Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 John » Chapter 1 » Verse 6

1 John 1:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 If G1437 we say G2036 that G3754 we have G2192 fellowship G2842 with G3326 him, G846 and G2532 walk G4043 in G1722 darkness, G4655 we lie, G5574 and G2532 do G4160 not G3756 the truth: G225

Cross Reference

1 John 4:20 STRONG

If G1437 a man G5100 say, G2036 G3754 I love G25 God, G2316 and G2532 hateth G3404 his G846 brother, G80 he is G2076 a liar: G5583 for G1063 he that loveth G25 not G3361 his G846 brother G80 whom G3739 he hath seen, G3708 how G4459 can G1410 he love G25 God G2316 whom G3739 he hath G3708 not G3756 seen? G3708

1 John 1:10 STRONG

If G1437 we say G2036 that G3754 we have G264 not G3756 sinned, G264 we make G4160 him G846 a liar, G5583 and G2532 his G846 word G3056 is G2076 not G3756 in G1722 us. G2254

1 John 2:4 STRONG

He that saith, G3004 I know G1097 him, G846 and G2532 keepeth G5083 not G3361 his G846 commandments, G1785 is G2076 a liar, G5583 and G2532 the truth G225 is G2076 not G3756 in G1722 him. G5129

John 3:19-21 STRONG

And G1161 this G3778 is G2076 the condemnation, G2920 that G3754 light G5457 is come G2064 into G1519 the world, G2889 and G2532 men G444 loved G25 darkness G4655 rather G3123 than G2228 light, G5457 because G1063 their G846 deeds G2041 were G2258 evil. G4190 For G1063 every one G3956 that doeth G4238 evil G5337 hateth G3404 the light, G5457 neither G2532 G3756 cometh G2064 to G4314 the light, G5457 lest G3363 his G846 deeds G2041 should be reproved. G1651 But G1161 he that doeth G4160 truth G225 cometh G2064 to G4314 the light, G5457 that G2443 his G846 deeds G2041 may be made manifest, G5319 that G3754 they are G2076 wrought G2038 in G1722 God. G2316

Proverbs 4:18-19 STRONG

But the path H734 of the just H6662 is as the shining H5051 light, H216 that shineth H215 more H1980 and more unto the perfect H3559 day. H3117 The way H1870 of the wicked H7563 is as darkness: H653 they know H3045 not at what they stumble. H3782

Revelation 3:17-18 STRONG

Because G3754 thou sayest, G3004 G3754 I am G1510 rich, G4145 and G2532 increased with goods, G4147 and G2532 have G2192 need G5532 of nothing; G3762 and G2532 knowest G1492 not G3756 that G3754 thou G4771 art G1488 wretched, G5005 and G2532 miserable, G1652 and G2532 poor, G4434 and G2532 blind, G5185 and G2532 naked: G1131 I counsel G4823 thee G4671 to buy G59 of G3844 me G1700 gold G5553 tried G4448 in G1537 the fire, G4442 that G2443 thou mayest be rich; G4147 and G2532 white G3022 raiment, G2440 that G2443 thou mayest be clothed, G4016 and G2532 that the shame G152 of thy G4675 nakedness G1132 do G5319 not G3361 appear; G5319 and G2532 anoint G1472 thine G4675 eyes G3788 with eyesalve, G2854 that G2443 thou mayest see. G991

James 2:18 STRONG

Yea, G235 a man G5100 may say, G2046 Thou G4771 hast G2192 faith, G4102 and I G2504 have G2192 works: G2041 shew G1166 me G3427 thy G4675 faith G4102 without G1537 thy G4675 works, G2041 and I G2504 will shew G1166 thee G4671 my G3450 faith G4102 by G1537 my G3450 works. G2041

James 2:16 STRONG

And G1161 one G5100 of G1537 you G5216 say G2036 unto them, G846 Depart G5217 in G1722 peace, G1515 be ye warmed G2328 and G2532 filled; G5526 notwithstanding G1161 ye give G1325 them G846 not G3361 those things which are needful G2006 to the body; G4983 what G5101 doth it profit? G3786

James 2:14 STRONG

What G5101 doth it profit, G3786 my G3450 brethren, G80 though G1437 a man G5100 say G3004 he hath G2192 faith, G4102 and G1161 have G2192 not G3361 works? G2041 can G1410 G3361 faith G4102 save G4982 him? G846

2 Corinthians 6:14-16 STRONG

Be ye G1096 not G3361 unequally yoked together G2086 with unbelievers: G571 for G1063 what G5101 fellowship G3352 hath righteousness G1343 with G2532 unrighteousness? G458 and G1161 what G5101 communion G2842 hath light G5457 with G4314 darkness? G4655 And G1161 what G5101 concord G4857 hath Christ G5547 with G4314 Belial? G955 or G2228 what G5101 part G3310 hath he that believeth G4103 with G3326 an infidel? G571 And G1161 what G5101 agreement G4783 hath the temple G3485 of God G2316 with G3326 idols? G1497 for G1063 ye G5210 are G2075 the temple G3485 of the living G2198 God; G2316 as G2531 God G2316 hath said, G2036 G3754 I will dwell G1774 in G1722 them, G846 and G2532 walk in G1704 them; and G2532 I will be G2071 their G846 God, G2316 and G2532 they G846 shall be G2071 my G3427 people. G2992

John 12:35 STRONG

Then G3767 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 Yet G2089 a little G3398 while G5550 is G2076 the light G5457 with G3326 you. G5216 Walk G4043 while G2193 ye have G2192 the light, G5457 lest G3363 darkness G4653 come upon G2638 you: G5209 for G2532 he that walketh G4043 in G1722 darkness G4653 knoweth G1492 not G3756 whither G4226 he goeth. G5217

John 8:12 STRONG

Then G3767 spake G2980 Jesus G2424 again G3825 unto them, G846 saying, G3004 I G1473 am G1510 the light G5457 of the world: G2889 he that followeth G190 me G1698 shall G4043 not G3364 walk G4043 in G1722 darkness, G4653 but G235 shall have G2192 the light G5457 of life. G2222

Proverbs 2:13 STRONG

Who leave H5800 the paths H734 of uprightness, H3476 to walk H3212 in the ways H1870 of darkness; H2822

Psalms 5:4-6 STRONG

For thou art not a God H410 that hath pleasure H2655 in wickedness: H7562 neither shall evil H7451 dwell H1481 with thee. The foolish H1984 shall not stand H3320 in thy sight: H5869 thou hatest H8130 all workers H6466 of iniquity. H205 Thou shalt destroy H6 them that speak H1696 leasing: H3577 the LORD H3068 will abhor H8581 the bloody H1818 and deceitful H4820 man. H376

Psalms 82:5 STRONG

They know H3045 not, neither will they understand; H995 they walk H1980 on in darkness: H2825 all the foundations H4144 of the earth H776 are out of course. H4131

1 John 2:9-11 STRONG

He that saith G3004 he is G1511 in G1722 the light, G5457 and G2532 hateth G3404 his G846 brother, G80 is G2076 in G1722 darkness G4653 even until G2193 now. G737 He that loveth G25 his G846 brother G80 abideth G3306 in G1722 the light, G5457 and G2532 there is G2076 none G3756 occasion of stumbling G4625 in G1722 him. G846 But G1161 he that hateth G3404 his G846 brother G80 is G2076 in G1722 darkness, G4653 and G2532 walketh G4043 in G1722 darkness, G4653 and G2532 knoweth G1492 not G3756 whither G4226 he goeth, G5217 because G3754 that darkness G4653 hath blinded G5186 his G846 eyes. G3788

1 John 1:8 STRONG

If G1437 we say G2036 that G3754 we have G2192 no G3756 sin, G266 we deceive G4105 ourselves, G1438 and G2532 the truth G225 is G2076 not G3756 in G1722 us. G2254

1 John 1:3 STRONG

That which G3739 we have seen G3708 and G2532 heard G191 declare we G518 unto you, G5213 that G2443 ye G5210 also G2532 may have G2192 fellowship G2842 with G3326 us: G2257 and G2532 truly our G2251 fellowship G2842 G1161 is with G3326 the Father, G3962 and G2532 with G3326 his G846 Son G5207 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

1 Timothy 4:2 STRONG

Speaking lies G5573 in G1722 hypocrisy; G5272 having G2743 their G2398 conscience G4893 seared with a hot iron; G2743

John 12:46 STRONG

I G1473 am come G2064 a light G5457 into G1519 the world, G2889 that G3363 whosoever G3956 believeth G4100 on G1519 me G1691 should G3306 not G3363 abide G3306 in G1722 darkness. G4653

John 11:10 STRONG

But G1161 if G1437 a man G5100 walk G4043 in G1722 the night, G3571 he stumbleth, G4350 because G3754 there is G2076 no G3756 light G5457 in G1722 him. G846

John 8:44-45 STRONG

Ye G5210 are G2075 of G1537 your father G3962 the devil, G1228 and G2532 the lusts G1939 of your G5216 father G3962 ye will G2309 do. G4160 He G1565 was G2258 a murderer G443 from G575 the beginning, G746 and G2532 abode G2476 not G3756 in G1722 the truth, G225 because G3754 there is G2076 no G3756 truth G225 in G1722 him. G846 When G3752 he speaketh G2980 a lie, G5579 he speaketh G2980 of G1537 his own: G2398 for G3754 he is G2076 a liar, G5583 and G2532 the father G3962 of it. G846 And G1161 because G3754 I G1473 tell G3004 you the truth, G225 ye believe G4100 me G3427 not. G3756

Matthew 7:22 STRONG

Many G4183 will say G2046 to me G3427 in G1722 that G1565 day, G2250 Lord, G2962 Lord, G2962 have we G4395 not G3756 prophesied G4395 in thy G4674 name? G3686 and G2532 in thy G4674 name G3686 have cast out G1544 devils? G1140 and G2532 in thy G4674 name G3686 done G4160 many G4183 wonderful works? G1411

Psalms 94:20 STRONG

Shall the throne H3678 of iniquity H1942 have fellowship H2266 with thee, which frameth H3335 mischief H5999 by a law? H2706

Commentary on 1 John 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Jo 1:1-10. The Writer's Authority as an Eyewitness to the Gospel Facts, Having Seen, Heard, and Handled Him Who Was from the Beginning: His Object in Writing: His Message. If We Would Have Fellowship with Him, We Must Walk in Light, as He Is Light.

1. Instead of a formal, John adopts a virtual address (compare 1Jo 1:4). To wish joy to the reader was the ancient customary address. The sentence begun in 1Jo 1:1 is broken off by the parenthetic 1Jo 1:2, and is resumed at 1Jo 1:3 with the repetition of some words from 1Jo 1:1.

That which was—not "began to be," but was essentially (Greek, "een," not "egeneto") before He was manifested (1Jo 1:2); answering to "Him that is from the beginning" (1Jo 2:13); so John's Gospel, Joh 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word." Pr 8:23, "I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was."


heard … seen … looked upon … handled—a series rising in gradation. Seeing is a more convincing proof than hearing of; handling, than even seeing. "Have heard … have seen" (perfect tenses), as a possession still abiding with us; but in Greek (not as English Version "have," but simply) "looked upon" (not perfect tense, as of a continuing thing, but aorist, past time) while Christ the incarnate Word was still with us. "Seen," namely, His glory, as revealed in the Transfiguration and in His miracles; and His passion and death in a real body of flesh and blood. "Looked upon" as a wondrous spectacle steadfastly, deeply, contemplatively; so the Greek. Appropriate to John's contemplative character.

hands … handled—Thomas and the other disciples on distinct occasions after the resurrection. John himself had leaned on Jesus' breast at the last supper. Contrast the wisest of the heathen feeling after (the same Greek as here; groping after WITH THE HANDS") if haply they might find God (see Ac 17:27). This proves against Socinians he is here speaking of the personal incarnate Word, not of Christ's teaching from the beginning of His official life.

of—"concerning"; following "heard." "Heard" is the verb most applying to the purpose of the Epistle, namely the truth which John had heard concerning the Word of life, that is, (Christ) the Word who is the life. "Heard," namely, from Christ Himself, including all Christ's teachings about Himself. Therefore he puts "of," or "concerning," before "the word of life," which is inapplicable to any of the verbs except "heard"; also "heard" is the only one of the verbs which he resumes at 1Jo 1:5.

2. the life—Jesus, "the Word of life."

was manifested—who had previously been "with the Father."

show—Translate as in 1Jo 1:3, "declare" (compare 1Jo 1:5). Declare is the general term; write is the particular (1Jo 1:4).

that eternal life—Greek, "the life which is eternal." As the Epistle begins, so it ends with "eternal life," which we shall ever enjoy with, and in, Him who is "the life eternal."

which—Greek, "the which." the before-mentioned (1Jo 1:1) life which was with the Father "from the beginning" (compare Joh 1:1). This proves the distinctness of the First and Second Persons in the one Godhead.

3. That which we have seen and heard—resumed from 1Jo 1:1, wherein the sentence, being interrupted by 1Jo 1:2, parenthesis, was left incomplete.

declare we unto you—Oldest manuscripts add also; unto you also who have not seen or heard Him.

that ye also may have fellowship with us—that ye also who have not seen, may have the fellowship with us which we who have seen enjoy; what that fellowship consists in he proceeds to state, "Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son." Faith realizes what we have not seen as spiritually visible; not till by faith we too have seen, do we know all the excellency of the true Solomon. He Himself is ours; He in us and we in Him. We are "partakers of the divine nature." We know God only by having fellowship with Him; He may thus be known, but not comprehended. The repetition of "with" before the "Son," distinguishes the persons, while the fellowship or communion with both Father and Son, implies their unity. It is not added "and with the Holy Ghost"; for it is by the Holy Ghost or Spirit of the Father and Son in us, that we are enabled to have fellowship with the Father and Son (compare 1Jo 3:24). Believers enjoy the fellowship OF, but not WITH, the Holy Ghost. "Through Christ God closes up the chasm that separated Him from the human race, and imparts Himself to them in the communion of the divine life" [Neander].

4. these things—and none other, namely, this whole Epistle.

write we unto you—Some oldest manuscripts omit "unto you," and emphasize "we." Thus the antithesis is between "we" (apostles and eye-witnesses) and "your." We write thus that your joy may be full. Other oldest manuscripts and versions read "OUR joy," namely, that our joy may be filled full by bringing you also into fellowship with the Father and Son. (Compare Joh 4:36, end; Php 2:2, "Fulfil ye my joy," Php 2:16; 4:1; 2Jo 8). It is possible that "your" may be a correction of transcribers to make this verse harmonize with Joh 15:11; 16:24; however, as John often repeats favorite phrases, he may do so here, so "your" may be from himself. So 2Jo 12, "your" in oldest manuscripts. The authority of manuscripts and versions on both sides here is almost evenly balanced. Christ Himself is the source, object, and center of His people's joy (compare 1Jo 1:3, end); it is in fellowship with Him that we have joy, the fruit of faith.

5. First division of the body of the Epistle (compare Introduction).

declare—Greek, "announce"; report in turn; a different Greek word from 1Jo 1:3. As the Son announced the message heard from the Father as His apostle, so the Son's apostles announce what they have heard from the Son. John nowhere uses the term "Gospel"; but the witness or testimony, the word, the truth, and here the message.

God is light—What light is in the natural world, that God, the source of even material light, is in the spiritual, the fountain of wisdom, purity, beauty, joy, and glory. As all material life and growth depends on light, so all spiritual life and growth depends on God. As God here, so Christ, in 1Jo 2:8, is called "the true light."

no darkness at all—strong negation; Greek, "No, not even one speck of darkness"; no ignorance, error, untruthfulness, sin, or death. John heard this from Christ, not only in express words, but in His acted words, namely, His is whole manifestation in the flesh as "the brightness of the Father's glory." Christ Himself was the embodiment of "the message," representing fully in all His sayings, doings, and sufferings, Him who is LIGHT.

6. say—profess.

have fellowship with him—(1Jo 1:3). The essence of the Christian life.

walk—in inward and outward action, whithersoever we turn ourselves [Bengel].

in darkness—Greek, "in the darkness"; opposed to "the light" (compare 1Jo 2:8, 11).

lie—(1Jo 2:4).

do not—in practice, whatever we say.

the truth—(Eph 4:21; Joh 3:21).

7. Compare Eph 5:8, 11-14. "We walk"; "God is (essentially in His very nature as 'the light,' 1Jo 1:5) in the light." Walking in the light, the element in which God Himself is, constitutes the test of fellowship with Him. Christ, like us, walked in the light (1Jo 2:6). Alford notices, Walking in the light as He is in the light, is no mere imitation of God, but an identity in the essential element of our daily walk with the essential element of God's eternal being.

we have fellowship one with another—and of course with God (to be understood from 1Jo 1:6). Without having fellowship with God there can be no true and Christian fellowship one with another (compare 1Jo 1:3).

and—as the result of "walking in the light, as He is in the light."

the blood of Jesus … cleanseth us from all sin—daily contracted through the sinful weakness of the flesh, and the power of Satan and the world. He is speaking not of justification through His blood once for all, but of the present sanctification ("cleanseth" is present tense) which the believer, walking in the light and having fellowship with God and the saints, enjoys as His privilege. Compare Joh 13:10, Greek, "He that has been bathed, needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit." Compare 1Jo 1:9, "cleanse us from all unrighteousness," a further step besides "forgiving us our sins." Christ's blood is the cleansing mean, whereby gradually, being already justified and in fellowship with God, we become clean from all sin which would mar our fellowship with God. Faith applies the cleansing, purifying blood. Some oldest manuscripts omit "Christ"; others retain it.

8. The confession of sins is a necessary consequence of "walking in the light" (1Jo 1:7). "If thou shalt confess thyself a sinner, the truth is in thee; for the truth is itself light. Not yet has thy life become perfectly light, as sins are still in thee, but yet thou hast already begun to be illuminated, because there is in thee confession of sins" [Augustine].

that we have no sin—"Have," not "have had," must refer not to the past sinful life while unconverted, but to the present state wherein believers have sin even still. Observe, "sin" is in the singular; "(confess our) sins" (1Jo 1:9) in the plural. Sin refers to the corruption of the old man still present in us, and the stain created by the actual sins flowing from that old nature in us. To confess our need of cleansing from present sin is essential to "walking in the light"; so far is the presence of some sin incompatible with our in the main "walking in light." But the believer hates, confesses, and longs to be delivered from all sin, which is darkness. "They who defend their sins, will see in the great day whether their sins can defend them."

deceive ourselves—We cannot deceive God; we only make ourselves to err from the right path.

the truth—(1Jo 2:4). True faith. "The truth respecting God's holiness and our sinfulness, which is the very first spark of light in us, has no place in us" [Alford].

9. confess—with the lips, speaking from a contrite heart; involving also confession to our fellow men of offenses committed against them.


faithful—to His own promises; "true" to His word.

just—Not merely the mercy, but the justice or righteousness of God is set forth in the redemption of the penitent believer in Christ. God's promises of mercy, to which He is faithful, are in accordance with His justice.

to—Greek, "in order that." His forgiving us our sins and cleansing us, &c., is in furtherance of the ends of His eternal faithfulness and justice.

forgive—remitting the guilt.

cleanse—purify from all filthiness, so that henceforth we more and more become free from the presence of sin through the Spirit of sanctification (compare Heb 9:14; and above, see on 1Jo 1:7).

unrighteousness—offensive to Him who "is just" or righteous; called "sin," 1Jo 1:7, because "sin is the transgression of the law," and the law is the expression of God's righteousness, so that sin is unrighteousness.

10. Parallel to 1Jo 1:8.

we have not sinned—referring to the commission of actual sins, even after regeneration and conversion; whereas in 1Jo 1:8, "we have no sin," refers to the present GUILT remaining (until cleansed) from the actual sins committed, and to the SIN of our corrupt old nature still adhering to us. The perfect "have … sinned" brings down the commission of sins to the present time, not merely sins committed before, but since, conversion.

we make him a liar—a gradation; 1Jo 1:6, "we lie"; 1Jo 1:8, "we deceive ourselves"; worst of all, "we make Him a liar," by denying His word that all men are sinners (compare 1Jo 5:10).

his word is not in us—"His word," which is "the truth" (1Jo 1:8), accuses us truly; by denying it we drive it from our hearts (compare Joh 5:38). Our rejection of "His word" in respect to our being sinners, implies as the consequence our rejection of His word and will revealed in the law and Gospel as a whole; for these throughout rest on the fact that we have sinned, and have sin.