2 Chronicles 23:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 And she looked, H7200 and, behold, the king H4428 stood H5975 at his pillar H5982 at the entering in, H3996 and the princes H8269 and the trumpets H2689 by the king: H4428 and all the people H5971 of the land H776 rejoiced, H8056 and sounded H8628 with trumpets, H2689 also the singers H7891 with instruments H3627 of musick, H7892 and such as taught H3045 to sing praise. H1984 Then Athaliah H6271 rent H7167 her clothes, H899 and said, H559 Treason, H7195 Treason. H7195

Cross Reference

1 Chronicles 15:16-22 STRONG

And David H1732 spake H559 to the chief H8269 of the Levites H3881 to appoint H5975 their brethren H251 to be the singers H7891 with instruments H3627 of musick, H7892 psalteries H5035 and harps H3658 and cymbals, H4700 sounding, H8085 by lifting up H7311 the voice H6963 with joy. H8057 So the Levites H3881 appointed H5975 Heman H1968 the son H1121 of Joel; H3100 and of his brethren, H251 Asaph H623 the son H1121 of Berechiah; H1296 and of the sons H1121 of Merari H4847 their brethren, H251 Ethan H387 the son H1121 of Kushaiah; H6984 And with them their brethren H251 of the second H4932 degree, Zechariah, H2148 Ben, H1122 and Jaaziel, H3268 and Shemiramoth, H8070 and Jehiel, H3171 and Unni, H6042 Eliab, H446 and Benaiah, H1141 and Maaseiah, H4641 and Mattithiah, H4993 and Elipheleh, H466 and Mikneiah, H4737 and Obededom, H5654 and Jeiel, H3273 the porters. H7778 So the singers, H7891 Heman, H1968 Asaph, H623 and Ethan, H387 were appointed to sound H8085 with cymbals H4700 of brass; H5178 And Zechariah, H2148 and Aziel, H5815 and Shemiramoth, H8070 and Jehiel, H3171 and Unni, H6042 and Eliab, H446 and Maaseiah, H4641 and Benaiah, H1141 with psalteries H5035 on Alamoth; H5961 And Mattithiah, H4993 and Elipheleh, H466 and Mikneiah, H4737 and Obededom, H5654 and Jeiel, H3273 and Azaziah, H5812 with harps H3658 on the Sheminith H8067 to excel. H5329 And Chenaniah, H3663 chief H8269 of the Levites, H3881 was for song: H4853 he instructed H3256 about the song, H4853 because he was skilful. H995

Romans 2:1-2 STRONG

Therefore G1352 thou art G1488 inexcusable, G379 O G5599 man, G444 whosoever G3956 thou art that judgest: G2919 for G1063 wherein G1722 G3739 thou judgest G2919 another, G2087 thou condemnest G2632 thyself; G4572 for G1063 thou that judgest G2919 doest G4238 the same things. G846 But G1161 we are sure G1492 that G3754 the judgment G2917 of God G2316 is G2076 according G2596 to truth G225 against G1909 them which commit G4238 such things. G5108

Ecclesiastes 9:12 STRONG

For man H120 also knoweth H3045 not his time: H6256 as the fishes H1709 that are taken H270 in an evil H7451 net, H4685 and as the birds H6833 that are caught H270 in the snare; H6341 so H1992 are the sons H1121 of men H120 snared H3369 in an evil H7451 time, H6256 when it falleth H5307 suddenly H6597 upon them.

Proverbs 29:2 STRONG

When the righteous H6662 are in authority, H7235 the people H5971 rejoice: H8055 but when the wicked H7563 beareth rule, H4910 the people H5971 mourn. H584

Proverbs 11:10 STRONG

When it goeth well H2898 with the righteous, H6662 the city H7151 rejoiceth: H5970 and when the wicked H7563 perish, H6 there is shouting. H7440

Psalms 14:5 STRONG

There were they in great H6343 fear: H6342 for God H430 is in the generation H1755 of the righteous. H6662

2 Chronicles 34:31 STRONG

And the king H4428 stood H5975 in his place, H5977 and made H3772 a covenant H1285 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 to walk H3212 after H310 the LORD, H3068 and to keep H8104 his commandments, H4687 and his testimonies, H5715 and his statutes, H2706 with all his heart, H3824 and with all his soul, H5315 to perform H6213 the words H1697 of the covenant H1285 which are written H3789 in this book. H5612

1 Chronicles 25:1-8 STRONG

Moreover David H1732 and the captains H8269 of the host H6635 separated H914 to the service H5656 of the sons H1121 of Asaph, H623 and of Heman, H1968 and of Jeduthun, H3038 who should prophesy H5012 H5030 with harps, H3658 with psalteries, H5035 and with cymbals: H4700 and the number H4557 of the workmen H582 H4399 according to their service H5656 was: Of the sons H1121 of Asaph; H623 Zaccur, H2139 and Joseph, H3130 and Nethaniah, H5418 and Asarelah, H841 the sons H1121 of Asaph H623 under the hands H3027 of Asaph, H623 which prophesied H5012 according to the order H3027 of the king. H4428 Of Jeduthun: H3038 the sons H1121 of Jeduthun; H3038 Gedaliah, H1436 and Zeri, H6874 and Jeshaiah, H3470 Hashabiah, H2811 and Mattithiah, H4993 six, H8337 under the hands H3027 of their father H1 Jeduthun, H3038 who prophesied H5012 with a harp, H3658 to give thanks H3034 and to praise H1984 the LORD. H3068 Of Heman: H1968 the sons H1121 of Heman; H1968 Bukkiah, H1232 Mattaniah, H4983 Uzziel, H5816 Shebuel, H7619 and Jerimoth, H3406 Hananiah, H2608 Hanani, H2607 Eliathah, H448 Giddalti, H1437 and Romamtiezer, H7320 Joshbekashah, H3436 Mallothi, H4413 Hothir, H1956 and Mahazioth: H4238 All these were the sons H1121 of Heman H1968 the king's H4428 seer H2374 in the words H1697 of God, H430 to lift up H7311 the horn. H7161 And God H430 gave H5414 to Heman H1968 fourteen H702 H6240 sons H1121 and three H7969 daughters. H1323 All these were under the hands H3027 of their father H1 for song H7892 in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 with cymbals, H4700 psalteries, H5035 and harps, H3658 for the service H5656 of the house H1004 of God, H430 according to the king's H4428 order H3027 to Asaph, H623 Jeduthun, H3038 and Heman. H1968 So the number H4557 of them, with their brethren H251 that were instructed H3925 in the songs H7892 of the LORD, H3068 even all that were cunning, H995 was two hundred H3967 fourscore H8084 and eight. H8083 And they cast H5307 lots, H1486 ward H4931 against H5980 ward, as well the small H6996 as the great, H1419 the teacher H995 as the scholar. H8527

1 Chronicles 15:27 STRONG

And David H1732 was clothed H3736 with a robe H4598 of fine linen, H948 and all the Levites H3881 that bare H5375 the ark, H727 and the singers, H7891 and Chenaniah H3663 the master H8269 of the song H4853 with the singers: H7891 David H1732 also had upon him an ephod H646 of linen. H906

1 Chronicles 15:24 STRONG

And Shebaniah, H7645 and Jehoshaphat, H3146 and Nethaneel, H5417 and Amasai, H6022 and Zechariah, H2148 and Benaiah, H1141 and Eliezer, H461 the priests, H3548 did blow H2690 H2690 with the trumpets H2689 before H6440 the ark H727 of God: H430 and Obededom H5654 and Jehiah H3174 were doorkeepers H7778 for the ark. H727

Numbers 10:1-10 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Make H6213 thee two H8147 trumpets H2689 of silver; H3701 of a whole piece H4749 shalt thou make H6213 them: that thou mayest use H1961 them for the calling H4744 of the assembly, H5712 and for the journeying H4550 of the camps. H4264 And when they shall blow H8628 with them, H2004 all the assembly H5712 shall assemble H3259 themselves to thee at the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And if they blow H8628 but with one H259 trumpet, then the princes, H5387 which are heads H7218 of the thousands H505 of Israel, H3478 shall gather H3259 themselves unto thee. When ye blow H8628 an alarm, H8643 then the camps H4264 that lie H2583 on the east parts H6924 shall go forward. H5265 When ye blow H8628 an alarm H8643 the second time, H8145 then the camps H4264 that lie H2583 on the south side H8486 shall take their journey: H5265 they shall blow H8628 an alarm H8643 for their journeys. H4550 But when the congregation H6951 is to be gathered together, H6950 ye shall blow, H8628 but ye shall not sound an alarm. H7321 And the sons H1121 of Aaron, H175 the priests, H3548 shall blow H8628 with the trumpets; H2689 and they shall be to you for an ordinance H2708 for ever H5769 throughout your generations. H1755 And if ye go H935 to war H4421 in your land H776 against H6862 the enemy that oppresseth H6887 you, then ye shall blow an alarm H7321 with the trumpets; H2689 and ye shall be remembered H2142 before H6440 the LORD H3068 your God, H430 and ye shall be saved H3467 from your enemies. H341 Also in the day H3117 of your gladness, H8057 and in your solemn days, H4150 and in the beginnings H7218 of your months, H2320 ye shall blow H8628 with the trumpets H2689 over your burnt offerings, H5930 and over the sacrifices H2077 of your peace offerings; H8002 that they may be to you for a memorial H2146 before H6440 your God: H430 I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

1 Chronicles 12:40 STRONG

Moreover they that were nigh H7138 them, even unto Issachar H3485 and Zebulun H2074 and Naphtali, H5321 brought H935 bread H3899 on asses, H2543 and on camels, H1581 and on mules, H6505 and on oxen, H1241 and meat, H3978 meal, H7058 cakes H1690 of figs, and bunches of raisins, H6778 and wine, H3196 and oil, H8081 and oxen, H1241 and sheep H6629 abundantly: H7230 for there was joy H8057 in Israel. H3478

2 Kings 23:3 STRONG

And the king H4428 stood H5975 by a pillar, H5982 and made H3772 a covenant H1285 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 to walk H3212 after H310 the LORD, H3068 and to keep H8104 his commandments H4687 and his testimonies H5715 and his statutes H2708 with all their heart H3820 and all their soul, H5315 to perform H6965 the words H1697 of this covenant H1285 that were written H3789 in this book. H5612 And all the people H5971 stood H5975 to the covenant. H1285

2 Kings 9:23 STRONG

And Joram H3088 turned H2015 his hands, H3027 and fled, H5127 and said H559 to Ahaziah, H274 There is treachery, H4820 O Ahaziah. H274

2 Kings 9:13 STRONG

Then they hasted, H4116 and took H3947 every man H376 his garment, H899 and put H7760 it under him on the top H1634 of the stairs, H4609 and blew H8628 with trumpets, H7782 saying, H559 Jehu H3058 is king. H4427

1 Kings 18:17-18 STRONG

And it came to pass, when Ahab H256 saw H7200 Elijah, H452 that Ahab H256 said H559 unto him, Art thou he that troubleth H5916 Israel? H3478 And he answered, H559 I have not troubled H5916 Israel; H3478 but thou, and thy father's H1 house, H1004 in that ye have forsaken H5800 the commandments H4687 of the LORD, H3068 and thou hast followed H3212 H310 Baalim. H1168

1 Kings 1:39-40 STRONG

And Zadok H6659 the priest H3548 took H3947 an horn H7161 of oil H8081 out of the tabernacle, H168 and anointed H4886 Solomon. H8010 And they blew H8628 the trumpet; H7782 and all the people H5971 said, H559 God save H2421 king H4428 Solomon. H8010 And all the people H5971 came up H5927 after H310 him, and the people H5971 piped H2490 with pipes, H2485 and rejoiced H8056 with great H1419 joy, H8057 so that the earth H776 rent H1234 with the sound H6963 of them.

Judges 7:18-22 STRONG

When I blow H8628 with a trumpet, H7782 I and all that are with me, then blow H8628 ye the trumpets H7782 also on every side H5439 of all the camp, H4264 and say, H559 The sword of the LORD, H3068 and of Gideon. H1439 So Gideon, H1439 and the hundred H3967 men H376 that were with him, came H935 unto the outside H7097 of the camp H4264 in the beginning H7218 of the middle H8484 watch; H821 and they had but H389 newly H6965 set H6965 the watch: H8104 and they blew H8628 the trumpets, H7782 and brake H5310 the pitchers H3537 that were in their hands. H3027 And the three H7969 companies H7218 blew H8628 the trumpets, H7782 and brake H7665 the pitchers, H3537 and held H2388 the lamps H3940 in their left H8040 hands, H3027 and the trumpets H7782 in their right H3225 hands H3027 to blow H8628 withal: and they cried, H7121 The sword H2719 of the LORD, H3068 and of Gideon. H1439 And they stood H5975 every man H376 in his place round about H5439 the camp: H4264 and all the host H4264 ran, H7323 and cried, H7321 and fled. H5127 H5127 And the three H7969 hundred H3967 blew H8628 the trumpets, H7782 and the LORD H3068 set H7760 every man's H376 sword H2719 against his fellow, H7453 even throughout all the host: H4264 and the host H4264 fled H5127 to Bethshittah H1029 in Zererath, H6888 and to the border H8193 of Abelmeholah, H65 unto Tabbath. H2888

Judges 7:8 STRONG

So the people H5971 took H3947 victuals H6720 in their hand, H3027 and their trumpets: H7782 and he sent H7971 all H376 the rest of Israel H3478 every man H376 unto his tent, H168 and retained H2388 those three H7969 hundred H3967 men: H376 and the host H4264 of Midian H4080 was beneath him in the valley. H6010

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 23 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 23:1-11. Jehoiada Makes Joash King.

1. in the seventh year Jehoiada … took the captains of hundreds, &c.—(See on 2Ki 11:4; 2Ki 11:17). The five officers mentioned here had been probably of the royal guard, and were known to be strongly disaffected to the government of Athaliah.

2. chief of all the fathers of Israel—This name is frequently used in Chronicles for Judah and Benjamin, now all that remained of Israel. Having cautiously entrusted the secret of the young prince's preservation to all the leading men in the kingdom, he enlisted their interest in the royal cause and got their pledge to support it by a secret oath of fidelity.

they came to Jerusalem—The time chosen for the grand discovery was, probably, one of the annual festivals, when there was a general concourse of the nation at the capital.

4-9. This is the thing that ye shall do—The arrangements made for defense are here described. The people were divided into three bodies; one attended as guards to the king, while the other two were posted at all the doors and gates, and the captains and military officers who entered the temple unarmed to lull suspicion, were furnished with weapons out of the sacred armory, where David had deposited his trophies of victory and which was reopened on this occasion.

8. Jehoiada … dismissed not the courses—As it was necessary to have as large a disposable force as he could command on such a crisis, the high priest detained those who, in other circumstances, would have returned home on the expiry of their week of service.

11. Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony—Some think that the original word rendered "testimony," as its derivation warrants, may signify here the regalia, especially the bracelet (2Sa 1:10); and this view they support on the ground that "gave him" being supplemented, the text properly runs thus, "put upon him the crown and testimony." At the same time, it seems equally pertinent to take "the testimony" in the usual acceptation of that term; and, accordingly, many are of opinion that a roll containing a copy of the law (De 17:18) was placed in the king's hands, which he held as a scepter or truncheon. Others, referring to a custom of Oriental people, who when receiving a letter or document from a highly respected quarter, lift it up to their heads before opening it, consider that Joash, besides the crown, had the book of the law laid upon his head (see Job 31:35, 36).

God save the king—literally, "Long live the king."

2Ch 23:12-15. Athaliah Slain.

12. Athaliah heard the noise of the people—The unusual commotion, indicated by the blast of the trumpets and the vehement acclamations of the people, drew her attention, or excited her fears. She might have flattered herself that, having slain all the royal family, she was in perfect security; but it is just as likely that, finding on reflection, one had escaped her murderous hands, she might not deem it expedient to institute any enquiries; but the very idea would keep her constantly in a state of jealous suspicion and irritation. In that state of mind, the wicked usurper, hearing across the Tyropœon the outburst of popular joy, rushed across the bridge to the temple grounds, and, penetrating from a single glance the meaning of the whole scene, raised a shriek of "Treason!"

13. behold, the king stood at his pillar at the entering in—The king's pillar was in the people's court, opposite that of the priests'. The young king, arrayed in the royal insignia, had been brought out of the inner, to stand forth in the outer court, to the public view. Some think that he stood on the brazen scaffold of Solomon, erected beside the pillar [see on 2Ch 6:13].

14, 15. Slay her not in the house of the Lord … and when she was come to the entering of the horse gate by the king's house, they slew her there—The high priest ordered her immediately to be taken out of the temple grounds and put to death. "And they laid hands on her; and she went by the way by the which horses came into the king's house: and there was she slain" (2Ki 11:16). "Now, we are not to suppose that horses came into [the king's house] of residence, but into the king's (horses') house or hippodrome (the gate of the king's mules) [Josephus], he had built for them on the southeast of the temple, in the immediate vicinity of the horse gate in the valley of Kedron—a valley which was at that time a kind of desecrated place by the destruction of idols and their appurtenances" (2Ki 23:2, 6, 12) [Barclay, City of the Great King].

2Ch 23:16. Jehoiada Restores the Worship of God, and Settles the King.

16. Jehoiada made a covenant—(See on 2Ki 11:17).