2 Chronicles 20:6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

6 And said, H559 O LORD H3068 God H430 of our fathers, H1 art not thou God H430 in heaven? H8064 and rulest H4910 not thou over all the kingdoms H4467 of the heathen? H1471 and in thine hand H3027 is there not power H3581 and might, H1369 so that none is able to withstand H3320 thee?

Cross Reference

1 Chronicles 29:11-12 STRONG

Thine, O LORD, H3068 is the greatness, H1420 and the power, H1369 and the glory, H8597 and the victory, H5331 and the majesty: H1935 for all that is in the heaven H8064 and in the earth H776 is thine; thine is the kingdom, H4467 O LORD, H3068 and thou art exalted H4984 as head H7218 above all. Both riches H6239 and honour H3519 come of thee, H6440 and thou reignest H4910 over all; and in thine hand H3027 is power H3581 and might; H1369 and in thine hand H3027 it is to make great, H1431 and to give strength H2388 unto all.

Deuteronomy 4:39 STRONG

Know H3045 therefore this day, H3117 and consider H7725 it in thine heart, H3824 that the LORD H3068 he is God H430 in heaven H8064 above, H4605 and upon the earth H776 beneath: there is none else.

Matthew 6:9 STRONG

After this manner G3779 therefore G3767 pray G4336 ye: G5210 Our G2257 Father G3962 which G3588 art in G1722 heaven, G3772 Hallowed be G37 thy G4675 name. G3686

Daniel 4:25 STRONG

That they shall drive H2957 thee from H4481 men, H606 and thy dwelling H4070 shall be H1934 with H5974 the beasts H2423 of the field, H1251 and they shall make thee to eat H2939 grass H6211 as oxen, H8450 and they shall wet H6647 thee with the dew H2920 of heaven, H8065 and seven H7655 times H5732 shall pass H2499 over H5922 thee, till H5705 thou know H3046 that the most High H5943 ruleth H7990 in the kingdom H4437 of men, H606 and giveth H5415 it to whomsoever H4479 he will. H6634

Daniel 4:17 STRONG

This matter H6600 is by the decree H1510 of the watchers, H5894 and the demand H7595 by the word H3983 of the holy ones: H6922 to H5705 the intent H1701 that the living H2417 may know H3046 that the most High H5943 ruleth H7990 in the kingdom H4437 of men, H606 and giveth H5415 it to whomsoever H4479 he will, H6634 and setteth up H6966 over H5922 it the basest H8215 of men. H606

Isaiah 66:1 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 The heaven H8064 is my throne, H3678 and the earth H776 is my footstool: H7272 H1916 where is the house H1004 that ye build H1129 unto me? and where is the place H4725 of my rest? H4496

Acts 11:17 STRONG

Forasmuch G1487 then G3767 as G5613 God G2316 gave G1325 them G846 the like G2470 gift G1431 as G2532 he did unto us, G2254 who believed G4100 on G1909 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547 G1161 what G5101 was G2252 I, G1473 that I could G1415 withstand G2967 God? G2316

Matthew 6:13 STRONG

And G2532 lead G1533 us G2248 not G3361 into G1519 temptation, G3986 but G235 deliver G4506 us G2248 from G575 evil: G4190 For G3754 thine G4675 is G2076 the kingdom, G932 and G2532 the power, G1411 and G2532 the glory, G1391 for G1519 ever. G165 Amen. G281

Daniel 4:32-35 STRONG

And they shall drive H2957 thee from H4481 men, H606 and thy dwelling H4070 shall be with H5974 the beasts H2423 of the field: H1251 they shall make thee to eat H2939 grass H6211 as oxen, H8450 and seven H7655 times H5732 shall pass H2499 over H5922 thee, until H5705 thou know H3046 that the most High H5943 ruleth H7990 in the kingdom H4437 of men, H606 and giveth H5415 it to whomsoever H4479 he will. H6634 The same hour H8160 was the thing H4406 fulfilled H5487 upon H5922 Nebuchadnezzar: H5020 and he was driven H2957 from H4481 men, H606 and did eat H399 grass H6211 as oxen, H8450 and his body H1655 was wet H6647 with the dew H2920 of heaven, H8065 till H5705 his hairs H8177 were grown H7236 like eagles' H5403 feathers, and his nails H2953 like birds' H6853 claws. And at the end H7118 of the days H3118 I H576 Nebuchadnezzar H5020 lifted up H5191 mine eyes H5870 unto heaven, H8065 and mine understanding H4486 returned H8421 unto me, H5922 and I blessed H1289 the most High, H5943 and I praised H7624 and honoured H1922 him that liveth H2417 for ever, H5957 whose dominion H7985 is an everlasting H5957 dominion, H7985 and his kingdom H4437 is from H5974 generation H1859 to generation: H1859 And all H3606 the inhabitants H1753 of the earth H772 are reputed H2804 as nothing: H3809 and he doeth H5648 according to his will H6634 in the army H2429 of heaven, H8065 and among the inhabitants H1753 of the earth: H772 and none H3809 can H383 stay H4223 his hand, H3028 or say H560 unto him, What H4101 doest H5648 thou?

Jeremiah 27:5-8 STRONG

I have made H6213 the earth, H776 the man H120 and the beast H929 that are upon H6440 the ground, H776 by my great H1419 power H3581 and by my outstretched H5186 arm, H2220 and have given H5414 it unto whom it seemed H5869 meet H3474 unto me. And now have I given H5414 all these lands H776 into the hand H3027 of Nebuchadnezzar H5019 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 my servant; H5650 and the beasts H2416 of the field H7704 have I given H5414 him also to serve H5647 him. And all nations H1471 shall serve H5647 him, and his son, H1121 and his son's H1121 son, H1121 until the very time H6256 of his land H776 come: H935 and then many H7227 nations H1471 and great H1419 kings H4428 shall serve H5647 themselves of him. And it shall come to pass, that the nation H1471 and kingdom H4467 which will not serve H5647 the same Nebuchadnezzar H5019 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and that will not put H5414 their neck H6677 under the yoke H5923 of the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 that nation H1471 will I punish, H6485 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 with the sword, H2719 and with the famine, H7458 and with the pestilence, H1698 until I have consumed H8552 them by his hand. H3027

Exodus 3:6 STRONG

Moreover he said, H559 I am the God H430 of thy father, H1 the God H430 of Abraham, H85 the God H430 of Isaac, H3327 and the God H430 of Jacob. H3290 And Moses H4872 hid H5641 his face; H6440 for he was afraid H3372 to look H5027 upon God. H430

Isaiah 57:15-16 STRONG

For thus saith H559 the high H7311 and lofty One H5375 that inhabiteth H7931 eternity, H5703 whose name H8034 is Holy; H6918 I dwell H7931 in the high H4791 and holy H6918 place, with him also that is of a contrite H1793 and humble H8217 spirit, H7307 to revive H2421 the spirit H7307 of the humble, H8217 and to revive H2421 the heart H3820 of the contrite ones. H1792 For I will not contend H7378 for ever, H5769 neither will I be always H5331 wroth: H7107 for the spirit H7307 should fail H5848 before H6440 me, and the souls H5397 which I have made. H6213

Psalms 115:3 STRONG

But our God H430 is in the heavens: H8064 he hath done H6213 whatsoever he hath pleased. H2654

Psalms 62:11 STRONG

God H430 hath spoken H1696 once; H259 twice H8147 have I heard H8085 this; H2098 that power H5797 belongeth unto God. H430

Psalms 47:8 STRONG

God H430 reigneth H4427 over the heathen: H1471 God H430 sitteth H3427 upon the throne H3678 of his holiness. H6944

Psalms 47:2 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 most high H5945 is terrible; H3372 he is a great H1419 King H4428 over all the earth. H776

1 Chronicles 29:18 STRONG

O LORD H3068 God H430 of Abraham, H85 Isaac, H3327 and of Israel, H3478 our fathers, H1 keep H8104 this for ever H5769 in the imagination H3336 of the thoughts H4284 of the heart H3824 of thy people, H5971 and prepare H3559 their heart H3824 unto thee:

1 Kings 8:23 STRONG

And he said, H559 LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 there is no God H430 like thee, in heaven H8064 above, H4605 or on earth H776 beneath, who keepest H8104 covenant H1285 and mercy H2617 with thy servants H5650 that walk H1980 before H6440 thee with all their heart: H3820

Joshua 2:11 STRONG

And as soon as we had heard H8085 these things, our hearts H3824 did melt, H4549 neither did there remain H6965 any more courage H7307 in any man, H376 because H6440 of you: for the LORD H3068 your God, H430 he is God H430 in heaven H8064 above, H4605 and in earth H776 beneath.

Exodus 3:15-16 STRONG

And God H430 said H559 moreover H5750 unto Moses, H4872 Thus shalt thou say H559 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 The LORD H3068 God H430 of your fathers, H1 the God H430 of Abraham, H85 the God H430 of Isaac, H3327 and the God H430 of Jacob, H3290 hath sent H7971 me unto you: this is my name H8034 for ever, H5769 and this is my memorial H2143 unto all H1755 generations. H1755 Go, H3212 and gather H622 the elders H2205 of Israel H3478 together, H622 and say H559 unto them, The LORD H3068 God H430 of your fathers, H1 the God H430 of Abraham, H85 of Isaac, H3327 and of Jacob, H3290 appeared H7200 unto me, saying, H559 I have surely H6485 visited H6485 you, and seen that which is done H6213 to you in Egypt: H4714

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 20 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 20:1-21. Jehoshaphat, Invaded by the Moabites, Proclaims a Fast.

1. the children of Moab … Ammon, and with them other beside the Ammonites—supposed to be rather the name of a certain people called Mohammonim or Mehunim (2Ch 26:7), who dwelt in Mount Seir—either a branch of the old Edomite race or a separate tribe who were settled there.

2. from beyond the sea on this side Syria—Instead of "Syria," some versions read "Edom," and many able critics prefer this reading, both because the nomad tribes here mentioned were far from Syria, and because express mention is made of Mount Seir, that is, Edom. The meaning then is: this confederate horde was composed of the different tribes that inhabited the far distant regions bordering on the northern and eastern coasts of the Red Sea. Their progress was apparently by the southern point of the Dead Sea, as far as En-gedi, which, more anciently, was called Hazezon-tamar (Ge 14:7). This is the uniform route taken by the Arabs in their marauding expeditions at the present day; and in coming round the southern end of the Dead Sea, they can penetrate along the low-lying Ghor far north, without letting their movements be known to the tribes and villages west of the mountain chain [Robinson]. Thus, anciently, the invading horde in Jehoshaphat's time had marched as far north as En-gedi, before intelligence of their advance was conveyed to the court. En-gedi is recognized in the modern Ainjidy and is situated at a point of the western shore, nearly equidistant from both extremities of the lake [Robinson].

3, 4. Jehoshaphat … proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah—Alarmed by the intelligence and conscious of his total inability to repel this host of invaders, Jehoshaphat felt his only refuge was at the horns of the altar. He resolved to employ the aid of his God, and, in conformity with this resolution, he summoned all his subjects to observe a solemn fast at the sanctuary. It was customary with the Hebrew kings to proclaim fasts in perilous circumstances, either in a city, a district, or throughout the entire kingdom, according to the greatness of the emergency. On this occasion, it was a universal fast, which extended to infants (2Ch 20:13; see also Joe 2:15, 16; Jon 3:7).

5-13. Jehoshaphat stood … in the house of the Lord, before the new court—that is, the great or outer court (2Ch 4:9) called the new court, probably from having been at that time enlarged or beautified.

6-12. And said, O Lord God of our fathers—This earnest and impressive prayer embraces every topic and argument which, as king and representative of the chosen people, he could urge. Then it concludes with an earnest appeal to the justice of God to protect those who, without provocation, were attacked and who were unable to defend themselves against overwhelming numbers.

14-18. Then upon Jahaziel … came the Spirit of the Lord—This prophet is not elsewhere mentioned, but his claim to the inspiration of a prophetic spirit was verified by the calm and distinct announcement he gave, both of the manner and the completeness of the deliverance he predicted.

16. they come up by the cliff of Ziz—This seems to have been nothing else than the present pass which leads northwards, by an ascent from En-gedi to Jerusalem, issuing a little below Tekoa. The wilderness of Jeruel was probably the large flat district adjoining the desert of Tekoa, called El-Husasah, from a wady on its northern side [Robinson].

18. Jehoshaphat bowed his head … and all Judah, &c.—This attitude was expressive of reverence to God and His Word, of confidence in His promise, and thankfulness for so extraordinary a favor.

19. the Levites … stood up to praise the Lord—doubtless by the king's command. Their anthem was sung with such a joyful acclaim as showed that they universally regarded the victory as already obtained.

20, 21. as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood … Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem—probably in the gate of Jerusalem, the place of general rendezvous; and as the people were on the eve of setting out, he exhorted them to repose implicit trust in the Lord and His prophet, not to be timid or desponding at sight of the enemy, but to remain firm in the confident assurance of a miraculous deliverance, without their striking a single stroke.

21. he appointed singers … that they should praise … as they went out before the army—Having arranged the line of procession, he gave the signal to move forwards. The Levites led the van with their musical instruments; and singing the 136th Psalm, the people went on, not as an army marching against an enemy, but returning in joyful triumph after a victory.

2Ch 20:22-30. The Overthrow of His Enemies.

22. when they began to sing and to praise the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir—Some think that this was done by angels in human form, whose sudden appearance diffused an uncontrollable panic. Others entertain the more probable opinion that, in the camp of this vast horde, composed of different tribes, jealousies and animosities had sprung up, which led to widespread dissensions and fierce feuds, in which they drew the sword against each other. The consequence was, that as the mutual strife commenced when the Hebrew procession set out from Jerusalem, the work of destruction was completed before Jehoshaphat and his people arrived at the battlefield. Thus easy is it for God to make the wrath of man to praise Him, to confound the counsels of His enemies and employ their own passions in defeating the machinations they have devised for the overthrow of His Church and people.

24-26. when Judah came toward the watchtower in the wilderness—Most probably the conical hill, Jebel Fereidis, or Frank Mountain, from the summit of which they obtained the first view of the scene of slaughter. Jehoshaphat and his people found the field strewed with dead bodies, so that they had not to fight at all, but rather to take possession of an immense booty, the collection of which occupied three days. On the fourth they set out on their return to Jerusalem in the same order and joyful mood as they came. The place where they mustered previous to departure was, from their public thanksgiving service, called, "The Valley of Berachah" ("benediction"), now Wady Bereikut.

2Ch 20:31-37. His Reign.

31. Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah—(See 2Ch 24:1).

32. walked in the way of Asa his father, and departed not from it—He was more steadfast and consistently religious (compare 2Ch 15:18).

33. the high places were not taken away—Those on which idolatry was practised were entirely destroyed (2Ch 17:6); but those where the people, notwithstanding the erection of the temple, continued to worship the true God, prudence required to be slowly and gradually abolished, in deference to popular prejudice.

35-37. after this did Jehoshaphat … join himself with Ahaziah … to make ships—A combined fleet was built at Ezion-geber, the destination of which was to voyage to Tartessus, but it was wrecked. Jehoshaphat's motive for entering into this partnership was to secure a free passage through Israel, for the vessels were to be conveyed across the Isthmus of Suez, and to sail to the west of Europe from one of the ports of Palestine on the Mediterranean. Eliezer, a prophet, denounced this unholy alliance, and foretold, as divine judgment, the total wreck of the whole fleet. The consequence was, that although Jehoshaphat broke off—in obedience to the divine will—his league with Ahaziah, he formed a new scheme of a merchant fleet, and Ahaziah wished to be admitted a partner [1Ki 22:48]. The proposal of the Israelitish king was respectfully declined [1Ki 22:49]. The destination of this new fleet was to Ophir, because the Israelitish seaports were not accessible to him for the Tartessus trade; but the ships, when just off the docks, were wrecked in the rocky creek of Ezion-geber.