Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Kings » Chapter 9 » Verse 22

1 Kings 9:22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

22 But of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did Solomon H8010 make H5414 no bondmen: H5650 but they were men H582 of war, H4421 and his servants, H5650 and his princes, H8269 and his captains, H7991 and rulers H8269 of his chariots, H7393 and his horsemen. H6571

Cross Reference

Leviticus 25:39 STRONG

And if thy brother H251 that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, H4134 and be sold H4376 unto thee; thou shalt not compel H5647 him to serve H5656 as a bondservant: H5650

1 Samuel 8:11-12 STRONG

And he said, H559 This will be the manner H4941 of the king H4428 that shall reign H4427 over you: He will take H3947 your sons, H1121 and appoint H7760 them for himself, for his chariots, H4818 and to be his horsemen; H6571 and some shall run H7323 before H6440 his chariots. H4818 And he will appoint H7760 him captains H8269 over thousands, H505 and captains H8269 over fifties; H2572 and will set them to ear H2790 his ground, H2758 and to reap H7114 his harvest, H7105 and to make H6213 his instruments H3627 of war, H4421 and instruments H3627 of his chariots. H7393

1 Kings 4:1-27 STRONG

So king H4428 Solomon H8010 was king H4428 over all Israel. H3478 And these were the princes H8269 which he had; Azariah H5838 the son H1121 of Zadok H6659 the priest, H3548 Elihoreph H456 and Ahiah, H281 the sons H1121 of Shisha, H7894 scribes; H5608 Jehoshaphat H3092 the son H1121 of Ahilud, H286 the recorder. H2142 And Benaiah H1141 the son H1121 of Jehoiada H3077 was over the host: H6635 and Zadok H6659 and Abiathar H54 were the priests: H3548 And Azariah H5838 the son H1121 of Nathan H5416 was over the officers: H5324 and Zabud H2071 the son H1121 of Nathan H5416 was principal officer, H3548 and the king's H4428 friend: H7463 And Ahishar H301 was over the household: H1004 and Adoniram H141 the son H1121 of Abda H5653 was over the tribute. H4522 And Solomon H8010 had twelve H8147 H6240 officers H5324 over all Israel, H3478 which provided victuals H3557 for the king H4428 and his household: H1004 each man H259 his month H2320 in a year H8141 made provision. H3557 And these are their names: H8034 The son of Hur, H1133 in mount H2022 Ephraim: H669 The son of Dekar, H1128 H1857 in Makaz, H4739 and in Shaalbim, H8169 and Bethshemesh, H1053 and Elonbethhanan: H358 The son of Hesed, H1136 H2618 in Aruboth; H700 to him pertained Sochoh, H7755 and all the land H776 of Hepher: H2660 The son of Abinadab, H1125 in all the region H5299 of Dor; H1756 which had Taphath H2955 the daughter H1323 of Solomon H8010 to wife: H802 Baana H1195 the son H1121 of Ahilud; H286 to him pertained Taanach H8590 and Megiddo, H4023 and all Bethshean, H1052 which is by H681 Zartanah H6891 beneath Jezreel, H3157 from Bethshean H1052 to Abelmeholah, H65 even unto the place that is beyond H5676 Jokneam: H3361 The son of Geber, H1127 in Ramothgilead; H1568 H7433 to him pertained the towns H2333 of Jair H2971 the son H1121 of Manasseh, H4519 which are in Gilead; H1568 to him also pertained the region H2256 of Argob, H709 which is in Bashan, H1316 threescore H8346 great H1419 cities H5892 with walls H2346 and brasen H5178 bars: H1280 Ahinadab H292 the son H1121 of Iddo H5714 had Mahanaim: H4266 Ahimaaz H290 was in Naphtali; H5321 he also took H3947 Basmath H1315 the daughter H1323 of Solomon H8010 to wife: H802 Baanah H1195 the son H1121 of Hushai H2365 was in Asher H836 and in Aloth: H1175 Jehoshaphat H3092 the son H1121 of Paruah, H6515 in Issachar: H3485 Shimei H8096 the son H1121 of Elah, H414 in Benjamin: H1144 Geber H1398 the son H1121 of Uri H221 was in the country H776 of Gilead, H1568 in the country H776 of Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 and of Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan; H1316 and he was the only H259 officer H5333 which was in the land. H776 Judah H3063 and Israel H3478 were many, H7227 as the sand H2344 which is by the sea H3220 in multitude, H7230 eating H398 and drinking, H8354 and making merry. H8056 And Solomon H8010 reigned H4910 over all kingdoms H4467 from the river H5104 unto the land H776 of the Philistines, H6430 and unto the border H1366 of Egypt: H4714 they brought H5066 presents, H4503 and served H5647 Solomon H8010 all the days H3117 of his life. H2416 And Solomon's H8010 provision H3899 for one H259 day H3117 was thirty H7970 measures H3734 of fine flour, H5560 and threescore H8346 measures H3734 of meal, H7058 Ten H6235 fat H1277 oxen, H1241 and twenty H6242 oxen H1241 out of the pastures, H7471 and an hundred H3967 sheep, H6629 beside harts, H354 and roebucks, H6643 and fallowdeer, H3180 and fatted H75 fowl. H1257 For he had dominion H7287 over all the region on this side H5676 the river, H5104 from Tiphsah H8607 even to Azzah, H5804 over all the kings H4428 on this side H5676 the river: H5104 and he had peace H7965 on all sides H5650 H5676 round about H5439 him. And Judah H3063 and Israel H3478 dwelt H3427 safely, H983 every man H376 under his vine H1612 and under his fig tree, H8384 from Dan H1835 even to Beersheba, H884 all the days H3117 of Solomon. H8010 And Solomon H8010 had forty H705 thousand H505 stalls H723 of horses H5483 for his chariots, H4817 and twelve H8147 H6240 thousand H505 horsemen. H6571 And those officers H5324 provided victual H3557 for king H4428 Solomon, H8010 and for all that came H7131 unto king H4428 Solomon's H8010 table, H7979 every man H376 in his month: H2320 they lacked H5737 nothing. H1697

2 Chronicles 8:9-10 STRONG

But of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did Solomon H8010 make H5414 no servants H5650 for his work; H4399 but they were men H582 of war, H4421 and chief H8269 of his captains, H7991 and captains H8269 of his chariots H7393 and horsemen. H6571 And these were the chief H8269 of king H4428 Solomon's H8010 officers, H5324 H5333 even two hundred H3967 and fifty, H2572 that bare rule H7287 over the people. H5971

Commentary on 1 Kings 9 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Ki 9:1-9. God's Covenant in a Second Vision with Solomon.

1. And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished the building of the house—This first verse is connected with 1Ki 9:11, all that is contained between 1Ki 9:2-10 being parenthetical.

2. That—rather, "For."

the Lord appeared—This appearance was, like the former one at Gibeon, most probably made in a supernatural vision, and on the night immediately following the dedication of the temple (2Ch 7:12). The strain of it corresponds to this view, for it consists of direct answers to his solemn inaugural prayer (1Ki 9:3 is in answer to 1Ki 8:29; 1Ki 9:4, 5 is in answer to 1Ki 8:25, 26; 1Ki 9:6-9 to 1Ki 8:33-46; see also De 29:22-24).

8. this house, which is high—"high," either in point of situation, for it was built on a hill, and therefore conspicuous to every beholder; or "high" in respect to privilege, honor, and renown; or this "house of the Most High," notwithstanding all its beauty and magnificence, shall be destroyed, and remain in such a state of ruin and degradation as to be a striking monument of the just judgment of God. The record of this second vision, in which were rehearsed the conditions of God's covenant with Solomon and the consequences of breaking them, is inserted here as a proper introduction to the narrative about to be given of this king's commercial enterprises and ambitious desire for worldly glory; for this king, by encouraging an influx of foreign people and a taste for foreign luxuries, rapidly corrupted his own mind and that of this subjects, so that they turned from following God, they and their children (1Ki 9:6).

1Ki 9:10-23. The Mutual Presents of Solomon and Hiram.

10. at the end of twenty years—Seven and a half years were spent in building the temple, and twelve and a half or thirteen in the erection of his palace (1Ki 7:1; 2Ch 8:1). This verse is only a recapitulation of 1Ki 9:1, necessary to recover the thread of connection in the narrative.

11. Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee—According to Josephus, they were situated on the northwest of it, adjacent to Tyre. Though lying within the boundaries of the promised land (Ge 15:18; Jos 1:4), they had never been conquered till then, and were inhabited by Canaanite heathens (Jud 4:2-13; 2Ki 15:29). They were probably given to Hiram, whose dominions were small, as a remuneration for his important services in furnishing workmen, materials, and an immense quantity of wrought gold (1Ki 9:14) for the temple and other buildings [Michaelis]. The gold, however, as others think, may have been the amount of forfeits paid to Solomon by Hiram for not being able to answer the riddles and apothegms, with which, according to Josephus, in their private correspondence, the two sovereigns amused themselves. Hiram having refused these cities, probably on account of their inland situation making them unsuitable to his maritime and commercial people, Solomon satisfied his ally in some other way; and, taking these cities into his own hands, he first repaired their shattered walls, then filled them with a colony of Hebrews (2Ch 8:2).

15-24. this is the reason of the levy—A levy refers both to men and money, and the necessity for Solomon making it arose from the many gigantic works he undertook to erect.

Millo—part of the fort of Jerusalem on Mount Zion (2Sa 5:9; 1Ch 11:8), or a row of stone bastions around Mount Zion, Millo being the great corner tower of that fortified wall (1Ki 11:27; 2Ch 32:5).

the wall of Jerusalem—either repairing some breaches in it (1Ki 11:27), or extending it so as to enclose Mount Zion.

Hazor—fortified on account of its importance as a town in the northern boundary of the country.

Megiddo—(now Leijun)—Lying in the great caravan road between Egypt and Damascus, it was the key to the north of Palestine by the western lowlands, and therefore fortified.

Gezer—on the western confines of Ephraim, and, though a Levitical city, occupied by the Canaanites. Having fallen by right of conquest to the king of Egypt, who for some cause attacked it, it was given by him as a dowry to his daughter, and fortified by Solomon.

17. Beth-horon the nether—situated on the way from Joppa to Jerusalem and Gibeon; it required, from so public a road, to be strongly garrisoned.

18. Baalath—Baal-bek.

Tadmor—Palmyra, between Damascus and the Euphrates, was rebuilt and fortified as a security against invasion from northern Asia. In accomplishing these and various other works which were carried on throughout the kingdom, especially in the north, where Rezon of Damascus, his enemy, might prove dangerous, he employed vast numbers of the Canaanites as galley slaves (2Ch 2:18), treating them as prisoners of war, who were compelled to do the drudgery and hard labor, while the Israelites were only engaged in honorable employment.

23. These were the chief of the officers—(See on 2Ch 8:10).

1Ki 9:24-28. Solomon's Yearly Sacrifices.

24, 25. three times in a year—namely, at the passover, pentecost, and feast of tabernacles (2Ch 8:13; 31:3). The circumstances mentioned in these two verses form a proper conclusion to the record of his buildings and show that his design in erecting those at Jerusalem was to remedy defects existing at the commencement of his reign (see 1Ki 3:1-4).

26. Ezion-geber, which is beside Eloth—These were neighboring ports at the head of the eastern or Elanitic branch of the Red Sea. Tyrian ship carpenters and sailors were sent there for Solomon's vessels (see on 2Ch 8:17, 18).

Ezion-geber—that is, "the giant's backbone"; so called from a reef of rocks at the entrance of the harbor.

Eloth—Elim or Elath; that is, "the trees"; a grove of terebinths still exists at the head of the gulf.

28. Ophir—a general name, like the East or West Indies with us, for all the southern regions lying on the African, Arabian, or Indian seas, in so far as at that time known [Heeren].

gold, four hundred and twenty talents—(See on 2Ch 8:18). At 125 pounds Troy, or 1500 ounces to the talent, and about £4 to the ounce, this would make £2,604,000.