G1722 the same city G4172 used sorcery, G3096 and G2532 bewitched G1839 the people G1484 of Samaria, G4540 giving out G3004 that himself G1438 was G1511 some G5100 great one: G3173 To whom G3739 they all G3956 gave heed, G4337 from G575 the least G3398 to G2193 the greatest, G3173 saying, G3004 This man G3778 is G2076 the great G3173 power G1411 of God. G2316 And G1161 to him G846 they had regard, G4337 because G1223 that of long G2425 time G5550 he had bewitched G1839 them G846 with sorceries. G3095

Acts 16:16-18 STRONG

And G1161 it came to pass, G1096 as we G2257 went G4198 to G1519 prayer, G4335 a certain G5100 damsel G3814 possessed G2192 with a spirit G4151 of divination G4436 met G528 us, G2254 which G3748 brought G3930 her G846 masters G2962 much G4183 gain G2039 by soothsaying: G3132 The same G3778 followed G2628 Paul G3972 and G2532 us, G2254 and cried, G2896 saying, G3004 These G3778 men G444 are G1526 the servants G1401 of the most high G5310 God, G2316 which G3748 shew G2605 unto us G2254 the way G3598 of salvation. G4991 And G1161 this G5124 did she G4160 G1909 many G4183 days. G2250 But G1161 Paul, G3972 being grieved, G1278 turned G1994 and G2532 said G2036 to the spirit, G4151 I command G3853 thee G4671 in G1722 the name G3686 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 to come G1831 out of G575 her. G846 And G2532 he came out G1831 the same G846 hour. G5610

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 10

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 10 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This part, 1 Chronicles 10:1 which gives an account of the last battle of Saul with the Philistines, and of his death and burial, is the same with 1 Samuel 31:1 see the notes there; the cause of his death follows in 1 Chronicles 10:13

Verses 1-12

See Gill on 1 Samuel 31:1.

Verse 13

So Saul died for his transgression,.... See Gill on 1 Samuel 31:13 A violent and dishonourable death, which was suffered on account of the sins he was guilty of:

one was, which he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he kept not; both in not staying for Samuel the time appointed, and by sparing the Amalekites whom he was bid to destroy, 1 Samuel 13:13.

and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; what he should do with respect to engaging in battle with the Philistines, 1 Samuel 28:8 which to do was contrary to an express command of God, Leviticus 19:31.

Verse 14

And inquired not of the Lord,.... For though he did inquire in some sense in an external, careless, and hypocritical manner, yet not done seriously, sincerely, and heartily, nor with constancy; it was accounted as if he inquired not at all, 1 Samuel 28:6 the Targum adds another reason of his death, because he killed the priests of Nob; but that is not in the text:

therefore he slew him; or suffered him to be slain:

and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse; translated the kingdom of Israel out of Saul's family, upon his death, into Jesse's, even unto David; for the sake of which observation this short account is given of the last end of Saul.