Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 7 » Verse 15-47

1 Kings 7:15-47 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 For he cast H6696 two H8147 pillars H5982 of brass, H5178 of eighteen H8083 H6240 cubits H520 high H6967 apiece: H5982 H259 and a line H2339 of twelve H8147 H6240 cubits H520 did compass H5437 either H8145 of them about. H5437

16 And he made H6213 two H8147 chapiters H3805 of molten H3332 brass, H5178 to set H5414 upon the tops H7218 of the pillars: H5982 the height H6967 of the one H259 chapiter H3805 was five H2568 cubits, H520 and the height H6967 of the other H8145 chapiter H3805 was five H2568 cubits: H520

17 And nets H7638 of checker H7639 work, H4639 and wreaths H1434 of chain H8333 work, H4639 for the chapiters H3805 which were upon the top H7218 of the pillars; H5982 seven H7651 for the one H259 chapiter, H3805 and seven H7651 for the other H8145 chapiter. H3805

18 And he made H6213 the pillars, H5982 and two H8147 rows H2905 round about H5439 upon the one H259 network, H7639 to cover H3680 the chapiters H3805 that were upon the top, H7218 with pomegranates: H7416 and so did H6213 he for the other H8145 chapiter. H3805

19 And the chapiters H3805 that were upon the top H7218 of the pillars H5982 were of lily H7799 work H4639 in the porch, H197 four H702 cubits. H520

20 And the chapiters H3805 upon the two H8147 pillars H5982 had pomegranates also above, H4605 over against H5980 the belly H990 which was by H5676 the network: H7639 and the pomegranates H7416 were two hundred H3967 in rows H2905 round about H5439 upon the other H8145 chapiter. H3805

21 And he set up H6965 the pillars H5982 in the porch H197 of the temple: H1964 and he set up H6965 the right H3233 pillar, H5982 and called H7121 the name H8034 thereof Jachin: H3199 and he set up H6965 the left H8042 pillar, H5982 and called H7121 the name H8034 thereof Boaz. H1162

22 And upon the top H7218 of the pillars H5982 was lily H7799 work: H4639 so was the work H4399 of the pillars H5982 finished. H8552

23 And he made H6213 a molten H3332 sea, H3220 ten H6235 cubits H520 from the one brim H8193 to the other: H8193 it was round H5696 all about, H5439 and his height H6967 was five H2568 cubits: H520 and a line H6957 H6961 of thirty H7970 cubits H520 did compass H5437 it round about. H5439

24 And under the brim H8193 of it round about H5439 there were knops H6497 compassing H5437 it, ten H6235 in a cubit, H520 compassing H5362 the sea H3220 round about: H5439 the knops H6497 were cast H3333 in two H8147 rows, H2905 when it was cast. H3332

25 It stood H5975 upon twelve H8147 H6240 oxen, H1241 three H7969 looking H6437 toward the north, H6828 and three H7969 looking H6437 toward the west, H3220 and three H7969 looking H6437 toward the south, H5045 and three H7969 looking H6437 toward the east: H4217 and the sea H3220 was set above H4605 upon them, and all their hinder parts H268 were inward. H1004

26 And it was an hand breadth H2947 thick, H5672 and the brim H8193 thereof was wrought H4639 like the brim H8193 of a cup, H3563 with flowers H6525 of lilies: H7799 it contained H3557 two thousand H505 baths. H1324

27 And he made H6213 ten H6235 bases H4350 of brass; H5178 four H702 cubits H520 was the length H753 of one H259 base, H4350 and four H702 cubits H520 the breadth H7341 thereof, and three H7969 cubits H520 the height H6967 of it.

28 And the work H4639 of the bases H4350 was on this manner: they had borders, H4526 and the borders H4526 were between the ledges: H7948

29 And on the borders H4526 that were between the ledges H7948 were lions, H738 oxen, H1241 and cherubims: H3742 and upon the ledges H7948 there was a base H3653 above: H4605 and beneath the lions H738 and oxen H1241 were certain additions H3914 made of thin H4174 work. H4639

30 And every H259 base H4350 had four H702 brasen H5178 wheels, H212 and plates H5633 of brass: H5178 and the four H702 corners H6471 thereof had undersetters: H3802 under the laver H3595 were undersetters H3802 molten, H3332 at the side H5676 of every H376 addition. H3914

31 And the mouth H6310 of it within H1004 the chapiter H3805 and above H4605 was a cubit: H520 but the mouth H6310 thereof was round H5696 after the work H4639 of the base, H3653 a cubit H520 and an half: H2677 and also upon the mouth H6310 of it were gravings H4734 with their borders, H4526 foursquare, H7251 not round. H5696

32 And under H8478 the borders H4526 were four H702 wheels; H212 and the axletrees H3027 of the wheels H212 were joined to the base: H4350 and the height H6967 of a H259 wheel H212 was a cubit H520 and half H2677 a cubit. H520

33 And the work H4639 of the wheels H212 was like the work H4639 of a chariot H4818 wheel: H212 their axletrees, H3027 and their naves, H1354 and their felloes, H2839 and their spokes, H2840 were all molten. H3332

34 And there were four H702 undersetters H3802 to the four H702 corners H6438 of one H259 base: H4350 and the undersetters H3802 were of the very base H4350 itself.

35 And in the top H7218 of the base H4350 was there a round H5696 compass H5439 of half H2677 a cubit H520 high: H6967 and on the top H7218 of the base H4350 the ledges H3027 thereof and the borders H4526 thereof were of the same.

36 For on the plates H3871 of the ledges H3027 thereof, and on the borders H4526 thereof, he graved H6605 cherubims, H3742 lions, H738 and palm trees, H8561 according to the proportion H4626 of every one, H376 and additions H3914 round about. H5439

37 After this manner he made H6213 the ten H6235 bases: H4350 all of them had one H259 casting, H4165 one H259 measure, H4060 and one H259 size. H7095

38 Then made H6213 he ten H6235 lavers H3595 of brass: H5178 one H259 laver H3595 contained H3557 forty H705 baths: H1324 and every H259 laver H3595 was four H702 cubits: H520 and upon every one H259 of the ten H6235 bases H4350 one H259 laver. H3595

39 And he put H5414 five H2568 bases H4350 on the right H3225 side H3802 of the house, H1004 and five H2568 on the left H8040 side H3802 of the house: H1004 and he set H5414 the sea H3220 on the right H3233 side H3802 of the house H1004 eastward H6924 over against H4136 the south. H5045

40 And Hiram H2438 made H6213 the lavers, H3595 and the shovels, H3257 and the basons. H4219 So Hiram H2438 made H3615 an end of doing H6213 all the work H4399 that he made H6213 king H4428 Solomon H8010 for the house H1004 of the LORD: H3068

41 The two H8147 pillars, H5982 and the two bowls H1543 of the chapiters H3805 that were on the top H7218 of the two H8147 pillars; H5982 and the two H8147 networks, H7639 to cover H3680 the two H8147 bowls H1543 of the chapiters H3805 which were upon the top H7218 of the pillars; H5982

42 And four H702 hundred H3967 pomegranates H7416 for the two H8147 networks, H7639 even two H8147 rows H2905 of pomegranates H7416 for one H259 network, H7639 to cover H3680 the two H8147 bowls H1543 of the chapiters H3805 that were upon H6440 the pillars; H5982

43 And the ten H6235 bases, H4350 and ten H6235 lavers H3595 on the bases; H4350

44 And one H259 sea, H3220 and twelve H8147 H6240 oxen H1241 under the sea; H3220

45 And the pots, H5518 and the shovels, H3257 and the basons: H4219 and all these vessels, H3627 which Hiram H2438 made H6213 to king H4428 Solomon H8010 for the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 were of bright H4178 brass. H5178

46 In the plain H3603 of Jordan H3383 did the king H4428 cast H3332 them, in the clay H4568 ground H127 between Succoth H5523 and Zarthan. H6891

47 And Solomon H8010 left H3240 all the vessels H3627 unweighed, because they were exceeding H3966 H3966 many: H7230 neither was the weight H4948 of the brass H5178 found out. H2713

Commentary on 1 Kings 7 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 7:1. Building of Solomon's House.

1. Solomon was building his own house thirteen years—The time occupied in building his palace was nearly double that spent in the erection of the temple [1Ki 6:38], because neither had there been the same previous preparations for it, nor was there the same urgency as in providing a place of worship, on which the national well-being so much depended.

1Ki 7:2-7. Of the House of Lebanon.

2. He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon—It is scarcely possible to determine whether this was a different edifice from the former, or whether his house, the house of the forest of Lebanon, and the one for Pharaoh's daughter, were not parts of one grand palace. As difficult is it to decide what was the origin of the name; some supposing it was so called because built on Lebanon; others, that it was in or near Jerusalem, but contained such a profuse supply of cedar columns as to have occasioned this peculiar designation. We have a similar peculiarity of name in the building called the East India house, though situated in London. The description is conformable to the arrangement of Eastern palaces. The building stood in the middle of a great oblong square, which was surrounded by an enclosing wall, against which the houses and offices of those attached to the court were built. The building itself was oblong, consisting of two square courts, flanking a large oblong hall which formed the center, and was one hundred cubits long, by fifty broad. This was properly the house of the forest of Lebanon, being the part where were the cedar pillars of this hall. In front was the porch of judgment, which was appropriated to the transaction of public business. On the one side of this great hall was the king's house; and on the other the harem or royal apartments for Pharaoh's daughter (Es 2:3, 9). This arrangement of the palace accords with the Oriental style of building, according to which a great mansion always consists of three divisions, or separate houses—all connected by doors and passages—the men dwelling at one extremity, the women of the family at the other, while public rooms occupy the central part of the building.

10. the foundation was of costly stones, even great stones—Enormous stones, corresponding exactly with the dimensions given, are found in Jerusalem at this day. Not only the walls from the foundation to the roof beams were built of large hewn stones, but the spacious court around the palace was also paved with great square stones.

12. for the inner court of the house of the Lord—should be, as in the inner court of the house of the Lord; the meaning is, that in this palace, as in the temple, rows of hewed stones and the cedar beams formed the enclosing wall.

1Ki 7:13-51. Hiram's Works.

13. Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre—The Tyrians and other inhabitants on the Phœnician coast were the most renowned artists and workers in metal in the ancient world.

14. He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali—In 2Ch 2:14 his mother is said to have been of the daughters of Dan. The apparent discrepancy may be reconciled thus: Hiram's mother, though belonging to the tribe of Dan, had been married to a Naphtalite, so that when married afterwards to a Tyrian, she might be described as a widow of the tribe of Naphtali. Or, if she was a native of the city Dan (Laish), she might be said to be of the daughters of Dan, as born in that place; and of the tribe of Naphtali, as really belonging to it.

a worker in brass—This refers particularly to the works described in this chapter. But in 2Ch 2:13 his artistic skill is represented as extending to a great variety of departments. In fact, he was appointed, from his great natural talents and acquired skill, to superintend the execution of all the works of art in the temple.

15-22. two pillars of brass of eighteen cubits high—They were made of the brass (bronze) which was taken from the king of Zobah (1Ch 18:8). In 2Ch 3:15 they are said to have been thirty-five cubits high. There, however, their joint lengths are given; whereas here the length of the pillars is given separately. Each pillar was seventeen and a half cubits long, which is stated, in round numbers, as eighteen. Their dimensions in English measure are as follows: The pillars without the capitals measured thirty-two and a half feet long, and seven feet diameter; and if hollow, as Whiston, in his translation of Josephus, thinks (Jer 52:21), the metal would be about three and a half inches thick; so that the whole casting of one pillar must have been from sixteen to twenty tons. The height of the capitals was eight and three-fourths feet; and, at the same thickness of metal, would not weigh less than seven or eight tons each. The nature of the workmanship in the finishing of these capitals is described (1Ki 7:17-22). The pillars, when set up, would stand forty feet in height [Napier, Metal].

17, 18. nets of checker work—that is, branch-work, resembling the branches of palm trees, and

wreaths of chain-work—that is, plaited in the form of a chain, composing a sort of crown or garland. Seven of these were wound in festoons on one capital, and over and underneath them were fringes, one hundred in a row. Two rows of pomegranates strung on chains (2Ch 3:16) ran round the capital (1Ki 7:42; compare 2Ch 4:12, 13; Jer 52:23), which, itself, was of a bowl-like or globular form (1Ki 7:41). These rows were designed to form a binding to the ornamental work—to keep it from falling asunder; and they were so placed as to be above the chain work, and below the place where the branch-work was.

19. lily work—beautiful ornaments, resembling the stalks, leaves, and blossoms of lilies—of large dimensions, as suited to the height of their position.

21. Jachin and … Boaz—These names were symbolical, and indicated the strength and stability—not so much of the material temple, for they were destroyed along with it (Jer 52:17), as of the spiritual kingdom of God, which was embodied in the temple.

23-26. he made a molten sea—In the tabernacle was no such vessel; the laver served the double purpose of washing the hands and feet of the priests as well as the parts of the sacrifices. But in the temple there were separate vessels provided for these offices. (See on 2Ch 4:6). The molten sea was an immense semicircular vase, measuring seventeen and a half feet in diameter, and being eight and three-fourths feet in depth. This, at three and a half inches in thickness, could not weigh less than from twenty-five to thirty tons in one solid casting—and held from sixteen thousand to twenty thousand gallons of water. [See on 2Ch 4:3.] The brim was all carved with lily work or flowers; and oxen were carved or cut on the outside all round, to the number of three hundred; and it stood on a pedestal of twelve oxen. These oxen must have been of considerable size, like the Assyrian bulls, so that their corresponding legs would give thickness or strength to support so great a weight for, when the vessel was filled with water, the whole weight would be about one hundred tons [Napier]. (See on 2Ch 4:3).

27-39. he made ten bases of brass—These were trucks or four-wheeled carriages, for the support and conveyance of the lavers. The description of their structure shows that they were elegantly fitted up and skilfully adapted to their purpose. They stood, not on the axles, but on four rests attached to the axles, so that the figured sides were considerably raised above the wheels. They were all exactly alike in form and size. The lavers which were borne upon them were vessels capable each of holding three hundred gallons of water, upwards of a ton weight. The whole, when full of water, would be no less than two tons [Napier].

40-45. And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basins—These verses contain a general enumeration of Hiram's works, as well as those already mentioned as other minor things. The Tyrian artists are frequently mentioned by ancient authors as skilful artificers in fashioning and embossing metal cups and bowls; and we need not wonder, therefore, to find them employed by Solomon in making the golden and brazen utensils for his temple and palaces.

46. In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them—Zarthan, or Zaretan (Jos 3:16), or Zartanah (1Ki 4:12), or Zeredathah (2Ch 4:17), was on the bank of the Jordan in the territories of western Manasseh. Succoth was situated on the eastern side of Jordan, at the ford of the river near the mouth of the Jabbok. One reason assigned by commentators for the castings being made there is, that at such a distance from Jerusalem that city would not be annoyed by the smoke and noxious vapors necessarily occasioned by the process. [Note in Bagster's Bible.] But the true reason is to be found in the nature of the soil; Margin, "the thickness of the ground." That part of the Jordan valley abounds with marl. Clay and sand are the moulding material still used for bronze. Such large quantities of metal as one of these castings would contain could not be fused in one furnace, but would require a series of furnaces, especially for such a casting as the brazen sea—the whole series of furnaces being filled with metal, and fused at one time, and all tapped together, and the metal let run into the mould. Thus a national foundry was erected in the plain of Jordan [Napier].

48. the altar of gold—that is, the altar of incense.

49. candlesticks of pure gold—made, probably, according to the model of that in the tabernacle, which, along with the other articles of furniture, were deposited with due honor, as sacred relics, in the temple. But these seem not to have been used in the temple service; for Solomon made new lavers, tables, and candlesticks, ten of each. (See further regarding the dimensions and furniture of the temple, in 2Ch 3:1-5:14).