1 Thessalonians 5:24 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

24 Faithful G4103 is he that calleth G2564 you, G5209 who G3739 also G2532 will do G4160 it.

Cross Reference

1 Corinthians 1:9 STRONG

God G2316 is faithful, G4103 by G1223 whom G3739 ye were called G2564 unto G1519 the fellowship G2842 of his G846 Son G5207 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Lord. G2962

2 Thessalonians 3:3 STRONG

But G1161 the Lord G2962 is G2076 faithful, G4103 who G3739 shall stablish G4741 you, G5209 and G2532 keep G5442 you from G575 evil. G4190

Numbers 23:19 STRONG

God H410 is not a man, H376 that he should lie; H3576 neither the son H1121 of man, H120 that he should repent: H5162 hath he said, H559 and shall he not do H6213 it? or hath he spoken, H1696 and shall he not make it good? H6965

Isaiah 25:1 STRONG

O LORD, H3068 thou art my God; H430 I will exalt H7311 thee, I will praise H3034 thy name; H8034 for thou hast done H6213 wonderful H6382 things; thy counsels H6098 of old H7350 are faithfulness H530 and truth. H544

1 Peter 5:10 STRONG

But G1161 the God G2316 of all G3956 grace, G5485 who G3588 hath called G2564 us G2248 unto G1519 his G846 eternal G166 glory G1391 by G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus, G2424 after that ye have suffered G3958 a while, G3641 G846 make G2675 you G5209 perfect, G2675 stablish, G4741 strengthen, G4599 settle G2311 you.

Deuteronomy 7:9 STRONG

Know H3045 therefore that the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 he is God, H430 the faithful H539 God, H410 which keepeth H8104 covenant H1285 and mercy H2617 with them that love H157 him and keep H8104 his commandments H4687 to a thousand H505 generations; H1755

2 Timothy 2:13 STRONG

If G1487 we believe not, G569 yet he G1565 abideth G3306 faithful: G4103 he cannot G3756 G1410 deny G720 himself. G1438

John 3:33 STRONG

He that hath received G2983 his G846 testimony G3141 hath set to his seal G4972 that G3754 God G2316 is G2076 true. G227

Lamentations 3:23 STRONG

They are new H2319 every morning: H1242 great H7227 is thy faithfulness. H530

1 Thessalonians 2:12 STRONG

G2532 That G1519 ye G5209 would walk G4043 worthy G516 of God, G2316 who hath called G2564 you G5209 unto G1519 his G1438 kingdom G932 and G2532 glory. G1391

Matthew 24:35 STRONG

Heaven G3772 and G2532 earth G1093 shall pass away, G3928 but G1161 my G3450 words G3056 shall G3928 not G3364 pass away. G3928

Titus 1:2 STRONG

In G1909 hope G1680 of eternal G166 life, G2222 which G3739 God, G2316 that cannot lie, G893 promised G1861 before G4253 the world G166 began; G5550

Psalms 138:2 STRONG

I will worship H7812 toward thy holy H6944 temple, H1964 and praise H3034 thy name H8034 for thy lovingkindness H2617 and for thy truth: H571 for thou hast magnified H1431 thy word H565 above all thy name. H8034

2 Peter 1:3 STRONG

According as G5613 his G846 divine G2304 power G1411 hath given G1433 unto us G2254 all things G3956 that pertain unto G4314 life G2222 and G2532 godliness, G2150 through G1223 the knowledge G1922 of him that hath called G2564 us G2248 to G1223 glory G1391 and G2532 virtue: G703

Revelation 17:14 STRONG

These G3778 shall make war G4170 with G3326 the Lamb, G721 and G2532 the Lamb G721 shall overcome G3528 them: G846 for G3754 he is G2076 Lord G2962 of lords, G2962 and G2532 King G935 of kings: G935 and G2532 they that are with G3326 him G846 are called, G2822 and G2532 chosen, G1588 and G2532 faithful. G4103

Psalms 36:5 STRONG

Thy mercy, H2617 O LORD, H3068 is in the heavens; H8064 and thy faithfulness H530 reacheth unto the clouds. H7834

Psalms 40:10 STRONG

I have not hid H3680 thy righteousness H6666 within H8432 my heart; H3820 I have declared H559 thy faithfulness H530 and thy salvation: H8668 I have not concealed H3582 thy lovingkindness H2617 and thy truth H571 from the great H7227 congregation. H6951

Psalms 86:15 STRONG

But thou, O Lord, H136 art a God H410 full of compassion, H7349 and gracious, H2587 longsuffering, H750 H639 and plenteous H7227 in mercy H2617 and truth. H571

Psalms 89:2 STRONG

For I have said, H559 Mercy H2617 shall be built up H1129 for ever: H5769 thy faithfulness H530 shalt thou establish H3559 in the very heavens. H8064

John 1:17 STRONG

For G3754 the law G3551 was given G1325 by G1223 Moses, G3475 but grace G5485 and G2532 truth G225 came G1096 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

Romans 8:30 STRONG

Moreover G1161 whom G3739 he did predestinate, G4309 them G5128 he G2564 also G2532 called: G2564 and G2532 whom G3739 he called, G2564 them G5128 he G1344 also G2532 justified: G1344 and G1161 whom G3739 he justified, G1344 them G5128 he G1392 also G2532 glorified. G1392

2 Timothy 1:9 STRONG

Who G3588 hath saved G4982 us, G2248 and G2532 called G2564 us with an holy G40 calling, G2821 not G3756 according to G2596 our G2257 works, G2041 but G235 according to G2596 his own G2398 purpose G4286 and G2532 grace, G5485 which G3588 was given G1325 us G2254 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 before G4253 the world began, G5550 G166

2 Kings 19:31 STRONG

For out of Jerusalem H3389 shall go forth H3318 a remnant, H7611 and they that escape H6413 out of mount H2022 Zion: H6726 the zeal H7068 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall do H6213 this.

2 Thessalonians 2:14 STRONG

Whereunto G1519 G3739 he called G2564 you G5209 by G1223 our G2257 gospel, G2098 to G1519 the obtaining G4047 of the glory G1391 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ. G5547

1 Corinthians 10:13 STRONG

There hath G2983 no G3756 temptation G3986 taken G2983 you G5209 but G1508 such as is common to man: G442 but G1161 God G2316 is faithful, G4103 who G3739 will G1439 not G3756 suffer G1439 you G5209 to be tempted G3985 above G5228 that G3739 ye are able; G1410 but G235 will G4160 with G4862 the temptation G3986 also G2532 make G4160 a way to escape, G1545 that ye G5209 may be able G1410 to bear G5297 it.

Romans 9:24 STRONG

G3739 Even G2532 us, G2248 whom G3739 he hath called, G2564 not G3756 of G1537 the Jews G2453 only, G3440 but G235 also G2532 of G1537 the Gentiles? G1484

Micah 7:20 STRONG

Thou wilt perform H5414 the truth H571 to Jacob, H3290 and the mercy H2617 to Abraham, H85 which thou hast sworn H7650 unto our fathers H1 from the days H3117 of old. H6924

Isaiah 37:32 STRONG

For out of Jerusalem H3389 shall go forth H3318 a remnant, H7611 and they that escape H6413 out of mount H2022 Zion: H6726 the zeal H7068 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall do H6213 this.

Isaiah 14:24-26 STRONG

The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 hath sworn, H7650 saying, H559 Surely as I have thought, H1819 so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, H3289 so shall it stand: H6965 That I will break H7665 the Assyrian H804 in my land, H776 and upon my mountains H2022 tread him under foot: H947 then shall his yoke H5923 depart H5493 from off them, and his burden H5448 depart H5493 from off their shoulders. H7926 This is the purpose H6098 that is purposed H3289 upon the whole earth: H776 and this is the hand H3027 that is stretched out H5186 upon all the nations. H1471

Isaiah 9:7 STRONG

Of the increase H4766 of his government H4951 and peace H7965 there shall be no end, H7093 upon the throne H3678 of David, H1732 and upon his kingdom, H4467 to order H3559 it, and to establish H5582 it with judgment H4941 and with justice H6666 from henceforth even for H5704 ever. H5769 The zeal H7068 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 will perform H6213 this.

Psalms 146:6 STRONG

Which made H6213 heaven, H8064 and earth, H776 the sea, H3220 and all that therein is: which keepeth H8104 truth H571 for ever: H5769

Psalms 100:5 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 is good; H2896 his mercy H2617 is everlasting; H5769 and his truth H530 endureth to all H1755 generations. H1755

Psalms 92:2 STRONG

To shew forth H5046 thy lovingkindness H2617 in the morning, H1242 and thy faithfulness H530 every night, H3915

Hebrews 6:17-18 STRONG

Wherein G1722 G3739 God, G2316 willing G1014 more abundantly G4054 to shew G1925 unto the heirs G2818 of promise G1860 the immutability G276 of his G846 counsel, G1012 confirmed G3315 it by an oath: G3727 That G2443 by G1223 two G1417 immutable G276 things, G4229 in G1722 which G3739 it was impossible G102 for God G2316 to lie, G5574 we might have G2192 a strong G2478 consolation, G3874 who G3588 have fled for refuge G2703 to lay hold G2902 upon the hope G1680 set before us: G4295

Galatians 1:15 STRONG

But G1161 when G3753 it pleased G2106 God, G2316 who G3588 separated G873 me G3165 from G1537 my G3450 mother's G3384 womb, G2836 and G2532 called G2564 me by G1223 his G846 grace, G5485

Commentary on 1 Thessalonians 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


1Th 5:1-28. The Suddenness of Christ's Coming a Motive for Watchfulness; Various Precepts: Prayer for Their Being Found Blameless, Body, Soul, and Spirit, at Christ's Coming: Conclusion.

1. times—the general and indefinite term for chronological periods.

seasons—the opportune times (Da 7:12; Ac 1:7). Time denotes quantity; season, quality. Seasons are parts of times.

ye have no need—those who watch do not need to be told when the hour will come, for they are always ready [Bengel].

cometh—present: expressing its speedy and awful certainty.

2. as a thief in the night—The apostles in this image follow the parable of their Lord, expressing how the Lord's coming shall take men by surprise (Mt 24:43; 2Pe 3:10). "The night is wherever there is quiet unconcern" [Bengel]. "At midnight" (perhaps figurative: to some parts of the earth it will be literal night), Mt 25:6. The thief not only gives no notice of his approach but takes all precaution to prevent the household knowing of it. So the Lord (Re 16:15). Signs will precede the coming, to confirm the patient hope of the watchful believer; but the coming itself shall be sudden at last (Mt 24:32-36; Lu 21:25-32, 35).

3. they—the men of the world. 1Th 5:5, 6; 1Th 4:13, "others," all the rest of the world save Christians.

Peace—(Jud 18:7, 9, 27, 28; Jer 6:14; Eze 13:10).

then—at the very moment when they least expect it. Compare the case of Belshazzar, Da 5:1-5, 6, 9, 26-28; Herod, Ac 12:21-23.

sudden—"unawares" (Lu 21:34).

as travail—"As the labor pang" comes in an instant on the woman when otherwise engaged (Ps 48:6; Isa 13:8).

shall not escape—Greek, "shall not at all escape." Another awful feature of their ruin: there shall be then no possibility of shunning it however they desire it (Am 9:2, 3; Re 6:15, 16).

4. not in darkness—not in darkness of understanding (that is, spiritual ignorance) or of the moral nature (that is, a state of sin), Eph 4:18.

that—Greek, "in order that"; with God results are all purposed.

that day—Greek, "THE day"; the day of the Lord (Heb 10:25, "the day"), in contrast to "darkness."

overtake—unexpectedly (compare Joh 12:35).

as a thief—The two oldest manuscripts read, "as (the daylight overtakes) thieves" (Job 24:17). Old manuscripts and Vulgate read as English Version.

5. The oldest manuscripts read, "FOR ye are all," &c. Ye have no reason for fear, or for being taken by surprise, by the coming of the day of the Lord: "For ye are all sons (so the Greek) of light and sons of day"; a Hebrew idiom, implying that as sons resemble their fathers, so you are in character light (intellectually and morally illuminated in a spiritual point of view), Lu 16:8; Joh 12:36.

are not of—that is, belong not to night nor darkness. The change of person from "ye" to "we" implies this: Ye are sons of light because ye are Christians; and we, Christians, are not of night nor darkness.

6. others—Greek, "the rest" of the world: the unconverted (1Th 4:13). "Sleep" here is worldly apathy to spiritual things (Ro 13:11; Eph 5:14); in 1Th 5:7, ordinary sleep; in 1Th 5:10, death.

watch—for Christ's coming; literally, "be wakeful." The same Greek occurs in 1Co 15:34; 2Ti 2:26.

be sober—refraining from carnal indulgence, mental or sensual (1Pe 5:8).

7. This verse is to be taken in the literal sense. Night is the time when sleepers sleep, and drinking men are drunk. To sleep by day would imply great indolence; to be drunken by day, great shamelessness. Now, in a spiritual sense, "we Christians profess to be day people, not night people; therefore our work ought to be day work, not night work; our conduct such as will bear the eye of day, and such has no need of the veil of night" [Edmunds], (1Th 5:8).

8. Faith, hope, and love, are the three pre-eminent graces (1Th 1:3; 1Co 13:13). We must not only be awake and sober, but also armed; not only watchful, but also guarded. The armor here is only defensive; in Eph 6:13-17, also offensive. Here, therefore, the reference is to the Christian means of being guarded against being surprised by the day of the Lord as a thief in the night. The helmet and breastplate defend the two vital parts, the head and the heart respectively. "With head and heart right, the whole man is right" [Edmunds]. The head needs to be kept from error, the heart from sin. For "the breastplate of righteousness," Eph 6:14, we have here "the breastplate of faith and love"; for the righteousness which is imputed to man for justification, is "faith working by love" (Ro 4:3, 22-24; Ga 5:6). "Faith," as the motive within, and "love," exhibited in outward acts, constitute the perfection of righteousness. In Eph 6:17 the helmet is "salvation"; here, "the hope of salvation." In one aspect "salvation" is a present possession (Joh 3:36; 5:24; 1Jo 5:13); in another, it is a matter of "hope" (Ro 8:24, 25). Our Head primarily wore the "breastplate of righteousness" and "helmet of salvation," that we might, by union with Him, receive both.

9. For—assigning the ground of our "hopes" (1Th 5:8).

appointed us—Translate, "set" (Ac 13:47), in His everlasting purpose of love (1Th 3:3; 2Ti 1:9). Contrast Ro 9:22; Jude 4.

to—that is, unto wrath.

to obtain—Greek, "to the acquisition of salvation"; said, according to Bengel, Of One saved out of a general wreck, when all things else have been lost: so of the elect saved out of the multitude of the lost (2Th 2:13, 14). The fact of God's "appointment" of His grace "through Jesus Christ" (Eph 1:5), takes away the notion of our being able to "acquire" salvation of ourselves. Christ "acquired (so the Greek for 'purchased') the Church (and its salvation) with His own blood" (Ac 20:28); each member is said to be appointed by God to the "acquiring of salvation." In the primary sense, God does the work; in the secondary sense, man does it.

10. died for us—Greek, "in our behalf."

whether we wake or sleep—whether we be found at Christ's coming awake, that is, alive, or asleep, that is, in our graves.

together—all of us together; the living not preceding the dead in their glorification "with Him" at His coming (1Th 4:13).

11. comfort yourselves—Greek, "one another." Here he reverts to the same consolatory strain as in 1Th 4:18.

edify one another—rather as Greek, "edify (ye) the one the other"; "edify," literally, "build up," namely, in faith, hope, and love, by discoursing together on such edifying topics as the Lord's coming, and the glory of the saints (Mal 3:16).

12. beseech—"Exhort" is the expression in 1Th 5:14; here, "we beseech you," as if it were a personal favor (Paul making the cause of the Thessalonian presbyters, as it were, his own).

know—to have a regard and respect for. Recognize their office, and treat them accordingly (compare 1Co 16:18) with reverence and with liberality in supplying their needs (1Ti 5:17). The Thessalonian Church having been newly planted, the ministers were necessarily novices (1Ti 3:6), which may have been in part the cause of the people's treating them with less respect. Paul's practice seems to have been to ordain elders in every Church soon after its establishment (Ac 14:23).

them which labour … are over … admonish you—not three classes of ministers, but one, as there is but one article common to the three in the Greek. "Labor" expresses their laborious life; "are over you," their pre-eminence as presidents or superintendents ("bishops," that is, overseers, Php 1:1, "them that have rule over you," literally, leaders, Heb 13:17; "pastors," literally, shepherds, Eph 4:11); "admonish you," one of their leading functions; the Greek is "put in mind," implying not arbitrary authority, but gentle, though faithful, admonition (2Ti 2:14, 24, 25; 1Pe 5:3).

in the Lord—Their presidency over you is in divine things; not in worldly affairs, but in things appertaining to the Lord.

13. very highly—Greek, "exceeding abundantly."

for their work's sake—The high nature of their work alone, the furtherance of your salvation and of the kingdom of Christ, should be a sufficient motive to claim your reverential love. At the same time, the word "work," teaches ministers that, while claiming the reverence due to their office, it is not a sinecure, but a "work"; compare "labor" (even to weariness: so the Greek), 1Th 5:12.

be at peace among yourselves—The "and" is not in the original. Let there not only be peace between ministers and their flocks, but also no party rivalries among yourselves, one contending in behalf of some one favorite minister, another in behalf of another (Mr 9:50; 1Co 1:12; 4:6).

14. brethren—This exhortation to "warm (Greek, 'admonish,' as in 1Th 5:12) the unruly (those 'disorderly' persons, 2Th 3:6, 11, who would not work, and yet expected to be maintained, literally, said of soldiers who will not remain in their ranks, compare 1Th 4:11; also those insubordinate as to Church discipline, in relation to those 'over' the Church, 1Th 5:12), comfort the feeble-minded (the faint-hearted, who are ready to sink 'without hope' in afflictions, 1Th 4:13, and temptations)," applies to all clergy and laity alike, though primarily the duty of the clergy (who are meant in 1Th 5:12)."

support—literally, "lay fast hold on so as to support."

the weak—spiritually. Paul practiced what he preached (1Co 9:22).

be patient toward all men—There is no believer who needs not the exercise of patience "toward" him; there is none to whom a believer ought not to show it; many show it more to strangers than to their own families, more to the great than to the humble; but we ought to show it "toward all men" [Bengel]. Compare "the long-suffering of our Lord" (2Co 10:1; 2Pe 3:15).

15. (Ro 12:17; 1Pe 3:9.)

unto any man—whether unto a Christian, or a heathen, however great the provocation.

follow—as a matter of earnest pursuit.

16, 17. In order to "rejoice evermore," we must "pray without ceasing" (1Th 5:17). He who is wont to thank God for all things as happening for the best, will have continuous joy [Theophylact]. Eph 6:18; Php 4:4, 6, "Rejoice in the Lord … by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving"; Ro 14:17, "in the Holy Ghost"; Ro 12:12, "in hope"; Ac 5:41, "in being counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ's name"; Jas 1:2, in falling "into divers temptations."

17. The Greek is, "Pray without intermission"; without allowing prayerless gaps to intervene between the times of prayer.

18. In every thing—even what seems adverse: for nothing is really so (compare Ro 8:28; Eph 5:20). See Christ's example (Mt 15:36; 26:27; Lu 10:21; Joh 11:41).

this—That ye should "rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, (and) in every thing give thanks," "is the will of God in Christ Jesus (as the Mediator and Revealer of that will, observed by those who are in Christ by faith, compare Php 3:14) concerning you." God's will is the believer's law. Lachmann rightly reads commas at the end of the three precepts (1Th 5:16-18), making "this" refer to all three.

19. Quench not—the Spirit being a holy fire: "where the Spirit is, He burns" [Bengel] (Mt 3:11; Ac 2:3; 7:51). Do not throw cold water on those who, under extraordinary inspiration of the Spirit, stand up to speak with tongues, or reveal mysteries, or pray in the congregation. The enthusiastic exhibitions of some (perhaps as to the nearness of Christ's coming, exaggerating Paul's statement, 2Th 2:2, By spirit), led others (probably the presiding ministers, who had not always been treated with due respect by enthusiastic novices, 1Th 5:12), from dread of enthusiasm, to discourage the free utterances of those really inspired, in the Church assembly. On the other hand, the caution (1Th 5:21) was needed, not to receive "all" pretended revelations as divine, without "proving" them.

20. prophesyings—whether exercised in inspired teaching, or in predicting the future. "Despised" by some as beneath "tongues," which seemed most miraculous; therefore declared by Paul to be a greater gift than tongues, though the latter were more showy (1Co 14:5).

21, 22. Some of the oldest manuscripts insert "But." You ought indeed not to "quench" the manifestations of "the Spirit," nor "despise prophesyings"; "but," at the same time, do not take "all" as genuine which professes to be so; "prove (test) all" such manifestations. The means of testing them existed in the Church, in those who had the "discerning of spirits" (1Co 12:10; 14:29; 1Jo 4:1). Another sure test, which we also have, is, to try the professed revelation whether it accords with Scripture, as the noble Bereans did (Isa 8:20; Ac 17:11; Ga 1:8, 9). This precept negatives the Romish priest's assumption of infallibly laying down the law, without the laity having the right, in the exercise of private judgment, to test it by Scripture. Locke says, Those who are for laying aside reason in matters of revelation, resemble one who would put out his eyes in order to use a telescope.

hold fast that which is good—Join this clause with the next clause (1Th 5:22), not merely with the sentence preceding. As the result of your "proving all things," and especially all prophesyings, "hold fast (Lu 8:15; 1Co 11:2; Heb 2:1) the good, and hold yourselves aloof from every appearance of evil" ("every evil species" [Bengel and Wahl]). Do not accept even a professedly spirit-inspired communication, if it be at variance with the truth taught you (2Th 2:2).

22. Tittmann supports English Version, "from every evil appearance" or "semblance." The context, however, does not refer to evil appearances IN OURSELVES which we ought to abstain from, but to holding ourselves aloof from every evil appearance IN OTHERS; as for instance, in the pretenders to spirit-inspired prophesyings. In many cases the Christian should not abstain from what has the semblance ("appearance") of evil, though really good. Jesus healed on the sabbath, and ate with publicans and sinners, acts which wore the appearance of evil, but which were not to be abstained from on that account, being really good. I agree with Tittmann rather than with Bengel, whom Alford follows. The context favors this sense: However specious be the form or outward appearance of such would-be prophets and their prophesyings, hold yourselves aloof from every such form when it is evil, literally, "Hold yourselves aloof from every evil appearance" or "form."

23. the very God—rather as the Greek, "the God of peace Himself"; who can do for you by His own power what I cannot do by all my monitions, nor you by all your efforts (Ro 16:20; Heb 13:20), namely, keep you from all evil, and give you all that is good.

sanctify you—for holiness is the necessary condition of "peace" (Php 4:6-9).

wholly—Greek, "(so that you should be) perfect in every respect" [Tittmann].

and—that is, "and so (omit 'I pray God'; not in the Greek) may your … spirit and soul and body be preserved," &c.

whole—A different Greek word from "wholly." Translate, "entire"; with none of the integral parts wanting [Tittmann]. It refers to man in his normal integrity, as originally designed; an ideal which shall be attained by the glorified believer. All three, spirit, soul, and body, each in its due place, constitute man "entire." The "spirit" links man with the higher intelligences of heaven, and is that highest part of man which is receptive of the quickening Holy Spirit (1Co 15:47). In the unspiritual, the spirit is so sunk under the lower animal soul (which it ought to keep under) that such are termed "animal" (English Version. "sensual," having merely the body of organized matter, and the soul the immaterial animating essence), having not the Spirit (compare 1Co 2:14; see on 1Co 15:44; 1Cor 15:46-48; Joh 3:6). The unbeliever shall rise with an animal (soul-animated) body, but not like the believer with a spiritual (spirit-endued) body like Christ's (Ro 8:11).

blameless unto—rather as Greek, "blamelessly (so as to be in a blameless state) at the coming of Christ." In Hebrew, "peace" and "wholly" (perfect in every respect) are kindred terms; so that the prayer shows what the title "God of peace" implies. Bengel takes "wholly" as collectively, all the Thessalonians without exception, so that no one should fail. And "whole (entire)," individually, each one of them entire, with "spirit, soul, and body." The mention of the preservation of the body accords with the subject (1Th 4:16). Trench better regards "wholly" as meaning, "having perfectly attained the moral end," namely, to be a full-grown man in Christ. "Whole," complete, with no grace which ought to be wanting in a Christian.

24. Faithful—to His covenant promises (Joh 10:27-29; 1Co 1:9; 10:23; Php 1:6).

he that calleth you—God, the caller of His people, will cause His calling not to fall short of its designed end.

do it—preserve and present you blameless at the coming of Christ (1Th 5:23; Ro 8:30; 1Pe 5:10). You must not look at the foes before and behind, on the right hand and on the left, but to God's faithfulness to His promises, God's zeal for His honor, and God's love for those whom He calls.

25. Some oldest manuscripts read, "Pray ye also for (literally, 'concerning') us"; make us and our work the subject of your prayers, even as we have been just praying for you (1Th 5:23). Others omit the "also." The clergy need much the prayers of their flocks. Paul makes the same request in the Epistles to Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and in Second Corinthians; not so in the Epistles to Timothy and Titus, whose intercessions, as his spiritual sons, he was already sure of; nor in the Epistles, I Corinthians, and Galatians, as these Epistles abound in rebuke.

26. Hence it appears this Epistle was first handed to the elders, who communicated it to "the brethren."

holy kiss—pure and chaste. "A kiss of charity" (1Pe 5:14). A token of Christian fellowship in those days (compare Lu 7:45; Ac 20:37), as it is a common mode of salutation in many countries. The custom hence arose in the early Church of passing the kiss through the congregation at the holy communion [Justin Martyr, Apology, 1.65; Apostolic Constitutions, 2.57], the men kissing the men, and the women the women, in the Lord. So in the Syrian Church each takes his neighbor's right hand and gives the salutation, "Peace."

27. I charge—Greek, "I adjure you."

read unto all—namely, publicly in the congregation at a particular time. The Greek aorist tense implies a single act done at a particular time. The earnestness of his adjuration implies how solemnly important he felt this divinely inspired message to be. Also, as this was the FIRST of the Epistles of the New Testament, he makes this the occasion of a solemn charge, that so its being publicly read should be a sample of what should be done in the case of the others, just as the Pentateuch and the Prophets were publicly read under the Old Testament, and are still read in the synagogue. Compare the same injunction as to the public reading of the Apocalypse, the LAST of the New Testament canon (Re 1:3). The "all" includes women and children, and especially those who could not read it themselves (De 31:12; Jos 8:33-35). What Paul commands with an adjuration, Rome forbids under a curse [Bengel]. Though these Epistles had difficulties, the laity were all to hear them read (1Pe 4:11; 2Pe 3:10; even the very young, 2Ti 1:5; 3:15). "Holy" is omitted before "brethren" in most of the oldest manuscripts, though some of them support it.

28. (See on 2Co 13:14.) Paul ends as he began (1Th 1:1), with "grace." The oldest manuscripts omit "Amen," which probably was the response of the Church after the public reading of the Epistle.

The subscription is a comparatively modern addition. The Epistle was not, as it states, written from Athens, but from Corinth; for it is written in the names of Silas and Timothy (besides Paul), who did not join the apostle before he reached the latter city (Ac 18:5).