Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Chronicles » Chapter 9 » Verse 19

1 Chronicles 9:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 And Shallum H7967 the son H1121 of Kore, H6981 the son H1121 of Ebiasaph, H43 the son H1121 of Korah, H7141 and his brethren, H251 of the house H1004 of his father, H1 the Korahites, H7145 were over the work H4399 of the service, H5656 keepers H8104 of the gates H5592 of the tabernacle: H168 and their fathers, H1 being over the host H4264 of the LORD, H3068 were keepers H8104 of the entry. H3996

Cross Reference

Numbers 26:9-11 STRONG

And the sons H1121 of Eliab; H446 Nemuel, H5241 and Dathan, H1885 and Abiram. H48 This is that Dathan H1885 and Abiram, H48 which were famous H7148 H7121 in the congregation, H5712 who strove H5327 against Moses H4872 and against Aaron H175 in the company H5712 of Korah, H7141 when they strove H5327 against the LORD: H3068 And the earth H776 opened H6605 her mouth, H6310 and swallowed them up H1104 together with Korah, H7141 when that company H5712 died, H4194 what time the fire H784 devoured H398 two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 men: H376 and they became a sign. H5251 Notwithstanding the children H1121 of Korah H7141 died H4191 not.

2 Kings 11:9 STRONG

And the captains H8269 over the hundreds H3967 did H6213 according to all things that Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 commanded: H6680 and they took H3947 every man H376 his men H582 that were to come in H935 on the sabbath, H7676 with them that should go out H3318 on the sabbath, H7676 and came H935 to Jehoiada H3077 the priest. H3548

2 Kings 11:15 STRONG

But Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 commanded H6680 the captains H8269 of the hundreds, H3967 the officers H6485 of the host, H2428 and said H559 unto them, Have her forth H3318 without H1004 the ranges: H7713 and him that followeth H935 H310 her kill H4191 with the sword. H2719 For the priest H3548 had said, H559 Let her not be slain H4191 in the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

1 Chronicles 6:22-23 STRONG

The sons H1121 of Kohath; H6955 Amminadab H5992 his son, H1121 Korah H7141 his son, H1121 Assir H617 his son, H1121 Elkanah H511 his son, H1121 and Ebiasaph H43 his son, H1121 and Assir H617 his son, H1121

1 Chronicles 26:7-8 STRONG

The sons H1121 of Shemaiah; H8098 Othni, H6273 and Rephael, H7501 and Obed, H5744 Elzabad, H443 whose brethren H251 were strong H2428 men, H1121 Elihu, H453 and Semachiah. H5565 All these of the sons H1121 of Obededom: H5654 they and their sons H1121 and their brethren, H251 able H2428 men H376 for strength H3581 for the service, H5656 were threescore H8346 and two H8147 of Obededom. H5654

1 Chronicles 26:13-19 STRONG

And they cast H5307 lots, H1486 as well the small H6996 as the great, H1419 according to the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 for every gate. H8179 And the lot H1486 eastward H4217 fell H5307 to Shelemiah. H8018 Then for Zechariah H2148 his son, H1121 a wise H7922 counsellor, H3289 they cast H5307 lots; H1486 and his lot H1486 came out H3318 northward. H6828 To Obededom H5654 southward; H5045 and to his sons H1121 the house H1004 of Asuppim. H624 To Shuppim H8206 and Hosah H2621 the lot came forth westward, H4628 with the gate H8179 Shallecheth, H7996 by the causeway H4546 of the going up, H5927 ward H4929 against H5980 ward. H4929 Eastward H4217 were six H8337 Levites, H3881 northward H6828 four H702 a day, H3117 southward H5045 four H702 a day, H3117 and toward Asuppim H624 two H8147 and two. H8147 At Parbar H6503 westward, H4628 four H702 at the causeway, H4546 and two H8147 at Parbar. H6503 These are the divisions H4256 of the porters H7778 among the sons H1121 of Kore, H7145 and among the sons H1121 of Merari. H4847

2 Chronicles 23:4-10 STRONG

This is the thing H1697 that ye shall do; H6213 A third part H7992 of you entering H935 on the sabbath, H7676 of the priests H3548 and of the Levites, H3881 shall be porters H7778 of the doors; H5592 And a third part H7992 shall be at the king's H4428 house; H1004 and a third part H7992 at the gate H8179 of the foundation: H3247 and all the people H5971 shall be in the courts H2691 of the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 But let none come H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 save the priests, H3548 and they that minister H8334 of the Levites; H3881 they shall go in, H935 for they are holy: H6944 but all the people H5971 shall keep H8104 the watch H4931 of the LORD. H3068 And the Levites H3881 shall compass H5362 the king H4428 round about, H5439 every man H376 with his weapons H3627 in his hand; H3027 and whosoever else cometh H935 into the house, H1004 he shall be put to death: H4191 but be ye with the king H4428 when he cometh in, H935 and when he goeth out. H3318 So the Levites H3881 and all Judah H3063 did H6213 according to all things that Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 had commanded, H6680 and took H3947 every man H376 his men H582 that were to come in H935 on the sabbath, H7676 with them that were to go H3318 out on the sabbath: H7676 for Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 dismissed H6358 not the courses. H4256 Moreover Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 delivered H5414 to the captains H8269 of hundreds H3967 spears, H2595 and bucklers, H4043 and shields, H7982 that had been king H4428 David's, H1732 which were in the house H1004 of God. H430 And he set H5975 all the people, H5971 every man H376 having his weapon H7973 in his hand, H3027 from the right H3233 side H3802 of the temple H1004 to the left H8042 side H3802 of the temple, H1004 along by the altar H4196 and the temple, H1004 by the king H4428 round about. H5439

Psalms 42:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 Maschil, H4905 for the sons H1121 of Korah.]] H7141 As the hart H354 panteth H6165 after the water H4325 brooks, H650 so panteth H6165 my soul H5315 after thee, O God. H430

Psalms 44:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician H5329 for the sons H1121 of Korah, H7141 Maschil.]] H4905 We have heard H8085 with our ears, H241 O God, H430 our fathers H1 have told H5608 us, what work H6467 thou didst H6466 in their days, H3117 in the times H3117 of old. H6924

Psalms 49:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 for the sons H1121 of Korah.]] H7141 Hear H8085 this, all ye people; H5971 give ear, H238 all ye inhabitants H3427 of the world: H2465

Psalms 84:10 STRONG

For a day H3117 in thy courts H2691 is better H2896 than a thousand. H505 I had rather H977 be a doorkeeper H5605 in the house H1004 of my God, H430 than to dwell H1752 in the tents H168 of wickedness. H7562

Commentary on 1 Chronicles 9 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ch 9:1-26. Original Registers of Israel and Judah's Genealogies.

1. all Israel were reckoned by genealogies—From the beginning of the Hebrew nation, public records were kept, containing a registration of the name of every individual, as well as the tribe and family to which he belonged. "The book of the kings of Israel and Judah" does not refer to the two canonical books that are known in Scripture by that name, but to authenticated copies of those registers, placed under the official care of the sovereigns; and as a great number of the Israelites (1Ch 9:3) took refuge in Judah during the invasion of Shalmaneser, they carried the public records along with them. The genealogies given in the preceding chapters were drawn from the public records in the archives both of Israel and Judah; and those given in this chapter relate to the period subsequent to the restoration; whence it appears (compare 1Ch 3:17-24) that the genealogical registers were kept during the captivity in Babylon. These genealogical tables, then, are of the highest authority for truth and correctness, the earlier portion being extracted from the authenticated records of the nation; and as to those which belong to the time of the captivity, they were drawn up by a contemporary writer, who, besides enjoying the best sources of information, and being of the strictest integrity, was guided and preserved from all error by divine inspiration.

2. the first inhabitants that dwelt in their possessions—This chapter relates wholly to the first returned exiles. Almost all the names recur in Nehemiah (Ne 11:1-36), although there are differences which will be explained there. The same division of the people into four classes was continued after, as before the captivity; namely, the priests, Levites, natives, who now were called by the common name of Israelites, and the Nethinims (Jos 9:27; Ezr 2:43; 8:20). When the historian speaks of "the first inhabitants that dwelt in their possessions," he implies that there were others who afterwards returned and settled in possessions not occupied by the first. Accordingly, we read of a great number returning successively under Ezra, Nehemiah, and at a later period. And some of those who returned to the ancient inheritance of their fathers, had lived before the time of the captivity (Ezr 3:12; Hag 2:4, 10).

18. the king's gate—The king had a gate from his palace into the temple (2Ki 16:18), which doubtless was kept constantly closed except for the monarch's use; and although there was no king in Israel on the return from the captivity, yet the old ceremonial was kept up, probably in the hope that the scepter would, ere long, be restored to the house of David. It is an honor by which Eastern kings are distinguished, to have a gate exclusively devoted to their own special use, and which is kept constantly closed, except when he goes out or returns (Eze 44:2). There being no king then in Israel, this gate would be always shut.