1 Chronicles 11:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 And David H1732 said, H559 Whosoever smiteth H5221 the Jebusites H2983 first H7223 shall be chief H7218 and captain. H8269 So Joab H3097 the son H1121 of Zeruiah H6870 went H5927 first H7223 up, H5927 and was chief. H7218

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 8:16 STRONG

And Joab H3097 the son H1121 of Zeruiah H6870 was over the host; H6635 and Jehoshaphat H3092 the son H1121 of Ahilud H286 was recorder; H2142

Joshua 15:16-17 STRONG

And Caleb H3612 said, H559 He that smiteth H5221 Kirjathsepher, H7158 and taketh H3920 it, to him will I give H5414 Achsah H5915 my daughter H1323 to wife. H802 And Othniel H6274 the son H1121 of Kenaz, H7073 the brother H251 of Caleb, H3612 took H3920 it: and he gave H5414 him Achsah H5915 his daughter H1323 to wife. H802

1 Samuel 17:25 STRONG

And the men H376 of Israel H3478 said, H559 Have ye seen H7200 this man H376 that is come up? H5927 surely to defy H2778 Israel H3478 is he come up: H5927 and it shall be, that the man H376 who killeth H5221 him, the king H4428 will enrich H6238 him with great H1419 riches, H6239 and will give H5414 him his daughter, H1323 and make H6213 his father's H1 house H1004 free H2670 in Israel. H3478

2 Samuel 2:18 STRONG

And there were three H7969 sons H1121 of Zeruiah H6870 there, Joab, H3097 and Abishai, H52 and Asahel: H6214 and Asahel H6214 was as light H7031 of foot H7272 as a H259 wild H7704 roe. H6643

2 Samuel 3:27 STRONG

And when Abner H74 was returned H7725 to Hebron, H2275 Joab H3097 took him aside H5186 in H413 H8432 the gate H8179 to speak H1696 with him quietly, H7987 and smote H5221 him there under the fifth H2570 rib, that he died, H4191 for the blood H1818 of Asahel H6214 his brother. H251

2 Samuel 20:23 STRONG

Now Joab H3097 was over all the host H6635 of Israel: H3478 and Benaiah H1141 the son H1121 of Jehoiada H3077 was over the Cherethites H3774 H3746 and over the Pelethites: H6432

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 11

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 11 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter treats of David's being anointed king by all Israel, 1 Chronicles 11:1, which agrees with 2 Samuel 5:1 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:1 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:2 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:3 and of his taking Jerusalem from the Jebusites, 1 Chronicles 11:4 the account of which we have 2 Samuel 5:6. See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:6 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:7 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:8 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:9 See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:10 only here we are told, that it was Joab that smote the Jebusites first, and so was made chief captain according to David's promise; and that he also repaired the rest of the city David built round about; perhaps the fortifications demolished in taking it, 1 Chronicles 11:6 or rather, as others give the sense, he "saved alive"F2יחיה את שאר "vivas conservavit urbis reliquias", Junius & Tremellius; Strigelius in Poli Synops. in loc. those that remained in the city, after he had slain the lame and the blind; though a learnedF4Dr. Kennicot's State of the Hebrew Text, dissert. 1. p. 54. writer conjectures it should be read, "and Joab יהיה was made שר the governor of the city"; and the Targum is,"Joab governed the rest of the city.'And then follows an account of David's mighty men and worthies, 1 Chronicles 11:10 of whom see the notes on 2 Samuel 23:8, 2 Samuel 23:9, 2 Samuel 23:10, 2 Samuel 23:11, 2 Samuel 23:12, 2 Samuel 23:13, 2 Samuel 23:14, 2 Samuel 23:15, 2 Samuel 23:16, 2 Samuel 23:17, 2 Samuel 23:18, 2 Samuel 23:19, 2 Samuel 23:20, 2 Samuel 23:21, 2 Samuel 23:22, 2 Samuel 23:23, 2 Samuel 23:24, 2 Samuel 23:25, 2 Samuel 23:26, 2 Samuel 23:27, 2 Samuel 23:28, 2 Samuel 23:29, 2 Samuel 23:30, 2 Samuel 23:31, 2 Samuel 23:32, 2 Samuel 23:33, 2 Samuel 23:34, 2 Samuel 23:35, 2 Samuel 23:36, 2 Samuel 23:37, 2 Samuel 23:38, 2 Samuel 23:39 and others are added here, 1 Chronicles 11:42 of whom we know no more than their names.