Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Chronicles » Chapter 5 » Verse 1-26

1 Chronicles 5:1-26 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Now the sons H1121 of Reuben H7205 the firstborn H1060 of Israel, H3478 (for he was the firstborn; H1060 but, forasmuch as he defiled H2490 his father's H1 bed, H3326 his birthright H1062 was given H5414 unto the sons H1121 of Joseph H3130 the son H1121 of Israel: H3478 and the genealogy is not to be reckoned H3187 after the birthright. H1062

2 For Judah H3063 prevailed H1396 above his brethren, H251 and of him came the chief ruler; H5057 but the birthright H1062 was Joseph's:) H3130

3 The sons, H1121 I say, of Reuben H7205 the firstborn H1060 of Israel H3478 were, Hanoch, H2585 and Pallu, H6396 Hezron, H2696 and Carmi. H3756

4 The sons H1121 of Joel; H3100 Shemaiah H8098 his son, H1121 Gog H1463 his son, H1121 Shimei H8096 his son, H1121

5 Micah H4318 his son, H1121 Reaia H7211 his son, H1121 Baal H1168 his son, H1121

6 Beerah H880 his son, H1121 whom Tilgathpilneser H8407 king H4428 of Assyria H804 carried away H1540 captive: he was prince H5387 of the Reubenites. H7206

7 And his brethren H251 by their families, H4940 when the genealogy H3187 of their generations H8435 was reckoned, H3187 were the chief, H7218 Jeiel, H3273 and Zechariah, H2148

8 And Bela H1106 the son H1121 of Azaz, H5811 the son H1121 of Shema, H8087 the son H1121 of Joel, H3100 who dwelt H3427 in Aroer, H6177 even unto Nebo H5015 and Baalmeon: H1186

9 And eastward H4217 he inhabited H3427 unto the entering H935 in of the wilderness H4057 from the river H5104 Euphrates: H6578 because their cattle H4735 were multiplied H7235 in the land H776 of Gilead. H1568

10 And in the days H3117 of Saul H7586 they made H6213 war H4421 with the Hagarites, H1905 who fell H5307 by their hand: H3027 and they dwelt H3427 in their tents H168 throughout H6440 all the east H4217 land of Gilead. H1568

11 And the children H1121 of Gad H1410 dwelt H3427 over against them, in the land H776 of Bashan H1316 unto Salchah: H5548

12 Joel H3100 the chief, H7218 and Shapham H8223 the next, H4932 and Jaanai, H3285 and Shaphat H8202 in Bashan. H1316

13 And their brethren H251 of the house H1004 of their fathers H1 were, Michael, H4317 and Meshullam, H4918 and Sheba, H7652 and Jorai, H3140 and Jachan, H3275 and Zia, H2127 and Heber, H5677 seven. H7651

14 These are the children H1121 of Abihail H32 the son H1121 of Huri, H2359 the son H1121 of Jaroah, H3386 the son H1121 of Gilead, H1568 the son H1121 of Michael, H4317 the son H1121 of Jeshishai, H3454 the son H1121 of Jahdo, H3163 the son H1121 of Buz; H938

15 Ahi H277 the son H1121 of Abdiel, H5661 the son H1121 of Guni, H1476 chief H7218 of the house H1004 of their fathers. H1

16 And they dwelt H3427 in Gilead H1568 in Bashan, H1316 and in her towns, H1323 and in all the suburbs H4054 of Sharon, H8289 upon their borders. H8444

17 All these were reckoned by genealogies H3187 in the days H3117 of Jotham H3147 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 and in the days H3117 of Jeroboam H3379 king H4428 of Israel. H3478

18 The sons H1121 of Reuben, H7205 and the Gadites, H1425 and half H2677 the tribe H7626 of Manasseh, H4519 of valiant men, H2428 men H582 able to bear H5375 buckler H4043 and sword, H2719 and to shoot H1869 with bow, H7198 and skilful H3925 in war, H4421 were four H702 and forty H705 thousand H505 seven H7651 hundred H3967 and threescore, H8346 that went out H3318 to the war. H6635

19 And they made H6213 war H4421 with the Hagarites, H1905 with Jetur, H3195 and Nephish, H5305 and Nodab. H5114

20 And they were helped H5826 against them, and the Hagarites H1905 were delivered H5414 into their hand, H3027 and all that were with them: for they cried H2199 to God H430 in the battle, H4421 and he was intreated H6279 of them; because they put their trust H982 in him.

21 And they took away H7617 their cattle; H4735 of their camels H1581 fifty H2572 thousand, H505 and of sheep H6629 two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 thousand, H505 and of asses H2543 two thousand, H505 and of men H120 H5315 an hundred H3967 thousand. H505

22 For there fell H5307 down many H7227 slain, H2491 because the war H4421 was of God. H430 And they dwelt H3427 in their steads until the captivity. H1473

23 And the children H1121 of the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh H4519 dwelt H3427 in the land: H776 they increased H7235 from Bashan H1316 unto Baalhermon H1179 and Senir, H8149 and unto mount H2022 Hermon. H2768

24 And these were the heads H7218 of the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 even Epher, H6081 and Ishi, H3469 and Eliel, H447 and Azriel, H5837 and Jeremiah, H3414 and Hodaviah, H1938 and Jahdiel, H3164 mighty H1368 men H582 of valour, H2428 famous H8034 men, H582 and heads H7218 of the house H1004 of their fathers. H1

25 And they transgressed H4603 against the God H430 of their fathers, H1 and went a whoring H2181 after H310 the gods H430 of the people H5971 of the land, H776 whom God H430 destroyed H8045 before H6440 them.

26 And the God H430 of Israel H3478 stirred up H5782 the spirit H7307 of Pul H6322 king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and the spirit H7307 of Tilgathpilneser H8407 king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and he carried them away, H1540 even the Reubenites, H7206 and the Gadites, H1425 and the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh, H4519 and brought H935 them unto Halah, H2477 and Habor, H2249 and Hara, H2024 and to the river H5104 Gozan, H1470 unto this day. H3117

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on 1 Chronicles 5

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 5 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 5

This chapter gives us some account of the two tribes and a half that were seated on the other side Jordan.

  • I. Of Reuben (v. 1-10).
  • II. Of Gad (v. 11-17).
  • III. Of the half-tribe of Manasseh (v. 23, 24).
  • IV. Concerning all three acting in conjunction we are told,
    • 1. How they conquered the Hagarites (v. 18-22).
    • 2. How they were, at length, themselves conquered, and made captives, by the king of Assyria, because they had forsaken God (v. 25, 26).

1Ch 5:1-17

We have here an extract out of the genealogies,

  • I. Of the tribe of Reuben, where we have,
    • 1. The reason why this tribe is thus postponed. It is confessed that Reuben was the first-born of Israel, and, upon that account, might challenge the precedency; but he forfeited his birthright by defiling his father's concubine, and was, for that, sentenced not to excel, Gen. 49:4. Sin lessens men, thrusts them down from their excellency. Seventh-commandment sins especially leave an indelible stain upon men's names and families, a reproach which time will not wipe away. Reuben's seed, to the last, bear the disgrace of Reuben's sin. Yet, though that tribe was degraded, it was not discarded or disinherited. The sullying of the honour of an Israelite is not the losing of his happiness. Reuben loses his birthright, yet it does not devolve upon Simeon the next in order; for it was typical, and therefore must attend, not the course of nature, but the choice of grace. The advantages of the birthright were dominion and a double portion. Reuben having forfeited these, it was thought too much that both should be transferred to any one, and therefore they were divided.
      • (1.) Joseph had the double portion; for two tribes descended from him, Ephraim and Manasseh, each of whom had a child's part (for so Jacob by faith blessed them, Heb. 11:21; Gen. 48:15, 22), and each of those tribes was as considerable, and made as good a figure, as any one of the twelve, except Judah. But,
      • (2.) Judah had the dominion; on him the dying patriarch entailed the sceptre, Gen. 49:10 Of him came the chief ruler, David first, and, in the fulness of time, Messiah the Prince, Mic. 5:2. This honour was secured to Judah, though the birthright was Joseph's; and, having this, he needed not envy Joseph the double portion.
    • 2. The genealogy of the princes of this tribe, the chief family of it (many, no doubt, being omitted), to Beerah, who was head of this clan when the king of Assyria carried them captive, v. 4-6. Perhaps he is mentioned as prince of the Reubenites at that time because he did not do his part to prevent the captivity.
    • 3. The enlargement of the coasts of this tribe. They increasing, and their cattle being multiplied, they crowded out their neighbours the Hagarites, and extended their conquests, though not to the river Euphrates, yet to the wilderness which abutted upon that river, v. 9, 10. Thus God did for his people as he promised them: he cast out the enemy from before them by little and little, and gave them their land as they had occasion for it, Ex. 23:30.
  • II. Of the tribe of Gad. Some great families of that tribe are here named (v. 12), seven that were the children of Abihail, whose pedigree is carried upwards from the son to the father (v. 14, 15), as that v. 4, 5, is brought downwards from father to son. These genealogies were perfected in the days of Jotham king of Judah, but were begun some years before, in the reign of Jeroboam II, king of Israel. What particular reason there was for taking these accounts then does not appear; but it was just before they were carried away captive by the Assyrians, as appears 2 Ki. 15:29, 31. When the judgments of God were ready to break out against them for their wretched degeneracy and apostasy then were they priding themselves in their genealogies, that they were the children of the covenant; as the Jews, in our Saviour's time, who, when they were ripe for ruin, boasted, We have Abraham to our father. Or there might be a special providence in it, and a favourable intimation that though they were, for the present, cast out, they were not cast off for ever. What we design to call for hereafter we keep an inventory of.

1Ch 5:18-26

The heads of the half-tribe of Manasseh, that were seated on the other side Jordan, are named here, v. 23, 24. Their lot, at first, was Bashan only; but afterwards they increased so much in wealth and power that they spread far north, even unto Hermon. Two things only are here recorded concerning these tribes on the other side Jordan, in which they were all concerned. They all shared,

  • I. In a glorious victory over the Hagarites, so the Ishmaelites were now called, to remind them that they were the sons of the bond-woman, that was cast out. We are not told when this victory was obtained: whether it be the same with that of the Reubenites (which is said v. 10 to be in the days of Saul), or whether that success of one of these tribes animated and excited the other two to join with them in another expedition, is not certain. It seems, though in Saul's time the common interests of the kingdom were weak and low, some of the tribes that acted separately did well for themselves. We are here told,
    • 1. What a brave army these frontier-tribes brought into the field against the Hagarites, 44,000 men and upwards, all strong, and brave, and skilful in war, so many effective men, that knew how to manage their weapons, v. 18. How much more considerable might Israel have been than they were in the time of the judges if all the tribes had acted in conjunction!
    • 2. What course they took to engage God for them: They cried to God, and put their trust in him, v. 20. Now they acted as Israelites indeed.
      • (1.) As the seed of believing Abraham, they put their trust in God. Though they had a powerful army, they relied not on that, but on the divine power. They depended on the commission they had from God to wage war with their neighbours for the enlarging of their coasts, if there was occasion, even with those that were very far off, besides the devoted nations. See Deu. 20:15. They depended on God's providence to give them success.
      • (2.) As the seed of praying Jacob, they cried unto God, especially in the battle, when perhaps, at first, they were in danger of being overpowered. See the like done, 2 Chr. 13:14. In distress, God expects we should cry to him; he distrains upon us for this tribute, this rent. In our spiritual conflicts, we must look up to heaven for strength; and it is the believing prayer that will be the prevailing prayer.
    • 3. We are told what success they had: God was entreated of them, though need drove them to him; so ready is he to hear and answer prayer. They were helped against their enemies; for God never yet failed any that trusted in him. And then they routed the enemy's army, though far superior in number to theirs, slew many (v. 22), took 100,000 prisoners, enriched themselves greatly with the spoil, and settled themselves in their country (v. 21, 22), and all this because the war was of God, undertaken in his fear and carried on in a dependence upon him. If the battle be the Lord's, there is reason to hope it will be successful. Then we may expect to prosper in any enterprise, and then only, when we take God along with us.
  • II. They shared, at length, in an inglorious captivity. Had they kept close to God and their duty, they would have continued to enjoy both their ancient lot and their new conquests; but they transgressed against the God of their fathers, v. 25. They lay upon the borders, and conversed most with the neighbouring nations, by which means they learned their idolatrous usages and transmitted the infection to the other tribes; for this God had a controversy with them. He was a husband to them, and no marvel that his jealousy burnt like fire when they went a whoring after other gods. Justly is a bill of divorce given to the adulteress. God stirred up the spirit of the kings of Assyria, first one and then another, against them, served his own purposes by the designs of those ambitious monarchs, employed them to chastise these revolters first, and, when that humbled them not, then wholly to root them out, v. 26. These tribes were first placed, and they were first displaced. They would have the best land, not considering that it lay most exposed. But those who are governed more by sense than by reason or faith in their choices may expect to fare accordingly.