2 Chronicles 10:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 And when all Israel H3478 saw H7200 that the king H4428 would not hearken H8085 unto them, the people H5971 answered H7725 the king, H4428 saying, H559 What portion H2506 have we in David? H1732 and we have none inheritance H5159 in the son H1121 of Jesse: H3448 every man H376 to your tents, H168 O Israel: H3478 and now, David, H1732 see H7200 to thine own house. H1004 So all Israel H3478 went H3212 to their tents. H168

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 10:19 STRONG

And Israel H3478 rebelled H6586 against the house H1004 of David H1732 unto this day. H3117

2 Samuel 20:1 STRONG

And there happened H7122 to be there a man H376 of Belial, H1100 whose name H8034 was Sheba, H7652 the son H1121 of Bichri, H1075 a Benjamite: H1145 and he blew H8628 a trumpet, H7782 and said, H559 We have no part H2506 in David, H1732 neither have we inheritance H5159 in the son H1121 of Jesse: H3448 every H376 man H376 to his tents, H168 O Israel. H3478

Psalms 132:17 STRONG

There will I make H6779 the horn H7161 of David H1732 to bud: H6779 I have ordained H6186 a lamp H5216 for mine anointed. H4899

Psalms 89:29-37 STRONG

His seed H2233 also will I make H7760 to endure for ever, H5703 and his throne H3678 as the days H3117 of heaven. H8064 If his children H1121 forsake H5800 my law, H8451 and walk H3212 not in my judgments; H4941 If they break H2490 my statutes, H2708 and keep H8104 not my commandments; H4687 Then will I visit H6485 their transgression H6588 with the rod, H7626 and their iniquity H5771 with stripes. H5061 Nevertheless my lovingkindness H2617 will I not utterly take H6331 from him, nor suffer my faithfulness H530 to fail. H8266 My covenant H1285 will I not break, H2490 nor alter H8138 the thing that is gone out H4161 of my lips. H8193 Once H259 have I sworn H7650 by my holiness H6944 that I will not lie H3576 unto David. H1732 His seed H2233 shall endure for ever, H5769 and his throne H3678 as the sun H8121 before me. It shall be established H3559 for ever H5769 as the moon, H3394 and as a faithful H539 witness H5707 in heaven. H7834 Selah. H5542

Isaiah 9:6-7 STRONG

For unto us a child H3206 is born, H3205 unto us a son H1121 is given: H5414 and the government H4951 shall be upon his shoulder: H7926 and his name H8034 shall be called H7121 Wonderful, H6382 Counsellor, H3289 The mighty H1368 God, H410 The everlasting H5703 Father, H1 The Prince H8269 of Peace. H7965 Of the increase H4766 of his government H4951 and peace H7965 there shall be no end, H7093 upon the throne H3678 of David, H1732 and upon his kingdom, H4467 to order H3559 it, and to establish H5582 it with judgment H4941 and with justice H6666 from henceforth even for H5704 ever. H5769 The zeal H7068 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 will perform H6213 this.

Isaiah 11:1 STRONG

And there shall come forth H3318 a rod H2415 out of the stem H1503 of Jesse, H3448 and a Branch H5342 shall grow H6509 out of his roots: H8328

Jeremiah 33:20-21 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 If ye can break H6565 my covenant H1285 of the day, H3117 and my covenant H1285 of the night, H3915 and that there should not be day H3119 and night H3915 in their season; H6256 Then may also my covenant H1285 be broken H6565 with David H1732 my servant, H5650 that he should not have a son H1121 to reign H4427 upon his throne; H3678 and with the Levites H3881 the priests, H3548 my ministers. H8334

Jeremiah 33:25-26 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 If my covenant H1285 be not with day H3119 and night, H3915 and if I have not appointed H7760 the ordinances H2708 of heaven H8064 and earth; H776 Then H1571 will I cast away H3988 the seed H2233 of Jacob, H3290 and David H1732 my servant, H5650 so that I will not take H3947 any of his seed H2233 to be rulers H4910 over the seed H2233 of Abraham, H85 Isaac, H3446 and Jacob: H3290 for I will cause their captivity H7622 to return, H7725 H7725 and have mercy H7355 on them.

Ezekiel 37:24-25 STRONG

And David H1732 my servant H5650 shall be king H4428 over them; and they all shall have one H259 shepherd: H7462 they shall also walk H3212 in my judgments, H4941 and observe H8104 my statutes, H2708 and do H6213 them. And they shall dwell H3427 in the land H776 that I have given H5414 unto Jacob H3290 my servant, H5650 wherein your fathers H1 have dwelt; H3427 and they shall dwell H3427 therein, even they, and their children, H1121 and their children's H1121 children H1121 for ever: H5769 and my servant H5650 David H1732 shall be their prince H5387 for H5704 ever. H5769

Amos 9:11 STRONG

In that day H3117 will I raise up H6965 the tabernacle H5521 of David H1732 that is fallen, H5307 and close up H1443 the breaches H6556 thereof; and I will raise up H6965 his ruins, H2034 and I will build H1129 it as in the days H3117 of old: H5769

Luke 1:32-33 STRONG

He G3778 shall be G2071 great, G3173 and G2532 shall be called G2564 the Son G5207 of the Highest: G5310 and G2532 the Lord G2962 God G2316 shall give G1325 unto him G846 the throne G2362 of his G846 father G3962 David: G1138 And G2532 he shall reign G936 over G1909 the house G3624 of Jacob G2384 for G1519 ever; G165 and G2532 of his G846 kingdom G932 there shall be G2071 no G3756 end. G5056

Luke 19:27 STRONG

But G4133 those G1565 mine G3450 enemies, G2190 which G3588 would G2309 not G3361 that I G3165 should reign G936 over G1909 them, G846 bring G71 hither, G5602 and G2532 slay G2695 them before G1715 me. G3450

John 6:66 STRONG

From G1537 that G5127 time many G4183 of his G846 disciples G3101 went G565 back, G1519 G3694 and G2532 walked G4043 no more G3765 with G3326 him. G846

John 7:53 STRONG

And G2532 every man G1538 went G4198 unto G1519 his own G846 house. G3624

Acts 2:30 STRONG

Therefore G3767 being G5225 a prophet, G4396 and G2532 knowing G1492 that G3754 God G2316 had sworn G3660 with an oath G3727 to him, G846 that of G1537 the fruit G2590 of his G846 loins, G3751 according to G2596 the flesh, G4561 he would raise up G450 Christ G5547 to sit G2523 on G1909 his G846 throne; G2362

1 Corinthians 15:25 STRONG

For G1063 he G846 must G1163 reign, G936 till G891 G3757 he hath put G302 G5087 all G3956 enemies G2190 under G5259 his G846 feet. G4228

Revelation 22:16 STRONG

I G1473 Jesus G2424 have sent G3992 mine G3450 angel G32 to testify G3140 unto you G5213 these things G5023 in G1909 the churches. G1577 I G1473 am G1510 the root G4491 and G2532 the offspring G1085 of David, G1138 and the bright G2986 and G2532 morning G3720 star. G792

Psalms 76:10 STRONG

Surely the wrath H2534 of man H120 shall praise H3034 thee: the remainder H7611 of wrath H2534 shalt thou restrain. H2296

Psalms 2:1-6 STRONG

Why do the heathen H1471 rage, H7283 and the people H3816 imagine H1897 a vain thing? H7385 The kings H4428 of the earth H776 set H3320 themselves, and the rulers H7336 take counsel H3245 together, H3162 against the LORD, H3068 and against his anointed, H4899 saying, Let us break H5423 their bands H4147 asunder, H5423 and cast away H7993 their cords H5688 from us. He that sitteth H3427 in the heavens H8064 shall laugh: H7832 the Lord H136 shall have them in derision. H3932 Then shall he speak H1696 unto them in his wrath, H639 and vex H926 them in his sore displeasure. H2740 Yet have I set H5258 my king H4428 upon my holy H6944 hill H2022 of Zion. H6726

1 Chronicles 17:14 STRONG

But I will settle H5975 him in mine house H1004 and in my kingdom H4438 for ever: H5769 and his throne H3678 shall be established H3559 for H5704 evermore. H5769

1 Kings 12:16-17 STRONG

So H7725 when all Israel H3478 saw H7200 that the king H4428 hearkened H8085 not unto them, the people H5971 answered H1697 the king, H4428 saying, H559 What portion H2506 have we in David? H1732 neither have we inheritance H5159 in the son H1121 of Jesse: H3448 to your tents, H168 O Israel: H3478 now see H7200 to thine own house, H1004 David. H1732 So Israel H3478 departed H3212 unto their tents. H168 But as for the children H1121 of Israel H3478 which dwelt H3427 in the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 Rehoboam H7346 reigned H4427 over them.

1 Kings 11:34-39 STRONG

Howbeit I will not take H3947 the whole kingdom H4467 out of his hand: H3027 but I will make H7896 him prince H5387 all the days H3117 of his life H2416 for David H1732 my servant's H5650 sake, whom I chose, H977 because he kept H8104 my commandments H4687 and my statutes: H2708 But I will take H3947 the kingdom H4410 out of his son's H1121 hand, H3027 and will give H5414 it unto thee, even ten H6235 tribes. H7626 And unto his son H1121 will I give H5414 one H259 tribe, H7626 that David H1732 my servant H5650 may have a light H5216 alway H3117 before H6440 me in Jerusalem, H3389 the city H5892 which I have chosen H977 me to put H7760 my name H8034 there. And I will take H3947 thee, and thou shalt reign H4427 according to all that thy soul H5315 desireth, H183 and shalt be king H4428 over Israel. H3478 And it shall be, if thou wilt hearken H8085 unto all that I command H6680 thee, and wilt walk H1980 in my ways, H1870 and do H6213 that is right H3477 in my sight, H5869 to keep H8104 my statutes H2708 and my commandments, H4687 as David H1732 my servant H5650 did; H6213 that I will be with thee, and build H1129 thee a sure H539 house, H1004 as I built H1129 for David, H1732 and will give H5414 Israel H3478 unto thee. And I will for this afflict H6031 the seed H2233 of David, H1732 but not for ever. H3117

1 Kings 11:13 STRONG

Howbeit H7535 I will not rend away H7167 all the kingdom; H4467 but will give H5414 one H259 tribe H7626 to thy son H1121 for David H1732 my servant's H5650 sake, and for Jerusalem's H3389 sake which I have chosen. H977

2 Samuel 16:11 STRONG

And David H1732 said H559 to Abishai, H52 and to all his servants, H5650 Behold, my son, H1121 which came forth H3318 of my bowels, H4578 seeketh H1245 my life: H5315 how much more now may this Benjamite H1145 do it? let him alone, H3240 and let him curse; H7043 for the LORD H3068 hath bidden H559 him.

2 Samuel 15:13 STRONG

And there came H935 a messenger H5046 to David, H1732 saying, H559 The hearts H3820 of the men H376 of Israel H3478 are after H310 Absalom. H53

2 Samuel 7:15-16 STRONG

But my mercy H2617 shall not depart away H5493 from him, as I took H5493 it from Saul, H7586 whom I put away H5493 before H6440 thee. And thine house H1004 and thy kingdom H4467 shall be established H539 for H5704 ever H5769 before H6440 thee: thy throne H3678 shall be established H3559 for H5704 ever. H5769

1 Samuel 22:13 STRONG

And Saul H7586 said H559 unto him, Why have ye conspired H7194 against me, thou and the son H1121 of Jesse, H3448 in that thou hast given H5414 him bread, H3899 and a sword, H2719 and hast enquired H7592 of God H430 for him, that he should rise H6965 against me, to lie in wait, H693 as at this day? H3117

1 Samuel 22:9 STRONG

Then answered H6030 Doeg H1673 the Edomite, H130 which was set H5324 over the servants H5650 of Saul, H7586 and said, H559 I saw H7200 the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 coming H935 to Nob, H5011 to Ahimelech H288 the son H1121 of Ahitub. H285

1 Samuel 22:7 STRONG

Then Saul H7586 said H559 unto his servants H5650 that stood H5324 about him, Hear now, H8085 ye Benjamites; H1145 will the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 give H5414 every one of you fields H7704 and vineyards, H3754 and make H7760 you all captains H8269 of thousands, H505 and captains H8269 of hundreds; H3967

1 Samuel 20:30-31 STRONG

Then Saul's H7586 anger H639 was kindled H2734 against Jonathan, H3083 and he said H559 unto him, Thou son H1121 of the perverse H5753 rebellious H4780 woman, do not I know H3045 that thou hast chosen H977 the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 to thine own confusion, H1322 and unto the confusion H1322 of thy mother's H517 nakedness? H6172 For as long as H3117 the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 liveth H2425 upon the ground, H127 thou shalt not be established, H3559 nor thy kingdom. H4438 Wherefore now send H7971 and fetch H3947 him unto me, for he shall surely die. H1121 H4194

1 Samuel 20:27 STRONG

And it came to pass on the morrow, H4283 which was the second H8145 day of the month, H2320 that David's H1732 place H4725 was empty: H6485 and Saul H7586 said H559 unto Jonathan H3083 his son, H1121 Wherefore cometh H935 not the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 to meat, H3899 neither yesterday, H8543 nor to day? H3117

Judges 8:35 STRONG

Neither shewed H6213 they kindness H2617 to the house H1004 of Jerubbaal, H3378 namely, Gideon, H1439 according to all the goodness H2896 which he had shewed H6213 unto Israel. H3478

Luke 19:14 STRONG

But G1161 his G846 citizens G4177 hated G3404 him, G846 and G2532 sent G649 a message G4242 after G3694 him, G846 saying, G3004 We will G2309 not G3756 have G2309 this G5126 man to reign G936 over G1909 us. G2248

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 10

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 10 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


IV. The History of the Kingdom of Judah Until Its Fall - 2 Chronicles 10-36.

After giving an account of the revolt of the ten tribes of Israel from the divinely chosen royal house of David (2 Chron 10), the author of the Chronicle narrates the history of the kingdom of Judah - to which he confines himself, to the exclusion of the history of the kingdom of the ten tribes - at much greater length than the author of the books of Kings has done. This latter portrays the development of both kingdoms, but treats only very briefly of the history of the kingdom of Judah, especially under its first rulers, and characterizes the attitude of the kings and people of Judah to the kingdom of Israel and to the Lord only in the most general way. The author of the Chronicle, on the other hand, depicts the development of Judah under Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, and Jehoshaphat much more thoroughly, by communicating a considerable number of events which are omitted in the book of Kings. As we have already proved, the purpose of the chronicler was to show, according to the varying attitude of the kings of the house of David to the Lord and to His law, how, on the one hand, God rewarded the fidelity of the kings and of the people to His covenant with prosperity and blessing, and furnished to the kingdom of Judah, in war with its enemies, power which secured the victory; and how, on the other, He took vengeance for every revolt of the kings and people, and for every fall into idolatry and superstition, by humiliations and awful judgments. And more especially from the times of the godless kings Ahaz and Manasseh does our author do this, pointing out how God suffered the people to fall ever deeper into feebleness, and dependence upon the heathen world powers, until finally, when the efforts of the pious kings Hezekiah and Josiah to bring back the people, sunk as they were in idolatry and moral corruption, to the God of their fathers and to His service failed to bring about any permanent repentance and reformation, He cast forth Judah also from His presence, and gave over Jerusalem and the temple to destruction by the Chaldeans, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judah to be led away into exile to Babylon.

Verses 1-19

This event is narrated in our chapter, except in so far as a few unessential differences in form are concerned, exactly as we have it in 1 Kings 12:1-19; so that we may refer for the exposition of it to the commentary on 1 Kings 12, where we have both treated the contents of this chapter, and have also discussed the deeper and more latent causes of this event, so important in its consequences.