2 Chronicles 14:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And commanded H559 Judah H3063 to seek H1875 the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 and to do H6213 the law H8451 and the commandment. H4687

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 33:16 STRONG

And he repaired H1129 the altar H4196 of the LORD, H3068 and sacrificed H2076 thereon peace H8002 offerings H2077 and thank offerings, H8426 and commanded H559 Judah H3063 to serve H5647 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel. H3478

Amos 5:4 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 unto the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 Seek H1875 ye me, and ye shall live: H2421

Isaiah 55:6-7 STRONG

Seek H1875 ye the LORD H3068 while he may be found, H4672 call H7121 ye upon him while he is near: H7138 Let the wicked H7563 forsake H5800 his way, H1870 and the unrighteous H205 man H376 his thoughts: H4284 and let him return H7725 unto the LORD, H3068 and he will have mercy H7355 upon him; and to our God, H430 for he will abundantly H7235 pardon. H5545

Psalms 119:10 STRONG

With my whole heart H3820 have I sought H1875 thee: O let me not wander H7686 from thy commandments. H4687

Psalms 101:2-8 STRONG

I will behave myself wisely H7919 in a perfect H8549 way. H1870 O when wilt thou come H935 unto me? I will walk H1980 within H7130 my house H1004 with a perfect H8537 heart. H3824 I will set H7896 no wicked H1100 thing H1697 before mine eyes: H5869 I hate H8130 the work H6213 of them that turn aside; H7750 it shall not cleave H1692 to me. A froward H6141 heart H3824 shall depart H5493 from me: I will not know H3045 a wicked H7451 person. Whoso privily H5643 slandereth H3960 H3960 his neighbour, H7453 him will I cut off: H6789 him that hath an high H1362 look H5869 and a proud H7342 heart H3824 will not I suffer. H3201 Mine eyes H5869 shall be upon the faithful H539 of the land, H776 that they may dwell H3427 with me: he that walketh H1980 in a perfect H8549 way, H1870 he shall serve H8334 me. He that worketh H6213 deceit H7423 shall not dwell H3427 within H7130 my house: H1004 he that telleth H1696 lies H8267 shall not tarry H3559 in my sight. H5869 I will early H1242 destroy H6789 all the wicked H7563 of the land; H776 that I may cut off H3772 all wicked H205 doers H6466 from the city H5892 of the LORD. H3068

Nehemiah 13:19-22 STRONG

And it came to pass, that when the gates H8179 of Jerusalem H3389 began to be dark H6751 before H6440 the sabbath, H7676 I commanded H559 that the gates H1817 should be shut, H5462 and charged H559 that they should not be opened H6605 till after H310 the sabbath: H7676 and some of my servants H5288 set H5975 I at the gates, H8179 that there should no burden H4853 be brought in H935 on the sabbath H7676 day. H3117 So the merchants H7402 and sellers H4376 of all kind of ware H4465 lodged H3885 without H2351 Jerusalem H3389 once H6471 or twice. H8147 Then I testified H5749 against them, and said H559 unto them, Why lodge H3885 ye about H5048 the wall? H2346 if ye do so again, H8138 I will lay H7971 hands H3027 on you. From that time H6256 forth came H935 they no more on the sabbath. H7676 And I commanded H559 the Levites H3881 that they should cleanse H2891 themselves, and that they should come H935 and keep H8104 the gates, H8179 to sanctify H6942 the sabbath H7676 day. H3117 Remember H2142 me, O my God, H430 concerning this also, and spare H2347 me according to the greatness H7230 of thy mercy. H2617

Nehemiah 13:9 STRONG

Then I commanded, H559 and they cleansed H2891 the chambers: H3957 and thither brought I again H7725 the vessels H3627 of the house H1004 of God, H430 with the meat offering H4503 and the frankincense. H3828

Nehemiah 10:29-39 STRONG

They clave H2388 to their brethren, H251 their nobles, H117 and entered H935 into a curse, H423 and into an oath, H7621 to walk H3212 in God's H430 law, H8451 which was given H5414 by H3027 Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of God, H430 and to observe H8104 and do H6213 all the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 our Lord, H113 and his judgments H4941 and his statutes; H2706 And that we would not give H5414 our daughters H1323 unto the people H5971 of the land, H776 nor take H3947 their daughters H1323 for our sons: H1121 And if the people H5971 of the land H776 bring H935 ware H4728 or any victuals H7668 on the sabbath H7676 day H3117 to sell, H4376 that we would not buy H3947 it of them on the sabbath, H7676 or on the holy H6944 day: H3117 and that we would leave H5203 the seventh H7637 year, H8141 and the exaction H4853 of every debt. H3027 Also we made H5975 ordinances H4687 for us, to charge H5414 ourselves yearly H8141 with the third part H7992 of a shekel H8255 for the service H5656 of the house H1004 of our God; H430 For the shewbread, H4635 H3899 and for the continual H8548 meat offering, H4503 and for the continual H8548 burnt offering, H5930 of the sabbaths, H7676 of the new moons, H2320 for the set feasts, H4150 and for the holy H6944 things, and for the sin offerings H2403 to make an atonement H3722 for Israel, H3478 and for all the work H4399 of the house H1004 of our God. H430 And we cast H5307 the lots H1486 among the priests, H3548 the Levites, H3881 and the people, H5971 for the wood H6086 offering, H7133 to bring H935 it into the house H1004 of our God, H430 after the houses H1004 of our fathers, H1 at times H6256 appointed H2163 year H8141 by year, H8141 to burn H1197 upon the altar H4196 of the LORD H3068 our God, H430 as it is written H3789 in the law: H8451 And to bring H935 the firstfruits H1061 of our ground, H127 and the firstfruits H1061 of all fruit H6529 of all trees, H6086 year H8141 by year, H8141 unto the house H1004 of the LORD: H3068 Also the firstborn H1060 of our sons, H1121 and of our cattle, H929 as it is written H3789 in the law, H8451 and the firstlings H1062 of our herds H1241 and of our flocks, H6629 to bring H935 to the house H1004 of our God, H430 unto the priests H3548 that minister H8334 in the house H1004 of our God: H430 And that we should bring H935 the firstfruits H7225 of our dough, H6182 and our offerings, H8641 and the fruit H6529 of all manner of trees, H6086 of wine H8492 and of oil, H3323 unto the priests, H3548 to the chambers H3957 of the house H1004 of our God; H430 and the tithes H4643 of our ground H127 unto the Levites, H3881 that the same Levites H3881 might have the tithes H6237 in all the cities H5892 of our tillage. H5656 And the priest H3548 the son H1121 of Aaron H175 shall be with the Levites, H3881 when the Levites H3881 take tithes: H6237 and the Levites H3881 shall bring up H5927 the tithe H4643 of the tithes H4643 unto the house H1004 of our God, H430 to the chambers, H3957 into the treasure H214 house. H1004 For the children H1121 of Israel H3478 and the children H1121 of Levi H3878 shall bring H935 the offering H8641 of the corn, H1715 of the new wine, H8492 and the oil, H3323 unto the chambers, H3957 where are the vessels H3627 of the sanctuary, H4720 and the priests H3548 that minister, H8334 and the porters, H7778 and the singers: H7891 and we will not forsake H5800 the house H1004 of our God. H430

Ezra 10:7-12 STRONG

And they made proclamation H5674 H6963 throughout Judah H3063 and Jerusalem H3389 unto all the children H1121 of the captivity, H1473 that they should gather themselves together H6908 unto Jerusalem; H3389 And that whosoever would not come H935 within three H7969 days, H3117 according to the counsel H6098 of the princes H8269 and the elders, H2205 all his substance H7399 should be forfeited, H2763 and himself separated H914 from the congregation H6951 of those that had been carried away. H1473 Then all the men H582 of Judah H3063 and Benjamin H1144 gathered themselves together H6908 unto Jerusalem H3389 within three H7969 days. H3117 It was the ninth H8671 month, H2320 on the twentieth H6242 day of the month; H2320 and all the people H5971 sat H3427 in the street H7339 of the house H1004 of God, H430 trembling H7460 because of this matter, H1697 and for the great rain. H1653 And Ezra H5830 the priest H3548 stood up, H6965 and said H559 unto them, Ye have transgressed, H4603 and have taken H3427 strange H5237 wives, H802 to increase H3254 the trespass H819 of Israel. H3478 Now therefore make H5414 confession H8426 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of your fathers, H1 and do H6213 his pleasure: H7522 and separate H914 yourselves from the people H5971 of the land, H776 and from the strange H5237 wives. H802 Then all the congregation H6951 answered H6030 and said H559 with a loud H1419 voice, H6963 As thou hast said, H1697 so must we do. H6213

2 Chronicles 34:32-33 STRONG

And he caused all that were present H4672 in Jerusalem H3389 and Benjamin H1144 to stand H5975 to it. And the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem H3389 did H6213 according to the covenant H1285 of God, H430 the God H430 of their fathers. H1 And Josiah H2977 took away H5493 all the abominations H8441 out of all the countries H776 that pertained to the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and made all that were present H4672 in Israel H3478 to serve, H5647 even to serve H5647 the LORD H3068 their God. H430 And all his days H3117 they departed H5493 not from following H310 the LORD, H3068 the God H430 of their fathers. H1

Genesis 18:19 STRONG

For I know H3045 him, that H834 he will command H6680 his children H1121 and his household H1004 after him, H310 and they shall keep H8104 the way H1870 of the LORD, H3068 to do H6213 justice H6666 and judgment; H4941 that the LORD H3068 may bring H935 upon Abraham H85 that which he hath spoken H1696 of him.

2 Chronicles 30:19 STRONG

That prepareth H3559 his heart H3824 to seek H1875 God, H430 the LORD H3068 God H430 of his fathers, H1 though he be not cleansed according to the purification H2893 of the sanctuary. H6944

2 Chronicles 30:12 STRONG

Also in Judah H3063 the hand H3027 of God H430 was to give H5414 them one H259 heart H3820 to do H6213 the commandment H4687 of the king H4428 and of the princes, H8269 by the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068

2 Chronicles 29:30 STRONG

Moreover Hezekiah H3169 the king H4428 and the princes H8269 commanded H559 the Levites H3881 to sing praise H1984 unto the LORD H3068 with the words H1697 of David, H1732 and of Asaph H623 the seer. H2374 And they sang praises H1984 with gladness, H8057 and they bowed their heads H6915 and worshipped. H7812

2 Chronicles 29:27 STRONG

And Hezekiah H2396 commanded H559 to offer H5927 the burnt offering H5930 upon the altar. H4196 And when H6256 the burnt offering H5930 began, H2490 the song H7892 of the LORD H3068 began H2490 also with the trumpets, H2689 and with the instruments H3627 ordained by H3027 David H1732 king H4428 of Israel. H3478

2 Chronicles 29:21 STRONG

And they brought H935 seven H7651 bullocks, H6499 and seven H7651 rams, H352 and seven H7651 lambs, H3532 and seven H7651 he H6842 goats, H5795 for a sin offering H2403 for the kingdom, H4467 and for the sanctuary, H4720 and for Judah. H3063 And he commanded H559 the priests H3548 the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 to offer H5927 them on the altar H4196 of the LORD. H3068

2 Chronicles 11:16 STRONG

And after H310 them out of all the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 such as set H5414 their hearts H3824 to seek H1245 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 came H935 to Jerusalem, H3389 to sacrifice H2076 unto the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers. H1

1 Samuel 3:13 STRONG

For I have told H5046 him that I will judge H8199 his house H1004 for H5704 ever H5769 for the iniquity H5771 which he knoweth; H3045 because his sons H1121 made themselves vile, H7043 and he restrained H3543 them not.

Joshua 24:15 STRONG

And if it seem evil H7489 unto you H4310 to serve H5647 the LORD, H3068 choose H977 you this day H3117 whom H5869 ye will serve; H5647 whether the gods H430 which your fathers H1 served H5647 that were on the other side H5676 of the flood, H5104 or the gods H430 of the Amorites, H567 in whose land H776 ye dwell: H3427 but as for me and my house, H1004 we will serve H5647 the LORD. H3068

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 14 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 14:1-5. Asa Destroys Idolatry.

1. In his days the land was quiet ten years—This long interval of peace was the continued effect of the great battle of Zemaraim (compare 1Ki 15:11-14).

2. Asa did that which was good and right—(compare 1Ki 15:14). Still his character and life were not free from faults (2Ch 16:7, 10, 12).

3. brake down the images—of Baal (see on 2Ch 34:4; Le 26:30).

cut down the groves—rather, "Asherim."

5. he took away … the high places—that is, those devoted to idolatrous rites.

took away out of all the cities of Judah the high places and the images—All public objects and relics of idolatry in Jerusalem and other cities through his kingdom were destroyed; but those high places where God was worshipped under the figure of an ox, as at Beth-el, were allowed to remain (1Ki 15:14); so far the reformation was incomplete.

2Ch 14:6-8. Having Peace, He Strengthens His Kingdom with Forts and Armies.

6. he built fenced cities in Judah—(See on 1Ki 15:22).

7. while the land is yet before us—that is, while we have free and undisputed progress everywhere; no foe is near; but, as this happy time of peace may not last always and the kingdom is but small and weak, let us prepare suitable defenses in case of need. He had also an army of five hundred eighty thousand men. Judah furnished the heavily armed soldiers, and Benjamin the archers. This large number does not mean a body of professional soldiers, but all capable of bearing arms and liable to be called into service.

2Ch 14:9-15. He Overcomes Zerah, and Spoils the Ethiopians.

9. there came out against them Zerah the Ethiopian—This could not have been from Ethiopia south of the cataracts of the Nile, for in the reign of Osorkon I, successor of Shishak, no foreign army would have been allowed a free passage through Egypt. Zerah must, therefore, have been chief of the Cushites, or Ethiopians of Arabia, as they were evidently a nomad horde who had a settlement of tents and cattle in the neighborhood of Gerar.

a thousand thousand, and three hundred chariots—"Twenty camels employed to carry couriers upon them might have procured that number of men to meet in a short time. As Zerah was the aggressor, he had time to choose when he would summon these men and attack the enemy. Every one of these Cushite shepherds, carrying with them their own provisions of flour and water, as is their invariable custom, might have fought with Asa without eating a loaf of Zerah's bread or drinking a pint of his water" [Bruce, Travels].

10. Then Asa went out against him, and they set the battle in array … at Mareshah—one of the towns which Rehoboam fortified (2Ch 11:8), near a great southern pass in the low country of Judah (Jos 15:44). The engagement between the armies took place in a plain near the town, called "the valley of Zephathah," supposed to be the broad way coming down Beit Jibrin towards Tell Es-Safren [Robinson].

11-13. Asa cried unto the Lord his God—Strong in the confidence that the power of God was able to give the victory equally with few as with many, the pious king marched with a comparatively small force to encounter the formidable host of marauders at his southern frontier. Committing his cause to God, he engaged in the conflict—completely routed the enemy, and succeeded in obtaining, as the reward of his victory, a rich booty in treasure and cattle from the tents of this pastoral horde.