Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 28 » Verse 18

1 Samuel 28:18 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

18 Because H834 thou obeyedst H8085 not the voice H6963 of the LORD, H3068 nor executedst H6213 his fierce H2740 wrath H639 upon Amalek, H6002 therefore hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 this thing H1697 unto thee this day. H3117

Cross Reference

1 Kings 20:42 STRONG

And he said H559 unto him, Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Because thou hast let go H7971 out of thy hand H3027 a man H376 whom I appointed to utter destruction, H2764 therefore thy life H5315 shall go for his life, H5315 and thy people H5971 for his people. H5971

1 Samuel 15:9 STRONG

But Saul H7586 and the people H5971 spared H2550 Agag, H90 and the best H4315 of the sheep, H6629 and of the oxen, H1241 and of the fatlings, H4932 and the lambs, H3733 and all that was good, H2896 and would H14 not utterly destroy H2763 them: but every thing H4399 that was vile H5240 and refuse, H4549 that they destroyed utterly. H2763

1 Samuel 13:9 STRONG

And Saul H7586 said, H559 Bring hither H5066 a burnt offering H5930 to me, and peace offerings. H8002 And he offered H5927 the burnt offering. H5930

1 Samuel 15:20 STRONG

And Saul H7586 said H559 unto Samuel, H8050 Yea, I have obeyed H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD, H3068 and have gone H3212 the way H1870 which the LORD H3068 sent H7971 me, and have brought H935 Agag H90 the king H4428 of Amalek, H6002 and have utterly destroyed H2763 the Amalekites. H6002

1 Samuel 15:23-26 STRONG

For rebellion H4805 is as the sin H2403 of witchcraft, H7081 and stubbornness H6484 is as iniquity H205 and idolatry. H8655 Because thou hast rejected H3988 the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 he hath also rejected H3988 thee from being king. H4428 And Saul H7586 said H559 unto Samuel, H8050 I have sinned: H2398 for I have transgressed H5674 the commandment H6310 of the LORD, H3068 and thy words: H1697 because I feared H3372 the people, H5971 and obeyed H8085 their voice. H6963 Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon H5375 my sin, H2403 and turn again H7725 with me, that I may worship H7812 the LORD. H3068 And Samuel H8050 said H559 unto Saul, H7586 I will not return H7725 with thee: for thou hast rejected H3988 the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 and the LORD H3068 hath rejected H3988 thee from being king H4428 over Israel. H3478

1 Chronicles 10:13 STRONG

So Saul H7586 died H4191 for his transgression H4604 which he committed H4603 against the LORD, H3068 even against the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 which he kept H8104 not, and also for asking H7592 counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, H178 to enquire H1875 of it;

Psalms 50:21-22 STRONG

These things hast thou done, H6213 and I kept silence; H2790 thou thoughtest H1819 that I was altogether H1961 such an one as thyself: but I will reprove H3198 thee, and set them in order H6186 before thine eyes. H5869 Now consider H995 this, ye that forget H7911 God, H433 lest I tear you in pieces, H2963 and there be none to deliver. H5337

Jeremiah 48:10 STRONG

Cursed H779 be he that doeth H6213 the work H4399 of the LORD H3068 deceitfully, H7423 and cursed H779 be he that keepeth back H4513 his sword H2719 from blood. H1818

Commentary on 1 Samuel 28 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Sa 28:1-6. Achish's Confidence in David.

1. The Philistines gathered their armies together for warfare, to fight with Israel—The death of Samuel, the general dissatisfaction with Saul, and the absence of David, instigated the cupidity of those restless enemies of Israel.

Achish said to David, Know thou assuredly, that thou shalt go out with me to battle—This was evidently to try him. Achish, however, seems to have thought he had gained the confidence of David and had a claim on his services.

2. Surely thou shalt know what thy servant can do—This answer, while it seemed to express an apparent cheerfulness in agreeing to the proposal, contained a studied ambiguity—a wary and politic generality.

Therefore will I make thee keeper of mine head for ever—or, "my life"; that is, "captain of my bodyguard," an office of great trust and high honor.

3. Now Samuel is dead, &c.—This event is here alluded to as affording an explanation of the secret and improper methods by which Saul sought information and direction in the present crisis of his affairs. Overwhelmed in perplexity and fear, he yet found the common and legitimate channels of communication with Heaven shut against him. And so, under the impulse of that dark, distempered, superstitious spirit which had overmastered him, he resolved, in desperation, to seek the aid of one of those fortune telling impostors whom, in accordance with the divine command (Le 19:31; 20:6, 27; De 18:11), he had set himself formerly to exterminate from his kingdom.

4. the Philistines … pitched in Shunem—Having collected their forces for a last grand effort, they marched up from the seacoast and encamped in the "valley of Jezreel." The spot on which their encampment was fixed was Shunem (Jos 19:18), now Sulem, a village which still exists on the slope of a range called "Little Hermon." On the opposite side, on the rise of Mount Gilboa, hard by "the spring of Jezreel," was Saul's army—the Israelites, according to their wont, keeping to the heights, while their enemies clung to the plain.

1Sa 28:7-25. Saul Seeks a Witch, Who, Being Encouraged by Him, Raises Up Samuel.

7, 8. Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit—From the energetic measures which he himself had taken for extirpating the dealers in magical arts (the profession having been declared a capital offense), his most attached courtiers might have had reason to doubt the possibility of gratifying their master's wish. Anxious inquiries, however, led to the discovery of a woman living very secluded in the neighborhood, who had the credit of possessing the forbidden powers. To her house he repaired by night in disguise, accompanied by two faithful servants.

En-dor—"the fountain of the circle" (that figure being constantly affected by magicians) was situated directly on the other side of the Gilboa range, opposite Tabor; so that, in this midnight adventure, Saul had to pass over the shoulder of the ridge on which the Philistines were encamped.

8-14. bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee—This pythoness united to the arts of divination a claim to be a necromancer (De 18:11); and it was her supposed power in calling back the dead of which Saul was desirous to avail himself. Though she at first refused to listen to his request, she accepted his pledge that no risk would be incurred by her compliance. It is probable that his extraordinary stature, the deference paid him by his attendants, the easy distance of his camp from En-dor, and the proposal to call up the great prophet and first magistrate in Israel (a proposal which no private individual would venture to make), had awakened her suspicions as to the true character and rank of her visitor. The story has led to much discussion whether there was a real appearance of Samuel or not. On the one hand, the woman's profession, which was forbidden by the divine law, the refusal of God to answer Saul by any divinely constituted means, the well-known age, figure, and dress of Samuel, which she could easily represent herself, or by an accomplice—his apparition being evidently at some distance, being muffled, and not actually seen by Saul, whose attitude of prostrate homage, moreover, must have prevented him distinguishing the person though he had been near, and the voice seemingly issuing out of the ground, and coming along to Saul—and the vagueness of the information, imparted much which might have been reached by natural conjecture as to the probable result of the approaching conflict—the woman's representation—all of this has led many to think that this was a mere deception. On the other hand, many eminent writers (considering that the apparition came before her arts were put in practice; that she herself was surprised and alarmed; that the prediction of Saul's own death and the defeat of his forces was confidently made), are of opinion that Samuel really appeared.

24. the woman had a fat calf … and she hasted, and killed it, &c.—(See on Ge 18:1-8).

25. Then they rose up, and went away that night—Exhausted by long abstinence, overwhelmed with mental distress, and now driven to despair, the cold sweat broke on his anxious brow, and he sank helpless on the ground. But the kind attentions of the woman and his servants having revived him, he returned to the camp to await his doom.