1 Chronicles 14:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 And David H1732 took H3947 more wives H802 at Jerusalem: H3389 and David H1732 begat H3205 more sons H1121 and daughters. H1323

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 17:17 STRONG

Neither shall he multiply H7235 wives H802 to himself, that his heart H3824 turn H5493 not away: neither shall he greatly H3966 multiply H7235 to himself silver H3701 and gold. H2091

2 Samuel 5:13 STRONG

And David H1732 took H3947 him more concubines H6370 and wives H802 out of Jerusalem, H3389 after H310 he was come H935 from Hebron: H2275 and there were yet sons H1121 and daughters H1323 born H3205 to David. H1732

1 Kings 11:3 STRONG

And he had seven H7651 hundred H3967 wives, H802 princesses, H8282 and three H7969 hundred H3967 concubines: H6370 and his wives H802 turned away H5186 his heart. H3820

1 Chronicles 3:1-4 STRONG

Now these were the sons H1121 of David, H1732 which were born H3205 unto him in Hebron; H2275 the firstborn H1060 Amnon, H550 of Ahinoam H293 the Jezreelitess; H3159 the second H8145 Daniel, H1840 of Abigail H26 the Carmelitess: H3762 The third, H7992 Absalom H53 the son H1121 of Maachah H4601 the daughter H1323 of Talmai H8526 king H4428 of Geshur: H1650 the fourth, H7243 Adonijah H138 the son H1121 of Haggith: H2294 The fifth, H2549 Shephatiah H8203 of Abital: H37 the sixth, H8345 Ithream H3507 by Eglah H5698 his wife. H802 These six H8337 were born H3205 unto him in Hebron; H2275 and there he reigned H4427 seven H7651 years H8141 and six H8337 months: H2320 and in Jerusalem H3389 he reigned H4427 thirty H7970 and three H7969 years. H8141

Proverbs 5:18-19 STRONG

Let thy fountain H4726 be blessed: H1288 and rejoice H8055 with the wife H802 of thy youth. H5271 Let her be as the loving H158 hind H365 and pleasant H2580 roe; H3280 let her breasts H1717 satisfy H7301 thee at all times; H6256 and be thou ravished H7686 always H8548 with her love. H160

Ecclesiastes 7:26-29 STRONG

And I find H4672 more bitter H4751 than death H4194 the woman, H802 whose heart H3820 is snares H4685 and nets, H2764 and her hands H3027 as bands: H612 whoso pleaseth H2896 H6440 God H430 shall escape H4422 from her; but the sinner H2398 shall be taken H3920 by her. Behold, H7200 this have I found, H4672 saith H559 the preacher, H6953 counting one H259 by one, H259 to find out H4672 the account: H2808 Which yet my soul H5315 seeketh, H1245 but I find H4672 not: one H259 man H120 among a thousand H505 have I found; H4672 but a woman H802 among all those have I not found. H4672 Lo, H7200 this only H905 have I found, H4672 that God H430 hath made H6213 man H120 upright; H3477 but they have sought out H1245 many H7227 inventions. H2810

Ecclesiastes 9:9 STRONG

Live H2416 joyfully H7200 with the wife H802 whom thou lovest H157 all the days H3117 of the life H2416 of thy vanity, H1892 which he hath given H5414 thee under the sun, H8121 all the days H3117 of thy vanity: H1892 for that is thy portion H2506 in this life, H2416 and in thy labour H5999 which thou takest H6001 under the sun. H8121

Malachi 2:14 STRONG

Yet ye say, H559 Wherefore? H4100 Because the LORD H3068 hath been witness H5749 between thee and the wife H802 of thy youth, H5271 against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: H898 yet is she thy companion, H2278 and the wife H802 of thy covenant. H1285

Matthew 19:4-5 STRONG

And G1161 he answered G611 and said G2036 unto them, G846 Have ye G314 not G3756 read, G314 that G3754 he which G3588 made G4160 them at G575 the beginning G746 made G4160 them G846 male G730 and G2532 female, G2338 And G2532 said, G2036 For this G5127 cause G1752 shall a man G444 leave G2641 father G3962 and G2532 mother, G3384 and G2532 shall cleave G4347 to his G846 wife: G1135 and G2532 they twain G1417 shall be G2071 G1519 one G3391 flesh? G4561

Matthew 19:8 STRONG

He saith G3004 unto them, G846 G3754 Moses G3475 because of G4314 the hardness G4641 of your G5216 hearts G4641 suffered G2010 you G5213 to put away G630 your G5216 wives: G1135 but G1161 from G575 the beginning G746 it was G1096 not G3756 so. G3779

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ch 14:1, 2. Hiram's Kindness to David; David's Felicity.

1. Now Hiram king of Tyre—[See on 2Sa 5:11]. The alliance with this neighboring king, and the important advantages derived from it, were among the most fortunate circumstances in David's reign. The providence of God appeared concurrent with His promise in smoothing the early course of his reign. Having conquered the Jebusites and made Zion the royal residence, he had now, along with internal prosperity, established an advantageous treaty with a neighboring prince; and hence, in immediate connection with the mention of this friendly league, it is said, "David perceived that the Lord had confirmed him king over Israel."

2. his kingdom was lifted up on high, because of his people Israel—This is an important truth, that sovereigns are invested with royal honor and authority, not for their own sakes so much as for that of their people. But while it is true of all kings, it was especially applicable to the monarchs of Israel, and even David was made to know that all his glory and greatness were given only to fit him, as the minister of God, to execute the divine purposes towards the chosen people.

1Ch 14:3-7. His Wives.

3. David took more wives at Jerusalem—(See on 2Sa 3:5). His concubines are mentioned (1Ch 3:9), where also is given a list of his children (1Ch 14:5-8), and those born in Jerusalem (2Sa 5:14-16). In that, however, the names of Eliphalet and Nogah do not occur, and Beeliada appears to be the same as Eliada.

1Ch 14:8-17. His Victories over the Philistines.

8. all the Philistines went up to seek David—in the hope of accomplishing his ruin (for so the phrase is used, 1Sa 23:15; 24:2, 3) before his throne was consolidated. Their hostility arose, both from a belief that his patriotism would lead him, ere long, to wipe out the national dishonor at Gilboa, and by fear, that in any invasion of their country, his thorough knowledge of their weak points would give him superior advantages. They resolved, therefore, to surprise and crush him before he was fairly seated on his throne.

11. they came up to Baal-perazim; and David smote them there—In an engagement fought at Mount Perazim (Isa 28:21), in the valley of Rephaim, a few miles west of Jerusalem, the Philistines were defeated and put to flight.

12. when they had left their gods—(See on 2Sa 5:21).

13. the Philistines yet again spread themselves—They renewed the campaign the next season, taking the same route. David, according to divine directions, did not confront them.

14. Go not up after them—The text in 2Sa 5:23, more correctly has, "Go not up."

turn away from them—that is, by stealing round a baca-grove, come upon their rear.

15. for God is gone forth before thee—"a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees," that is, the rustling of the leaves by a strong breeze suddenly rising, was the sign by which David was divinely apprised of the precise moment for the attack. The impetuosity of his onset was like the gush of a pent-up torrent, which sweeps away all in its course; and in allusion to this incident the place got its name.

16. from Gibeon … to Gazer—Geba or Gibea (2Sa 5:25), now Yefa, in the province of Judah. The line from this to Gazer was intersected by the roads which led from Judah to the cities of the Philistines. To recover possession of it, therefore, as was effected by this decisive battle, was equivalent to setting free the whole mountain region of Judah as far as their most westerly slope [Bertheau].