Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 14 » Verse 15

1 Kings 14:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 For the LORD H3068 shall smite H5221 Israel, H3478 as a reed H7070 is shaken H5110 in the water, H4325 and he shall root up H5428 Israel H3478 out of this good H2896 land, H127 which he gave H5414 to their fathers, H1 and shall scatter H2219 them beyond H5676 the river, H5104 because they have made H6213 their groves, H842 provoking the LORD H3068 to anger. H3707

Cross Reference

Psalms 52:5 STRONG

God H410 shall likewise destroy H5422 thee for ever, H5331 he shall take thee away, H2846 and pluck thee out H5255 of thy dwelling place, H168 and root thee out H8327 of the land H776 of the living. H2416 Selah. H5542

2 Kings 15:29 STRONG

In the days H3117 of Pekah H6492 king H4428 of Israel H3478 came H935 Tiglathpileser H8407 king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and took H3947 Ijon, H5859 and Abelbethmaachah, H62 and Janoah, H3239 and Kedesh, H6943 and Hazor, H2674 and Gilead, H1568 and Galilee, H1551 all the land H776 of Naphtali, H5321 and carried them captive H1540 to Assyria. H804

Joshua 23:15-16 STRONG

Therefore it shall come to pass, that as all good H2896 things H1697 are come H935 upon you, which the LORD H3068 your God H430 promised H1696 you; so shall the LORD H3068 bring H935 upon you all evil H7451 things, H1697 until he have destroyed H8045 you from off this good H2896 land H127 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 hath given H5414 you. When ye have transgressed H5674 the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 your God, H430 which he commanded H6680 you, and have gone H1980 and served H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and bowed H7812 yourselves to them; then shall the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 be kindled H2734 against you, and ye shall perish H6 quickly H4120 from off the good H2896 land H776 which he hath given H5414 unto you.

Proverbs 2:22 STRONG

But the wicked H7563 shall be cut off H3772 from the earth, H776 and the transgressors H898 shall be rooted out H5255 of it.

Deuteronomy 12:3-4 STRONG

And ye shall overthrow H5422 their altars, H4196 and break H7665 their pillars, H4676 and burn H8313 their groves H842 with fire; H784 and ye shall hew down H1438 the graven images H6456 of their gods, H430 and destroy H6 the names H8034 of them out of that place. H4725 Ye shall not do so H6213 unto the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Exodus 34:13-14 STRONG

But ye shall destroy H5422 their altars, H4196 break H7665 their images, H4676 and cut down H3772 their groves: H842 For thou shalt worship H7812 no other H312 god: H410 for the LORD, H3068 whose name H8034 is Jealous, H7067 is a jealous H7067 God: H410

Amos 2:9 STRONG

Yet destroyed H8045 I the Amorite H567 before H6440 them, whose height H1363 was like the height H1363 of the cedars, H730 and he was strong H2634 as the oaks; H437 yet I destroyed H8045 his fruit H6529 from above, H4605 and his roots H8328 from beneath.

Acts 7:43 STRONG

Yea, G2532 ye took up G353 the tabernacle G4633 of Moloch, G3434 and G2532 the star G798 of your G5216 god G2316 Remphan, G4481 figures G5179 which G3739 ye made G4160 to worship G4352 them: G846 and G2532 I will carry G3351 you G5209 away G3351 beyond G1900 Babylon. G897

Luke 7:24 STRONG

And G1161 when the messengers G32 of John G2491 were departed, G565 he began G756 to speak G3004 unto G4314 the people G3793 concerning G4012 John, G2491 What G5101 went ye out G1831 into G1519 the wilderness G2048 for to see? G2300 A reed G2563 shaken G4531 with G5259 the wind? G417

Matthew 15:13 STRONG

But G1161 he answered G611 and said, G2036 Every G3956 plant, G5451 which G3739 my G3450 heavenly G3770 Father G3962 hath G5452 not G3756 planted, G5452 shall be rooted up. G1610

Matthew 11:7 STRONG

And G1161 as G5130 they departed, G4198 Jesus G2424 began G756 to say G3004 unto the multitudes G3793 concerning G4012 John, G2491 What G5101 went ye G1831 out into G1519 the wilderness G2048 to see? G2300 A reed G2563 shaken G4531 with G5259 the wind? G417

Zephaniah 2:4 STRONG

For Gaza H5804 shall be forsaken, H5800 and Ashkelon H831 a desolation: H8077 they shall drive out H1644 Ashdod H795 at the noon day, H6672 and Ekron H6138 shall be rooted up. H6131

Amos 5:27 STRONG

Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity H1540 beyond H1973 Damascus, H1834 saith H559 the LORD, H3068 whose name H8034 is The God H430 of hosts. H6635

Leviticus 26:32-34 STRONG

And I will bring H8074 the land H776 into desolation: H8074 and your enemies H341 which dwell H3427 therein shall be astonished H8074 at it. And I will scatter H2219 you among the heathen, H1471 and will draw out H7324 a sword H2719 after H310 you: and your land H776 shall be desolate, H8077 and your cities H5892 waste. H2723 Then shall the land H776 enjoy H7521 her sabbaths, H7676 as long H3117 as it lieth desolate, H8074 and ye be in your enemies' H341 land; H776 even then shall the land H776 rest, H7673 and enjoy H7521 her sabbaths. H7676

Isaiah 1:28-29 STRONG

And the destruction H7667 of the transgressors H6586 and of the sinners H2400 shall be together, H3162 and they that forsake H5800 the LORD H3068 shall be consumed. H3615 For they shall be ashamed H954 of the oaks H352 which ye have desired, H2530 and ye shall be confounded H2659 for the gardens H1593 that ye have chosen. H977

2 Kings 18:11-12 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Assyria H804 did carry away H1540 Israel H3478 unto Assyria, H804 and put H5148 them in Halah H2477 and in Habor H2249 by the river H5104 of Gozan, H1470 and in the cities H5892 of the Medes: H4074 Because they obeyed H8085 not the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 their God, H430 but transgressed H5674 his covenant, H1285 and all that Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of the LORD H3068 commanded, H6680 and would not hear H8085 them, nor do H6213 them.

2 Kings 17:23 STRONG

Until the LORD H3068 removed H5493 Israel H3478 out of his sight, H6440 as he had said H1696 by H3027 all his servants H5650 the prophets. H5030 So was Israel H3478 carried away H1540 out of their own land H127 to Assyria H804 unto this day. H3117

2 Kings 17:6-7 STRONG

In the ninth H8671 year H8141 of Hoshea H1954 the king H4428 of Assyria H804 took H3920 Samaria, H8111 and carried H1540 Israel H3478 away H1540 into Assyria, H804 and placed H3427 them in Halah H2477 and in Habor H2249 by the river H5104 of Gozan, H1470 and in the cities H5892 of the Medes. H4074 For so it was, that the children H1121 of Israel H3478 had sinned H2398 against the LORD H3068 their God, H430 which had brought them up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 from under the hand H3027 of Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 and had feared H3372 other H312 gods, H430

1 Kings 14:23-24 STRONG

For they also built H1129 them high places, H1116 and images, H4676 and groves, H842 on every high H1364 hill, H1389 and under every green H7488 tree. H6086 And there were also sodomites H6945 in the land: H776 and they did H6213 according to all the abominations H8441 of the nations H1471 which the LORD H3068 cast out H3423 before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

1 Kings 14:9 STRONG

But hast done H6213 evil H7489 above all that were before H6440 thee: for thou hast gone H3212 and made H6213 thee other H312 gods, H430 and molten images, H4541 to provoke me to anger, H3707 and hast cast H7993 me behind H310 thy back: H1458

1 Samuel 12:25 STRONG

But if ye shall still H7489 do wickedly, H7489 ye shall be consumed, H5595 both ye and your king. H4428

Deuteronomy 29:24-28 STRONG

Even all nations H1471 shall say, H559 Wherefore hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land? H776 what meaneth the heat H2750 of this great H1419 anger? H639 Then men shall say, H559 Because they have forsaken H5800 the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which he made H3772 with them when he brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 For they went H3212 and served H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, and whom he had not given H2505 unto them: And the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was kindled H2734 against this land, H776 to bring H935 upon it all the curses H7045 that are written H3789 in this book: H5612 And the LORD H3068 rooted H5428 them out of their land H127 in anger, H639 and in wrath, H2534 and in great H1419 indignation, H7110 and cast H7993 them into another H312 land, H776 as it is this day. H3117

Deuteronomy 28:63-68 STRONG

And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD H3068 rejoiced H7797 over you to do you good, H3190 and to multiply H7235 you; so the LORD H3068 will rejoice H7797 over you to destroy H6 you, and to bring you to nought; H8045 and ye shall be plucked H5255 from off the land H127 whither thou goest H935 to possess H3423 it. And the LORD H3068 shall scatter H6327 thee among all people, H5971 from the one end H7097 of the earth H776 even unto the other; H7097 and there thou shalt serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 which neither thou nor thy fathers H1 have known, H3045 even wood H6086 and stone. H68 And among these H1992 nations H1471 shalt thou find no ease, H7280 neither shall the sole H3709 of thy foot H7272 have rest: H4494 but the LORD H3068 shall give H5414 thee there a trembling H7268 heart, H3820 and failing H3631 of eyes, H5869 and sorrow H1671 of mind: H5315 And thy life H2416 shall hang H8511 in doubt before H5048 thee; and thou shalt fear H6342 day H3119 and night, H3915 and shalt have none assurance H539 of thy life: H2416 In the morning H1242 thou shalt say, H559 Would God it were H5414 even! H6153 and at even H6153 thou shalt say, H559 Would God it were H5414 morning! H1242 for the fear H6343 of thine heart H3824 wherewith thou shalt fear, H6342 and for the sight H4758 of thine eyes H5869 which thou shalt see. H7200 And the LORD H3068 shall bring H7725 thee into Egypt H4714 again H7725 with ships, H591 by the way H1870 whereof I spake H559 unto thee, Thou shalt see H7200 it no more again: H3254 and there ye shall be sold H4376 unto your enemies H341 for bondmen H5650 and bondwomen, H8198 and no man shall buy H7069 you.

Deuteronomy 28:36 STRONG

The LORD H3068 shall bring H3212 thee, and thy king H4428 which thou shalt set H6965 over thee, unto a nation H1471 which neither thou nor thy fathers H1 have known; H3045 and there shalt thou serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 wood H6086 and stone. H68

Deuteronomy 4:26-27 STRONG

I call H5749 heaven H8064 and earth H776 to witness H5749 against you this day, H3117 that ye shall soon H4118 utterly H6 perish H6 from off the land H776 whereunto ye go over H5674 Jordan H3383 to possess H3423 it; ye shall not prolong H748 your days H3117 upon it, but shall utterly H8045 be destroyed. H8045 And the LORD H3068 shall scatter H6327 you among the nations, H5971 and ye shall be left H7604 few H4962 in number H4557 among the heathen, H1471 whither the LORD H3068 shall lead H5090 you.

Leviticus 26:43 STRONG

The land H776 also shall be left H5800 of them, and shall enjoy H7521 her sabbaths, H7676 while she lieth desolate H8074 without them: and they shall accept H7521 of the punishment of their iniquity: H5771 because, H3282 even because H3282 they despised H3988 my judgments, H4941 and because their soul H5315 abhorred H1602 my statutes. H2708

Commentary on 1 Kings 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 14:1-20. Ahijah Denounces God's Judgments against Jeroboam.

1. At that time—a phrase used often loosely and indefinitely in sacred history. This domestic incident in the family of Jeroboam probably occurred towards the end of his reign; his son Abijah was of age and considered by the people the heir to the throne.

2. Jeroboam said to his wife, Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself—His natural and intense anxiety as a parent is here seen, blended with the deep and artful policy of an apostate king. The reason of this extreme caution was an unwillingness to acknowledge that he looked for information as to the future, not to his idols, but to the true God; and a fear that this step, if publicly known, might endanger the stability of his whole political system; and a strong impression that Ahijah, who was greatly offended with him, would, if consulted openly by his queen, either insult or refuse to receive her. For these reasons he selected his wife, as, in every view, the most proper for such a secret and confidential errand, but recommended her to assume the garb and manner of a peasant woman. Strange infatuation, to suppose that the God who could reveal futurity could not penetrate a flimsy disguise!

3-11. And take with thee ten loaves, and cracknels, and a cruse of honey, and go to him—This was a present in unison with the peasant character she assumed. Cracknels are a kind of sweet seed-cake. The prophet was blind, but having received divine premonition of the pretended countrywoman's coming, he addressed her as the queen the moment she appeared, apprised her of the calamities which, in consequence of the ingratitude of Jeroboam, his apostasy, and outrageous misgovernment of Israel, impended over their house, as well as over the nation which too readily followed his idolatrous innovations.

8. thou hast not been as my servant David—David, though he fell into grievous sins, repented and always maintained the pure worship of God as enjoined by the law.

10, 11. I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam—Strong expressions are here used to indicate the utter extirpation of his house;

him that is shut up and left in Israel—means those who were concealed with the greatest privacy, as the heirs of royalty often are where polygamy prevails; the other phrase, from the loose garments of the East having led to a different practice from what prevails in the West, cannot refer to men; it must signify either a very young boy, or rather, perhaps, a dog, so entire would be the destruction of Jeroboam's house that none, not even a dog, belonging to it should escape. This peculiar phrase occurs only in regard to the threatened extermination of a family (1Sa 25:22-34). See the manner of extermination (1Ki 16:4; 21:24).

12. the child shall die—The death and general lamentation felt through the country at the loss of the prince were also predicted. The reason for the profound regret shown at his death arose, according to Jewish writers, from his being decidedly opposed to the erection of the golden calves, and using his influence with his father to allow his subjects the free privilege of going to worship in Jerusalem.

13. all Israel shall mourn for him, and bury him—the only one of Jeroboam's family who should receive the rites of sepulture.

14. the Lord shall raise him up a king … but what? even now—namely, Baasha (1Ki 15:27); he was already raised—he was in being, though not in power.

17. Tirzah—a place of pre-eminent beauty (So 6:4), three hours' travelling east of Samaria, chosen when Israel became a separate kingdom, by the first monarch, and used during three short reigns as a residence of the royal house. The fertile plains and wooded hills in that part of the territory of Ephraim gave an opening to the formation of parks and pleasure-grounds similar to those which were the "paradises" of Assyrian and Persian monarchs [Stanley]. Its site is occupied by the large village of Taltise [Robinson]. As soon as the queen reached the gate of the palace, she received the intelligence that her son was dying, according to the prophet's prediction [1Ki 14:12].

19. the rest of the acts of Jeroboam—None of the threatenings denounced against this family produced any change in his policy or government.

1Ki 14:21-24. Rehoboam's Wicked Reign.

21. he reigned … in Jerusalem—Its particular designation as "the city which the Lord did choose out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there," seems given here, both as a reflection on the apostasy of the ten tribes, and as a proof of the aggravated wickedness of introducing idolatry and its attendant vices there.

his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess—Her heathen extraction and her influence as queen mother are stated to account for Rehoboam's tendency to depart from the true religion. Led by the warning of the prophet (1Ki 12:23), as well as by the large immigration of Israelites into his kingdom (1Ki 12:17; 2Ch 11:16), he continued for the first three years of his reign a faithful patron of true religion (2Ch 11:17). But afterwards he began and encouraged a general apostasy; idolatry became the prevailing form of worship, and the religious state of the kingdom in his reign is described by the high places, the idolatrous statues, the groves and impure rites that with unchecked license were observed in them. The description is suited to the character of the Canaanitish worship.

1Ki 14:25-31. Shishak Spoils Jerusalem.

25, 26. Shishak king of Egypt came up—He was the instrument in the hand of Providence for punishing the national defection. Even though this king had been Solomon's father-in-law, he was no relation of Rehoboam's; but there is a strong probability that he belonged to another dynasty (see on 2Ch 12:2). He was the Sheshonk of the Egyptian monuments, who is depicted on a bas-relief at Karnak, as dragging captives, who, from their peculiar physiognomy, are universally admitted to be Jews.

29. Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam …, are they not written in the book of the chronicles?—not the book so called and comprehended in the sacred canon, but the national archives of Judah.

30. there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam—The former was prohibited from entering on an aggressive war; but as the two kingdoms kept up a jealous rivalry, he might be forced into vigilant measures of defense, and frequent skirmishes would take place on the borders.