Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 3 » Verse 3

1 Samuel 3:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 And ere the lamp H5216 of God H430 went out H3518 in the temple H1964 of the LORD, H3068 where the ark H727 of God H430 was, and Samuel H8050 was laid down H7901 to sleep;

Cross Reference

Exodus 27:20-21 STRONG

And thou shalt command H6680 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that they bring H3947 thee pure H2134 oil H8081 olive H2132 beaten H3795 for the light, H3974 to cause the lamp H5216 to burn H5927 always. H8548 In the tabernacle H168 of the congregation H4150 without H2351 the vail, H6532 which is before the testimony, H5715 Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 shall order H6186 it from evening H6153 to morning H1242 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 it shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 unto their generations H1755 on the behalf of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Leviticus 24:2-4 STRONG

Command H6680 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that they bring H3947 unto thee pure H2134 oil H8081 olive H2132 beaten H3795 for the light, H3974 to cause the lamps H5216 to burn H5927 continually. H8548 Without H2351 the vail H6532 of the testimony, H5715 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 shall Aaron H175 order H6186 it from the evening H6153 unto the morning H1242 before H6440 the LORD H3068 continually: H8548 it shall be a statute H2708 for ever H5769 in your generations. H1755 He shall order H6186 the lamps H5216 upon the pure H2889 candlestick H4501 before H6440 the LORD H3068 continually. H8548

2 Chronicles 13:11 STRONG

And they burn H6999 unto the LORD H3068 every morning H1242 and every evening H6153 burnt sacrifices H5930 and sweet H5561 incense: H7004 the shewbread H3899 H4635 also set they in order upon the pure H2889 table; H7979 and the candlestick H4501 of gold H2091 with the lamps H5216 thereof, to burn H1197 every evening: H6153 for we keep H8104 the charge H4931 of the LORD H3068 our God; H430 but ye have forsaken H5800 him.

Exodus 30:7-8 STRONG

And Aaron H175 shall burn H6999 thereon sweet H5561 incense H7004 every morning: H1242 when he dresseth H3190 the lamps, H5216 he shall burn incense H6999 upon it. And when Aaron H175 lighteth H5927 the lamps H5216 at even, H6153 he shall burn incense H6999 upon it, a perpetual H8548 incense H7004 before H6440 the LORD H3068 throughout your generations. H1755

1 Samuel 1:6 STRONG

And her adversary H6869 also provoked H3707 her sore, H3708 for to make her fret, H7481 because the LORD H3068 had shut H5462 up H1157 her womb. H7358

Psalms 5:7 STRONG

But as for me, I will come H935 into thy house H1004 in the multitude H7230 of thy mercy: H2617 and in thy fear H3374 will I worship H7812 toward thy holy H6944 temple. H1964

Psalms 27:4 STRONG

One H259 thing have I desired H7592 of the LORD, H3068 that will I seek H1245 after; that I may dwell H3427 in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 all the days H3117 of my life, H2416 to behold H2372 the beauty H5278 of the LORD, H3068 and to enquire H1239 in his temple. H1964

Psalms 29:9 STRONG

The voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 maketh the hinds H355 to calve, H2342 and discovereth H2834 the forests: H3295 and in his temple H1964 doth every one speak H559 of his glory. H3519

Commentary on 1 Samuel 3 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Sa 3:1-10. The Lord Appears to Samuel in a Vision.

1. the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli—His ministry consisted, of course, of such duties in or about the sanctuary as were suited to his age, which is supposed now to have been about twelve years. Whether the office had been specially assigned him, or it arose from the interest inspired by the story of his birth, Eli kept him as his immediate attendant; and he resided not in the sanctuary, but in one of the tents or apartments around it, assigned for the accommodation of the priests and Levites, his being near to that of the high priest.

the word of the Lord was precious in those days—It was very rarely known to the Israelites; and in point of fact only two prophets are mentioned as having appeared during the whole administration of the judges (Jud 4:4; 6:8).

there was no open vision—no publicly recognized prophet whom the people could consult, and from whom they might learn the will of God. There must have been certain indubitable evidences by which a communication from heaven could be distinguished. Eli knew them, for he may have received them, though not so frequently as is implied in the idea of an "open vision."

3. ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord—The "temple" seems to have become the established designation of the tabernacle, and the time indicated was towards the morning twilight, as the lamps were extinguished at sunrise (see Le 6:12, 13).

5-18. he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me—It is evident that his sleeping chamber was close to that of the aged high priest and that he was accustomed to be called during the night. The three successive calls addressed to the boy convinced Eli of the divine character of the speaker, and he therefore exhorted the child to give a reverential attention to the message. The burden of [the Lord's message] was an extraordinary premonition of the judgments that impended over Eli's house; and the aged priest, having drawn the painful secret from the child, exclaimed, "It is the Lord; let him do what seemeth him good." Such is the spirit of meek and unmurmuring submission in which we ought to receive the dispensations of God, however severe and afflictive. But, in order to form a right estimate of Eli's language and conduct on this occasion, we must consider the overwhelming accumulation of judgments denounced against his person, his sons, his descendants—his altar, and nation. With such a threatening prospect before him, his piety and meekness were wonderful. In his personal character he seems to have been a good man, but his sons' conduct was flagrantly bad; and though his misfortunes claim our sympathy, it is impossible to approve or defend the weak and unfaithful course which, in the retributive justice of God, brought these adversities upon him.