1 Chronicles 10:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Then said H559 Saul H7586 to his armourbearer, H5375 H3627 Draw H8025 thy sword, H2719 and thrust H1856 me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised H6189 come H935 and abuse H5953 me. But his armourbearer H5375 H3627 would H14 not; for he was sore H3966 afraid. H3372 So Saul H7586 took H3947 a sword, H2719 and fell H5307 upon it.

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 31:4 STRONG

Then said H559 Saul H7586 unto his armourbearer, H5375 H3627 Draw H8025 thy sword, H2719 and thrust me through H1856 therewith; lest these uncircumcised H6189 come H935 and thrust me through, H1856 and abuse H5953 me. But his armourbearer H5375 H3627 would H14 not; for he was sore H3966 afraid. H3372 Therefore Saul H7586 took H3947 a sword, H2719 and fell H5307 upon it.

2 Samuel 1:14-16 STRONG

And David H1732 said H559 unto him, How wast thou not afraid H3372 to stretch forth H7971 thine hand H3027 to destroy H7843 the LORD'S H3068 anointed? H4899 And David H1732 called H7121 one H259 of the young men, H5288 and said, H559 Go near, H5066 and fall H6293 upon him. And he smote H5221 him that he died. H4191 And David H1732 said H559 unto him, Thy blood H1818 be upon thy head; H7218 for thy mouth H6310 hath testified H6030 against thee, saying, H559 I have slain H4191 the LORD'S H3068 anointed. H4899

Acts 16:27 STRONG

And G1161 the keeper of the prison G1200 awaking G1096 out of his sleep, G1853 and G2532 seeing G1492 the prison G5438 doors G2374 open, G455 he drew out G4685 his sword, G3162 and would G3195 have killed G337 himself, G1438 supposing G3543 that the prisoners G1198 had been fled. G1628

Acts 1:18 STRONG

Now G3303 G3767 this man G3778 purchased G2932 a field G5564 with G1537 the reward G3408 of iniquity; G93 and G2532 falling G1096 headlong, G4248 he burst asunder G2997 in the midst, G3319 and G2532 all G3956 his G846 bowels G4698 gushed out. G1632

Matthew 27:4-5 STRONG

Saying, G3004 I have sinned G264 in that I have betrayed G3860 the innocent G121 blood. G129 And G1161 they said, G2036 What G5101 is that to G4314 us? G2248 see G3700 thou G4771 to that. And G2532 he cast down G4496 the pieces of silver G694 in G1722 the temple, G3485 and departed, G402 and G2532 went G565 and hanged himself. G519

1 Chronicles 10:5 STRONG

And when his armourbearer H5375 H3627 saw H7200 that Saul H7586 was dead, H4191 he fell H5307 likewise on the sword, H2719 and died. H4191

1 Kings 16:18 STRONG

And it came to pass, when Zimri H2174 saw H7200 that the city H5892 was taken, H3920 that he went H935 into the palace H759 of the king's H4428 house, H1004 and burnt H8313 the king's H4428 house H1004 over him with fire, H784 and died, H4191

2 Samuel 17:23 STRONG

And when Ahithophel H302 saw H7200 that his counsel H6098 was not followed, H6213 he saddled H2280 his ass, H2543 and arose, H6965 and gat him home H3212 to his house, H1004 to his city, H5892 and put his household H1004 in order, H6680 and hanged H2614 himself, and died, H4191 and was buried H6912 in the sepulchre H6913 of his father. H1

2 Samuel 1:20 STRONG

Tell H5046 it not in Gath, H1661 publish H1319 it not in the streets H2351 of Askelon; H831 lest the daughters H1323 of the Philistines H6430 rejoice, H8055 lest the daughters H1323 of the uncircumcised H6189 triumph. H5937

Judges 9:54 STRONG

Then he called H7121 hastily H4120 unto the young man H5288 his armourbearer, H5375 H3627 and said H559 unto him, Draw H8025 thy sword, H2719 and slay H4191 me, that men say H559 not of me, A woman H802 slew H2026 him. And his young man H5288 thrust him through, H1856 and he died. H4191

2 Samuel 1:9-10 STRONG

He said H559 unto me again, Stand, H5975 I pray thee, upon me, and slay H4191 me: for anguish H7661 is come H270 upon me, because my life H5315 is yet whole in me. So I stood H5975 upon him, and slew H4191 him, because I was sure H3045 that he could not live H2421 after H310 that he was fallen: H5307 and I took H3947 the crown H5145 that was upon his head, H7218 and the bracelet H685 that was on his arm, H2220 and have brought H935 them hither unto my lord. H113

1 Samuel 17:36 STRONG

Thy servant H5650 slew H5221 both the lion H738 and the bear: H1677 and this uncircumcised H6189 Philistine H6430 shall be as one H259 of them, seeing he hath defied H2778 the armies H4634 of the living H2416 God. H430

1 Samuel 17:26 STRONG

And David H1732 spake H559 to the men H582 that stood H5975 by him, saying, H559 What shall be done H6213 to the man H376 that killeth H5221 this H1975 Philistine, H6430 and taketh away H5493 the reproach H2781 from Israel? H3478 for who is this uncircumcised H6189 Philistine, H6430 that he should defy H2778 the armies H4634 of the living H2416 God? H430

1 Samuel 14:6 STRONG

And Jonathan H3083 said H559 to the young man H5288 that bare H5375 his armour, H3627 Come, H3212 and let us go over H5674 unto the garrison H4673 of these uncircumcised: H6189 it may be that the LORD H3068 will work H6213 for us: for there is no restraint H4622 to the LORD H3068 to save H3467 by many H7227 or by few. H4592

Judges 16:23-25 STRONG

Then the lords H5633 of the Philistines H6430 gathered them together H622 for to offer H2076 a great H1419 sacrifice H2077 unto Dagon H1712 their god, H430 and to rejoice: H8057 for they said, H559 Our god H430 hath delivered H5414 Samson H8123 our enemy H341 into our hand. H3027 And when the people H5971 saw H7200 him, they praised H1984 their god: H430 for they said, H559 Our god H430 hath delivered H5414 into our hands H3027 our enemy, H341 and the destroyer H2717 of our country, H776 which slew H2491 many H7235 of us. And it came to pass, when their hearts H3820 were merry, H2896 that they said, H559 Call H7121 for Samson, H8123 that he may make us sport. H7832 And they called H7121 for Samson H8123 out of the prison H631 house; H1004 and he made them H6440 sport: H6711 and they set H5975 him between the pillars. H5982

Judges 16:21 STRONG

But the Philistines H6430 took H270 him, and put out H5365 his eyes, H5869 and brought him down H3381 to Gaza, H5804 and bound H631 him with fetters of brass; H5178 and he did grind H2912 in the prison H631 house. H1004

Judges 15:18 STRONG

And he was sore H3966 athirst, H6770 and called H7121 on the LORD, H3068 and said, H559 Thou hast given H5414 this great H1419 deliverance H8668 into the hand H3027 of thy servant: H5650 and now shall I die H4191 for thirst, H6772 and fall H5307 into the hand H3027 of the uncircumcised? H6189

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Commentary on 1 Chronicles 10 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


II. The History of David's Kingship - 1 Chronicles 10-29.

The account of the ruin of Saul and his house in 1 Chronicles 10:1-14, cf. 1 Sam, forms the introduction to the history of the kingship of David, which is narrated in two sections. In the first, 1 Chron 11-21, we have a consecutive narrative of the most important events of David's life, and his attempts to settle the kingship of Israel on a firmer basis, from the time of his being anointed king over all Israel to the numbering of the people in the latter years of his reign. The second, 1 Chron 22-29, contains an account of the preparations made towards the end of his reign for the building of the temple, of the arrangement of the service of the Levites and the army, and the last commands of the grey-haired king as to the succession of his son Solomon to the kingdom, and matters connected with it. The first section runs parallel to the account of the reign of David in 2 Samuel; the second is peculiar to the Chronicle, and has no parallel in the earlier historical books, Samuel and Kings. Now, if we compare the first section with the parallel narrative in 2 Samuel, it is manifest that, apart from that omission of David's seven years' reign over the tribe of Judah in Hebron, and of all the events having reference to and connection with his family relationships, of which we have already spoken, in the Chronicle the same incidents are recounted as in the second book of Samuel, and with few exceptions the order is the same. The main alterations in the order of the narrative are: ( a ) that the catalogues of David's heroes who helped him to establish his kingdom (1 Chron 11:10-47), and of the valiant men of all the tribes, who even in Saul's lifetime had joined themselves to David (1 Chron 12), follow immediately upon the account of the choosing of Jerusalem to be the capital of the kingdom, after the conquest of the fortress Jebus (1 Chronicles 11:1-9), while in 2 Samuel the former of these catalogues is found in 2 Sam 23:8-39, in connection with the history of his reign, and the latter is entirely omitted; and ( b ) the account of his palace-building, his wives and children, and of some battles with the Philistines, which in 2 Samuel 5:11-25 follows immediately after the account of the conquest of the citadel of Zion, is inserted in the fourteenth chapter of Chronicles, in the account of the bringing of the ark of the covenant from Kirjath-jearim (1 Chronicles 13:1-14), and its transfer to Jerusalem (1 Chron 15). Both these transpositions and the before-mentioned omissions are connected with the peculiar plan of the Chronicle. In the second book of Samuel the reign of David is so described as to bring out, in the first place, the splendidly victorious development of his kingship, and then its humiliation through great transgression on David's part; the author of the Chronicle, on the other hand, designed to portray to his contemporaries the glories of the Davidic kingship, so that the divine election of David to be ruler over the people of Israel might be manifest. In accordance with this purpose he shows, firstly, how after the death of Saul Jahve bestowed the kingship upon David, all Israel coming to Hebron and anointing him king, with the confession, “Jahve thy God hath said to thee, Thou shalt be ruler over my people Israel;” how the heroes of the whole nation helped him in the establishing of his kingdom (1 Chron 11); and how, even before the death of Saul, the most valiant men of all the tribes had gone over to him, and had helped him in the struggle (1 Chron 12). In the second place, he narrates how David immediately determined to bring the ark into the capital of his kingdom (1 Chron 15); how, notwithstanding the misfortunes caused by a transgression of the law (1 Chronicles 13:7, 1 Chronicles 13:9.), so soon as he had learned that the ark would bring a blessing (1 Chronicles 13:1-14, 14), and that God would bless him in his reign (1 Chron 14), he carried out his purpose, and not only brought the ark to Jerusalem, but organized the public worship around this sanctuary (1 Chron 15 and 16); and how he formed a resolution to build a temple to the Lord, receiving from God, because of this, a promise that his kingdom should endure for ever (1 Chron 17). Then, in the third place, we have an account of how he, so favoured by the Lord, extended the power of his kingdom by victorious wars over all the enemies of Israel (1 Chron 18-20); and how even the ungodly enterprise of the numbering of the people, to which Satan had tempted him, David, had by the grace of God, and through his penitent submission to the will of the Lord, such an issue, that the place where the Lord should be thereafter worshipped in Israel was determined by the appearance of the angel and by the word of the prophet Gad (1 Chron 21). And so the grey-haired king was able to spend the latter part of his reign in making preparations for the building of the temple, and in establishing permanent ordinances for the public worship, and the protection of the kingdom: gave over to his son Solomon, his divinely chosen successor on the throne, a kingdom externally and internally well ordered and firmly established, and closed his life at a good old age, after a reign of forty years (1 Chron. 22-29).

Verses 1-7

In 1 Sam this narrative forms the conclusion of Saul's last war with the Philistines. The battle was fought on the plain of Jezreel; and when the Israelites were compelled to retire, they fell back upon Mount Gilboa, but were hard pressed by the Philistines, so that many fell upon the mountain. The Philistines pressed furiously after Saul and his sons, and slew the latter (as to Saul's sons, see on 1 Chronicles 8:33); and when the archers came upon Saul he trembled before them ( יחל from חוּל ), and ordered his armour-bearer to thrust him through. Between המּורים and בּקּשׁת the superfluous אנשׁים is introduced in Samuel, and in the last clause מאד is omitted; and instead of מהמּורים we have the unusual form מן־היּורים (cf. 2 Chronicles 35:23). In Saul's request to his armour-bearer that he would thrust him through with the sword, וּדקרני (1 Samuel 31:4) is omitted in the phrase which gives the reason for his request; and Bertheau thinks it did not originally stand in the text, and has been repeated merely by an oversight, since the only motive for the command, “Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith,” was that the Philistines might not insult Saul when alive, and consequently the words, “that they may not thrust me through,” cannot express the reason. But that is scarcely a conclusive reason for this belief; for although the Philistines might seek out Saul after he had been slain by his armour-bearer, and dishonour his dead body, yet the anxiety lest they should seek out his corpse to wreak their vengeance upon it could not press so heavily upon him as the fear that they would take vengeance upon him if he fell alive into their hands. It is therefore a more probable supposition that the author of the Chronicle has omitted the word וּדקרני only as not being necessary to the sense of the passage, just as עמּו is omitted at the end of 1 Chronicles 10:5. In 1 Chronicles 10:6 we have וכל־בּיתו instead of the כּל־אנשׁיו גּם כליו ונשׂא of Samuel, and in 1 Chronicles 10:7 ישׂראל אנשׁי is omitted after the words נסוּ כּי (Samuel). From this Bertheau concludes that the author of the Chronicle has designedly avoided speaking of the men of Saul's army or of the Israelites who took part in the battle, because it was not his purpose to describe the whole course of the conflict, but only to narrate the death of Saul and of his sons, in order to point out how the supreme power came to David. Thenius, on the contrary, deduces the variation between the sixth verse of the Chronicles and the corresponding verse in Samuel from “a text which had become illegible.” Both are incorrect; for כּל־אנשׁיו are not all the men of war who went with him into the battle (Then.), or all the Israelites who took part in the battle (Berth.), but only all those who were about the king, i.e., the whole of the king's attendants who had followed him to the war. כּל־בּיתו is only another expression for כּל־אנשׁיו , in which the כּליו נשׂא is included. The author of the Chronicle has merely abridged the account, confining himself to a statement of the main points, and has consequently both omitted ישׂראל אנשׁי in 1 Chronicles 10:7, because he had already spoken of the flight of the warriors of Israel in 1 Chronicles 10:1, and it was here sufficient to mention only the flight and death of Saul and of his sons, and has also shortened the more exact statement as to the inhabitants of that district, “those on the other side of the valley and on the other side of Jordan” (Samuel), into בּאמק אשׁר . In this abridgement also Thenius scents a “defective text.” As the inhabitants of the district around Gilboa abandoned their cities, they were taken possession of by the Philistines.

Verses 8-13

On the following day the Philistines, in their search among the fallen, found and plundered the bodies of Saul and of his sons, and sent the head and the armour of Saul round about the land of the Philistines, to proclaim the news of their victory to their people and their gods. That for this purpose they cut off Saul's head from the trunk, is, as being a matter of course, not specially mentioned. In regard to the other discrepancies between the two texts, both in 1 Chronicles 10:8-10 and in the account of the burial of Saul and of his sons by valiant men of Jabesh, 1 Chronicles 10:11, 1 Chronicles 10:12, cf. the commentary on 1 Samuel 31:8-13. In the reflection on Saul's death, 1 Chronicles 10:13 and 1 Chronicles 10:14, a double transgression against the Lord on Saul's part is mentioned: first, the מעל (on the meaning of this word, vide on Leviticus 5:15) of not observing the word of Jahve, which refers to the transgression of the divine command made known to him by the prophet Samuel, 1 Samuel 13:8. (cf. with 1 Chronicles 10:8), and 1 Samuel 15:2-3, 1 Samuel 15:11, cf. 1 Samuel 28:18; and second, his inquiring of the אוב , the summoner of the dead ( vide on Leviticus 19:31), לדרושׁ , i.e., to receive an oracle (cf. in reference to both word and thing, 1 Samuel 28:7).

Verse 14

And because he inquired not of the Lord, therefore He slew him. According to 1 Samuel 28:6, Saul did indeed inquire of Jahve, but received no answer, because Jahve had departed from him (1 Samuel 28:15); but instead of seeking with all earnestness for the grace of Jahve, that he might receive an answer, Saul turned to the sorceress of Endor, and received his death-sentence through her from the mouth of Samuel, 1 Samuel 28:19.