Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 27 » Verse 3

1 Samuel 27:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 And David H1732 dwelt H3427 with Achish H397 at Gath, H1661 he and his men, H582 every man H376 with his household, H1004 even David H1732 with his two H8147 wives, H802 Ahinoam H293 the Jezreelitess, H3159 and Abigail H26 the Carmelitess, H3762 Nabal's H5037 wife. H802

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 25:42-43 STRONG

And Abigail H26 hasted, H4116 and arose, H6965 and rode H7392 upon an ass, H2543 with five H2568 damsels H5291 of hers that went H1980 after H7272 her; and she went H3212 after H310 the messengers H4397 of David, H1732 and became his wife. H802 David H1732 also took H3947 Ahinoam H293 of Jezreel; H3157 and they were also both H8147 of them his wives. H802

1 Samuel 25:3 STRONG

Now the name H8034 of the man H376 was Nabal; H5037 and the name H8034 of his wife H802 Abigail: H26 and she was a woman H802 of good H2896 understanding, H7922 and of a beautiful H3303 countenance: H8389 but the man H376 was churlish H7186 and evil H7451 in his doings; H4611 and he was of the house of Caleb. H3614

1 Samuel 25:18-35 STRONG

Then Abigail H26 made haste, H4116 and took H3947 two hundred H3967 loaves, H3899 and two H8147 bottles H5035 of wine, H3196 and five H2568 sheep H6629 ready dressed, H6213 and five H2568 measures H5429 of parched H7039 corn, and an hundred H3967 clusters of raisins, H6778 and two hundred H3967 cakes H1690 of figs, and laid H7760 them on asses. H2543 And she said H559 unto her servants, H5288 Go on H5674 before H6440 me; behold, I come H935 after H310 you. But she told H5046 not her husband H376 Nabal. H5037 And it was so, as she rode H7392 on the ass, H2543 that she came down H3381 by the covert H5643 of the hill, H2022 and, behold, David H1732 and his men H582 came down H3381 against H7125 her; and she met H6298 them. Now David H1732 had said, H559 Surely in vain H8267 have I kept H8104 all that this H2088 fellow hath in the wilderness, H4057 so that nothing H3972 was missed H6485 of all that pertained unto him: and he hath requited H7725 me evil H7451 for good. H2896 So H3541 and more H3254 also do H6213 God H430 unto the enemies H341 of David, H1732 if I leave H7604 of all that pertain to him by H5704 the morning H1242 light H216 any that pisseth H8366 against the wall. H7023 And when Abigail H26 saw H7200 David, H1732 she hasted, H4116 and lighted off H3381 the ass, H2543 and fell H5307 before H639 David H1732 on her face, H6440 and bowed H7812 herself to the ground, H776 And fell H5307 at his feet, H7272 and said, H559 Upon me, my lord, H113 upon me let this iniquity H5771 be: and let thine handmaid, H519 I pray thee, speak H1696 in thine audience, H241 and hear H8085 the words H1697 of thine handmaid. H589 Let H7760 not my lord, H113 I pray thee, regard H3820 this man H376 of Belial, H1100 even Nabal: H5037 for as his name H8034 is, so is he; Nabal H5037 is his name, H8034 and folly H5039 is with him: but I thine handmaid H519 saw H7200 not the young men H5288 of my lord, H113 whom thou didst send. H7971 Now therefore, my lord, H113 as the LORD H3068 liveth, H2416 and as thy soul H5315 liveth, H2416 seeing the LORD H3068 hath withholden H4513 thee from coming H935 to shed blood, H1818 and from avenging H3467 thyself with thine own hand, H3027 now let thine enemies, H341 and they that seek H1245 evil H7451 to my lord, H113 be as Nabal. H5037 And now this blessing H1293 which thine handmaid H8198 hath brought H935 unto my lord, H113 let it even be given H5414 unto the young men H5288 that follow H1980 H7272 my lord. H113 I pray thee, forgive H5375 the trespass H6588 of thine handmaid: H519 for the LORD H3068 will certainly H6213 make H6213 my lord H113 a sure H539 house; H1004 because my lord H113 fighteth H3898 the battles H4421 of the LORD, H3068 and evil H7451 hath not been found H4672 in thee all thy days. H3117 Yet a man H120 is risen H6965 to pursue H7291 thee, and to seek H1245 thy soul: H5315 but the soul H5315 of my lord H113 shall be bound H6887 in the bundle H6872 of life H2416 with the LORD H3068 thy God; H430 and the souls H5315 of thine enemies, H341 them shall he sling out, H7049 as out of the middle H8432 H3709 of a sling. H7050 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD H3068 shall have done H6213 to my lord H113 according to all the good H2896 that he hath spoken H1696 concerning thee, and shall have appointed H6680 thee ruler H5057 over Israel; H3478 That this shall be no grief H6330 unto thee, nor offence H4383 of heart H3820 unto my lord, H113 either that thou hast shed H8210 blood H1818 causeless, H2600 or that my lord H113 hath avenged H3467 himself: but when the LORD H3068 shall have dealt well H3190 with my lord, H113 then remember H2142 thine handmaid. H519 And David H1732 said H559 to Abigail, H26 Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 which sent H7971 thee this day H3117 to meet H7125 me: And blessed H1288 be thy advice, H2940 and blessed H1288 be thou, which hast kept H3607 me this day H3117 from coming H935 to shed blood, H1818 and from avenging H3467 myself with mine own hand. H3027 For in very deed, H199 as the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 liveth, H2416 which hath kept me back H4513 from hurting H7489 thee, except H3884 thou hadst hasted H4116 and come H935 to meet H7125 me, surely there had not been left H3498 unto Nabal H5037 by the morning H1242 light H216 any that pisseth H8366 against the wall. H7023 So David H1732 received H3947 of her hand H3027 that which she had brought H935 him, and said H559 unto her, Go up H5927 in peace H7965 to thine house; H1004 see, H7200 I have hearkened H8085 to thy voice, H6963 and have accepted H5375 thy person. H6440

1 Samuel 30:3 STRONG

So David H1732 and his men H582 came H935 to the city, H5892 and, behold, it was burned H8313 with fire; H784 and their wives, H802 and their sons, H1121 and their daughters, H1323 were taken captives. H7617

1 Samuel 30:5 STRONG

And David's H1732 two H8147 wives H802 were taken captives, H7617 Ahinoam H293 the Jezreelitess, H3159 and Abigail H26 the wife H802 of Nabal H5037 the Carmelite. H3761

Commentary on 1 Samuel 27 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Sa 27:1-4. Saul Hearing That David Was Fled to Gath, Seeks No More for Him.

1. David said in his heart, … there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines—This resolution of David's was, in every respect, wrong: (1) It was removing him from the place where the divine oracle intimated him to remain (1Sa 22:5); (2) It was rushing into the idolatrous land, for driving him into which he had denounced an imprecation on his enemies (1Sa 26:19); (3) It was a withdrawal of his counsel and aid from God's people. It was a movement, however, overruled by Providence to detach him from his country and to let the disasters impending over Saul and his followers be brought on by the Philistines.

2, 3. Achish, the son of Maoch, king of Gath—The popular description of this king's family creates a presumption that he was a different king from the reigning sovereign on David's first visit to Gath. Whether David had received a special invitation from him or a mere permission to enter his territories, cannot be determined. It is probable that the former was the case. From the universal notoriety given to the feud between Saul and David, which had now become irreconcilable, it might appear to Achish good policy to harbor him as a guest, and so the better pave the way for the hostile measures against Israel which the Philistines were at this time meditating.

1Sa 27:5-12. David Begs Ziklag of Achish.

5. let them give me a place in some town in the country—It was a prudent arrangement on the part of David; for it would prevent him being an object of jealous suspicion, or of mischievous plots among the Philistines. It would place his followers more beyond the risk of contamination by the idolatries of the court and capital; and it would give him an opportunity of making reprisals on the freebooting tribes that infested the common border of Israel and the Philistines.

6. Ziklag—Though originally assigned to Judah (Jos 15:31), and subsequently to Simeon (Jos 19:5), this town had never been possessed by the Israelites. It belonged to the Philistines, who gave it to David.

8. David … went up, and invaded the Geshurites—(See Jos 13:2).

and the Gezrites—or the Gerizi [Gesenius], (Jos 12:12), some Arab horde which had once encamped there.

and the Amalekites—Part of the district occupied by them lay on the south of the land of Israel (Jud 5:14; 12:15).

10. Achish said, Whither have ye made a road to-day?—that is, raid, a hostile excursion for seizing cattle and other booty.

David said, Against the south of Judah, and against the south of the Jerahmeelites—Jerahmeel was the great-grandson of Judah, and his posterity occupied the southern portion of that tribal domain.

the south of the Kenites—the posterity of Jethro, who occupied the south of Judah (Jud 1:16; Nu 24:21). The deceit practised upon his royal host and the indiscriminate slaughter committed, lest any one should escape to tell the tale, exhibit an unfavorable view of this part of David's history.