1 Chronicles 26:29 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

29 Of the Izharites, H3325 Chenaniah H3663 and his sons H1121 were for the outward H2435 business H4399 over Israel, H3478 for officers H7860 and judges. H8199

Cross Reference

1 Chronicles 23:4 STRONG

Of which, H428 twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand H505 were to set forward H5329 the work H4399 of the house H1004 of the LORD; H3068 and six H8337 thousand H505 were officers H7860 and judges: H8199

Nehemiah 11:16 STRONG

And Shabbethai H7678 and Jozabad, H3107 of the chief H7218 of the Levites, H3881 had the oversight of the outward H2435 business H4399 of the house H1004 of God. H430

1 Chronicles 23:12 STRONG

The sons H1121 of Kohath; H6955 Amram, H6019 Izhar, H3324 Hebron, H2275 and Uzziel, H5816 four. H702

1 Chronicles 26:23 STRONG

Of the Amramites, H6020 and the Izharites, H3325 the Hebronites, H2276 and the Uzzielites: H5817

2 Chronicles 19:8-11 STRONG

Moreover in Jerusalem H3389 did Jehoshaphat H3092 set H5975 of the Levites, H3881 and of the priests, H3548 and of the chief H7218 of the fathers H1 of Israel, H3478 for the judgment H4941 of the LORD, H3068 and for controversies, H7379 when they returned H7725 to Jerusalem. H3389 And he charged H6680 them, saying, H559 Thus shall ye do H6213 in the fear H3374 of the LORD, H3068 faithfully, H530 and with a perfect H8003 heart. H3824 And what cause H7379 soever shall come H935 to you of your brethren H251 that dwell H3427 in their cities, H5892 between blood H1818 and blood, H1818 between law H8451 and commandment, H4687 statutes H2706 and judgments, H4941 ye shall even warn H2094 them that they trespass H816 not against the LORD, H3068 and so wrath H7110 come upon you, and upon your brethren: H251 this H3541 do, H6213 and ye shall not trespass. H816 And, behold, Amariah H568 the chief H7218 priest H3548 is over you in all matters H1697 of the LORD; H3068 and Zebadiah H2069 the son H1121 of Ishmael, H3458 the ruler H5057 of the house H1004 of Judah, H3063 for all the king's H4428 matters: H1697 also the Levites H3881 shall be officers H7860 before H6440 you. Deal H6213 courageously, H2388 and the LORD H3068 shall be with the good. H2896

2 Chronicles 34:13 STRONG

Also they were over the bearers of burdens, H5449 and were overseers H5329 of all that wrought H6213 the work H4399 in any manner of service: H5656 and of the Levites H3881 there were scribes, H5608 and officers, H7860 and porters. H7778

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 26 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ch 26:1-12. Divisions of the Porters.

1, 2. Concerning the divisions of the porters—There were four thousand (1Ch 23:6), all taken from the families of the Kohathites and Merarites (1Ch 26:14), divided into twenty-four courses—as the priests and musicians.

Meshelemiah the son of Kore, of the sons of Asaph—Seven sons of Meshelemiah are mentioned (1Ch 26:2), whereas eighteen are given (1Ch 26:9), but in this latter number his relatives are included.

5. God blessed him—that is, Obed-edom. The occasion of the blessing was his faithful custody of the ark (2Sa 6:11, 12). The nature of the blessing (Ps 127:5) consisted in the great increase of progeny by which his house was distinguished; seventy-two descendants are reckoned.

6. mighty men of valour—The circumstance of physical strength is prominently noticed in this chapter, as the office of the porters required them not only to act as sentinels of the sacred edifice and its precious furniture against attacks of plunderers or popular insurrection—to be, in fact, a military guard—but, after the temple was built, to open and shut the gates, which were extraordinarily large and ponderous.

10. Simri the chief … though … not the first-born—probably because the family entitled to the right of primogeniture had died out, or because there were none of the existing families which could claim that right.

12. Among these were the divisions of the porters, even among the chief men—These were charged with the duty of superintending the watches, being heads of the twenty-four courses of porters.

1Ch 26:13-19. The Gates Assigned by Lot.

13. they cast lots—Their departments of duty, such as the gates they should attend to, were allotted in the same manner as those of the other Levitical bodies, and the names of the chiefs or captains are given, with the respective gates assigned them.

15. the house of Asuppim—or, "collections," probably a storehouse, where were kept the grain, wine, and other offerings for the sustenance of the priests.

16. the gate Shallecheth—probably the rubbish gate, through which all the accumulated filth and sweepings of the temple and its courts were poured out.

by the causeway of the going up—probably the ascending road which was cast up or raised from the deep valley between Mount Zion and Moriah, for the royal egress to the place of worship (2Ch 9:4).

ward against ward—Some refer these words to Shuppim and Hosah, whose duty it was to watch both the western gate and the gate Shallecheth, which was opposite, while others take it as a general statement applicable to all the guards, and intended to intimate that they were posted at regular distances from each other, or that they all mounted and relieved guard at the same time in uniform order.

17-19. Eastward were six Levites—because the gate there was the most frequented. There were four at the north gate; four at the south, at the storehouse which was adjoining the south, and which had two entrance gates, one leading in a southwesterly direction to the city, and the other direct west, two porters each. At the Parbar towards the west, there were six men posted—four at the causeway or ascent (1Ch 26:16), and two at Parbar, amounting to twenty-four in all, who were kept daily on guard.

18. Parbar—is, perhaps, the same as Parvar ("suburbs," 2Ki 23:11), and if so, this gate might be so called as leading to the suburbs [Calmet].

1Ch 26:20-28. Levites That Had Charge of the Treasures.

20. of the Levites, Ahijah—The heading of this section is altogether strange as it stands, for it looks as if the sacred historian were going to commence a new subject different from the preceding. Besides, "Ahijah, whose name occurs after" the Levites, is not mentioned in the previous lists. It is totally unknown and is introduced abruptly without further information; and lastly, Ahijah must have united in his own person those very offices of which the occupants are named in the verses that follow. The reading is incorrect. The Septuagint has this very suitable heading, "And their Levitical brethren over the treasures," &c. [Bertheau]. The names of those who had charge of the treasure chambers at their respective wards are given, with a general description of the precious things committed to their trust. Those treasures were immense, consisting of the accumulated spoils of Israelitish victories, as well as of voluntary contributions made by David and the representatives of the people.

1Ch 26:29-32. Officers and Judges.

29. officers and judges—The word rendered "officers" is the term which signifies scribes or secretaries, so that the Levitical class here described were magistrates, who, attended by their clerks, exercised judicial functions; there were six thousand of them (1Ch 23:4), who probably acted like their brethren on the principle of rotation, and these were divided into three classes—one (1Ch 26:29) for the outward business over Israel; one (1Ch 26:30), consisting of seventeen hundred, for the west of Jordan "in all business of the Lord, and in the service of the king"; and the third (1Ch 26:31, 32), consisting of twenty-seven hundred, "rulers for every matter pertaining to God, and affairs of the king."