Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 3 » Verse 5

1 Kings 3:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 In Gibeon H1391 the LORD H3068 appeared H7200 to Solomon H8010 in a dream H2472 by night: H3915 and God H430 said, H559 Ask H7592 what I shall give H5414 thee.

Cross Reference

1 Kings 9:2 STRONG

That the LORD H3068 appeared H7200 to Solomon H8010 the second time, H8145 as he had appeared H7200 unto him at Gibeon. H1391

Matthew 1:20 STRONG

But G1161 while he G846 thought on G1760 these things, G5023 behold, G2400 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 appeared G5316 unto him G846 in G2596 a dream, G3677 saying, G3004 Joseph, G2501 thou son G5207 of David, G1138 fear G5399 not G3361 to take G3880 unto thee G4675 Mary G3137 thy wife: G1135 for G1063 that which is conceived G1080 in G1722 her G846 is G2076 of G1537 the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151

Numbers 12:6 STRONG

And he said, H559 Hear H8085 now my words: H1697 If there be a prophet H5030 among you, I the LORD H3068 will make myself known H3045 unto him in a vision, H4759 and will speak H1696 unto him in a dream. H2472

1 Kings 11:9 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 was angry H599 with Solomon, H8010 because his heart H3824 was turned H5186 from the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 which had appeared H7200 unto him twice, H6471

James 1:5-6 STRONG

G1161 If any G1536 of you G5216 lack G3007 wisdom, G4678 let him ask G154 of G3844 God, G2316 that giveth G1325 to all G3956 men liberally, G574 and G2532 upbraideth G3679 not; G3361 and G2532 it shall be given G1325 him. G846 But G1161 let him ask G154 in G1722 faith, G4102 nothing G3367 wavering. G1252 For G1063 he that wavereth G1252 is like G1503 a wave G2830 of the sea G2281 driven with the wind G416 and G2532 tossed. G4494

Mark 10:38-51 STRONG

But G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 Ye know G1492 not G3756 what G5101 ye ask: G154 can ye G1410 drink G4095 of the cup G4221 that G3739 I G1473 drink of? G4095 and G2532 be baptized G907 with the baptism G908 that G3739 I G1473 am baptized with? G907 And G1161 they said G2036 unto him, G846 We can. G1410 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 Ye shall G4095 indeed G3303 drink G4095 of the cup G4221 that G3739 I G1473 drink of; G4095 and G2532 with the baptism G908 that G3739 I G1473 am baptized withal G907 shall ye be baptized: G907 But G1161 to sit G2523 on G1537 my G3450 right hand G1188 and G2532 on G1537 my G3450 left hand G2176 is G2076 not G3756 mine G1699 to give; G1325 but G235 it shall be given to them for whom G3739 it is prepared. G2090 And G2532 when the ten G1176 heard G191 it, they began G756 to be much displeased G23 with G4012 James G2385 and G2532 John. G2491 But G1161 Jesus G2424 called G4341 them G846 to him, and saith G3004 unto them, G846 Ye know G1492 that G3754 they which are accounted G1380 to rule G757 over the Gentiles G1484 exercise lordship G2634 over them; G846 and G2532 their G846 great ones G3173 exercise authority G2715 upon them. G846 But G1161 so G3779 shall it G2071 not G3756 be G2071 among G1722 you: G5213 but G235 whosoever G3739 G1437 will G2309 be G1096 great G3173 among G1722 you, G5213 shall be G2071 your G5216 minister: G1249 And G2532 whosoever G3739 G302 of you G5216 will G2309 be G1096 the chiefest, G4413 shall be G2071 servant G1401 of all. G3956 For G1063 even G2532 the Son G5207 of man G444 came G2064 not G3756 to be ministered unto, G1247 but G235 to minister, G1247 and G2532 to give G1325 his G846 life G5590 a ransom G3083 for G473 many. G4183 And G2532 they came G2064 to G1519 Jericho: G2410 and G2532 as he G846 went G1607 out of G575 Jericho G2410 with G2532 his G846 disciples G3101 and G2532 a great G2425 number of people, G3793 blind G5185 Bartimaeus, G924 the son G5207 of Timaeus, G5090 sat G2521 by G3844 the highway side G3598 begging. G4319 And G2532 when he heard G191 that G3754 it was G2076 Jesus G2424 of Nazareth, G3480 he began G756 to cry out, G2896 and G2532 say, G3004 Jesus, G2424 thou Son G5207 of David, G1138 have mercy G1653 on me. G3165 And G2532 many G4183 charged G2008 him G846 that G2443 he should hold his peace: G4623 but G1161 he cried G2896 the more G3123 a great deal, G4183 Thou Son G5207 of David, G1138 have mercy G1653 on me. G3165 And G2532 Jesus G2424 stood still, G2476 and commanded G2036 him G846 to be called. G5455 And G2532 they call G5455 the blind man, G5185 saying G3004 unto him, G846 Be of good comfort, G2293 rise; G1453 he calleth G5455 thee. G4571 And G1161 he, casting away G577 his G846 garment, G2440 rose, G450 and came G2064 to G4314 Jesus. G2424 And G2532 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G3004 unto him, G846 What G5101 wilt G2309 thou that I should do G4160 unto thee? G4671 G1161 The blind man G5185 said G2036 unto him, G846 Lord, G4462 that G2443 I might receive my sight. G308

Mark 10:36 STRONG

And G1161 he said G2036 unto them, G846 What G5101 would G2309 ye that I G3165 should do G4160 for you? G5213

Matthew 2:13 STRONG

And G1161 when they G846 were departed, G402 behold, G2400 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 appeareth G5316 to Joseph G2501 in G2596 a dream, G3677 saying, G3004 Arise, G1453 and take G3880 the young child G3813 and G2532 his G846 mother, G3384 and G2532 flee G5343 into G1519 Egypt, G125 and G2532 be thou G2468 there G1563 until G2193 I G302 bring G2036 thee G4671 word: G2036 for G1063 Herod G2264 will G3195 seek G2212 the young child G3813 to destroy G622 him. G846

2 Chronicles 1:7-12 STRONG

In that night H3915 did God H430 appear H7200 unto Solomon, H8010 and said H559 unto him, Ask H7592 what I shall give H5414 thee. And Solomon H8010 said H559 unto God, H430 Thou hast shewed H6213 great H1419 mercy H2617 unto David H1732 my father, H1 and hast made me to reign H4427 in his stead. Now, O LORD H3068 God, H430 let thy promise H1697 unto David H1732 my father H1 be established: H539 for thou hast made me king H4427 over a people H5971 like the dust H6083 of the earth H776 in multitude. H7227 Give H5414 me now wisdom H2451 and knowledge, H4093 that I may go out H3318 and come in H935 before H6440 this people: H5971 for who can judge H8199 this thy people, H5971 that is so great? H1419 And God H430 said H559 to Solomon, H8010 Because this was in thine heart, H3824 and thou hast not asked H7592 riches, H6239 wealth, H5233 or honour, H3519 nor the life H5315 of thine enemies, H8130 neither yet hast asked H7592 long H7227 life; H3117 but hast asked H7592 wisdom H2451 and knowledge H4093 for thyself, that thou mayest judge H8199 my people, H5971 over whom I have made thee king: H4427 Wisdom H2451 and knowledge H4093 is granted H5414 unto thee; and I will give H5414 thee riches, H6239 and wealth, H5233 and honour, H3519 such as none of the kings H4428 have had that have been before H6440 thee, neither shall there any after H310 thee have the like.

1 John 5:14-15 STRONG

And G2532 this G3778 is G2076 the confidence G3954 that G3739 we have G2192 in G4314 him, G846 that, G3754 if G1437 we ask G154 any thing G5100 according G2596 to his G846 will, G2307 he heareth G191 us: G2257 And G2532 if G1437 we know G1492 that G3754 he hear G191 us, G2257 whatsoever G3739 G302 we ask, G154 we know G1492 that G3754 we have G2192 the petitions G155 that G3739 we desired G154 of G3844 him. G846

John 15:16 STRONG

Ye G5210 have G1586 not G3756 chosen G1586 me, G3165 but G235 I G1473 have chosen G1586 you, G5209 and G2532 ordained G5087 you, G5209 that G2443 ye G5210 should go G5217 and G2532 bring forth G5342 fruit, G2590 and G2532 that your G5216 fruit G2590 should remain: G3306 that G2443 whatsoever G3739 G302 G3748 ye shall ask G154 of the Father G3962 in G1722 my G3450 name, G3686 he may give it G1325 you. G5213

John 14:13-14 STRONG

And G3739 G2532 whatsoever G3748 G302 ye shall ask G154 in G1722 my G3450 name, G3686 that G5124 will I do, G4160 that G2443 the Father G3962 may be glorified G1392 in G1722 the Son. G5207 If G1437 ye shall ask G154 any thing G5100 in G1722 my G3450 name, G3686 I G1473 will do G4160 it.

Matthew 2:19 STRONG

But G1161 when Herod G2264 was dead, G5053 behold, G2400 an angel G32 of the Lord G2962 appeareth G5316 in G2596 a dream G3677 to Joseph G2501 in G1722 Egypt, G125

Genesis 28:12-13 STRONG

And he dreamed, H2492 and behold a ladder H5551 set up H5324 on the earth, H776 and the top of it H7218 reached H5060 to heaven: H8064 and behold the angels H4397 of God H430 ascending H5927 and descending H3381 on it. And, behold, the LORD H3068 stood H5324 above it, and said, H559 I am the LORD H3068 God H430 of Abraham H85 thy father, H1 and the God H430 of Isaac: H3327 the land H776 whereon thou liest, H7901 to thee will I give it, H5414 and to thy seed; H2233

Mark 11:24 STRONG

Therefore G1223 G5124 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 What G3745 things G3956 soever G302 ye desire, G154 when ye pray, G4336 believe G4100 that G3754 ye receive G2983 them, and G2532 ye G5213 shall have G2071 them.

Matthew 7:7-8 STRONG

Ask, G154 and G2532 it shall be given G1325 you; G5213 seek, G2212 and G2532 ye shall find; G2147 knock, G2925 and G2532 it shall be opened G455 unto you: G5213 For G1063 every one G3956 that asketh G154 receiveth; G2983 and G2532 he that seeketh G2212 findeth; G2147 and G2532 to him that knocketh G2925 it shall be opened. G455

Job 33:14-15 STRONG

For God H410 speaketh H1696 once, H259 yea twice, H8147 yet man perceiveth H7789 it not. In a dream, H2472 in a vision H2384 of the night, H3915 when deep H8639 sleep falleth H5307 upon men, H582 in slumberings H8572 upon the bed; H4904

Commentary on 1 Kings 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 3:1. Solomon Marries Pharaoh's Daughter.

1. Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh—This was a royal title, equivalent to "sultan," and the personal name of this monarch is said to have been Vaphres. The formation, on equal terms, of this matrimonial alliance with the royal family of Egypt, shows the high consideration to which the Hebrew kingdom had now arisen. Rosellini has given, from the Egyptian monuments, what is supposed to be a portrait of this princess. She was received in the land of her adoption with great eclat; for the Song of Solomon and the forty-fifth Psalm are supposed to have been composed in honor of this occasion, although they may both have a higher typical reference to the introduction of the Gentiles into the church.

and brought her into the city of David—that is, Jerusalem. She was not admissible into the stronghold of Zion, the building where the ark was (De 23:7, 8). She seems to have been lodged at first in his mother's apartments (So 3:4; 8:2), as a suitable residence was not yet provided for her in the new palace (1Ki 7:8; 9:24; 2Ch 8:11).

building … the wall of Jerusalem round about—Although David had begun (Ps 51:18), it was, according to Josephus, reserved for Solomon to extend and complete the fortifications of the city. It has been questioned whether this marriage was in conformity with the law (see Ex 34:16; De 7:3; Ezr 10:1-10; Ne 13:26). But it is nowhere censured in Scripture, as are the connections Solomon formed with other foreigners (1Ki 11:1-3); whence it may be inferred that he had stipulated for her abandonment of idolatry, and conforming to the Jewish religion (Ps 45:10, 11).

1Ki 3:2-5. High Places Being in Use, He Sacrifices at Gibeon.

3. And Solomon loved the Lord—This declaration, illustrated by what follows, affords undoubted evidence of the young king's piety; nor is the word "only," which prefaces the statement, to be understood as introducing a qualifying circumstance that reflected any degree of censure upon him. The intention of the sacred historian is to describe the generally prevailing mode of worship before the temple was built. The

high places were altars erected on natural or artificial eminences, probably from the idea that men were brought nearer to the Deity. They had been used by the patriarchs, and had become so universal among the heathen that they were almost identified with idolatry. They were prohibited in the law (Le 17:3, 4; De 12:13, 14; Jer 7:31; Eze 6:3, 4; Ho 10:8). But, so long as the tabernacle was migratory and the means for the national worship were merely provisional, the worship on those high places was tolerated. Hence, as accounting for their continuance, it is expressly stated (1Ki 3:2) that God had not yet chosen a permanent and exclusive place for his worship.

4. the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there—The old tabernacle and the brazen altar which Moses had made in the wilderness were there (1Ch 16:39; 21:29; 2Ch 1:3-6). The royal progress was of public importance. It was a season of national devotion. The king was accompanied by his principal nobility (2Ch 1:2); and, as the occasion was most probably one of the great annual festivals which lasted seven days, the rank of the offerer and the succession of daily oblations may help in part to account for the immense magnitude of the sacrifices.

5. In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream—It was probably at the close of this season, when his mind had been elevated into a high state of religious fervor by the protracted services. Solomon felt an intense desire, and he had offered an earnest petition, for the gift of wisdom. In sleep his thoughts ran upon the subject of his prayer, and he dreamed that God appeared to him and gave him the option of every thing in the world—that he asked wisdom, and that God granted his request (1Ki 3:9-12). His dream was but an imaginary repetition of his former desire, but God's grant of it was real.

1Ki 3:6-15. He Chooses Wisdom.

6. Solomon said—that is, had dreamed that he said.

7. I am but a little child—not in age, for he had reached manhood (1Ki 2:9) and must have been at least twenty years old; but he was raw and inexperienced in matters of government.

10. the speech pleased the Lord—It was Solomon's waking prayers that God heard and requited, but the acceptance was signified in this vision.

15. behold, it was a dream—The vivid impression, the indelible recollection he had of this dream, together with the new and increased energy communicated to his mind, and the flow of worldly prosperity that rushed upon him, gave him assurance that it came by divine inspiration and originated in the grace of God. The wisdom, however, that was asked and obtained was not so much of the heart as of the head—it was wisdom not for himself personally, but for his office, such as would qualify him for the administration of justice, the government of a kingdom, and for the attainment of general scientific knowledge.

1Ki 3:16-28. His Judgment between Two Harlots.

16. Then came there two women—Eastern monarchs, who generally administer justice in person, at least in all cases of difficulty, often appeal to the principles of human nature when they are at a loss otherwise to find a clue to the truth or see clearly their way through a mass of conflicting testimony. The modern history of the East abounds with anecdotes of judicial cases, in which the decision given was the result of an experiment similar to this of Solomon upon the natural feelings of the contending parties.