2 Chronicles 21:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 But hast walked H3212 in the way H1870 of the kings H4428 of Israel, H3478 and hast made Judah H3063 and the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem H3389 to go a whoring, H2181 like to the whoredoms H2181 of the house H1004 of Ahab, H256 and also hast slain H2026 thy brethren H251 of thy father's H1 house, H1004 which were better H2896 than thyself:

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 21:4 STRONG

Now when Jehoram H3088 was risen up H6965 to the kingdom H4467 of his father, H1 he strengthened H2388 himself, and slew H2026 all his brethren H251 with the sword, H2719 and divers also of the princes H8269 of Israel. H3478

2 Chronicles 21:11 STRONG

Moreover he made H6213 high places H1116 in the mountains H2022 of Judah, H3063 and caused the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem H3389 to commit fornication, H2181 and compelled H5080 Judah H3063 thereto.

1 Kings 16:30-33 STRONG

And Ahab H256 the son H1121 of Omri H6018 did H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD H3068 above all that were before H6440 him. And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing H7043 for him to walk H3212 in the sins H2403 of Jeroboam H3379 the son H1121 of Nebat, H5028 that he took H3947 to wife H802 Jezebel H348 the daughter H1323 of Ethbaal H856 king H4428 of the Zidonians, H6722 and went H3212 and served H5647 Baal, H1168 and worshipped H7812 him. And he reared up H6965 an altar H4196 for Baal H1168 in the house H1004 of Baal, H1168 which he had built H1129 in Samaria. H8111 And Ahab H256 made H6213 a grove; H842 and Ahab H256 did H6213 more H3254 to provoke the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 to anger H3707 than all the kings H4428 of Israel H3478 that were before H6440 him.

2 Chronicles 21:6 STRONG

And he walked H3212 in the way H1870 of the kings H4428 of Israel, H3478 like as did H6213 the house H1004 of Ahab: H256 for he had the daughter H1323 of Ahab H256 to wife: H802 and he wrought H6213 that which was evil H7451 in the eyes H5869 of the LORD. H3068

Genesis 4:10-12 STRONG

And he said, H559 What H4100 hast thou done? H6213 the voice H6963 of thy brother's H251 blood H1818 crieth H6817 unto me from the ground. H127 And now art thou cursed H779 from the earth, H127 which hath opened H6475 her mouth H6310 to receive H3947 thy brother's H251 blood H1818 from thy hand; H3027 When H3588 thou tillest H5647 the ground, H127 it shall not henceforth H3254 yield H5414 unto thee her strength; H3581 a fugitive H5128 and a vagabond H5110 shalt thou be in the earth. H776

Genesis 42:21-22 STRONG

And they said H559 one H376 to another, H251 We are verily H61 guilty H818 concerning our brother, H251 in that H834 we saw H7200 the anguish H6869 of his soul, H5315 when he besought H2603 us, and we would not hear; H8085 therefore is this distress H6869 come H935 upon us. And Reuben H7205 answered H6030 them, saying, H559 Spake I H559 not unto you, saying, H559 Do not sin H2398 against the child; H3206 and ye would not hear? H8085 therefore, behold, also his blood H1818 is required. H1875

Exodus 34:15 STRONG

Lest thou make H3772 a covenant H1285 with the inhabitants H3427 of the land, H776 and they go a whoring H2181 after H310 their gods, H430 and do sacrifice H2076 unto their gods, H430 and one call H7121 thee, and thou eat H398 of his sacrifice; H2077

Deuteronomy 31:16 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Behold, thou shalt sleep H7901 with thy fathers; H1 and this people H5971 will rise up, H6965 and go a whoring H2181 after H310 the gods H430 of the strangers H5236 of the land, H776 whither they go H935 to be among H7130 them, and will forsake H5800 me, and break H6565 my covenant H1285 which I have made H3772 with them.

Judges 9:56-57 STRONG

Thus God H430 rendered H7725 the wickedness H7451 of Abimelech, H40 which he did H6213 unto his father, H1 in slaying H2026 his seventy H7657 brethren: H251 And all the evil H7451 of the men H582 of Shechem H7927 did God H430 render H7725 upon their heads: H7218 and upon them came H935 the curse H7045 of Jotham H3147 the son H1121 of Jerubbaal. H3378

1 Kings 2:31-33 STRONG

And the king H4428 said H559 unto him, Do H6213 as he hath said, H1696 and fall H6293 upon him, and bury H6912 him; that thou mayest take away H5493 the innocent H2600 blood, H1818 which Joab H3097 shed, H8210 from me, and from the house H1004 of my father. H1 And the LORD H3068 shall return H7725 his blood H1818 upon his own head, H7218 who fell H6293 upon two H8147 men H582 more righteous H6662 and better H2896 than he, and slew H2026 them with the sword, H2719 my father H1 David H1732 not knowing H3045 thereof, to wit, Abner H74 the son H1121 of Ner, H5369 captain H8269 of the host H6635 of Israel, H3478 and Amasa H6021 the son H1121 of Jether, H3500 captain H8269 of the host H6635 of Judah. H3063 Their blood H1818 shall therefore return H7725 upon the head H7218 of Joab, H3097 and upon the head H7218 of his seed H2233 for ever: H5769 but upon David, H1732 and upon his seed, H2233 and upon his house, H1004 and upon his throne, H3678 shall there be peace H7965 for H5704 ever H5769 from the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 16:25 STRONG

But Omri H6018 wrought H6213 evil H7451 in the eyes H5869 of the LORD, H3068 and did worse H7489 than all that were before H6440 him.

2 Kings 9:22 STRONG

And it came to pass, when Joram H3088 saw H7200 Jehu, H3058 that he said, H559 Is it peace, H7965 Jehu? H3058 And he answered, H559 What peace, H7965 so long as H5704 the whoredoms H2183 of thy mother H517 Jezebel H348 and her witchcrafts H3785 are so many? H7227

Isaiah 26:21 STRONG

For, behold, the LORD H3068 cometh out H3318 of his place H4725 to punish H6485 the inhabitants H3427 of the earth H776 for their iniquity: H5771 the earth H776 also shall disclose H1540 her blood, H1818 and shall no more cover H3680 her slain. H2026

Jeremiah 3:8-9 STRONG

And I saw, H7200 when for all the causes H182 whereby backsliding H4878 Israel H3478 committed adultery H5003 I had put her away, H7971 and given H5414 her a bill H5612 of divorce; H3748 yet her treacherous H898 sister H269 Judah H3063 feared H3372 not, but went H3212 and played the harlot H2181 also. And it came to pass through the lightness H6963 of her whoredom, H2184 that she defiled H2610 the land, H776 and committed adultery H5003 with stones H68 and with stocks. H6086

Habakkuk 2:12 STRONG

Woe H1945 to him that buildeth H1129 a town H5892 with blood, H1818 and stablisheth H3559 a city H7151 by iniquity! H5766

1 John 3:12 STRONG

Not G3756 as G2531 Cain, G2535 who was G2258 of G1537 that wicked one, G4190 and G2532 slew G4969 his G846 brother. G80 And G2532 wherefore G5484 G5101 slew G4969 he him? G846 Because G3754 his own G846 works G2041 were G2258 evil, G4190 and G1161 his G846 brother's G80 righteous. G1342

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 21 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 21:1-4. Jehoram Succeeds Jehoshaphat.

1-4. Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers … Jehoram … reigned—The late king left seven sons; two of them are in our version named Azariah; but in the Hebrew they appear considerably different, the one being spelt "Azariah," and the other "Azariahu." Though Jehoshaphat had made his family arrangements with prudent precaution, and while he divided the functions of royalty in his lifetime (compare 2Ki 8:16), as well as fixed the succession to the throne in his oldest son, he appointed each of the others to the government of a fenced city, thus providing them with an honorable independence. But this good intentions were frustrated; for no sooner did Jehoram find himself in the sole possession of sovereign power than, from jealousy, or on account of their connections, he murdered all his brothers, together with some leading influential persons who, he suspected, were attached to their interest, or would avenge their deaths. Similar tragedies have been sadly frequent in Eastern courts, where the heir of the crown looks upon his brothers as his most formidable enemies, and is therefore tempted to secure his power by their death.

2Ch 21:5-7. His Wicked Reign.

6, 7. he walked … as did the house of Ahab, for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife—The precepts and examples of his excellent father were soon obliterated by his matrimonial alliance with a daughter of the royal house of Israel. Through the influence of Athaliah he abolished the worship of the Lord, and encouraged an introduction of all the corruptions prevalent in the sister kingdom. The divine vengeance was denounced against him, and would have utterly destroyed him and his house, had it not been for a tender regard to the promise made to David (2Sa 7:29; 2Ki 8:19).

2Ch 21:8-17. Edom and Libnah Revolt.

8-10. the Edomites revolted—That nation had been made dependent by David, and down to the time of Jehoshaphat was governed by a tributary ruler (1Ki 22:47; 2Ki 3:9). But that king having been slain in an insurrection at home, his successor thought to ingratiate himself with his new subjects by raising the flag of independence [Josephus]. The attempt was defeated in the first instance by Jehoram, who possessed all the military establishments of his father; but being renewed unexpectedly, the Edomites succeeded in completely emancipating their country from the yoke of Judah (Ge 27:40). Libnah, which lay on the southern frontier and towards Edom, followed the example of that country.

12-15. there came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet—That prophet's translation having taken place in the reign of Jehoshaphat [2Ki 2:11, 12], we must conclude that the name of Elijah has, by the error of a transcriber, been put for that of Elisha.

13-19. hast made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem … like to the whoredoms of the house of Ahab—that is, introduced the superstitions and vices of Phœnician idolatry (see on De 13:6-14). On this account, as well as for his unnatural cruelties, divine vengeance was denounced against him, which was soon after executed exactly as the prophet had foretold. A series of overwhelming calamities befell this wicked king; for in addition to the revolts already mentioned, two neighboring tribes (see 2Ch 17:11) made hostile incursions on the southern and western portions of his kingdom. His country was ravaged, his capital taken, his palace plundered, his wives carried off, and all his children slain except the youngest. He himself was seized with an incurable dysentery, which, after subjecting him to the most painful suffering for the unusual period of two years, carried him off, a monument of the divine judgment. To complete his degradation, his death was unlamented, his burial unhonored by his subjects. This custom, similar to what obtained in Egypt, seems to have crept in among the Hebrews, of giving funeral honors to their kings, or withholding them, according to the good or bad characters of their reign.