Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 21 » Verse 2-19

1 Kings 21:2-19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 And Ahab H256 spake H1696 unto Naboth, H5022 saying, H559 Give H5414 me thy vineyard, H3754 that I may have it for a garden H1588 of herbs, H3419 because it is near H7138 unto H681 my house: H1004 and I will give H5414 thee for it a better H2896 vineyard H3754 than it; or, if it seem good H2896 to thee, H5869 I will give H5414 thee the worth H4242 of it in money. H3701

3 And Naboth H5022 said H559 to Ahab, H256 The LORD H3068 forbid H2486 it me, that I should give H5414 the inheritance H5159 of my fathers H1 unto thee.

4 And Ahab H256 came H935 into his house H1004 heavy H5620 and displeased H2198 because of the word H1697 which Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite H3158 had spoken H1696 to him: for he had said, H559 I will not give H5414 thee the inheritance H5159 of my fathers. H1 And he laid him down H7901 upon his bed, H4296 and turned away H5437 his face, H6440 and would eat H398 no bread. H3899

5 But Jezebel H348 his wife H802 came H935 to him, and said H1696 unto him, Why is thy spirit H7307 so sad, H5620 that thou eatest H398 no bread? H3899

6 And he said H1696 unto her, Because I spake H1696 unto Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite, H3158 and said H559 unto him, Give H5414 me thy vineyard H3754 for money; H3701 or else, if it please H2655 thee, I will give H5414 thee another vineyard H3754 for it: and he answered, H559 I will not give H5414 thee my vineyard. H3754

7 And Jezebel H348 his wife H802 said H559 unto him, Dost thou now govern H6213 the kingdom H4410 of Israel? H3478 arise, H6965 and eat H398 bread, H3899 and let thine heart H3820 be merry: H3190 I will give H5414 thee the vineyard H3754 of Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite. H3158

8 So she wrote H3789 letters H5612 in Ahab's H256 name, H8034 and sealed H2856 them with his seal, H2368 and sent H7971 the letters H5612 unto the elders H2205 and to the nobles H2715 that were in his city, H5892 dwelling H3427 with Naboth. H5022

9 And she wrote H3789 in the letters, H5612 saying, H559 Proclaim H7121 a fast, H6685 and set H3427 Naboth H5022 on high H7218 among the people: H5971

10 And set H3427 two H8147 men, H582 sons H1121 of Belial, H1100 before him, to bear witness H5749 against him, saying, H559 Thou didst blaspheme H1288 God H430 and the king. H4428 And then carry him out, H3318 and stone H5619 him, that he may die. H4191

11 And the men H582 of his city, H5892 even the elders H2205 and the nobles H2715 who were the inhabitants H3427 in his city, H5892 did H6213 as Jezebel H348 had sent H7971 unto them, and as it was written H3789 in the letters H5612 which she had sent H7971 unto them.

12 They proclaimed H7121 a fast, H6685 and set H3427 Naboth H5022 on high H7218 among the people. H5971

13 And there came H935 in two H8147 men, H582 children H1121 of Belial, H1100 and sat H3427 before him: and the men H582 of Belial H1100 witnessed H5749 against him, even against Naboth, H5022 in the presence of the people, H5971 saying, H559 Naboth H5022 did blaspheme H1288 God H430 and the king. H4428 Then they carried him forth H3318 out H2351 of the city, H5892 and stoned H5619 him with stones, H68 that he died. H4191

14 Then they sent H7971 to Jezebel, H348 saying, H559 Naboth H5022 is stoned, H5619 and is dead. H4191

15 And it came to pass, when Jezebel H348 heard H8085 that Naboth H5022 was stoned, H5619 and was dead, H4191 that Jezebel H348 said H559 to Ahab, H256 Arise, H6965 take possession H3423 of the vineyard H3754 of Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite, H3158 which he refused H3985 to give H5414 thee for money: H3701 for Naboth H5022 is not alive, H2416 but dead. H4191

16 And it came to pass, when Ahab H256 heard H8085 that Naboth H5022 was dead, H4191 that Ahab H256 rose up H6965 to go down H3381 to the vineyard H3754 of Naboth H5022 the Jezreelite, H3158 to take possession H3423 of it.

17 And the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 came to Elijah H452 the Tishbite, H8664 saying, H559

18 Arise, H6965 go down H3381 to meet H7125 Ahab H256 king H4428 of Israel, H3478 which is in Samaria: H8111 behold, he is in the vineyard H3754 of Naboth, H5022 whither he is gone down H3381 to possess H3423 it.

19 And thou shalt speak H1696 unto him, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Hast thou killed, H7523 and also taken possession? H3423 And thou shalt speak H1696 unto him, saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 In the place H4725 where dogs H3611 licked H3952 the blood H1818 of Naboth H5022 shall dogs H3611 lick H3952 thy blood, H1818 even thine.

Commentary on 1 Kings 21 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 21:1-4. Naboth Refuses Ahab His Vineyard.

1-3. Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard, which was in Jezreel—Ahab was desirous, from its contiguity to the palace, to possess it for a vegetable garden. He proposed to Naboth to give him a better in exchange, or to obtain it by purchase; but the owner declined to part with it. In persisting in his refusal, Naboth was not actuated by any feelings of disloyalty or disrespect to the king, but solely from a conscientious regard to the divine law, which, for important reasons, had prohibited the sale of a paternal inheritance [Le 25:23; Nu 36:7]; or if, through extreme poverty or debt, an assignation of it to another was unavoidable, the conveyance was made on the condition of its being redeemable at any time [Le 25:25-27]; at all events, of its reverting at the jubilee to the owner [Le 25:28]. In short, it could not be alienated from the family, and it was on this ground that Naboth (1Ki 21:3) refused to comply with the king's demand. It was not, therefore, any rudeness or disrespect that made Ahab heavy and displeased, but his sulky and pettish demeanor betrays a spirit of selfishness that could not brook to be disappointed of a favorite object, and that would have pushed him into lawless tyranny had he possessed any natural force of character.

4. turned away his face—either to conceal from his attendants the vexation of spirit he felt, or, by the affectation of great sorrow, rouse them to devise some means of gratifying his wishes.

1Ki 21:5-16. Jezebel Causes Naboth to Be Stoned.

7. Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel?—This is not so much a question as an exclamation—a sarcastic taunt; "A pretty king thou art! Canst not thou use thy power and take what thy heart is set upon?"

arise, and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry: I will give thee the vineyard—After upbraiding Ahab for his pusillanimity and bidding him act as a king, Jezebel tells him to trouble himself no more about such a trifle; she would guarantee the possession of the vineyard.

8. So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with his seal—The seal-ring contained the name of the king and gave validity to the documents to which it was affixed (Es 8:8; Da 6:17). By allowing her the use of his signet-ring, Ahab passively consented to Jezebel's proceeding. Being written in the king's name, it had the character of a royal mandate.

sent the letters unto the elders and to the nobles that were in his city—They were the civic authorities of Jezreel, and would, in all likelihood, be the creatures and fit tools of Jezebel. It is evident that, though Ahab had recently been in Jezreel, when he made the offer to Naboth, both he and Jezebel were now in Samaria (1Ki 20:43).

9. Proclaim a fast, &c.—Those obsequious and unprincipled magistrates did according to orders. Pretending that a heavy guilt lay on one, or some unknown party, who was charged with blaspheming God and the king and that Ahab was threatening vengeance on the whole city unless the culprit were discovered and punished, they assembled the people to observe a solemn fast. Fasts were commanded on extraordinary occasions affecting the public interests of the state (2Ch 20:3; Ezr 8:21; Joe 1:14; 2:15; Jon 3:5). The wicked authorities of Jezreel, by proclaiming the fast, wished to give an external appearance of justice to their proceedings and convey an impression among the people that Naboth's crime amounted to treason against the king's life.

set Naboth on high—During a trial the panel, or accused person, was placed on a high seat, in the presence of all the court; but as the guilty person was supposed to be unknown, the setting of Naboth on high among the people must have been owing to his being among the distinguished men of the place.

13. there came in two men—worthless fellows who had been bribed to swear a falsehood. The law required two witnesses in capital offenses (De 17:6; 19:15; Nu 35:30; Mt 26:60). Cursing God and cursing the king are mentioned in the law (Ex 22:28) as offenses closely connected, the king of Israel being the earthly representative of God in His kingdom.

they carried him forth out of the city, and stoned him—The law, which forbade cursing the rulers of the people, does not specify the penalty for this offense but either usage had sanctioned or the authorities of Jezreel had originated stoning as the proper punishment. It was always inflicted out of the city (Ac 7:58).

14-16. Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession—Naboth's execution having been announced, and his family being involved in the same fatal sentence (2Ki 9:26), his property became forfeited to the crown, not by law, but traditionary usage (see 2Sa 16:4).

16. Ahab rose up to go down—from Samaria to Jezreel.

1Ki 21:17-29. Elijah Denounces Judgments against Ahab and Jezebel.

17-19. Hast thou killed, and also taken possession?—While Ahab was in the act of surveying his ill-gotten possession, Elijah, by divine commission, stood before him. The appearance of the prophet, at such a time, was ominous of evil, but his language was much more so (compare Eze 45:8; 46:16-18). Instead of shrinking with horror from the atrocious crime, Ahab eagerly hastened to his newly acquired property.

19. In the place where dogs licked, &c.—a righteous retribution of Providence. The prediction was accomplished, not in Jezreel, but in Samaria; and not on Ahab personally, in consequence of his repentance (1Ki 21:29), but on his son (2Ki 9:25). The words "in the place where" might be rendered "in like manner as."

20. thou hast sold thyself to work evil—that is, allowed sin to acquire the unchecked and habitual mastery over thee (2Ki 17:17; Ro 7:11).

21, 22. will make thine house, &c.—(see on 1Ki 15:29 and 1Ki 16:3-12). Jezebel, though included among the members of Ahab's house, has her ignominious fate expressly foretold (see 2Ki 9:30).

27-29. Ahab … rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted, and lay in sackcloth, and went softly—He was not obdurate, like Jezebel. This terrible announcement made a deep impression on the king's heart, and led, for a while, to sincere repentance. Going softly, that is, barefoot, and with a pensive manner, within doors. He manifested all the external signs, conventional and natural, of the deepest sorrow. He was wretched, and so great is the mercy of God, that, in consequence of his humiliation, the threatened punishment was deferred.