Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 1 Samuel » Chapter 9 » Verse 5

1 Samuel 9:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 And when they were come H935 to the land H776 of Zuph, H6689 Saul H7586 said H559 to his servant H5288 that was with him, Come, H3212 and let us return; H7725 lest my father H1 leave H2308 caring for the asses, H860 and take thought H1672 for us.

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 10:2 STRONG

When thou art departed H3212 from me H5978 to day, H3117 then thou shalt find H4672 two H8147 men H582 by Rachel's H7354 sepulchre H6900 in the border H1366 of Benjamin H1144 at Zelzah; H6766 and they will say H559 unto thee, The asses H860 which thou wentest H1980 to seek H1245 are found: H4672 and, lo, thy father H1 hath left H5203 the care H1697 of the asses, H860 and sorroweth H1672 for you, saying, H559 What shall I do H6213 for my son? H1121

1 Samuel 1:1 STRONG

Now there was a certain H259 man H376 of Ramathaimzophim, H7436 of mount H2022 Ephraim, H669 and his name H8034 was Elkanah, H511 the son H1121 of Jeroham, H3395 the son H1121 of Elihu, H453 the son H1121 of Tohu, H8459 the son H1121 of Zuph, H6689 an Ephrathite: H673

Matthew 6:25 STRONG

Therefore G1223 G5124 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Take no G3361 thought G3309 for your G5216 life, G5590 what G5101 ye shall eat, G5315 or G2532 what G5101 ye shall drink; G4095 nor yet for G3366 your G5216 body, G4983 what G5101 ye shall put on. G1746 Is G2076 not G3780 the life G5590 more than G4119 meat, G5160 and G2532 the body G4983 than raiment? G1742

Matthew 6:28 STRONG

And G2532 why G5101 take ye thought G3309 for G4012 raiment? G1742 Consider G2648 the lilies G2918 of the field, G68 how G4459 they grow; G837 they toil G2872 not, G3756 neither G3761 do they spin: G3514

Matthew 6:34 STRONG

Take G3309 therefore G3767 no G3361 thought G3309 for G1519 the morrow: G839 for G1063 the morrow G839 shall take thought G3309 for the things G3588 of itself. G1438 Sufficient G713 unto the day G2250 is the evil G2549 thereof. G846

Luke 12:11 STRONG

And G1161 when G3752 they bring G4374 you G5209 unto G1909 the synagogues, G4864 and G2532 unto magistrates, G746 and G2532 powers, G1849 take G3309 ye no G3361 thought G3309 how G4459 or G2228 what thing G5101 ye shall answer, G626 or G2228 what G5101 ye shall say: G2036

Luke 12:22 STRONG

And G1161 he said G2036 unto G4314 his G846 disciples, G3101 Therefore G1223 G5124 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 Take G3309 no G3361 thought G3309 for your G5216 life, G5590 what G5101 ye shall eat; G5315 neither G3366 for the body, G4983 what G5101 ye shall put on. G1746

Commentary on 1 Samuel 9 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Sa 9:1-14. Saul, Despairing to Find His Father's Asses, Comes to Samuel.

1. a mighty man of power—that is, of great wealth and substance. The family was of high consideration in the tribe of Benjamin, and therefore Saul's words must be set down among the common forms of affected humility, which Oriental people are wont to use.

2. Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly—He had a fine appearance; for it is evident that he must have been only a little under seven feet tall. A gigantic stature and an athletic frame must have been a popular recommendation at that time in that country.

3. the asses of Kish Saul's father were lost. And Kish said to Saul … arise, go seek the asses—The probability is that the family of Kish, according to the immemorial usage of Oriental shepherds in the purely pastoral regions, had let the animals roam at large during the grazing season, at the close of which messengers were despatched in search of them. Such travelling searches are common; and, as each owner has his own stamp marked on his cattle, the mention of it to the shepherds he meets gradually leads to the discovery of the strayed animals. This ramble of Saul's had nothing extraordinary in it, except its superior directions and issue, which turned its uncertainty into certainty.

4, 5. he passed through mount Ephraim—This being situated on the north of Benjamin, indicates the direction of Saul's journey. The district explored means the whole of the mountainous region, with its valleys and defiles, which belonged to Ephraim. Turning apparently southwards—probably through the verdant hills between Shiloh and the vales of Jordan (Shalisha and Shalim)—he approached again the borders of Benjamin, scoured the land of Zuph, and was proposing to return, when his servant recollected that they were in the immediate neighborhood of the man of God, who would give them counsel.

6. there is in this city a man of God—Ramah was the usual residence of Samuel, but several circumstances, especially the mention of Rachel's sepulchre, which lay in Saul's way homeward [1Sa 10:2], lead to the conclusion that "this city" was not the Ramah where Samuel dwelt.

peradventure he can show us our way that we should go—It seems strange that a dignified prophet should be consulted in such an affair. But it is probable that at the introduction of the prophetic office, the seers had discovered things lost or stolen, and thus their power for higher revelations was gradually established.

7. Saul said to his servant, But, behold, if we go, what shall we bring the man?—According to Eastern notions, it would be considered a want of respect for any person to go into the presence of a superior man of rank or of official station without a present of some kind in his hand, however trifling in value.

the bread is spent in our vessels—Shepherds, going in quest of their cattle, put up in a bag as much flour for making bread as will last sometimes for thirty days. It appears that Saul thought of giving the man of God a cake from his travelling bag, and this would have been sufficient to render the indispensable act of civility—the customary tribute to official dignity.

8. the fourth part of a shekel of silver—rather more than sixpence. Contrary to our Western notions, money is in the East the most acceptable form in which a present can be made to a man of rank.

9. seer … Prophet—The recognized distinction in latter times was, that a seer was one who was favored with visions of God—a view of things invisible to mortal sight; and a prophet foretold future events.

11-13. as they went up the hill—The modern village, Er-Rameh, lies on an eminence; and on their way they met a band of young maidens going out to the well, which, like all similar places in Palestine, was beyond the precincts of the town. From these damsels they learned that the day was devoted to a festival occasion, in honor of which Samuel had arrived in the city; that a sacrifice had been offered, which was done by prophets in extraordinary circumstances at a distance from the tabernacle, and that a feast was to follow—implying that it had been a peace offering; and that, according to the venerable practice of the Israelites, the man of God was expected to ask a special blessing on the food in a manner becoming the high occasion.

14. Samuel came out against them, for to go up to the high place—Such were the simple manners of the times that this prophet, the chief man in Israel, was seen going to preside at a high festival undistinguished either by his dress or equipage from any ordinary citizen.

1Sa 9:15-27. God Reveals to Samuel Saul's Coming, and His Appointment to the Kingdom.

15, 16. Now the Lord had told Samuel in his ear a day before—The description of Saul, the time of his arrival, and the high office to which he was destined, had been secretly intimated to Samuel from heaven. The future king of Israel was to fight the battles of the Lord and protect His people. It would appear that they were at this time suffering great molestation from the Philistines, and that this was an additional reason of their urgent demands for the appointment of a king (see 1Sa 10:5; 13:3).

18-20. Tell me, I pray thee, where the seer's house is—Satisfying the stranger's inquiry, Samuel invited him to the feast, as well as to sojourn till the morrow; and, in order to reconcile him to the delay, he assured him that the strayed asses had been recovered.

20, 21. on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house?—This was a covert and indirect premonition of the royal dignity that awaited him; and, though Saul's answer shows that he fully understood it, he affected to doubt that the prophet was in earnest.

21. And Saul answered and said, Am not I a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel, &c.—By selecting a king from this least and nearly extinct tribe (Jud 20:46-48), divine wisdom designed to remove all grounds of jealousy among the other tribes.

22. Samuel took Saul and his servant, and brought them into the parlour—The toil-worn but noble-looking traveller found himself suddenly seated among the principal men of the place and treated as the most distinguished guest.

24. the cook took up the shoulder … and set it before Saul. And Samuel said, Behold that which is left; set it before thee, and eat—that is, reserved (see on Ge 18:7; Ge 43:34). This was, most probably, the right shoulder; which, as the perquisite of the sacrifice, belonged to Samuel, and which he had set aside for his expected guest. In the sculptures of the Egyptian shambles, also, the first joint taken off was always the right shoulder for the priest. The meaning of those distinguished attentions must have been understood by the other guests.

25-27. Samuel communed with Saul upon the top of the house—Saul was taken to lodge with the prophet for that night. Before retiring to rest, they communed on the flat roof of the house, the couch being laid there (Jos 2:6), when, doubtless, Samuel revealed the secret and described the peculiar duties of a monarch in a nation so related to the Divine King as Israel. Next morning early, Samuel roused his guest, and conveying him on his way towards the skirts of the city, sought, before parting, a private interview—the object of which is narrated in the next chapter.