Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 12 » Verse 18

1 Kings 12:18 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

18 Then king H4428 Rehoboam H7346 sent H7971 Adoram, H151 who was over the tribute; H4522 and all Israel H3478 stoned H7275 him with stones, H68 that he died. H4191 Therefore king H4428 Rehoboam H7346 made speed H553 to get him up H5927 to his chariot, H4818 to flee H5127 to Jerusalem. H3389

Cross Reference

1 Kings 4:6 STRONG

And Ahishar H301 was over the household: H1004 and Adoniram H141 the son H1121 of Abda H5653 was over the tribute. H4522

1 Kings 5:14 STRONG

And he sent H7971 them to Lebanon, H3844 ten H6235 thousand H505 a month H2320 by courses: H2487 a month H2320 they were in Lebanon, H3844 and two H8147 months H2320 at home: H1004 and Adoniram H141 was over the levy. H4522

2 Samuel 20:24 STRONG

And Adoram H151 was over the tribute: H4522 and Jehoshaphat H3092 the son H1121 of Ahilud H286 was recorder: H2142

Exodus 17:4 STRONG

And Moses H4872 cried H6817 unto the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 What shall I do H6213 unto this people? H5971 they be almost H4592 ready to stone H5619 me.

Numbers 14:10 STRONG

But all the congregation H5712 bade H559 stone H7275 them with stones. H68 And the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 appeared H7200 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 before all the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

1 Kings 20:18-20 STRONG

And he said, H559 Whether they be come out H3318 for peace, H7965 take H8610 them alive; H2416 or whether they be come out H3318 for war, H4421 take H8610 them alive. H2416 So these young men H5288 of the princes H8269 of the provinces H4082 came out H3318 of the city, H5892 and the army H2428 which followed H310 them. And they slew H5221 every one H376 his man: H376 and the Syrians H758 fled; H5127 and Israel H3478 pursued H7291 them: and Benhadad H1130 the king H4428 of Syria H758 escaped H4422 on an horse H5483 with the horsemen. H6571

2 Chronicles 10:18 STRONG

Then king H4428 Rehoboam H7346 sent H7971 Hadoram H1913 that was over the tribute; H4522 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 stoned H7275 him with stones, H68 that he died. H4191 But king H4428 Rehoboam H7346 made speed H553 to get him up H5927 to his chariot, H4818 to flee H5127 to Jerusalem. H3389

2 Chronicles 24:21 STRONG

And they conspired H7194 against him, and stoned H7275 him with stones H68 at the commandment H4687 of the king H4428 in the court H2691 of the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

Proverbs 28:1-2 STRONG

The wicked H7563 flee H5127 when no man pursueth: H7291 but the righteous H6662 are bold H982 as a lion. H3715 For the transgression H6588 of a land H776 many H7227 are the princes H8269 thereof: but by a man H120 of understanding H995 and knowledge H3045 the state H3651 thereof shall be prolonged. H748

Amos 2:16 STRONG

And he that is courageous H533 H3820 among the mighty H1368 shall flee away H5127 naked H6174 in that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Acts 5:26 STRONG

Then G5119 went G565 the captain G4755 with G4862 the officers, G5257 and brought G71 them G846 without G3756 G3326 violence: G970 for G1063 they feared G5399 the people, G2992 lest G3363 they should have been stoned. G3034

Acts 7:57-58 STRONG

Then G1161 they cried out G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 and stopped G4912 their G846 ears, G3775 and G2532 ran G3729 upon G1909 him G846 with one accord, G3661 And G2532 cast G1544 him out of G1854 the city, G4172 and stoned G3036 him: and G2532 the witnesses G3144 laid down G659 their G846 clothes G2440 at G3844 a young man's G3494 feet, G4228 whose name was G2564 Saul. G4569

Commentary on 1 Kings 12 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 12:1-5. Refusing the Old Men's Counsel.

1. Rehoboam went to Shechem—He was the oldest, and perhaps the only son of Solomon, and had been, doubtless, designated by his father heir to the throne, as Solomon had been by David. The incident here related took place after the funeral obsequies of the late king and the period for public mourning had past. When all Israel came to make him king, it was not to exercise their old right of election (1Sa 10:19-21), for, after God's promise of the perpetual sovereignty to David's posterity, their duty was submission to the authority of the rightful heir; but their object was, when making him king, to renew the conditions and stipulations to which their constitutional kings were subject (1Sa 10:25). To the omission of such rehearsing which, under the peculiar circumstances in which Solomon was made king, they were disposed to ascribe the absolutism of his government.

Shechem—This ancient, venerable, and central town was the place of convocation; and it is evident, if not from the appointment of that place, at least from the tenor of their language, and the concerted presence of Jeroboam [1Ki 12:3], that the people were determined on revolt.

4. Thy father made our yoke grievous—The splendor of Solomon's court and the magnitude of his undertakings being such, that neither the tribute of dependent states, nor the presents of foreign princes, nor the profits of his commercial enterprises, were adequate to carry them on, he had been obliged, for obtaining the necessary revenue, to begin a system of heavy taxation. The people looked only to the burdens, not to the benefits they derived from Solomon's peaceful and prosperous reign—and the evils from which they demanded deliverance were civil oppressions, not idolatry, to which they appear to have been indifferent or approving.

5-8. he said … Depart yet for three days—It was prudent to take the people's demand into calm and deliberate consideration. Whether, had the advice of the sage and experienced counsellors been followed, any good result would have followed, it is impossible to say. It would at least have removed all pretext for the separation. [See on 2Ch 10:7.] But he preferred the counsel of his young companions (not in age, for they were all about forty-one, but inexperienced), who recommended prompt and decisive measures to quell the malcontents.

11. whips … scorpions—The latter [instruments], as contrasted with the former, are supposed to mean thongs thickly set with sharp iron points, used in the castigation of slaves.

15-18. the king hearkened not unto the people, for the cause was from the Lord—That was the overruling cause. Rehoboam's weakness (Ec 2:18, 19) and inexperience in public affairs has given rise to the probable conjecture, that, like many other princes in the East, he had been kept secluded in the harem till the period of his accession (Ec 4:14), his father being either afraid of his aspiring to the sovereignty, like the two sons of David, or, which is more probable, afraid of prematurely exposing his imbecility. The king's haughty and violent answer to a people already filled with a spirit of discontent and exasperation, indicated so great an incapacity to appreciate the gravity of the crisis, so utter a want of common sense, as to create a belief that he was struck with judicial blindness. It was received with mingled scorn and derision. The revolt was accomplished, and yet so quietly, that Rehoboam remained in Shechem, fancying himself the sovereign of a united kingdom, until his chief tax gatherer, who had been most imprudently sent to treat with the people, had been stoned to death. This opened his eyes, and he fled for security to Jerusalem.

1Ki 12:20-33. Jeroboam Made King over Them.

20-24. when all Israel heard that Jeroboam was come again—This verse closes the parenthetical narrative begun at 1Ki 12:2, and 1Ki 12:21-24 resume the history from 1Ki 12:1. Rehoboam determined to assert his authority by leading a large force into the disaffected provinces. But the revolt of the ten tribes was completed when the prophet Shemaiah ordered, in the Lord's name, an abandonment of any hostile measures against the revolutionists. The army, overawed by the divine prohibition, dispersed, and the king was obliged to submit.

25. Jeroboam built Shechem—destroyed by Abimelech (Jud 9:1-49). It was rebuilt, and perhaps fortified, by Jeroboam, as a royal residence.

built Penuel—a ruined city with a tower (Jud 8:9), east of Jordan, on the north bank of the Jabbok. It was an object of importance to restore this fortress (as it lay on the caravan road from Gilead to Damascus and Palmyra) and to secure his frontier on that quarter.

26-32. Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David—Having received the kingdom from God, he should have relied on the divine protection. But he did not. With a view to withdraw the people from the temple and destroy the sacred associations connected with Jerusalem, he made serious and unwarranted innovations on the religious observances of the country, on pretext of saving the people the trouble and expense of a distant journey. First, he erected two golden calves—the young bulls, Apis and Mnevis, as symbols (in the Egyptian fashion) of the true God, and the nearest, according to his fancy, to the figures of the cherubim. The one was placed at Dan, in the northern part of his kingdom; the other at Beth-el, the southern extremity, in sight of Jerusalem, and in which place he probably thought God was as likely to manifest Himself as at Jerusalem (Ge 32:1-32; 2Ki 2:2). The latter place was the most frequented—for the words (1Ki 12:30) should be rendered, "the people even to Dan went to worship before the one" (Jer 48:13; Am 4:4, 5; 5:5; Ho 5:8; 10:8). The innovation was a sin because it was setting up the worship of God by symbols and images and departing from the place where He had chosen to put His name. Secondly, he changed the feast of tabernacles from the fifteenth of the seventh to the fifteenth of the eighth month. The ostensible reason might be, that the ingathering or harvest was later in the northern parts of the kingdom; but the real reason was to eradicate the old association with this, the most welcome and joyous festival of the year.

31. made priests of the lowest of the people—literally, "out of all the people," the Levites refusing to act. He himself assumed to himself the functions of the high priest, at least, at the great festival, probably from seeing the king of Egypt conjoin the royal and sacred offices, and deeming the office of the high priest too great to be vested in a subject.