2 Chronicles 2:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 And the house H1004 which I build H1129 is great: H1419 for great H1419 is our God H430 above all gods. H430

Cross Reference

1 Chronicles 16:25 STRONG

For great H1419 is the LORD, H3068 and greatly H3966 to be praised: H1984 he also is to be feared H3372 above all gods. H430

Exodus 15:11 STRONG

Who is like unto thee, O LORD, H3068 among the gods? H410 who is like thee, glorious H142 in holiness, H6944 fearful H3372 in praises, H8416 doing H6213 wonders? H6382

Psalms 135:5 STRONG

For I know H3045 that the LORD H3068 is great, H1419 and that our Lord H113 is above all gods. H430

1 Kings 9:8 STRONG

And at this house, H1004 which is high, H5945 every one that passeth H5674 by it shall be astonished, H8074 and shall hiss; H8319 and they shall say, H559 Why hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land, H776 and to this house? H1004

1 Chronicles 29:1 STRONG

Furthermore David H1732 the king H4428 said H559 unto all the congregation, H6951 Solomon H8010 my son, H1121 whom alone H259 God H430 hath chosen, H977 is yet young H5288 and tender, H7390 and the work H4399 is great: H1419 for the palace H1002 is not for man, H120 but for the LORD H3068 God. H430

2 Chronicles 2:9 STRONG

Even to prepare H3559 me timber H6086 in abundance: H7230 for the house H1004 which I am about to build H1129 shall be wonderful H6381 great. H1419

Psalms 86:8-9 STRONG

Among the gods H430 there is none like unto thee, O Lord; H136 neither are there any works like unto thy works. H4639 All nations H1471 whom thou hast made H6213 shall come H935 and worship H7812 before H6440 thee, O Lord; H136 and shall glorify H3513 thy name. H8034

Psalms 145:3 STRONG

Great H1419 is the LORD, H3068 and greatly H3966 to be praised; H1984 and his greatness H1420 is unsearchable. H2714

Jeremiah 10:6 STRONG

Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; H3068 thou art great, H1419 and thy name H8034 is great H1419 in might. H1369

Ezekiel 7:20 STRONG

As for the beauty H6643 of his ornament, H5716 he set H7760 it in majesty: H1347 but they made H6213 the images H6754 of their abominations H8441 and of their detestable things H8251 therein: therefore have I set H5414 it far H5079 from them.

1 Timothy 6:15 STRONG

Which G3739 in his G2398 times G2540 he shall shew, G1166 who G3588 is the blessed G3107 and G2532 only G3441 Potentate, G1413 the King G935 of kings, G936 and G2532 Lord G2962 of lords; G2961

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 2:1, 2. Solomon's Laborers for Building the Temple.

1. Solomon determined to build—The temple is the grand subject of this narrative, while the palace—here and in other parts of this book—is only incidentally noticed. The duty of building the temple was reserved for Solomon before his birth. As soon as he became king, he addressed himself to the work, and the historian, in proceeding to give an account of the edifice, begins with relating the preliminary arrangements.

2Ch 2:3-10. His Message to Huram for Skilful Artificers.

3-6. Solomon sent to Huram—The correspondence was probably conducted on both sides in writing (2Ch 2:11; also see on 1Ki 5:8).

As thou didst deal with David my father—This would seem decisive of the question whether the Huram then reigning in Tyre was David's friend (see on 1Ki 5:1-6). In opening the business, Solomon grounded his request for Tyrian aid on two reasons: 1. The temple he proposed to build must be a solid and permanent building because the worship was to be continued in perpetuity; and therefore the building materials must be of the most durable quality. 2. It must be a magnificent structure because it was to be dedicated to the God who was greater than all gods; and, therefore, as it might seem a presumptuous idea to erect an edifice for a Being "whom the heaven and the heaven of heavens do not contain," it was explained that Solomon's object was not to build a house for Him to dwell in, but a temple in which His worshippers might offer sacrifices to His honor. No language could be more humble and appropriate than this. The pious strain of sentiment was such as became a king of Israel.

7. Send me now therefore a man cunning to work—Masons and carpenters were not asked for. Those whom David had obtained (1Ch 14:1) were probably still remaining in Jerusalem, and had instructed others. But he required a master of works; a person capable, like Bezaleel (Ex 35:31), of superintending and directing every department; for, as the division of labor was at that time little known or observed, an overseer had to be possessed of very versatile talents and experience. The things specified, in which he was to be skilled, relate not to the building, but the furniture of the temple. Iron, which could not be obtained in the wilderness when the tabernacle was built, was now, through intercourse with the coast, plentiful and much used. The cloths intended for curtains were, from the crimson or scarlet-red and hyacinth colors named, evidently those stuffs, for the manufacture and dyeing of which the Tyrians were so famous. "The graving," probably, included embroidery of figures like cherubim in needlework, as well as wood carving of pomegranates and other ornaments.

8. Send me … cedar trees, &c.—The cedar and cypress were valued as being both rare and durable; the algum or almug trees (likewise a foreign wood), though not found on Lebanon, are mentioned as being procured through Huram (see on 1Ki 10:11).

10. behold, I will give to thy servants … beaten wheat—Wheat, stripped of the husk, boiled, and saturated with butter, forms a frequent meal with the laboring people in the East (compare 1Ki 5:11). There is no discrepancy between that passage and this. The yearly supplies of wine and oil, mentioned in the former, were intended for Huram's court in return for the cedars sent him; while the articles of meat and drink specified here were for the workmen on Lebanon.

2Ch 2:11-18. Huram's Kind Answer.

11. Because the Lord hath loved his people, &c.—This pious language creates a presumption that Huram might have attained some knowledge of the true religion from his long familiar intercourse with David. But the presumption, however pleasing, may be delusive (see on 1Ki 5:7).

13, 14. I have sent a cunning man—(See on 1Ki 7:13-51).

17, 18. Solomon numbered all the strangers, &c.—(See on 1Ki 5:13; 1Ki 5:18).