1 Chronicles 14:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 And David H1732 perceived H3045 that the LORD H3068 had confirmed H3559 him king H4428 over Israel, H3478 for his kingdom H4438 was lifted up H5375 on high, H4605 because of his people H5971 Israel. H3478

Cross Reference

Numbers 24:7 STRONG

He shall pour H5140 the water H4325 out H5140 of his buckets, H1805 and his seed H2233 shall be in many H7227 waters, H4325 and his king H4428 shall be higher H7311 than Agag, H90 and his kingdom H4438 shall be exalted. H5375

2 Samuel 7:8 STRONG

Now therefore so shalt thou say H559 unto my servant H5650 David, H1732 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 I took H3947 thee from the sheepcote, H5116 from following H310 the sheep, H6629 to be ruler H5057 over my people, H5971 over Israel: H3478

2 Samuel 7:16 STRONG

And thine house H1004 and thy kingdom H4467 shall be established H539 for H5704 ever H5769 before H6440 thee: thy throne H3678 shall be established H3559 for H5704 ever. H5769

1 Kings 10:9 STRONG

Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which delighted H2654 in thee, to set H5414 thee on the throne H3678 of Israel: H3478 because the LORD H3068 loved H160 Israel H3478 for ever, H5769 therefore made H7760 he thee king, H4428 to do H6213 judgment H4941 and justice. H6666

1 Chronicles 17:17 STRONG

And yet this was a small thing H6994 in thine eyes, H5869 O God; H430 for thou hast also spoken H1696 of thy servant's H5650 house H1004 for a great while to come, H7350 and hast regarded H7200 me according to the estate H8448 of a man H120 of high degree, H4609 O LORD H3068 God. H430

2 Chronicles 2:11 STRONG

Then Huram H2361 the king H4428 of Tyre H6865 answered H559 in writing, H3791 which he sent H7971 to Solomon, H8010 Because the LORD H3068 hath loved H160 his people, H5971 he hath made H5414 thee king H4428 over them.

Esther 4:14 STRONG

For if thou altogether H2790 holdest thy peace H2790 at this time, H6256 then shall there enlargement H7305 and deliverance H2020 arise H5975 to the Jews H3064 from another H312 place; H4725 but thou and thy father's H1 house H1004 shall be destroyed: H6 and who knoweth H3045 whether thou art come H5060 to the kingdom H4438 for such a time H6256 as this?

Psalms 89:20-37 STRONG

I have found H4672 David H1732 my servant; H5650 with my holy H6944 oil H8081 have I anointed H4886 him: With whom my hand H3027 shall be established: H3559 mine arm H2220 also shall strengthen H553 him. The enemy H341 shall not exact H5378 upon him; nor the son H1121 of wickedness H5766 afflict H6031 him. And I will beat down H3807 his foes H6862 before his face, H6440 and plague H5062 them that hate H8130 him. But my faithfulness H530 and my mercy H2617 shall be with him: and in my name H8034 shall his horn H7161 be exalted. H7311 I will set H7760 his hand H3027 also in the sea, H3220 and his right hand H3225 in the rivers. H5104 He shall cry H7121 unto me, Thou art my father, H1 my God, H410 and the rock H6697 of my salvation. H3444 Also I will make H5414 him my firstborn, H1060 higher H5945 than the kings H4428 of the earth. H776 My mercy H2617 will I keep H8104 for him for evermore, H5769 and my covenant H1285 shall stand fast H539 with him. His seed H2233 also will I make H7760 to endure for ever, H5703 and his throne H3678 as the days H3117 of heaven. H8064 If his children H1121 forsake H5800 my law, H8451 and walk H3212 not in my judgments; H4941 If they break H2490 my statutes, H2708 and keep H8104 not my commandments; H4687 Then will I visit H6485 their transgression H6588 with the rod, H7626 and their iniquity H5771 with stripes. H5061 Nevertheless my lovingkindness H2617 will I not utterly take H6331 from him, nor suffer my faithfulness H530 to fail. H8266 My covenant H1285 will I not break, H2490 nor alter H8138 the thing that is gone out H4161 of my lips. H8193 Once H259 have I sworn H7650 by my holiness H6944 that I will not lie H3576 unto David. H1732 His seed H2233 shall endure for ever, H5769 and his throne H3678 as the sun H8121 before me. It shall be established H3559 for ever H5769 as the moon, H3394 and as a faithful H539 witness H5707 in heaven. H7834 Selah. H5542

Isaiah 1:25-27 STRONG

And I will turn H7725 my hand H3027 upon thee, and purely H1253 purge away H6884 thy dross, H5509 and take away H5493 all thy tin: H913 And I will restore H7725 thy judges H8199 as at the first, H7223 and thy counsellors H3289 as at the beginning: H8462 afterward H310 thou shalt be called, H7121 The city H5892 of righteousness, H6664 the faithful H539 city. H7151 Zion H6726 shall be redeemed H6299 with judgment, H4941 and her converts H7725 with righteousness. H6666

Daniel 2:30 STRONG

But as for me, H576 this H1836 secret H7328 is not H3809 revealed H1541 to me for any wisdom H2452 that I have H383 more than H4481 any H3606 living, H2417 but H3861 for their sakes H1701 that H5922 shall make known H3046 the interpretation H6591 to the king, H4430 and that thou mightest know H3046 the thoughts H7476 of thy heart. H3825

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 14

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 14 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

David's palace-building, wives and children , 1 Chronicles 14:1-7; cf. 2 Samuel 5:11-16. Two victories over the Philistines , 1 Chronicles 14:8-17; cf. 2 Samuel 5:17-25. - The position in which the narrative of these events stands, between the removal of the ark from Kirjath-jearim and its being brought to Jerusalem, is not to be supposed to indicate that they happened in the interval of three months, curing which the ark was left in the house of Obed-edom. The explanation of it rather is, that the author of our Chronicle, for the reasons given in page 170, desired to represent David's design to bring the ark into the capital city of his kingdom as his first undertaking after he had won Jerusalem, and was consequently compelled to bring in the events of our chapter at a later period, and for that purpose this interval of three months seemed to offer him the fittest opportunity. The whole contents of our chapter have already been commented upon in 2 Samuel 5:1, so that we need not here do more than refer to a few subordinate points.

Verses 2-17

Instead of נשּׂא כּי , that He (Jahve) had lifted up ( נשּׂא , perf. Pi.), as in 2 Samuel 5:12, in the Chronicle we read למעלה נשּׂאת כּי , that his kingdom had been lifted up on high. The unusual form נשּׂאת may be, according to the context, the third pers. fem. perf. Niph., nisaa't having first been changed into נשּׂאת , and thus contracted into נשּׂאת ; cf. Ew. §194, b. In 2 Samuel 19:43 the same form is the infin. abs. Niph. למעלה is here, as frequently in the Chronicles, used to intensify the expression: cf. 1 Chronicles 22:5; 1 Chronicles 23:17; 1 Chronicles 29:3, 1 Chronicles 29:25; 2 Chronicles 1:1; 2 Chronicles 17:12. With regard to the sons of David, see on 1 Chronicles 3:5-8.

In the account of the victories over the Philistines, the statement (2 Samuel 5:17) that David went down to the mountain-hold, which has no important connection with the main fact, and would have been for the readers of the Chronicle somewhat obscure, is exchanged in 1 Chronicles 14:8 for the more general expression לפניהם ויּצא , “he went forth against them.” In 1 Chronicles 14:14, the divine answer to David's question, whether he should march against the Philistines, runs thus: מעליהם הסב אחריהם תּעלה לא , Thou shalt not go up after them; turn away from them, and come upon them over against the baca-bushes; - while in 2 Samuel 5:23, on the contrary, we read: אל־אחריהם הסב תעלה הסב אל־א לע , Thou shalt not go up (i.e., advance against the enemy to attack them in front); turn thee behind them (i.e., to their rear), and come upon them over against the baca-bushes. Bertheau endeavours to get rid of the discrepancy, by supposing that into both texts corruptions have crept through transcribers' errors. He conjectures that the text of Samuel was originally אחריהם תּעלה לא , while in the Chronicle a transposition of the words עליהם and אחריהם was occasioned by a copyist's error, which in turn resulted in the alteration of עליהם into מעליהם . This supposition, however, stands or falls with the presumption that by תּעלה לא (Sam.) an attack is forbidden; but for that presumption no tenable grounds exist: it would rather involve a contradiction between the first part of the divine answer and the second. The last clause, “Come upon them from over against the baca-bushes,” shows that the attack was not forbidden; all that was forbidden was the making of the attack by advancing straight forward: instead of that, they were to try to fall upon them in the rear, by making a circuit. The chronicler consequently gives us an explanation of the ambiguous words of 2 Samuel, which might easily be misunderstood. As David's question was doubtless expressed as it is in 1 Chronicles 14:10, הפל על האעלה , the answer תּעלה לא might be understood to mean, “Go not up against them, attack them not, but go away behind them;” but with that the following וגו להם וּבאת , “Come upon them from the baca-bushes,” did not seem to harmonize. The chronicler consequently explains the first clauses of the answer thus: “Go not up straight behind them,” i.e., advance not against them so as to attack them openly, “but turn thyself away from them,” i.e., strike off in such a direction as to turn their flank, and come upon them from the front of the baca-bushes. In this way the apparently contradictory texts are reconciled without the alteration of a word. In 1 Chronicles 14:17, which is wanting in Samuel, the author concludes the account of these victories by the remark that they tended greatly to exalt the name of David among the nations. For similar reflections, cf. 2 Chronicles 17:10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 2 Chronicles 14:13; and for שׁם ויּצא , 2 Chronicles 26:15.