1 Corinthians 13:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Beareth G4722 all things, G3956 believeth G4100 all things, G3956 hopeth G1679 all things, G3956 endureth G5278 all things. G3956

Cross Reference

1 Peter 4:8 STRONG

And G1161 above G4253 all things G3956 have G2192 fervent G1618 charity G26 among G1519 yourselves: G1438 for G3754 charity G26 shall cover G2572 the multitude G4128 of sins. G266

2 Timothy 2:24 STRONG

And G1161 the servant G1401 of the Lord G2962 must G1163 not G3756 strive; G3164 but G235 be G1511 gentle G2261 unto G4314 all G3956 men, apt to teach, G1317 patient, G420

1 Corinthians 13:4 STRONG

Charity G26 suffereth long, G3114 and is kind; G5541 charity G26 envieth G2206 not; G3756 charity G26 vaunteth G4068 not G3756 itself, G4068 is G5448 not G3756 puffed up, G5448

2 Timothy 2:3-10 STRONG

Thou G4771 therefore G3767 endure hardness, G2553 as G5613 a good G2570 soldier G4757 of Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547 No man G3762 that warreth G4754 entangleth himself G1707 with the affairs G4230 of this life; G979 that G2443 he may please G700 him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. G4758 And G1161 if G1437 a man G5100 also G2532 strive G118 for masteries, yet is he G4737 not G3756 crowned, G4737 except G3362 he strive G118 lawfully. G3545 The husbandman G1092 that laboureth G2872 must be G1163 first G4413 partaker G3335 of the fruits. G2590 Consider G3539 what G3739 I say; G3004 and G1063 the Lord G2962 give G1325 thee G4671 understanding G4907 in G1722 all things. G3956 Remember G3421 that Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 of G1537 the seed G4690 of David G1138 was raised G1453 from G1537 the dead G3498 according to G2596 my G3450 gospel: G2098 Wherein G1722 G3739 I suffer trouble, G2553 as G5613 an evil doer, G2557 even unto G3360 bonds; G1199 but G235 the word G3056 of God G2316 is G1210 not G3756 bound. G1210 Therefore G1223 G5124 I endure G5278 all things G3956 for G1588 the elect's G1588 sakes, G1223 that G2443 they G846 may G5177 also G2532 obtain G5177 the salvation G4991 which G3588 is in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 with G3326 eternal G166 glory. G1391

1 Peter 2:24 STRONG

Who G3739 his own self G846 bare G399 our G2257 sins G266 in G1722 his own G846 body G4983 on G1909 the tree, G3586 that G2443 we, G2198 being dead G581 to sins, G266 should live G2198 unto righteousness: G1343 by G3739 whose G846 stripes G3468 ye were healed. G2390

Galatians 6:2 STRONG

Bear ye G941 one another's G240 burdens, G922 and G2532 so G3779 fulfil G378 the law G3551 of Christ. G5547

1 Corinthians 9:12 STRONG

If G1487 others G243 be partakers G3348 of this power G1849 over you, G5216 are not G3756 we G2249 rather? G3123 Nevertheless G235 we have G5530 not G3756 used G5530 this G5026 power; G1849 but G235 suffer G4722 all things, G3956 lest G3363 we should G1325 G5100 hinder G1464 the gospel G2098 of Christ. G5547

Proverbs 10:12 STRONG

Hatred H8135 stirreth up H5782 strifes: H4090 but love H160 covereth H3680 all sins. H6588

Psalms 119:66 STRONG

Teach H3925 me good H2898 judgment H2940 and knowledge: H1847 for I have believed H539 thy commandments. H4687

2 Thessalonians 1:4 STRONG

So G5620 that we G2248 ourselves G846 glory G2744 in G1722 you G5213 in G1722 the churches G1577 of God G2316 for G5228 your G5216 patience G5281 and G2532 faith G4102 in G1722 all G3956 your G5216 persecutions G1375 and G2532 tribulations G2347 that G3739 ye endure: G430

James 1:12 STRONG

Blessed G3107 is the man G435 that G3739 endureth G5278 temptation: G3986 for G3754 when he is tried, G1384 G1096 he shall receive G2983 the crown G4735 of life, G2222 which G3739 the Lord G2962 hath promised G1861 to them that love G25 him. G846

Hebrews 13:13 STRONG

Let us go forth G1831 therefore G5106 unto G4314 him G846 without G1854 the camp, G3925 bearing G5342 his G846 reproach. G3680

2 Timothy 4:5 STRONG

But G1161 watch G3525 thou G4771 in G1722 all things, G3956 endure afflictions, G2553 do G4160 the work G2041 of an evangelist, G2099 make full proof G4135 of thy G4675 ministry. G1248

2 Timothy 3:11 STRONG

Persecutions, G1375 afflictions, G3804 which G3634 came G1096 unto me G3427 at G1722 Antioch, G490 at G1722 Iconium, G2430 at G1722 Lystra; G3082 what G3634 persecutions G1375 I endured: G5297 but G2532 out of G1537 them all G3956 the Lord G2962 delivered G4506 me. G3165

2 Corinthians 11:8-12 STRONG

I robbed G4813 other G243 churches, G1577 taking G2983 wages G3800 of them, to G4314 do G1248 you G5216 service. G1248 And G2532 when I was present G3918 with G4314 you, G5209 and G2532 wanted, G5302 I was G3756 chargeable G2655 to no man: G3762 for G1063 that which was lacking G5303 to me G3450 the brethren G80 which came G2064 from G575 Macedonia G3109 supplied: G4322 and G2532 in G1722 all G3956 things I have kept G5083 myself G1683 from being burdensome G4 unto you, G5213 and G2532 so will I keep G5083 myself. As the truth G225 of Christ G5547 is G2076 in G1722 me, G1698 G3754 no man G3756 shall stop G4972 G5420 me G1519 G1691 of this G3778 boasting G2746 in G1722 the regions G2824 of Achaia. G882 Wherefore? G1302 because G3754 I love G25 you G5209 not? G3756 God G2316 knoweth. G1492 But G1161 what G3739 I do, G4160 that G2532 I will do, G4160 that G2443 I may cut off G1581 occasion G874 from them which desire G2309 occasion; G874 that G2443 wherein G1722 G3739 they glory, G2744 they may be found G2147 even G2532 as G2531 we. G2249

1 Corinthians 9:18-22 STRONG

What G5101 is G2076 my G3427 reward G3408 then? G3767 Verily that, G2443 when I preach the gospel, G2097 I may make G5087 the gospel G2098 of Christ G5547 without charge, G77 that G1519 I abuse G2710 not G3361 my G3450 power G1849 in G1722 the gospel. G2098 For G1063 though I be G5607 free G1658 from G1537 all G3956 men, yet have I made G1402 myself G1683 servant G1402 unto all, G3956 that G2443 I might gain G2770 the more. G4119 And G2532 unto the Jews G2453 I became G1096 as G5613 a Jew, G2453 that G2443 I might gain G2770 the Jews; G2453 to them that are under G5259 the law, G3551 as G5613 under G5259 the law, G3551 that G2443 I might gain G2770 them that are under G5259 the law; G3551 To them that are without law, G459 as G5613 without law, G459 (being G5607 not G3361 without law G459 to God, G2316 but G235 under the law G1772 to Christ,) G5547 that G2443 I might gain G2770 them that are without law. G459 To the weak G772 became I G1096 as G5613 weak, G772 that G2443 I might gain G2770 the weak: G772 I am made G1096 all things G3956 to all G3956 men, that G2443 I might G4982 by all means G3843 save G4982 some. G5100

Romans 15:1 STRONG

We G2249 then G1161 that are strong G1415 ought G3784 to bear G941 the infirmities G771 of the weak, G102 and G2532 not G3361 to please G700 ourselves. G1438

Romans 8:24 STRONG

For G1063 we are saved G4982 by hope: G1680 but G1161 hope G1680 that is seen G991 is G2076 not G3756 hope: G1680 for G1063 what G3739 a man G5100 seeth, G991 why G5101 doth he G1679 yet G2532 hope for? G1679

Luke 19:4-10 STRONG

And G2532 he ran G4390 before, G1715 and climbed up G305 into G1909 a sycomore tree G4809 to G2443 see G1492 him: G846 for G3754 he was G3195 to pass G1330 G1223 that G1565 way. And G2532 when G5613 Jesus G2424 came G2064 to G1909 the place, G5117 he looked up, G308 and saw G1492 him, G846 and G2532 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 Zacchaeus, G2195 make haste, G4692 and come down; G2597 for G1063 to day G4594 I G3165 must G1163 abide G3306 at G1722 thy G4675 house. G3624 And G2532 he made haste, G4692 and came down, G2597 and G2532 received G5264 him G846 joyfully. G5463 And G2532 when they saw G1492 it, they G1234 all G537 murmured, G1234 saying, G3004 That G3754 he was gone G1525 to be guest G2647 with G3844 a man G435 that is a sinner. G268 And G1161 Zacchaeus G2195 stood, G2476 and said G2036 unto G4314 the Lord; G2962 Behold, G2400 Lord, G2962 the half G2255 of my G3450 goods G5224 I give G1325 to the poor; G4434 and G2532 if G1536 I have taken G4811 any thing G1536 from any man G5100 by false accusation, G4811 I restore G591 him fourfold. G5073 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 G3754 This day G4594 is G1096 salvation G4991 come G1096 to this G5129 house, G3624 forsomuch as G2530 he G846 also G2532 is G2076 a son G5207 of Abraham. G11 For G1063 the Son G5207 of man G444 is come G2064 to seek G2212 and G2532 to save G4982 that which was lost. G622

Luke 7:44-46 STRONG

And G2532 he turned G4762 to G4314 the woman, G1135 and said G5346 unto Simon, G4613 Seest thou G991 this G5026 woman? G1135 I entered G1525 into G1519 thine G4675 house, G3614 thou gavest me G1325 no G3756 water G5204 for G1909 my G3450 feet: G4228 but G1161 she G3778 G846 hath washed G1026 my G3450 feet G4228 with tears, G1144 and G2532 wiped G1591 them with the hairs G2359 of her G846 head. G2776 Thou gavest G1325 me G3427 no G3756 kiss: G5370 but G1161 this woman G3778 G846 since G575 the time G3739 I came in G1525 hath G1257 not G3756 ceased G1257 to kiss G2705 my G3450 feet. G4228 My G3450 head G2776 with oil G1637 thou didst G218 not G3756 anoint: G218 but G1161 this woman G3778 G846 hath anointed G218 my G3450 feet G4228 with ointment. G3464

Luke 7:37-39 STRONG

And, G2532 behold, G2400 a woman G1135 in G1722 the city, G4172 which G3748 was G2258 a sinner, G268 when she knew G1921 that G3754 Jesus sat at meat G345 in G1722 the Pharisee's G5330 house, G3614 brought G2865 an alabaster box G211 of ointment, G3464 And G2532 stood G2476 at G3844 his G846 feet G4228 behind G3694 him weeping, G2799 and began G756 to wash G1026 his G846 feet G4228 with tears, G1144 and G2532 did wipe G1591 them with the hairs G2359 of her G846 head, G2776 and G2532 kissed G2705 his G846 feet, G4228 and G2532 anointed G218 them with the ointment. G3464 Now G1161 when the Pharisee G5330 which G3588 had bidden G2564 him G846 saw G1492 it, he spake G2036 within G1722 himself, G1438 saying, G3004 This man, G3778 if G1487 he were G2258 a prophet, G4396 G302 would have known G1097 who G5101 and G2532 what manner G4217 of woman G1135 this is that G3748 toucheth G680 him: G846 for G3754 she is G2076 a sinner. G268

Matthew 10:22 STRONG

And G2532 ye shall G2071 be hated G3404 of G5259 all G3956 men for G1223 my G3450 name's sake: G3686 but G1161 he that G3778 endureth G5278 to G1519 the end G5056 shall be saved. G4982

Song of Solomon 8:6-7 STRONG

Set H7760 me as a seal H2368 upon thine heart, H3820 as a seal H2368 upon thine arm: H2220 for love H160 is strong H5794 as death; H4194 jealousy H7068 is cruel H7186 as the grave: H7585 the coals H7565 thereof are coals H7565 of fire, H784 which hath a most vehement flame. H7957 Many H7227 waters H4325 cannot H3201 quench H3518 love, H160 neither can the floods H5104 drown H7857 it: if a man H376 would give H5414 all the substance H1952 of his house H1004 for love, H160 it would utterly H936 be contemned. H936

Job 13:15 STRONG

Though H2005 he slay H6991 me, yet will I trust H3176 in him: but I will maintain H3198 mine own ways H1870 before H6440 him.

Numbers 11:12-14 STRONG

Have I conceived H2029 all this people? H5971 have I begotten H3205 them, that thou shouldest say H559 unto me, Carry H5375 them in thy bosom, H2436 as a nursing father H539 beareth H5375 the sucking child, H3243 unto the land H127 which thou swarest H7650 unto their fathers? H1 Whence H370 should I have flesh H1320 to give H5414 unto all this people? H5971 for they weep H1058 unto me, saying, H559 Give H5414 us flesh, H1320 that we may eat. H398 I am not able H3201 to bear H5375 all this people H5971 alone, H905 because it is too heavy H3515 for me.

Genesis 29:20 STRONG

And Jacob H3290 served H5647 seven H7651 years H8141 for Rachel; H7354 and they seemed H5869 unto him but a few H259 days, H3117 for the love he had H160 to her.

Deuteronomy 1:9 STRONG

And I spake H559 unto you at that time, H6256 saying, H559 I am not able H3201 to bear H5375 you myself alone: H905

Commentary on 1 Corinthians 13 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Co 13:1-13. Charity or Love Superior to All Gifts.

The New Testament psalm of love, as the forty-fifth Psalm (see Ps 45:1, title) and the Song of Solomon in the Old Testament.

1. tongues—from these he ascends to "prophecy" (1Co 13:2); then, to "faith"; then to benevolent and self-sacrificing deeds: a climax. He does not except even himself, and so passes from addressing them ("unto you," 1Co 12:31) to putting the case in his own person, "Though I," &c.

speak with the tongues—with the eloquence which was so much admired at Corinth (for example, Apollos, Ac 18:24; compare 1Co 1:12; 3:21, 22), and with the command of various languages, which some at Corinth abused to purposes of mere ostentation (1Co 14:2, &c.).

of angels—higher than men, and therefore, it is to be supposed, speaking a more exalted language.

charity—the principle of the ordinary and more important gifts of the Spirit, as contrasted with the extraordinary gifts (1Co 12:1-31).

sounding … tinkling—sound without soul or feeling: such are "tongues" without charity.

cymbal—Two kinds are noticed (Ps 150:5), the loud or clear, and the high-sounding one: hand cymbals and finger cymbals, or castanets. The sound is sharp and piercing.

2. mysteries—(Ro 11:25; 16:25). Mysteries refer to the deep counsels of God hitherto secret, but now revealed to His saints. Knowledge, to truths long known.

faith … remove mountains—(Mt 17:20; 21:21). The practical power of the will elevated by faith [Neander]; confidence in God that the miraculous result will surely follow the exercise of the will at the secret impulse of His Spirit. Without "love" prophecy, knowledge, and faith, are not what they seem (compare 1Co 8:1, 2; Mt 7:22; Jas 2:14; compare 1Co 13:8), and so fail of the heavenly reward (Mt 6:2). Thus Paul, who teaches justification by faith only (Ro 3:4, 5; Ga 2:16; 3:7-14), is shown to agree with James, who teaches (Jas 2:24) "by works" (that is, by LOVE, which is the "spirit" of faith, Jas 2:26) a man is justified, "and not by faith only."

3. bestow … goods … poor—literally, "dole out in food" all my goods; one of the highest functions of the "helps" (1Co 12:28).

give … body to be burned—literally, "to such a degree as that I should be burned." As the three youths did (Da 3:28), "yielded their bodies" (compare 2Co 12:15). These are most noble exemplifications of love in giving and in suffering. Yet they may be without love; in which case the "goods" and "body" are given, but not the soul, which is the sphere of love. Without the soul God rejects all else, and so rejects the man, who is therefore "profited" nothing (Mt 16:26; Lu 9:23-25). Men will fight for Christianity, and die for Christianity, but not live in its spirit, which is love.

4. suffereth long—under provocations of evil from others. The negative side of love.

is kind—the positive side. Extending good to others. Compare with love's features here those of the "wisdom from above" (Jas 3:17).

envieth—The Greek includes also jealousy.

vaunteth not—in words, even of gifts which it really possesses; an indirect rebuke of those at Corinth who used the gift of tongues for mere display.

not puffed up—with party zeal, as some at Corinth were (1Co 4:6).

5. not … unseemly—is not uncourteous, or inattentive to civility and propriety.

thinketh no evil—imputeth not evil [Alford]; literally, "the evil" which actually is there (Pr 10:12; 1Pe 4:8). Love makes allowances for the falls of others, and is ready to put on them a charitable construction. Love, so far from devising evil against another, excuses "the evil" which another inflicts on her [Estius]; doth not meditate upon evil inflicted by another [Bengel]; and in doubtful cases, takes the more charitable view [Grotius].

6. rejoiceth in the truth—rather, "rejoiceth with the truth." Exults not at the perpetration of iniquity (unrighteousness) by others (compare Ge 9:22, 23), but rejoices when the truth rejoices; sympathizes with it in its triumphs (2Jo 4). See the opposite (2Ti 3:8), "Resist the truth." So "the truth" and "unrighteousness" are contrasted (Ro 2:8). "The truth" is the Gospel truth, the inseparable ally of love (Eph 4:15; 2Jo 12). The false charity which compromises "the truth" by glossing over "iniquity" or unrighteousness is thus tacitly condemned (Pr 17:15).

7. Beareth all things—without speaking of what it has to bear. The same Greek verb as in 1Co 9:12. It endures without divulging to the world personal distress. Literally said of holding fast like a watertight vessel; so the charitable man contains himself in silence from giving vent to what selfishness would prompt under personal hardship.

believeth all things—unsuspiciously believes all that is not palpably false, all that it can with a good conscience believe to the credit of another. Compare Jas 3:17, "easy to be entreated"; Greek, "easily persuaded."

hopeth—what is good of another, even when others have ceased to hope.

endureth—persecutions in a patient and loving spirit.

8. never faileth—never is to be out of use; it always holds its place.

shall fail … vanish away—The same Greek verb is used for both; and that different from the Greek verb for "faileth." Translate, "Shall be done away with," that is, shall be dispensed with at the Lord's coming, being superseded by their more perfect heavenly analogues; for instance, knowledge by intuition. Of "tongues," which are still more temporary, the verb is "shall cease." A primary fulfilment of Paul's statement took place when the Church attained its maturity; then "tongues" entirely "ceased," and "prophesyings" and "knowledge," so far as they were supernatural gifts of the Spirit, were superseded as no longer required when the ordinary preaching of the word, and the Scriptures of the New Testament collected together, had become established institutions.

9, 10. in part—partially and imperfectly. Compare a similar contrast to the "perfect man," "the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" (Eph 4:11-13).

10. that which is in part—fragmentary and isolated.

11. When … a child—(1Co 3:1; 14:20).

I spake—alluding to "tongues."

understood—or, "had the sentiments of." Alluding to "prophecy."

I thought—Greek "reasoned" or "judged"; alluding to "knowledge."

when I became … I put away—rather, "now that I am become a man, I have done away with the things of the child."

12. now—in our present state.

see—an appropriate expression, in connection with the "prophets" of seers (1Sa 9:9).

through a glass—that is, in a mirror; the reflection seeming to the eye to be behind the mirror, so that we see it through the mirror. Ancient mirrors were made of polished brass or other metals. The contrast is between the inadequate knowledge of an object gained by seeing it reflected in a dim mirror (such as ancient mirrors were), compared with the perfect idea we have of it by seeing itself directly.

darkly—literally, "in enigma." As a "mirror" conveys an image to the eye, so an "enigma" to the ear. But neither "eye nor ear" can fully represent (though the believer's soul gets a small revelation now of) "the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him" (1Co 2:9). Paul alludes to Nu 12:8, "not in dark speeches"; the Septuagint, "not in enigmas." Compared with the visions and dreams vouchsafed to other prophets, God's communications with Moses were "not in enigmas." But compared with the intuitive and direct vision of God hereafter, even the revealed word now is "a dark discourse," or a shadowing forth by enigma of God's reflected likeness. Compare 2Pe 1:19, where the "light" or candle in a dark place stands in contrast with the "day" dawning. God's word is called a glass or mirror also in 2Co 3:18.

then—"when that which is perfect is come" (1Co 13:10).

face to face—not merely "mouth to mouth" (Nu 12:8). Ge 32:30 was a type (Joh 1:50, 51).

know … known—rather as Greek, "fully know … fully known." Now we are known by, rather than know, God (1Co 8:3; Ga 4:9).

13. And now—Translate, "But now." "In this present state" [Henderson]. Or, "now" does not express time, but opposition, as in 1Co 5:11, "the case being so" [Grotius]; whereas it is the case that the three gifts, "prophecy," "tongues," and "knowledge" (cited as specimens of the whole class of gifts) "fail" (1Co 13:8), there abide permanently only these three—faith, hope, charity. In one sense faith and hope shall be done away, faith being superseded by sight, and hope by actual fruition (Ro 8:24; 2Co 5:7); and charity, or love, alone never faileth (1Co 13:8). But in another sense, "faith and hope," as well as "charity," ABIDE; namely, after the extraordinary gifts have ceased; for those three are necessary and sufficient for salvation at all times, whereas the extraordinary gifts are not at all so; compare the use of "abide," 1Co 3:14. Charity, or love, is connected specially with the Holy Spirit, who is the bond of the loving union between the brethren (Ro 15:30; Col 1:8). Faith is towards God. Hope is in behalf of ourselves. Charity is love to God creating in us love towards our neighbor. In an unbeliever there is more or less of the three opposites—unbelief, despair, hatred. Even hereafter faith in the sense of trust in God "abideth"; also "hope," in relation to ever new joys in prospect, and at the anticipation of ever increasing blessedness, sure never to be disappointed. But love alone in every sense "abideth"; it is therefore "the greatest" of the three, as also because it presupposes "faith," which without "love" and its consequent "works" is dead (Ga 5:6; Jas 2:17, 20).

but—rather, "and"; as there is not so strong opposition between charity and the other two, faith and hope, which like it also "abide."