1 Chronicles 11:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And David H1732 and all Israel H3478 went H3212 to Jerusalem, H3389 which is Jebus; H2982 where the Jebusites H2983 were, the inhabitants H3427 of the land. H776

Cross Reference

Judges 1:21 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 did not drive out H3423 the Jebusites H2983 that inhabited H3427 Jerusalem; H3389 but the Jebusites H2983 dwell H3427 with the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 in Jerusalem H3389 unto this day. H3117

Genesis 10:16 STRONG

And the Jebusite, H2983 and the Amorite, H567 and the Girgasite, H1622

Genesis 15:21 STRONG

And the Amorites, H567 and the Canaanites, H3669 and the Girgashites, H1622 and the Jebusites. H2983

Joshua 15:8 STRONG

And the border H1366 went up H5927 by the valley H1516 of the son H1121 of Hinnom H2011 unto the south H5045 side H3802 of the Jebusite; H2983 the same is Jerusalem: H3389 and the border H1366 went up H5927 to the top H7218 of the mountain H2022 that lieth before H6440 the valley H1516 of Hinnom H2011 westward, H3220 which is at the end H7097 of the valley H6010 of the giants H7497 northward: H6828

Joshua 15:63 STRONG

As for the Jebusites H2983 the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 the children H1121 of Judah H3063 could H3201 H3201 not drive them out: H3423 but the Jebusites H2983 dwell H3427 with the children H1121 of Judah H3063 at Jerusalem H3389 unto this day. H3117

Exodus 3:17 STRONG

And I have said, H559 I will bring H5927 you up out of the affliction H6040 of Egypt H4714 unto the land H776 of the Canaanites, H3669 and the Hittites, H2850 and the Amorites, H567 and the Perizzites, H6522 and the Hivites, H2340 and the Jebusites, H2983 unto a land H776 flowing H2100 with milk H2461 and honey. H1706

Joshua 18:28 STRONG

And Zelah, H6762 Eleph, H507 and Jebusi, H2983 which is Jerusalem, H3389 Gibeath, H1394 and Kirjath; H7157 fourteen H702 H6240 cities H5892 with their villages. H2691 This is the inheritance H5159 of the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 according to their families. H4940

Judges 19:10-12 STRONG

But the man H376 would H14 not tarry that night, H3885 but he rose up H6965 and departed, H3212 and came H935 over against H5227 Jebus, H2982 which is Jerusalem; H3389 and there were with him two H6776 asses H2543 saddled, H2280 his concubine H6370 also was with him. And when they were by Jebus, H2982 the day H3117 was far H3966 spent; H7286 and the servant H5288 said H559 unto his master, H113 Come, H3212 I pray thee, and let us turn in H5493 into this city H5892 of the Jebusites, H2983 and lodge H3885 in it. And his master H113 said H559 unto him, We will not turn aside H5493 hither into the city H5892 of a stranger, H5237 that is not of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 we will pass over H5674 to Gibeah. H1390

2 Samuel 5:6-10 STRONG

And the king H4428 and his men H582 went H3212 to Jerusalem H3389 unto the Jebusites, H2983 the inhabitants H3427 of the land: H776 which spake H559 unto David, H1732 saying, H559 Except thou take away H5493 the blind H5787 and the lame, H6455 thou shalt not come in H935 hither: thinking, H559 David H1732 cannot come in H935 hither. Nevertheless David H1732 took H3920 the strong hold H4686 of Zion: H6726 the same is the city H5892 of David. H1732 And David H1732 said H559 on that day, H3117 Whosoever getteth up H5060 to the gutter, H6794 and smiteth H5221 the Jebusites, H2983 and the lame H6455 and the blind, H5787 that are hated H8130 of David's H1732 soul, H5315 he shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they said, H559 The blind H5787 and the lame H6455 shall not come H935 into the house. H1004 So David H1732 dwelt H3427 in the fort, H4686 and called H7121 it the city H5892 of David. H1732 And David H1732 built H1129 round about H5439 from Millo H4407 and inward. H1004 And David H1732 went H3212 on, H1980 and grew great, H1419 and the LORD H3068 God H430 of hosts H6635 was with him.

1 Chronicles 11:5 STRONG

And the inhabitants H3427 of Jebus H2982 said H559 to David, H1732 Thou shalt not come H935 hither. Nevertheless David H1732 took H3920 the castle H4686 of Zion, H6726 which is the city H5892 of David. H1732

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 11

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 11 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter treats of David's being anointed king by all Israel, 1 Chronicles 11:1, which agrees with 2 Samuel 5:1 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:1 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:2 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:3 and of his taking Jerusalem from the Jebusites, 1 Chronicles 11:4 the account of which we have 2 Samuel 5:6. See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:6 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:7 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:8 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:9 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:10 only here we are told, that it was Joab that smote the Jebusites first, and so was made chief captain according to David's promise; and that he also repaired the rest of the city David built round about; perhaps the fortifications demolished in taking it, 1 Chronicles 11:6 or rather, as others give the sense, he "saved alive"F2יחיה את שאר "vivas conservavit urbis reliquias", Junius & Tremellius; Strigelius in Poli Synops. in loc. those that remained in the city, after he had slain the lame and the blind; though a learnedF4Dr. Kennicot's State of the Hebrew Text, dissert. 1. p. 54. writer conjectures it should be read, "and Joab יהיה was made שר the governor of the city"; and the Targum is,"Joab governed the rest of the city.'And then follows an account of David's mighty men and worthies, 1 Chronicles 11:10 of whom see the notes on 2 Samuel 23:8, 2 Samuel 23:9, 2 Samuel 23:10, 2 Samuel 23:11, 2 Samuel 23:12, 2 Samuel 23:13, 2 Samuel 23:14, 2 Samuel 23:15, 2 Samuel 23:16, 2 Samuel 23:17, 2 Samuel 23:18, 2 Samuel 23:19, 2 Samuel 23:20, 2 Samuel 23:21, 2 Samuel 23:22, 2 Samuel 23:23, 2 Samuel 23:24, 2 Samuel 23:25, 2 Samuel 23:26, 2 Samuel 23:27, 2 Samuel 23:28, 2 Samuel 23:29, 2 Samuel 23:30, 2 Samuel 23:31, 2 Samuel 23:32, 2 Samuel 23:33, 2 Samuel 23:34, 2 Samuel 23:35, 2 Samuel 23:36, 2 Samuel 23:37, 2 Samuel 23:38, 2 Samuel 23:39 and others are added here, 1 Chronicles 11:42 of whom we know no more than their names.