Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 11 » Verse 1-11

1 Samuel 11:1-11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 Then Nahash H5176 the Ammonite H5984 came up, H5927 and encamped H2583 against Jabeshgilead: H3003 H1568 and all the men H582 of Jabesh H3003 said H559 unto Nahash, H5176 Make H3772 a covenant H1285 with us, and we will serve H5647 thee.

2 And Nahash H5176 the Ammonite H5984 answered H559 them, On this H2063 condition will I make H3772 a covenant with you, that I may thrust out H5365 all your right H3225 eyes, H5869 and lay H7760 it for a reproach H2781 upon all Israel. H3478

3 And the elders H2205 of Jabesh H3003 said H559 unto him, Give us seven H7651 days' H3117 respite, H7503 that we may send H7971 messengers H4397 unto all the coasts H1366 of Israel: H3478 and then, if there be no man to save H3467 us, we will come out H3318 to thee.

4 Then came H935 the messengers H4397 to Gibeah H1390 of Saul, H7586 and told H1696 the tidings H1697 in the ears H241 of the people: H5971 and all the people H5971 lifted up H5375 their voices, H6963 and wept. H1058

5 And, behold, Saul H7586 came H935 after H310 the herd H1241 out of the field; H7704 and Saul H7586 said, H559 What aileth the people H5971 that they weep? H1058 And they told H5608 him the tidings H1697 of the men H582 of Jabesh. H3003

6 And the Spirit H7307 of God H430 came H6743 upon Saul H7586 when he heard H8085 those tidings, H1697 and his anger H639 was kindled H2734 greatly. H3966

7 And he took H3947 a yoke H6776 of oxen, H1241 and hewed them in pieces, H5408 and sent H7971 them throughout all the coasts H1366 of Israel H3478 by the hands H3027 of messengers, H4397 saying, H559 Whosoever cometh not forth H3318 after H310 Saul H7586 and after H310 Samuel, H8050 so shall it be done H6213 unto his oxen. H1241 And the fear H6343 of the LORD H3068 fell H5307 on the people, H5971 and they came out H3318 with one H259 consent. H376

8 And when he numbered H6485 them in Bezek, H966 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 were three H7969 hundred H3967 thousand, H505 and the men H376 of Judah H3063 thirty H7970 thousand. H505

9 And they said H559 unto the messengers H4397 that came, H935 Thus shall ye say H559 unto the men H376 of Jabeshgilead, H3003 H1568 To morrow, H4279 by that time the sun H8121 be hot, H2527 ye shall have help. H8668 And the messengers H4397 came H935 and shewed H5046 it to the men H582 of Jabesh; H3003 and they were glad. H8055

10 Therefore the men H582 of Jabesh H3003 said, H559 To morrow H4279 we will come out H3318 unto you, and ye shall do H6213 with us all that seemeth H5869 good H2896 unto you.

11 And it was so on the morrow, H4283 that Saul H7586 put H7760 the people H5971 in three H7969 companies; H7218 and they came H935 into the midst H8432 of the host H4264 in the morning H1242 watch, H821 and slew H5221 the Ammonites H5983 until the heat H2527 of the day: H3117 and it came to pass, that they which remained H7604 were scattered, H6327 so that two H8147 of them were not left H7604 together. H3162

Commentary on 1 Samuel 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Sa 11:1-4. Nahash Offers Them of Jabesh-gilead a Reproachful Condition.

1. Then Nahash the Ammonite came up—Nahash ("serpent"); (see Jud 8:3). The Ammonites had long claimed the right of original possession in Gilead. Though repressed by Jephthah (Jud 11:33), they now, after ninety years, renew their pretensions; and it was the report of their threatened invasion that hastened the appointment of a king (1Sa 12:12).

Make a covenant with us, and we will serve thee—They saw no prospect of aid from the western Israelites, who were not only remote, but scarcely able to repel the incursions of the Philistines from themselves.

2. thrust out all your right eyes—literally, "scoop" or "hollow out" the ball. This barbarous mutilation is the usual punishment of usurpers in the East, inflicted on chiefs; sometimes, also, even in modern history, on the whole male population of a town. Nahash meant to keep the Jabeshites useful as tributaries, whence he did not wish to render them wholly blind, but only to deprive them of their right eye, which would disqualify them for war. Besides, his object was, through the people of Jabesh-gilead, to insult the Israelitish nation.

3, 4. send messengers unto all the coasts of Israel—a curious proof of the general dissatisfaction that prevailed as to the appointment of Saul. Those Gileadites deemed him capable neither of advising nor succoring them; and even in his own town the appeal was made to the people—not to the prince.

1Sa 11:5-11. They Send to Saul, and Are Delivered.

7. he took a yoke of oxen, and hewed them in pieces—(see Jud 19:29). This particular form of war-summons was suited to the character and habits of an agricultural and pastoral people. Solemn in itself, the denunciation that accompanied it carried a terrible threat to those that neglected to obey it. Saul conjoins the name of Samuel with his own, to lend the greater influence to the measure, and to strike greater terror unto all contemners of the order. The small contingent furnished by Judah suggests that the disaffection to Saul was strongest in that tribe.

8. Bezek—This place of general muster was not far from Shechem, on the road to Beth-shan, and nearly opposite the ford for crossing to Jabesh-gilead. The great number on the muster-roll showed the effect of Saul's wisdom and promptitude.

11. on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies—Crossing the Jordan in the evening, Saul marched his army all night, and came at daybreak on the camp of the Ammonites, who were surprised in three different parts, and totally routed. This happened before the seven days' truce expired.

1Sa 11:12-15. Saul Confirmed King.

12-15. the people said …, Who is he that said, Shall Saul reign over us?—The enthusiastic admiration of the people, under the impulse of grateful and generous feelings, would have dealt summary vengeance on the minority who opposed Saul, had not he, either from principle or policy, shown himself as great in clemency as in valor. The calm and sagacious counsel of Samuel directed the popular feelings into a right channel, by appointing a general assembly of the militia, the really effective force of the nation, at Gilgal, where, amid great pomp and religious solemnities, the victorious leader was confirmed in his kingdom [1Sa 11:15].