2 Chronicles 18:26 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

26 And say, H559 Thus saith H559 the king, H4428 Put H7760 this fellow in the prison, H1004 H3608 and feed H398 him with bread H3899 of affliction H3906 and with water H4325 of affliction, H3906 until I return H7725 in peace. H7965

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 16:10 STRONG

Then Asa H609 was wroth H3707 with the seer, H7200 and put H5414 him in a prison H4115 house; H1004 for he was in a rage H2197 with him because of this thing. And Asa H609 oppressed H7533 some of the people H5971 the same time. H6256

Matthew 5:12 STRONG

Rejoice, G5463 and G2532 be exceeding glad: G21 for G3754 great G4183 is your G5216 reward G3408 in G1722 heaven: G3772 for G1063 so G3779 persecuted they G1377 the prophets G4396 which G3588 were before G4253 you. G5216

Revelation 11:10 STRONG

And G2532 they that dwell G2730 upon G1909 the earth G1093 shall rejoice G5463 over G1909 them, G846 and G2532 make merry, G2165 and G2532 shall send G3992 gifts G1435 one to another; G240 because G3754 these G3778 two G1417 prophets G4396 tormented G928 them that dwelt G2730 on G1909 the earth. G1093

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 STRONG

For G1063 yourselves G846 know G1492 perfectly G199 that G3754 the day G2250 of the Lord G2962 so G3779 cometh G2064 as G5613 a thief G2812 in G1722 the night. G3571 For G1063 when G3752 they shall say, G3004 Peace G1515 and G2532 safety; G803 then G5119 sudden G160 destruction G3639 cometh upon G2186 them, G846 as G5618 travail G5604 upon G1722 a woman with child; G1064 G2192 and G2532 they shall G1628 not G3364 escape. G1628

2 Corinthians 11:23 STRONG

Are they G1526 ministers G1249 of Christ? G5547 (I speak G2980 as a fool G3912 ) I G1473 am more; G5228 in G1722 labours G2873 more abundant, G4056 in G1722 stripes G4127 above measure, G5234 in G1722 prisons G5438 more frequent, G4056 in G1722 deaths G2288 oft. G4178

Acts 22:22 STRONG

And G1161 they gave G191 him G846 audience G191 unto G891 this G5127 word, G3056 and G2532 then lifted up G1869 their G846 voices, G5456 and said, G3004 Away with G142 such G5108 a fellow from G575 the earth: G1093 for G1063 it is G2520 not G3756 fit G2520 that he G846 should live. G2198

Acts 5:18 STRONG

And G2532 laid G1911 their G846 hands G5495 on G1909 the apostles, G652 and G2532 put G5087 them G846 in G1722 the common G1219 prison. G5084

Luke 23:2 STRONG

And G1161 they began G756 to accuse G2723 him, G846 saying, G3004 We found G2147 this G5126 fellow perverting G1294 the nation, G1484 and G2532 forbidding G2967 to give G1325 tribute G5411 to Caesar, G2541 saying G3004 that he himself G1438 is G1511 Christ G5547 a King. G935

Luke 3:19-20 STRONG

But G1161 Herod G2264 the tetrarch, G5076 being reproved G1651 by G5259 him G846 for G4012 Herodias G2266 his G846 brother G80 Philip's G5376 wife, G1135 and G2532 for G4012 all G3956 the evils G4190 which G3739 Herod G2264 had done, G4160 Added G4369 yet G2532 this G5124 above G1909 all, G3956 that G2532 he shut up G2623 John G2491 in G1722 prison. G5438

Matthew 12:24 STRONG

But G1161 when the Pharisees G5330 heard G191 it, they said, G2036 This G3778 fellow doth G1544 not G3756 cast out G1544 devils, G1140 but G1508 by G1722 Beelzebub G954 the prince G758 of the devils. G1140

Deuteronomy 29:19 STRONG

And it come to pass, when he heareth H8085 the words H1697 of this curse, H423 that he bless H1288 himself in his heart, H3824 saying, H559 I shall have peace, H7965 though H3588 I walk H3212 in the imagination H8307 of mine heart, H3820 to add H5595 drunkenness H7302 to thirst: H6771

Jeremiah 20:2-3 STRONG

Then Pashur H6583 smote H5221 Jeremiah H3414 the prophet, H5030 and put H5414 him in the stocks H4115 that were in the high H5945 gate H8179 of Benjamin, H1144 which was by the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 And it came to pass on the morrow, H4283 that Pashur H6583 brought forth H3318 Jeremiah H3414 out of the stocks. H4115 Then said H559 Jeremiah H3414 unto him, The LORD H3068 hath not called H7121 thy name H8034 Pashur, H6583 but Magormissabib. H4036

Isaiah 30:20 STRONG

And though the Lord H136 give H5414 you the bread H3899 of adversity, H6862 and the water H4325 of affliction, H3906 yet shall not thy teachers H3384 be removed into a corner H3670 any more, but thine eyes H5869 shall see H7200 thy teachers: H3384

Proverbs 14:16 STRONG

A wise H2450 man feareth, H3373 and departeth H5493 from evil: H7451 but the fool H3684 rageth, H5674 and is confident. H982

Psalms 102:9 STRONG

For I have eaten H398 ashes H665 like bread, H3899 and mingled H4537 my drink H8249 with weeping, H1065

Psalms 80:5 STRONG

Thou feedest H398 them with the bread H3899 of tears; H1832 and givest them tears H1832 to drink H8248 in great measure. H7991

Psalms 10:5 STRONG

His ways H1870 are always H6256 grievous; H2342 thy judgments H4941 are far above H4791 out of his sight: as for all his enemies, H6887 he puffeth H6315 at them.

2 Chronicles 18:15 STRONG

And the king H4428 said H559 to him, How many times H6471 shall I adjure H7650 thee that thou say H1696 nothing but the truth H571 to me in the name H8034 of the LORD? H3068

1 Kings 22:26-28 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Israel H3478 said, H559 Take H3947 Micaiah, H4321 and carry him back H7725 unto Amon H526 the governor H8269 of the city, H5892 and to Joash H3101 the king's H4428 son; H1121 And say, H559 Thus saith H559 the king, H4428 Put H7760 this fellow in the prison, H1004 H3608 and feed H398 him with bread H3899 of affliction H3906 and with water H4325 of affliction, H3906 until I come H935 in peace. H7965 And Micaiah H4321 said, H559 If thou return H7725 at all H7725 in peace, H7965 the LORD H3068 hath not spoken H1696 by me. And he said, H559 Hearken, H8085 O people, H5971 every one of you.

1 Samuel 25:21 STRONG

Now David H1732 had said, H559 Surely in vain H8267 have I kept H8104 all that this H2088 fellow hath in the wilderness, H4057 so that nothing H3972 was missed H6485 of all that pertained unto him: and he hath requited H7725 me evil H7451 for good. H2896

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Commentary on 2 Chronicles 18 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

Jehoshaphat's marriage alliance with Ahab, and his campaign with Ahab against the Syrians at Ramoth in Gilead . - 2 Chronicles 18:1. Jehoshaphat came into connection by marriage with Ahab through his son Joram taking Athaliah, a daughter of Ahab, to wife (2 Chronicles 21:6); an event which did not take place on the visit made by Jehoshaphat to Ahab in his palace at Samaria, and recorded in 2 Chronicles 18:2, but which had preceded that by about nine years. That visit falls in the beginning of the year in which Ahab was mortally wounded at Ramoth, and died, i.e., the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat's reign. But at that time Ahaziah, the son of Joram and Athaliah, was already from eight to nine years old, since thirteen years later he became king at the age of twenty-two; 2 Kings 8:26, cf. with the chronol. table to 1 Kings 12. The marriage connection is mentioned in order to account for Jehoshaphat's visit to Samaria (2 Chronicles 18:2), and his alliance with Ahab in the war against the Syrians; but it is also introduced by a reference to Jehoshaphat's riches and his royal splendour, repeated from 2 Chronicles 17:5. In the opinion of many commentators, this is stated to account for Ahab's willingness to connect his family by marriage with that of Jehoshaphat. This opinion might be tenable were it Ahab's entering upon a marriage connection with Jehoshaphat which is spoken of; but for Jehoshaphat, of whom it is related that he entered into a marriage connection with Ahab, his own great wealth could not be a motive for his action in that matter. If we consider, first, that this marriage connection was very hurtful to the kingdom of Judah and the royal house of David, since Athaliah not only introduced the Phoenician idolatry into the kingdom, but also at the death of Ahaziah extirpated all the royal seed of the house of David, only the infant Joash of all the royal children being saved by the princess, a sister of Ahaziah, who was married to the high priest Jehoiada (2 Chronicles 22:10-12); and, second, that Jehoshaphat was sharply censured by the prophet for his alliance with the criminal Ahab (2 Chronicles 19:2.), and had, moreover, all but forfeited his life in the war (2 Chronicles 18:34.), - we see that the author of the Chronicle can only have regarded the marriage connection between Jehoshaphat and Ahab as a mistake. By introducing this account of it by a second reference to Jehoshaphat's riches and power, he must therefore have intended to hint that Jehoshaphat had no need to enter into this relationship with the idolatrous house of Ahab, but had acted very inconsiderately in doing so. Schmidt has correctly stated the contents of the verse thus: Josaphatus cetera dives et gloriosus infelicem adfinitatem cum Achabo, rege Israelis, contrahit . With which side the proposals for thus connecting the two royal houses originated we are not anywhere informed. Even if the conjecture of Ramb., that Ahab proposed it to Jehoshaphat, be not well founded, yet so much is beyond doubt, namely, that Ahab not only desired the alliance, but also promoted it by every means in his power, since it must have been of great importance to him to gain in Jehoshaphat a strong ally against the hostile pressure of the Syrians. Jehoshaphat probably entered upon the alliance bono animo et spe firmandae inter duo regna pacis (Ramb.), without much thought of the dangers which a connection of this sort with the idolatrous Ahab and with Jezebel might bring upon his kingdom.

Verses 2-34

The campaign undertaken along with Ahab against the Syrians at Ramoth in Gilead, with its origin, course, and results for Ahab, is narrated in 1 Kings (in the history of Ahab) in agreement with our narrative, only the introduction to the war being different here. In 1 Kings 22:1-3 it is remarked, in connection with the preceding wars of Ahab with the Syrians, that after there had been no war for three years between Aram and Israel, in the third year Jehoshaphat king of Judah came up to the king of Israel; and the latter, when he and his servants had determined to snatch away from the Syrians the city Ramoth in Gilead, which belonged to Israel, called upon Jehoshaphat to march with him to the war against Ramoth. In the Chronicle the more exact statement, “in the third year,” which is intelligible only in connection with the earlier history of Ahab, is exchanged for the indefinite שׁנים לקץ , “at the end of years;” and mention is made of the festal entertainment which Ahab bestowed upon his guest and his train ( עמּו אשׁר העם ), to show the pains which Ahab took to induce King Jehoshaphat to take part in the proposed campaign. He killed sheep and oxen for him in abundance, ויסיתהוּ ,ecnadn , and enticed, seduced him to go up with him to Ramoth. הסית , to incite, entice to anything (Judges 1:14), frequently to evil; cf. Deuteronomy 13:7, etc. עלה , to advance upon a land or a city in a warlike sense. The account which follows of the preparations for the campaign by inquiring of prophets, and of the war itself, vv. 4-34, is in almost verbal agreement with 1 Kings 22:5-35. Referring to 1 Kings for the commentary on the substance of the narrative, we will here only group together briefly the divergences. Instead of 400 men who were prophets, 2 Chronicles 18:5, in 1 Kings 22:5 we have about 400 men. It is a statement in round numbers, founded not upon exact enumeration, but upon an approximate estimate. Instead of אהדּל אם ... הנלך , 2 Chronicles 18:5, in Kings, 1 Kings 22:6, we have אהדּל אם ... האלך , both verbs being in the same number; and so too in 2 Chronicles 18:14, where in Kings. 1 Kings 22:15, both verbs stand in the plural, notwithstanding that the answer which follows, והצלח עלה , is addressed to Ahab alone, not to both the kings, while in the Chronicle the answer is given in the plural to both the kings, והצליחוּ עלוּ . in 2 Chronicles 18:7 , “he prophesies me nothing good, but all his days (i.e., so long as he has been a prophet) evil,” the meaning is intensified by the כּל־ימיו , which is not found in 1 Kings 22:8. In 2 Chronicles 18:9, the ויושׁבים , which is introduced before the בּגרן , “and sitting upon the threshing-floor,” is due to difference of style, for it is quite superfluous for the signification. In 2 Chronicles 18:15, the ambiguous words of Micah,' and Jahve will give into the hand of the king” (1 Kings 22:15), are given in a more definite form: “and they (the enemy) shall be given into your hand.” In 2 Chronicles 18:19, in the first כּכה אמר זה , the אמר after the preceding ויּאמר is not only superfluous, but improper, and has probably come into the text by a copyist's error. We should therefore read only בּכה זה , corresponding to the כּכה זה of 1 Kings 22:20 : “Then spake one after this manner, and the other spake after another manner.” In 2 Chronicles 18:23, the indefinite אי־זה of 1 Kings 22:24, is elucidated by הדּרך זה אי , “is that the manner” (cf. 1 Kings 13:12; 2 Kings 3:8)., and the verb . עבר follows without the relative pronoun, as in the passages cited. In 2 Chronicles 18:30, only הרכב שׂרי of the king are mentioned, without any statement of the number, which is given in 1 Kings 22:31, with a backward reference to the former war (1 Kings 20:24). In 2 Chronicles 18:31, after the words, “and Jehoshaphat cried out,” the higher cause of Jehoshaphat's rescue is pointed out in the words, “and Jahve helped him, and God drove them from him,” which are not found in 1 Kings 22:32; but by this religious reflection the actual course of the event is in no way altered. Bertheau's remark, therefore, that “the words disturb the clear connection of the events,” is quite unwarrantable. Finally, in 2 Chronicles 18:34, מעמיד היה , he was holding his position, i.e., he held himself standing upright, the Hiph. is more expressive than the Hoph. מעמד (1 Kings 22:35), since it expresses more definitely the fact that he held himself upright by his own strength. With Ahab's death, which took place in the evening at the time of the going down of the sun, the author of the Chronicle concludes his account of this war, and proceeds in 2 Chronicles 19:1-11 to narrate the further course of Jehoshaphat's reign. In 1 Kings 22:36-39, the return of the defeated army, and the details as to Ahab's death and burial, are recorded; but these did not fit into the plan of the Chronicle.