Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 1 » Verse 19

1 Samuel 1:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 And they rose up H7925 in the morning H1242 early, H7925 and worshipped H7812 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and returned, H7725 and came H935 to their house H1004 to Ramah: H7414 and Elkanah H511 knew H3045 Hannah H2584 his wife; H802 and the LORD H3068 remembered H2142 her.

Cross Reference

Genesis 30:22 STRONG

And God H430 remembered H2142 Rachel, H7354 and God H430 hearkened H8085 to her, and opened H6605 her womb. H7358

Genesis 4:1 STRONG

And Adam H120 knew H3045 H853 Eve H2332 his wife; H802 and she conceived, H2029 and bare H3205 H853 Cain, H7014 and said, H559 I have gotten H7069 a man H376 from H854 the LORD. H3068

Genesis 21:1 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 visited H6485 Sarah H8283 as he had said, H559 and the LORD H3068 did H6213 unto Sarah H8283 as he had spoken. H1696

1 Samuel 1:11 STRONG

And she vowed H5087 a vow, H5088 and said, H559 O LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 if thou wilt indeed H7200 look H7200 on the affliction H6040 of thine handmaid, H519 and remember H2142 me, and not forget H7911 thine handmaid, H519 but wilt give H5414 unto thine handmaid H519 a man H582 child, H2233 then I will give H5414 him unto the LORD H3068 all the days H3117 of his life, H2416 and there shall no razor H4177 come H5927 upon his head. H7218

Genesis 8:1 STRONG

And God H430 remembered H2142 Noah, H5146 and every living thing, H2416 and all the cattle H929 that was with him in the ark: H8392 and God H430 made H5674 a wind H7307 to pass H5674 over H5921 the earth, H776 and the waters H4325 asswaged; H7918

1 Samuel 1:1 STRONG

Now there was a certain H259 man H376 of Ramathaimzophim, H7436 of mount H2022 Ephraim, H669 and his name H8034 was Elkanah, H511 the son H1121 of Jeroham, H3395 the son H1121 of Elihu, H453 the son H1121 of Tohu, H8459 the son H1121 of Zuph, H6689 an Ephrathite: H673

1 Samuel 2:11 STRONG

And Elkanah H511 went H3212 to Ramah H7414 to his house. H1004 And the child H5288 did H1961 minister H8334 unto the LORD H3068 before H6440 Eli H5941 the priest. H3548

1 Samuel 9:26 STRONG

And they arose early: H7925 and it came to pass about the spring H5927 of the day, H7837 that Samuel H8050 called H7121 Saul H7586 to the top of the house, H1406 saying, H559 Up, H6965 that I may send thee away. H7971 And Saul H7586 arose, H6965 and they went out H3318 both H8147 of them, he and Samuel, H8050 abroad. H2351

Psalms 5:3 STRONG

My voice H6963 shalt thou hear H8085 in the morning, H1242 O LORD; H3068 in the morning H1242 will I direct H6186 my prayer unto thee, and will look up. H6822

Psalms 25:7 STRONG

Remember H2142 not the sins H2403 of my youth, H5271 nor my transgressions: H6588 according to thy mercy H2617 remember H2142 thou me for thy goodness' H2898 sake, O LORD. H3068

Psalms 55:17 STRONG

Evening, H6153 and morning, H1242 and at noon, H6672 will I pray, H7878 and cry aloud: H1993 and he shall hear H8085 my voice. H6963

Psalms 119:147 STRONG

I prevented H6923 the dawning of the morning, H5399 and cried: H7768 I hoped H3176 in thy word. H1697

Psalms 136:23 STRONG

Who remembered H2142 us in our low estate: H8216 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769

Mark 1:35 STRONG

And G2532 in the morning, G4404 rising up G450 a great while G3029 before day, G1773 he went out, G1831 and G2532 departed G565 into G1519 a solitary G2048 place, G5117 and there G2546 prayed. G4336

Luke 23:42 STRONG

And G2532 he said G3004 unto Jesus, G2424 Lord, G2962 remember G3415 me G3450 when G3752 thou comest G2064 into G1722 thy G4675 kingdom. G932

Commentary on 1 Samuel 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Sa 1:1-8. Of Elkanah and His Two Wives.

1, 2. a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim—The first word being in the dual number, signifies the double city—the old and new town of Ramah (1Sa 1:19). There were five cities of this name, all on high ground. This city had the addition of Zophim attached to it, because it was founded by Zuph, "an Ephrathite," that is a native of Ephratha. Beth-lehem, and the expression "of Ramathaim-zophim" must, therefore, be understood as Ramah in the land of Zuph in the hill country of Ephratha. Others, considering "mount Ephraim" as pointing to the locality in Joseph's territory, regard "Zophim" not as a proper but a common noun, signifying watchtowers, or watchmen, with reference either to the height of its situation, or its being the residence of prophets who were watchmen (Eze 3:17). Though a native of Ephratha or Beth-lehem-judah (Ru 1:2), Elkanah was a Levite (1Ch 6:33, 34). Though of this order, and a good man, he practised polygamy. This was contrary to the original law, but it seems to have been prevalent among the Hebrews in those days, when there was no king in Israel, and every man did what seemed right in his own eyes [Jud 21:25].

3. this man went up out of his city yearly to worship in Shiloh—In that place was the "earth's one sanctuary," and thither he repaired at the three solemn feasts, accompanied by his family at one of them—probably the passover. Although a Levite, he could not personally offer a sacrifice—that was exclusively the office of the priests; and his piety in maintaining a regular attendance on the divine ordinances is the more worthy of notice because the character of the two priests who administered them was notoriously bad. But doubtless he believed, and acted on the belief, that the ordinances were "effectual means of salvation, not from any virtue in them, or in those who administered them, but from the grace of God being communicated through them."

4. when … Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah … portions—The offerer received back the greater part of the peace offerings, which he and his family or friends were accustomed to eat at a social feast before the Lord. (See on Le 3:3; De 12:12). It was out of these consecrated viands Elkanah gave portions to all the members of his family; but "unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion"; that is, a larger choice, according to the Eastern fashion of showing regard to beloved or distinguished guests. (See on 1Sa 9:24; also see on Ge 43:34).

6. her adversary also provoked her sore—The conduct of Peninnah was most unbecoming. But domestic broils in the houses of polygamists are of frequent occurrence, and the most fruitful cause of them has always been jealousy of the husband's superior affection, as in this case of Hannah.

1Sa 1:9-18. Hannah's Prayer.

11. she prayed … she vowed a vow—Here is a specimen of the intense desire that reigned in the bosoms of the Hebrew women for children. This was the burden of Hannah's prayer; and the strong preference she expressed for a male child originated in her purpose of dedicating him to the tabernacle service. The circumstance of his birth bound him to this; but his residence within the precincts of the sanctuary would have to commence at an earlier age than usual, in consequence of the Nazarite vow.

12-18. Eli marked her mouth—The suspicion of the aged priest seems to indicate that the vice of intemperance was neither uncommon nor confined to one sex in those times of disorder. This mistaken impression was immediately removed, and, in the words, "God grant," or rather, "will grant," was followed by an invocation which, as Hannah regarded it in the light of a prophecy pointing to the accomplishment of her earnest desire, dispelled her sadness, and filled her with confident hope [1Sa 1:18]. The character and services of the expected child were sufficiently important to make his birth a fit subject for prophecy.

1Sa 1:20. Samuel Born.

20. called his name Samuel—doubtless with her husband's consent. The names of children were given sometimes by the fathers, and sometimes by the mothers (see Ge 4:1, 26; 5:29; 19:37; 21:3); and among the early Hebrews, they were commonly compound names, one part including the name of God.

21. the man Elkanah … went up to offer … his vow—The solemn expression of his concurrence in Hannah's vow was necessary to make it obligatory. (See on Nu 30:3).

22. But Hannah went not up—Men only were obliged to attend the solemn feasts (Ex 23:17). But Hannah, like other pious women, was in the habit of going, only she deemed it more prudent and becoming to defer her next journey till her son's age would enable her to fulfill her vow.

24. three bullocks—The Septuagint renders it "a bullock of three years old"; which is probably the true rendering.