Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Chronicles » Chapter 6 » Verse 50

1 Chronicles 6:50 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

50 And these are the sons H1121 of Aaron; H175 Eleazar H499 his son, H1121 Phinehas H6372 his son, H1121 Abishua H50 his son, H1121

Cross Reference

Exodus 6:23 STRONG

And Aaron H175 took H3947 him Elisheba, H472 daughter H1323 of Amminadab, H5992 sister H269 of Naashon, H5177 to wife; H802 and she bare H3205 him Nadab, H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385

Exodus 28:1 STRONG

And take H7126 thou unto thee Aaron H175 thy brother, H251 and his sons H1121 with him, from among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that he may minister unto me in the priest's office, H3547 even Aaron, H175 Nadab H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar H499 and Ithamar, H385 Aaron's H175 sons. H1121

Leviticus 10:16 STRONG

And Moses H4872 diligently H1875 sought H1875 the goat H8163 of the sin offering, H2403 and, behold, it was burnt: H8313 and he was angry H7107 with Eleazar H499 and Ithamar, H385 the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 which were left H3498 alive, saying, H559

Numbers 3:4 STRONG

And Nadab H5070 and Abihu H30 died H4191 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 when they offered H7126 strange H2114 fire H784 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai, H5514 and they had no children: H1121 and Eleazar H499 and Ithamar H385 ministered in the priest's office H3547 in the sight H6440 of Aaron H175 their father. H1

Numbers 3:32 STRONG

And Eleazar H499 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 the priest H3548 shall be chief H5387 over the chief H5387 of the Levites, H3881 and have the oversight H6486 of them that keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the sanctuary. H6944

Numbers 20:26-28 STRONG

And strip H6584 Aaron H175 of his garments, H899 and put H3847 them upon Eleazar H499 his son: H1121 and Aaron H175 shall be gathered H622 unto his people, and shall die H4191 there. And Moses H4872 did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded: H6680 and they went up H5927 into mount H2022 Hor H2023 in the sight H5869 of all the congregation. H5712 And Moses H4872 stripped H6584 Aaron H175 of his garments, H899 and put H3847 them upon Eleazar H499 his son; H1121 and Aaron H175 died H4191 there in the top H7218 of the mount: H2022 and Moses H4872 and Eleazar H499 came down H3381 from the mount. H2022

Numbers 27:22 STRONG

And Moses H4872 did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 him: and he took H3947 Joshua, H3091 and set H5975 him before H6440 Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 and before H6440 all the congregation: H5712

1 Chronicles 6:3-9 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Amram; H6019 Aaron, H175 and Moses, H4872 and Miriam. H4813 The sons H1121 also of Aaron; H175 Nadab, H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385 Eleazar H499 begat H3205 Phinehas, H6372 Phinehas H6372 begat H3205 Abishua, H50 And Abishua H50 begat H3205 Bukki, H1231 and Bukki H1231 begat H3205 Uzzi, H5813 And Uzzi H5813 begat H3205 Zerahiah, H2228 and Zerahiah H2228 begat H3205 Meraioth, H4812 Meraioth H4812 begat H3205 Amariah, H568 and Amariah H568 begat H3205 Ahitub, H285 And Ahitub H285 begat H3205 Zadok, H6659 and Zadok H6659 begat H3205 Ahimaaz, H290 And Ahimaaz H290 begat H3205 Azariah, H5838 and Azariah H5838 begat H3205 Johanan, H3110

1 Chronicles 9:20 STRONG

And Phinehas H6372 the son H1121 of Eleazar H499 was the ruler H5057 over them in time past, H6440 and the LORD H3068 was with him.

1 Chronicles 24:1 STRONG

Now these are the divisions H4256 of the sons H1121 of Aaron. H175 The sons H1121 of Aaron; H175 Nadab, H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385

Ezra 7:1-5 STRONG

Now after H310 these things, H1697 in the reign H4438 of Artaxerxes H783 king H4428 of Persia, H6539 Ezra H5830 the son H1121 of Seraiah, H8304 the son H1121 of Azariah, H5838 the son H1121 of Hilkiah, H2518 The son H1121 of Shallum, H7967 the son H1121 of Zadok, H6659 the son H1121 of Ahitub, H285 The son H1121 of Amariah, H568 the son H1121 of Azariah, H5838 the son H1121 of Meraioth, H4812 The son H1121 of Zerahiah, H2228 the son H1121 of Uzzi, H5813 the son H1121 of Bukki, H1231 The son H1121 of Abishua, H50 the son H1121 of Phinehas, H6372 the son H1121 of Eleazar, H499 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 the chief H7218 priest: H3548

Ezra 8:33 STRONG

Now on the fourth H7243 day H3117 was the silver H3701 and the gold H2091 and the vessels H3627 weighed H8254 in the house H1004 of our God H430 by the hand H3027 of Meremoth H4822 the son H1121 of Uriah H223 the priest; H3548 and with him was Eleazar H499 the son H1121 of Phinehas; H6372 and with them was Jozabad H3107 the son H1121 of Jeshua, H3442 and Noadiah H5129 the son H1121 of Binnui, H1131 Levites; H3881

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ch 6:1-48. Line of the Priests.

5. Uzzi—It is supposed that, in his days, the high priesthood was, for unrecorded reasons, transferred from Eleazar's family to Ithamar's, in which it continued for several generations.

10. he it is that executed the priest's office in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem—It is doubtful whether the person in favor of whom this testimony is borne be Johanan or Azariah. If the former, he is the same as Jehoiada, who rendered important public services (2Ki 11:1-20); if the latter, it refers to the worthy and independent part he acted in resisting the unwarrantable encroachments of Uzziah (2Ch 26:17).

in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem—described in this particular manner to distinguish it from the second temple, which was in existence at the time when this history was written.

14. Azariah begat Seraiah—He filled the supreme pontifical office at the destruction of Jerusalem, and, along with his deputy and others, he was executed by Nebuchadnezzar's orders at Riblah (2Ki 25:18, 21). The line of high priests, under the first temple, which from Zadok amounted to twelve, terminated with him.

16-48. The sons of Levi; Gershom, &c.—This repetition (see 1Ch 6:1) is made, as the historian here begins to trace the genealogy of the Levitical families who were not priests. The list is a long one, comprising the chiefs or heads of their several families until David's reign, who made a new and different classification of them by courses.

20. Zimmah his son—his grandson (1Ch 6:42).

24. Uriel—or Zephaniah (1Ch 6:36).

27. Elkanah—the father of the prophet Samuel (1Sa 1:1).

28. the sons of Samuel—The sons of Samuel are here named Vashni and Abiah. The first-born is called Joel (1Sa 8:2); and this name is given to him in 1Ch 6:33. It is now generally thought by the best critics that, through an error of the copyists, an omission has been made of the oldest son's name, and that Vashni, which is not the name of a person, merely signifies "and the second." This critical emendation of the text makes all clear, as well as consistent with other passages relating to the family of Samuel.

32. before the dwelling-place, &c.—that is, in the tent which David had erected for receiving the ark after it was removed from the house of Obed-edom [2Sa 6:17]. This was a considerable time before the temple was built.

they waited on their office according to their order—which David, doubtless by the direction of the Holy Spirit, had instituted for the better regulation of divine worship.

33. Shemuel—that is, Samuel. This is the exact representation of the Hebrew name.

39. his brother Asaph—They were brothers naturally, both being descended from Levi, as well as officially, both being of the Levitical order.

42. Ethan—or Jeduthun (1Ch 9:16; 2Ch 35:15).

48. Their brethren also the Levites were appointed unto all manner of service—Those of them who were endowed with musical tastes and talents were employed in various other departments of the temple service.

1Ch 6:49-81. Office of Aaron and His Sons.

49. But Aaron and his sons offered, &c.—The office and duties of the high priests having been already described, the names of those who successively filled that important office are recorded.

60. thirteen cities—No more than eleven are named here; but two additional ones are mentioned (Jos 21:16, 17), which makes up the thirteen.

61. unto the sons of Kohath, which were left—that is, in addition to the priests belonging to the same family and tribe of Levi.

by lot, ten cities—(Jos 21:26). The sacred historian gives an explanation (1Ch 6:66). Eight of these are mentioned, but only two of them are taken out of the half tribe of Manasseh (1Ch 6:70). The names of the other two are given (Jos 21:21), where full and detailed notices of these arrangements may be found.

62. to the sons of Gershom—Supply "the children of Israel gave."

67-81. they gave unto them of the cities of refuge—The names of the cities given here are considerably different from those applied to them (Jos 21:13-19). In the lapse of centuries, and from the revolutions of society, changes might have been expected to take place in the form or dialectic pronunciation of the names of those cities; and this will sufficiently account for the variations that are found in the lists as enumerated here and in an earlier book. As to these cities themselves that were assigned to the Levites, they were widely remote and separated—partly in fulfilment of Jacob's prophecy (Ge 49:7), and partly that the various districts of the country might obtain a competent supply of teachers who might instruct the people in the knowledge, and animate them to the observance, of a law which had so important a bearing on the promotion both of their private happiness and their national prosperity.