Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Chronicles » Chapter 27 » Verse 1-34

1 Chronicles 27:1-34 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Now the children H1121 of Israel H3478 after their number, H4557 to wit, the chief H7218 fathers H1 and captains H8269 of thousands H505 and hundreds, H3967 and their officers H7860 that served H8334 the king H4428 in any matter H1697 of the courses, H4256 which came in H935 and went out H3318 month H2320 by month H2320 throughout all the months H2320 of the year, H8141 of every H259 course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

2 Over the first H7223 course H4256 for the first H7223 month H2320 was Jashobeam H3434 the son H1121 of Zabdiel: H2068 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

3 Of the children H1121 of Perez H6557 was the chief H7218 of all the captains H8269 of the host H6635 for the first H7223 month. H2320

4 And over the course H4256 of the second H8145 month H2320 was Dodai H1737 an Ahohite, H266 and of his course H4256 was Mikloth H4732 also the ruler: H5057 in his course H4256 likewise were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

5 The third H7992 captain H8269 of the host H6635 for the third H7992 month H2320 was Benaiah H1141 the son H1121 of Jehoiada, H3077 a chief H7218 priest: H3548 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

6 This is that Benaiah, H1141 who was mighty H1368 among the thirty, H7970 and above the thirty: H7970 and in his course H4256 was Ammizabad H5990 his son. H1121

7 The fourth H7243 captain for the fourth H7243 month H2320 was Asahel H6214 the brother H251 of Joab, H3097 and Zebadiah H2069 his son H1121 after H310 him: and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

8 The fifth H2549 captain H8269 for the fifth H2549 month H2320 was Shamhuth H8049 the Izrahite: H3155 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

9 The sixth H8345 captain for the sixth H8345 month H2320 was Ira H5896 the son H1121 of Ikkesh H6142 the Tekoite: H8621 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

10 The seventh H7637 captain for the seventh H7637 month H2320 was Helez H2503 the Pelonite, H6397 of the children H1121 of Ephraim: H669 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

11 The eighth H8066 captain for the eighth H8066 month H2320 was Sibbecai H5444 the Hushathite, H2843 of the Zarhites: H2227 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

12 The ninth H8671 captain for the ninth H8671 month H2320 was Abiezer H44 the Anetothite, H6069 of the Benjamites: H1145 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

13 The tenth H6224 captain for the tenth H6224 month H2320 was Maharai H4121 the Netophathite, H5200 of the Zarhites: H2227 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

14 The eleventh H6249 H6240 captain for the eleventh H6249 H6240 month H2320 was Benaiah H1141 the Pirathonite, H6553 of the children H1121 of Ephraim: H669 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

15 The twelfth H8147 H6240 captain for the twelfth H8147 H6240 month H2320 was Heldai H2469 the Netophathite, H5200 of Othniel: H6274 and in his course H4256 were twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand. H505

16 Furthermore over the tribes H7626 of Israel: H3478 the ruler H5057 of the Reubenites H7206 was Eliezer H461 the son H1121 of Zichri: H2147 of the Simeonites, H8099 Shephatiah H8203 the son H1121 of Maachah: H4601

17 Of the Levites, H3881 Hashabiah H2811 the son H1121 of Kemuel: H7055 of the Aaronites, H175 Zadok: H6659

18 Of Judah, H3063 Elihu, H453 one of the brethren H251 of David: H1732 of Issachar, H3485 Omri H6018 the son H1121 of Michael: H4317

19 Of Zebulun, H2074 Ishmaiah H3460 the son H1121 of Obadiah: H5662 of Naphtali, H5321 Jerimoth H3406 the son H1121 of Azriel: H5837

20 Of the children H1121 of Ephraim, H669 Hoshea H1954 the son H1121 of Azaziah: H5812 of the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh, H4519 Joel H3100 the son H1121 of Pedaiah: H6305

21 Of the half H2677 tribe of Manasseh H4519 in Gilead, H1568 Iddo H3035 the son H1121 of Zechariah: H2148 of Benjamin, H1144 Jaasiel H3300 the son H1121 of Abner: H74

22 Of Dan, H1835 Azareel H5832 the son H1121 of Jeroham. H3395 These were the princes H8269 of the tribes H7626 of Israel. H3478

23 But David H1732 took H5375 not the number H4557 of them from twenty H6242 years H8141 old H1121 and under: H4295 because the LORD H3068 had said H559 he would increase H7235 Israel H3478 like to the stars H3556 of the heavens. H8064

24 Joab H3097 the son H1121 of Zeruiah H6870 began H2490 to number, H4487 but he finished H3615 not, because there fell wrath H7110 for it H2063 against Israel; H3478 neither was the number H4557 put H5927 in the account H4557 of the chronicles H1697 H3117 of king H4428 David. H1732

25 And over the king's H4428 treasures H214 was Azmaveth H5820 the son H1121 of Adiel: H5717 and over the storehouses H214 in the fields, H7704 in the cities, H5892 and in the villages, H3723 and in the castles, H4026 was Jehonathan H3083 the son H1121 of Uzziah: H5818

26 And over them that did H6213 the work H4399 of the field H7704 for tillage H5656 of the ground H127 was Ezri H5836 the son H1121 of Chelub: H3620

27 And over the vineyards H3754 was Shimei H8096 the Ramathite: H7435 over the increase of the vineyards H3754 for the wine H3196 cellars H214 was Zabdi H2067 the Shiphmite: H8225

28 And over the olive trees H2132 and the sycomore trees H8256 that were in the low plains H8219 was Baalhanan H1177 the Gederite: H1451 and over the cellars H214 of oil H8081 was Joash: H3135

29 And over the herds H1241 that fed H7462 in Sharon H8289 was Shitrai H7861 the Sharonite: H8290 and over the herds H1241 that were in the valleys H6010 was Shaphat H8202 the son H1121 of Adlai: H5724

30 Over the camels H1581 also was Obil H179 the Ishmaelite: H3459 and over the asses H860 was Jehdeiah H3165 the Meronothite: H4824

31 And over the flocks H6629 was Jaziz H3151 the Hagerite. H1905 All these were the rulers H8269 of the substance H7399 which was king H4428 David's. H1732

32 Also Jonathan H3083 David's H1732 uncle H1730 was a counsellor, H3289 a wise H995 man, H376 and a scribe: H5608 and Jehiel H3171 the son H1121 of Hachmoni H2453 was with the king's H4428 sons: H1121

33 And Ahithophel H302 was the king's H4428 counsellor: H3289 and Hushai H2365 the Archite H757 was the king's H4428 companion: H7453

34 And after H310 Ahithophel H302 was Jehoiada H3077 the son H1121 of Benaiah, H1141 and Abiathar: H54 and the general H8269 of the king's H4428 army H6635 was Joab. H3097

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 27

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 27 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



In this chapter we have an account of twelve military courses, or twelve legions of soldiers, with the captains of them, that served David monthly in their turns, 1 Chronicles 27:1 and of the princes of the several tribes, 1 Chronicles 27:16 and of his economical rulers, 1 Chronicles 27:25, and of his counsellors and general, 1 Chronicles 27:32.

Verse 1

Now the children of Israel after their number,.... Not the whole body of the people, but the militia of the nation; for after the account of the division of the priests and Levites into courses, follows an account of the militia of the nation, being divided also into monthly courses; which, though done in the beginning of David's reign, as Kimchi and Jarchi observe, yet is here related; and that it was so soon is clear from the instance of Asahel, who was killed while David was king in Hebron, 1 Chronicles 27:7 to wit:

the chief fathers; the chief men in the tribes, the princes of them, not the natural fathers of the soldiers in each course, as a learned man suggestsF9Delaney's Life of King David, vol. 1. p. 319. : since it can never be thought that such a number sprung from those as made a course of 24,000; for they are distinct from the captains and officers after mentioned, under which the soldiers were; besides, why should they be called "chief fathers?" these, no doubt, were the general officers or princes, under which the captains and inferior officers were:

and captains of thousands and hundreds; in the several tribes:

and their officers; that were under them:

that served the king in any matter of the courses, which came in and went out month by month, throughout all the months of the year; by which it appears that the militia of the kingdom was divided into twelve courses, which served each month by turns; when one went out another came in; by which means the king was well supported and guarded, and had an army at once at command upon any insurrection or war that might arise; and each course serving but one month in a year, it was no great burden upon them, even if they maintained themselves, since they were at leisure, the other eleven months, to attend to their business; and especially if it was, as Jarchi observes, that not the poor but the rich were selected for this service:

of every course were twenty and four thousand; so that the twelve courses amounted to 288,000 men.

Verses 2-15

Over the first course for the first month,.... The month Nisan, sometimes called Abib, which was March:

was Jashobeam the son of Zabdiel; the first and chief of David's worthies, 1 Chronicles 11:11.

and in his course were twenty and four; and so in all the following ones; this man was of the posterity of Perez, or Pharez, a son of Judah, and so had the preference and command of all the captains of the army for that month:

Dodai an Ahohite; the same with Dodo, 1 Chronicles 11:12 was over the course of the second month, the month Ziv, sometimes called Jiar, or April; and his lieutenant or successor was Mikloth:

Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, a chief priest; or rather a prince, a principal officer, was general of the army for the third month, Sivan, or May; the same was mighty among the thirty, and even above them, for he was among the three mighty, 1 Chronicles 11:22 and Ammizabad his son succeeded him, or was his deputy, when other ways employed: though led by our version here, and following the Jewish writers, I have called Benaiah a priest; see Gill on 1 Kings 2:31, yet I am now rather of opinion that he was not one; for though priests might bear arms on some occasions, yet it is not likely that one should be in a constant military office, and especially general of an army; and besides, this man was of Kabzeel, a city in the tribe of Judah, which is not mentioned among the Levitical cities, see 2 Samuel 23:20. Asahel the brother of Joab was over the course for the fourth month, Tammuz, or June, and who being slain by Abner, his son Zebadiah succeeded him: Shamhuth, the same with Shammah, 2 Samuel 23:11 and Shammoth, 1 Chronicles 11:27 was captain for the fifth month, Ab, or July: Ira the son of Ikkesh, the Tekoite, was over the course of the sixth month, Elul, or August, see 1 Chronicles 11:28. Helez the Pelonite was captain for the seventh month, Tisri, or September, see 1 Chronicles 11:27, the captain for the eighth month, Marchesvan, sometimes called Bul, or October, was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the Zarbites, of the posterity of Zerah, a son of Judah in the line of Hushah, 1 Chronicles 4:4, the captain of the course for the ninth month, Cisleu, or November was Abiezer, of Anethoth, in the tribe of Benjamin, see 1 Chronicles 11:28, Maharai, of Netophah, in the tribe of Judah, and of the posterity of Zerah, was over the course for the tenth month, Tebet, or December, see 1 Chronicles 11:30 and the captain for the eleventh month, Sheber, or January, was Benaiah, of Pirathon, in the tribe of Ephraim, see 1 Chronicles 11:31 and over the course for the twelfth month, Adar, or February, was Heldai the Netophathite, the same with Heled, 1 Chronicles 11:30 and who was of the posterity of Othniel, the first judge in Israel, Judges 1:13.

Verses 16-22

Furthermore, over the cities of Israel,.... Were the following rulers or princes; the captains over the militia before named were of David's appointment; but these ruled over their respective tribes in their own right, or by the choice of their tribes: the ruler of the tribe of Reuben was Eliezer, the son of Zichri: of the tribe of Simeon, Shephatiah the son of Maachah; whether this was his father's or mother's name is not certain, it being the name both of a man and woman: of the tribe of Levi, Hashabiah the son of Kemuel: of the Aaronites, who were of the same tribe, but, being priests, are thus distinguished from the Levites, Zadok, who was made high priest in the times of Solomon: of the tribe of Judah, Elihu, a brother of David's, the same with Eliab, 1 Samuel 16:6, of the tribe of Issachar, Omri the son of Michael: of the tribe of Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son of Obadiah: of the tribe of Naphtali, Jerimoth the son of Azriel: of the tribe of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of Azaziah: of the half tribe of Manasseh, on this side Jordan westward, Joel the son of Pedaiah: of the half tribe of Manasseh, in Gilead, on the other side Jordan eastward, Iddo the son of Zechariah: of the tribe of Benjamin, Jaasiel the son of Abner, the famous general on the side of Ishbosheth; of the tribe of Dan, Azareel the son of Jeroham:

these were the princes of the tribes of Israel; of all excepting Gad and Asher, who are omitted; perhaps he that was prince of the tribe of Reuben, or else of the half tribe of Manasseh beyond Jordan, was ruler of Gad and Asher; these lying between Zebulun and Naphtali, might be under the prince of one of them.

Verse 23

But David took not the number of them from twenty years old and under,.... Only those that were twenty years and upwards; but, according to Cornelius BertramF11Lucubrat. Franktall, c. 2. , he numbered them that were under twenty, though but sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, or nineteen years of age, provided they were of robust bodies, and of a tall stature, and able to bear arms; which he takes to be the sin of David, in numbering the people, being contrary to the law of God; yet though he had ordered them to be numbered, and they were, yet he would not take them and put them into the account of his chronicles, as in the next verse, that his sin might not be known, see 2 Samuel 24:9.

because the Lord had said, he would increase Israel like to the stars in the heavens; which are not to be numbered, and therefore David sinned in attempting to number the people.

Verse 24

Joab the son of Zeruiah began to number,.... By the order of David, but entirely against his own will, see 1 Chronicles 21:2,

but he finished not; the two tribes of Benjamin and Levi not being counted by him, 1 Chronicles 21:6.

because there fell wrath for it against Israel; the plague being broke forth before he had done numbering, which put a stop to it, 1 Chronicles 21:14.

neither was the number put in the account of the chronicles of David; that which was brought in by Joab, though imperfect, was not entered into the diary, journal, or annals which David ordered to be written of all memorable events and transactions in his reign; and which were afterwards carried on by the kings of Judah, often referred to in the preceding books; and this was done, not because of the imperfection of the account, but because David did not choose this sin of his should be transmitted to posterity, though it has been, notwithstanding this precaution of his.

Verses 25-34

And over the king's treasures was Azmaveth the son of Adiel,.... The historian here proceeds to relate who were employed in the economical and civil affairs of David; and the first mentioned is the lord of his treasury, who had the care of his gold and silver brought into his exchequer, either by a levy on his own people, or by the tribute of others: Jehonathan the son of Uzziah had the care of the storehouses, in which were laid up what the fields, cities, villages, and castles that belonged to the king produced, whether by fruits gathered in, or by rents collected: Ezri the son of Chelub looked after his workmen in the fields, employed in the tillage of the ground: Shimei of Ramath, in the tribe of Benjamin, had the care of the vineyards, to see that they were dressed and pruned, and kept in good order: Zabdi of Shepham, Numbers 34:10 had the charge of the wine squeezed out of the grapes, both in the presses and in the cellars: Baalhanan of Gedor, in the tribe of Judah, Joshua 15:36 was over the olive and sycamore trees, to see that they were well taken care of: and Joash was entrusted with the cellars where the oil was deposited: Shitrai the Sharonite had the herds of cattle fed in Sharon committed to his trust; whether in Sharon beyond Jordan, or that about Lydda and Joppa, near the Mediterranean sea, both affording fruitful pastures for herds; and this man, being of Sharon, was a fit man to be employed in such service: and Shaphat the son of Adlai was over those herds that were in the valleys, where were good pastures for them; such officers Pharaoh king of Egypt had, Genesis 47:6 and as early as the times of Ninus king of Assyria, one named Simma was master of the king's cattleF12Diodor. Sicul. l. 2. p. 93. , as Faustulus was to Amulius king of the LatinesF13Liv. Hist. Decad. 1. l. 1. p. 5. ; and so Tyrrhus in VirgilF14Aeneid. l. 7. Tyrrhusque pater, &c. ver. 485. had the command of all the king's cattle; and Cicero mentions another in the same officeF15Apud Servium, in ib. : Obil the Ishmaelite (an Arab, as the Targum) had the care of the camels; and a very proper person he was, who must know the nature of them, and how to manage them, Arabia, or the land of the Ishmaelites, abounding with them. This man was so called, either because he was an Ishmaelite by birth, and was proselyted to the Jewish religion; or he was an Israelite that had dwelt some time in the land of Ishmael, and therefore so called. BochartF16Hierozoic. par. 1. l. 2. c. col. 77. thinks he had his name of Obil from his office, the word in the Arabic language signifying a keeper of camels. Jehdeiah the Meronothite was over the asses, which were employed in ploughing and carrying burdens; and Jaziz the Hagarite was over the flocks of sheep, the chief shepherd, who had the command of all the under shepherds, and a very proper person, being an Hagarite, or Arab; for such dwelt in tents for the sake of pasturage for their flocks, as Jarchi notes: these were the principal men that had the care of David's personal substance; so, in later times, the Roman CaesarsF17Vid. Pignorium de Servis, p. 548. had such sort of servants to take care of their farms, fields, fruit, cattle, &c. the rest that follow were David's courtiers. Jonathan, or to whom David was uncle, the son of Shimea, his brother being a wise and learned man, was his counsellor, see 2 Samuel 21:21 and Jehiel the Hachmonite was preceptor, or tutor to the king's sons, that brought them up, and took care of their education; Ahithophel was his counsellor until the conspiracy and rebellion of Absalom; and Hushai the Archite was his companion, friend, and favourite, with whom he conversed at leisure hours. After the death of Ahithophel, Jehoiada the son of Benaiah, and Abiathar, were his counsellors, and Joab the general of his army.