1 Chronicles 3:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 These were all the sons H1121 of David, H1732 beside the sons H1121 of the concubines, H6370 and Tamar H8559 their sister. H269

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 5:13 STRONG

And David H1732 took H3947 him more concubines H6370 and wives H802 out of Jerusalem, H3389 after H310 he was come H935 from Hebron: H2275 and there were yet sons H1121 and daughters H1323 born H3205 to David. H1732

2 Samuel 13:1-20 STRONG

And it came to pass after H310 this, that Absalom H53 the son H1121 of David H1732 had a fair H3303 sister, H269 whose name H8034 was Tamar; H8559 and Amnon H550 the son H1121 of David H1732 loved H157 her. And Amnon H550 was so vexed, H3334 that he fell sick H2470 for his sister H269 Tamar; H8559 for she was a virgin; H1330 and Amnon H550 thought H5869 it hard H6381 for him to do H6213 any thing H3972 to her. But Amnon H550 had a friend, H7453 whose name H8034 was Jonadab, H3122 the son H1121 of Shimeah H8093 David's H1732 brother: H251 and Jonadab H3122 was a very H3966 subtil H2450 man. H376 And he said H559 unto him, Why art thou, being the king's H4428 son, H1121 lean H1800 from day H1242 to day? H1242 wilt thou not tell H5046 me? And Amnon H550 said H559 unto him, I love H157 Tamar, H8559 my brother H251 Absalom's H53 sister. H269 And Jonadab H3082 said H559 unto him, Lay thee down H7901 on thy bed, H4904 and make thyself sick: H2470 and when thy father H1 cometh H935 to see H7200 thee, say H559 unto him, I pray thee, let my sister H269 Tamar H8559 come, H935 and give H1262 me meat, H3899 and dress H6213 the meat H1279 in my sight, H5869 that I may see H7200 it, and eat H398 it at her hand. H3027 So Amnon H550 lay down, H7901 and made himself sick: H2470 and when the king H4428 was come H935 to see H7200 him, Amnon H550 said H559 unto the king, H4428 I pray thee, let Tamar H8559 my sister H269 come, H935 and make H3823 me a couple H8147 of cakes H3834 in my sight, H5869 that I may eat H1262 at her hand. H3027 Then David H1732 sent H7971 home H1004 to Tamar, H8559 saying, H559 Go H3212 now to thy brother H251 Amnon's H550 house, H1004 and dress H6213 him meat. H1279 So Tamar H8559 went H3212 to her brother H251 Amnon's H550 house; H1004 and he was laid down. H7901 And she took H3947 flour, H1217 and kneaded H3888 it, and made cakes H3823 in his sight, H5869 and did bake H1310 the cakes. H3834 And she took H3947 a pan, H4958 and poured them out H3332 before H6440 him; but he refused H3985 to eat. H398 And Amnon H550 said, H559 Have out H3318 all men H376 from me. And they went out H3318 every man H376 from him. And Amnon H550 said H559 unto Tamar, H8559 Bring H935 the meat H1279 into the chamber, H2315 that I may eat H1262 of thine hand. H3027 And Tamar H8559 took H3947 the cakes H3834 which she had made, H6213 and brought H935 them into the chamber H2315 to Amnon H550 her brother. H251 And when she had brought H5066 them unto him to eat, H398 he took hold H2388 of her, and said H559 unto her, Come H935 lie H7901 with me, my sister. H269 And she answered H559 him, Nay, my brother, H251 do not force H6031 me; for no such thing ought H3651 to be done H6213 in Israel: H3478 do H6213 not thou this folly. H5039 And I, whither shall I cause my shame H2781 to go? H3212 and as for thee, thou shalt be as one H259 of the fools H5036 in Israel. H3478 Now therefore, I pray thee, speak H1696 unto the king; H4428 for he will not withhold H4513 me from thee. Howbeit he would H14 not hearken H8085 unto her voice: H6963 but, being stronger H2388 than she, forced H6031 her, and lay H7901 with her. Then Amnon H550 hated H8130 her exceedingly; H3966 H1419 so that the hatred H8135 wherewith he hated H8130 her was greater H1419 than the love H160 wherewith he had loved H157 her. And Amnon H550 said H559 unto her, Arise, H6965 be gone. H3212 And she said H559 unto him, There is no cause: H182 this evil H7451 in sending me away H7971 is greater H1419 than the other H312 that thou didst H6213 unto me. But he would H14 not hearken H8085 unto her. Then he called H7121 his servant H5288 that ministered H8334 unto him, and said, H559 Put H7971 now this woman out H2351 from me, and bolt H5274 the door H1817 after H310 her. And she had a garment H3801 of divers colours H6446 upon her: for with such robes H4598 were the king's H4428 daughters H1323 that were virgins H1330 apparelled. H3847 Then his servant H8334 brought H3318 her out, H2351 and bolted H5274 the door H1817 after H310 her. And Tamar H8559 put H3947 ashes H665 on her head, H7218 and rent H7167 her garment H3801 of divers colours H6446 that was on her, and laid H7760 her hand H3027 on her head, H7218 and went H3212 on H1980 crying. H2199 And Absalom H53 her brother H251 said H559 unto her, Hath Amnon H550 thy brother H251 been with thee? but hold now thy peace, H2790 my sister: H269 he is thy brother; H251 regard H7896 H3820 not this thing. H1697 So Tamar H8559 remained H3427 desolate H8074 in her brother H251 Absalom's H53 house. H1004

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 3

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 3 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter gives an account of the sons of David, born to him both in Hebron and in Jerusalem, 1 Chronicles 3:1, and of his successors in the kingdom, to the Babylonish captivity, 1 Chronicles 3:10, and of his family, to the coming of the Messiah, 1 Chronicles 3:17.

Verses 1-4

Now these were the sons of David,.... The six following born in Hebron, who are reckoned in the same order as in 2 Samuel 3:2, only here the second son is called Daniel, who there goes by the name of Chileab; he had two names, the reason of which see there; and here David's wife, Eglah, is said in the Targum to be Michal, Saul's daughter; see Gill on 2 Samuel 3:5, to which is added an account of his reign both in Hebron and Jerusalem, agreeably to 2 Samuel 5:5.

Verses 5-8

And these were born unto him in Jerusalem,.... Whose names follow, in all nine; there are but seven mentioned in 2 Samuel 5:14 the reason of which see in the notes there; See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:14. See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:15. See Gill on 2 Samuel 5:16. it may be observed that Bathsheba is here called Bathshua, and her father Ammiel, whose name is Eliam in 2 Samuel 11:3, names of much the same signification.

Verse 9

These were all the sons of David,.... By his wives:

beside the sons of the concubines; who are not reckoned, and how many they were is not known; he had ten concubines at least, 2 Samuel 15:16 and 2 Samuel 20:3.

And Tamar their sister; not the sister of the sons of the concubines, but of his other sons, and only of Absalom by the mother's side, of whom see 2 Samuel 13:1.

Verses 10-14

And Solomon's son was Rehoboam,.... From hence to the end of the fourteenth verse, David's successors are reckoned, according to the order of their reign, unto Josiah and his sons:

Solomon, Rehoboam, Abia, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Ahaziah, Joash, Amaziah, Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, in all sixteen.

Verse 15

And the sons of Josiah were, the firstborn Johanan,.... Of whom we nowhere else read; he probably died before his father Josiah:

the second Jehoiakim: whose name was Eliakim, changed for the former by the king of Egypt, when, he deposed his younger brother, and set him on the throne, 2 Kings 23:24.

the third Zedekiah; whose name was Mattaniah, but changed by the king of Babylon, when he placed him on the throne in the room of his brother's son, 2 Kings 24:17,

the fourth Shallum: the same with Jehoahaz, who was first made king in the room of his father; but reigning so short a time, and making so mean a figure, is mentioned last, see Jeremiah 22:11.

Verse 16

And the sons of Jehoiakim; Jeconiah his son, Zedekiah his son. This is not the Zedekiah mentioned in the preceding verse; for he was not the son but the uncle of Jeconiah, unless he should be called his son because he succeeded him in the kingdom; but he seems to be another of that name, nowhere else mentioned, and not the son of Jeconiah in any sense; he is not reckoned among them in the following verses, but of Jehoiakim.

Verse 17

And the sons of Jeconiah,.... For though he was pronounced childless, Jeremiah 22:30, that respects not his having no children in any sense, but none to succeed him in the kingdom:

Assir; which signifies bound, or a prisoner, because, as Kimchi thinks, he was born in a prison, his father then being a captive in Babylon; but rather it refers to Jeconiah himself, and is an appellation of him, and to be rendered:

the sons of Jeconiah the captive: which agrees best with the Hebrew accents:

Salathiel his son; the same that is called Shealtiel, Haggai 1:1 who was both the proper son of Jeconiah, and who succeeded him, as some think, in the honour and dignity the king of Babylon raised him to.

Verse 18

Malchiram also,.... That is, was a son of Jeconiah as well as Salathiel, and so the rest that follow:

and Pedaiah, and Shenazar, Jecamiah, Hoshama, and Nedabiah; Kimchi says these were the sons of Salathiel; but I rather think they were the sons of Jeconiah, and brethren of Salathiel, because of what follows.

Verses 19-24

And the sons of Pedaiah were, Zerubbabel and Shimei,.... Here arises a difficulty, since elsewhere Zerubbabel is said to be the son of Shealtiel, Haggai 1:1 some think this is not the same Zerubbabel here as there; so GrotiusF21In Luc. 3. ; but I see no reason for that; but this difficulty may be removed by observing, that if Pedaiah was a son of Salathiel, as Kimchi thinks, then Zerubbabel, being his grandson, may be called his son, as grandsons are sometimes called sons in Scripture; or rather, Salathiel, having no children, adopted Zerubbabel, his brother's son, and made him successor in the government; so that he was the son of Pedaiah by birth, and of Salathiel by adoption; or else Salathiel dying without children, his brother Pedaiah, according to the law, married his widow, and by her had Zerubbabel, who was the proper son of Pedaiah, and the legal son of Salathiel:

and the sons of Zerubbabel; Meshullam: who is called Abiud, Matthew 1:13 another son of his, with their father, is mentioned in this verse, and five more in the next. From hence to the end of the chapter, the genealogy is carried on from the captivity of Babylon, out of which Zerubbabel came, to the coming of Christ; and if Ezra was the writer of this book, as is generally thought, who was contemporary with Zerubbabel, this account must be written by another hand: and it may be observed, that it is carried on in the same number of generations as in Matthew; and here it stands thus:

Zerubbabel, Hananiah, Jesaiah, Rephaiah, Arnan, Obadiah, Shecaniah, Shemaiah, Neariah, Elioenai, Anani; in Matthew thus, "Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Sadoc, Achim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, Joseph"; the difference in names may be accounted for by their having two names; and it is remarkable that the Targum makes Anani to be the King Messiah, who was to be revealed; which, though it makes one generation less to his time, yet plainly shows that the Jews expected the Messiah to come at the end of this genealogy, and about the time Jesus the true Messiah did. Anani is reckoned by other Jews a name of the Messiah, who is said to come in the clouds of heaven, which "Anani" signifies; see Gill on Daniel 7:13.