2 Chronicles 24:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 And they buried H6912 him in the city H5892 of David H1732 among the kings, H4428 because he had done H6213 good H2896 in Israel, H3478 both toward God, H430 and toward his house. H1004

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 2:30 STRONG

Wherefore the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 saith, H5002 I said H559 indeed H559 that thy house, H1004 and the house H1004 of thy father, H1 should walk H1980 before H6440 me for H5704 ever: H5769 but now the LORD H3068 saith, H5002 Be it far from me; H2486 for them that honour H3513 me I will honour, H3513 and they that despise H959 me shall be lightly esteemed. H7043

1 Kings 2:10 STRONG

So David H1732 slept H7901 with his fathers, H1 and was buried H6912 in the city H5892 of David. H1732

2 Chronicles 23:1-21 STRONG

And in the seventh H7637 year H8141 Jehoiada H3077 strengthened H2388 himself, and took H3947 the captains H8269 of hundreds, H3967 Azariah H5838 the son H1121 of Jeroham, H3395 and Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Jehohanan, H3076 and Azariah H5838 the son H1121 of Obed, H5744 and Maaseiah H4641 the son H1121 of Adaiah, H5718 and Elishaphat H478 the son H1121 of Zichri, H2147 into covenant H1285 with him. And they went about H5437 in Judah, H3063 and gathered H6908 the Levites H3881 out of all the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and the chief H7218 of the fathers H1 of Israel, H3478 and they came H935 to Jerusalem. H3389 And all the congregation H6951 made H3772 a covenant H1285 with the king H4428 in the house H1004 of God. H430 And he said H559 unto them, Behold, the king's H4428 son H1121 shall reign, H4427 as the LORD H3068 hath said H1696 of the sons H1121 of David. H1732 This is the thing H1697 that ye shall do; H6213 A third part H7992 of you entering H935 on the sabbath, H7676 of the priests H3548 and of the Levites, H3881 shall be porters H7778 of the doors; H5592 And a third part H7992 shall be at the king's H4428 house; H1004 and a third part H7992 at the gate H8179 of the foundation: H3247 and all the people H5971 shall be in the courts H2691 of the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 But let none come H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 save the priests, H3548 and they that minister H8334 of the Levites; H3881 they shall go in, H935 for they are holy: H6944 but all the people H5971 shall keep H8104 the watch H4931 of the LORD. H3068 And the Levites H3881 shall compass H5362 the king H4428 round about, H5439 every man H376 with his weapons H3627 in his hand; H3027 and whosoever else cometh H935 into the house, H1004 he shall be put to death: H4191 but be ye with the king H4428 when he cometh in, H935 and when he goeth out. H3318 So the Levites H3881 and all Judah H3063 did H6213 according to all things that Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 had commanded, H6680 and took H3947 every man H376 his men H582 that were to come in H935 on the sabbath, H7676 with them that were to go H3318 out on the sabbath: H7676 for Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 dismissed H6358 not the courses. H4256 Moreover Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 delivered H5414 to the captains H8269 of hundreds H3967 spears, H2595 and bucklers, H4043 and shields, H7982 that had been king H4428 David's, H1732 which were in the house H1004 of God. H430 And he set H5975 all the people, H5971 every man H376 having his weapon H7973 in his hand, H3027 from the right H3233 side H3802 of the temple H1004 to the left H8042 side H3802 of the temple, H1004 along by the altar H4196 and the temple, H1004 by the king H4428 round about. H5439 Then they brought out H3318 the king's H4428 son, H1121 and put H5414 upon him the crown, H5145 and gave him the testimony, H5715 and made him king. H4427 And Jehoiada H3077 and his sons H1121 anointed H4886 him, and said, H559 God save H2421 the king. H4428 Now when Athaliah H6271 heard H8085 the noise H6963 of the people H5971 running H7323 and praising H1984 the king, H4428 she came H935 to the people H5971 into the house H1004 of the LORD: H3068 And she looked, H7200 and, behold, the king H4428 stood H5975 at his pillar H5982 at the entering in, H3996 and the princes H8269 and the trumpets H2689 by the king: H4428 and all the people H5971 of the land H776 rejoiced, H8056 and sounded H8628 with trumpets, H2689 also the singers H7891 with instruments H3627 of musick, H7892 and such as taught H3045 to sing praise. H1984 Then Athaliah H6271 rent H7167 her clothes, H899 and said, H559 Treason, H7195 Treason. H7195 Then Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 brought out H3318 the captains H8269 of hundreds H3967 that were set over H6485 the host, H2428 and said H559 unto them, Have her forth H3318 of the ranges: H1004 H7713 and whoso followeth H935 H310 her, let him be slain H4191 with the sword. H2719 For the priest H3548 said, H559 Slay H4191 her not in the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 So they laid H7760 hands H3027 on her; and when she was come H935 to the entering H3996 of the horse H5483 gate H8179 by the king's H4428 house, H1004 they slew H4191 her there. And Jehoiada H3077 made H3772 a covenant H1285 between him, and between all the people, H5971 and between the king, H4428 that they should be the LORD'S H3068 people. H5971 Then all the people H5971 went H935 to the house H1004 of Baal, H1168 and brake it down, H5422 and brake H7665 his altars H4196 and his images H6754 in pieces, H7665 and slew H2026 Mattan H4977 the priest H3548 of Baal H1168 before H6440 the altars. H4196 Also Jehoiada H3077 appointed H7760 the offices H6486 of the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 by the hand H3027 of the priests H3548 the Levites, H3881 whom David H1732 had distributed H2505 in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 to offer H5927 the burnt offerings H5930 of the LORD, H3068 as it is written H3789 in the law H8451 of Moses, H4872 with rejoicing H8057 and with singing, H7892 as it was ordained by H3027 David. H1732 And he set H5975 the porters H7778 at the gates H8179 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 that none which was unclean H2931 in any thing H1697 should enter in. H935 And he took H3947 the captains H8269 of hundreds, H3967 and the nobles, H117 and the governors H4910 of the people, H5971 and all the people H5971 of the land, H776 and brought down H3381 the king H4428 from the house H1004 of the LORD: H3068 and they came H935 through H8432 the high H5945 gate H8179 into the king's H4428 house, H1004 and set H3427 the king H4428 upon the throne H3678 of the kingdom. H4467 And all the people H5971 of the land H776 rejoiced: H8055 and the city H5892 was quiet, H8252 after that they had slain H4191 Athaliah H6271 with the sword. H2719

2 Chronicles 31:20 STRONG

And thus did H6213 Hezekiah H3169 throughout all Judah, H3063 and wrought H6213 that which was good H2896 and right H3477 and truth H571 before H6440 the LORD H3068 his God. H430

Nehemiah 13:14 STRONG

Remember H2142 me, O my God, H430 concerning this, and wipe not out H4229 my good H2617 deeds that I have done H6213 for the house H1004 of my God, H430 and for the offices H4929 thereof.

Acts 2:29 STRONG

Men G435 and brethren, G80 let G2036 me G1832 freely G3326 G3954 speak G2036 unto G4314 you G5209 of G4012 the patriarch G3966 David, G1138 that G3754 he is G5053 both G2532 dead G5053 and G2532 buried, G2290 and G2532 his G846 sepulchre G3418 is G2076 with G1722 us G2254 unto G891 this G5026 day. G2250

Hebrews 6:10 STRONG

For G1063 God G2316 is not G3756 unrighteous G94 to forget G1950 your G5216 work G2041 and G2532 labour G2873 of love, G26 which G3739 ye have shewed G1731 G1731 toward G1519 his G846 name, G3686 in that ye have ministered G1247 to the saints, G40 and G2532 do minister. G1247

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 24

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 24 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-3

The reign of Joash; cf. 2 Kings 12. - In both accounts only two main events in Joash's reign of forty years are narrated at any length, - the repair of the temple, and the campaign of the Syrian king Hazael against Jerusalem. Besides this, at the beginning, we have a statement as to the duration and spirit of his reign; and in conclusion, the murder of Joash in consequence of a conspiracy is mentioned. Both accounts agree in all essential points, but are shown to be extracts containing the most important part of a more complete history of Joash, by the fact that, on the one hand, in 2 Kings 12 single circumstances are communicated in a more detailed and more exact form than that in which the Chronicle states them; while, on the other hand, the account of the Chronicle supplements the account in 2 Kings 12 in many respects. To these latter belong the account of the marriage of Joash, and his many children, the account of the death of Jehoiada at the age of 130 years, and his honourable burial with the kings, etc.; see on 2 Chronicles 24:15.

Verses 4-10

As to the repair of the temple , see the commentary on 2 Kings 12:5-17, where both the formal divergences and the essential agreement of the two narratives are pointed out.

Verse 11-12

וגו יביא בּעת ויהי , translate: It came to pass at the time when they brought the chest to the guard of the king by the Levites, i.e., to the board of oversight appointed by the king from among the Levites. עת stat. constr. before a sentence following. בּכום ליום does not denote every day, but every time when there was much money in the chest.

Verse 13

ארוּכה ותּעל , and there was a band laid upon the work, i.e., the restoration of the house of God was furthered; cf. for this symbolical expression, Nehemiah 4:1; Jeremiah 8:7.

Verse 14

כּלים ויּעשׂהוּ , therefrom (the king) caused to be made (prepared) vessels for the house of Jahve, (namely) vessels of the service, i.e., according to Numbers 4:12, in the holy place, and for the offering of burnt-offering, i.e., altar vessels, and (besides) bowls, and (other) vessels of gold and silver. The last clause of 2 Chronicles 24:14 leads on to the following: “They (king and people) offered burnt-offering continually so long as Jehoiada lived.”

Verse 15-16

Jehoiada's death: the fall of the people into idolatry: the protest of the prophet Zechariah against it, and the stoning of him . - This section is not found in 2 Kings 12, but is important for the understanding of the later history of Joash (2 Chronicles 24:23.). With the death of the grey-haired high priest came a turning-point in the reign of Joash. Jehoiada had saved the life and throne of Joash, preserved to the kingdom the royal house of David, to which the promises belonged, and had put an end to the idolatry which had been transplanted into Judah by Joram's marriage into the royal house of Ahab, restoring the Jahve-worship. For this he was honoured at his death, his body being laid in the city of David among the kings: “For he had done good in Israel, and towards God and His house” (the temple). According to 2 Kings 12:7, he still took an active part in the repair of the temple in the twenty-third year of Joash, and according to 2 Chronicles 24:14 he lived for some time after the completion of that work. But after his death the people soon forgot the benefits they owed him.

Verses 17-20

The princes of Judah besought the king to allow them to worship the Astartes and idols, and the king hearkened to them, did not venture to deny their request. למּלך ישׁתּחווּ , they bowed themselves before the king, i.e., they besought him. What they thus beseechingly requested is not stated, but may be gathered from what they did, according to 2 Chronicles 24:18. They forsook Jahve the God of their fathers, etc. There came wrath upon Judah because of this their trespass. קצף , a wrathful judgment of the Lord, cf. 2 Chronicles 29:8, viz., the invasion of the land by Hazael, 2 Chronicles 24:23. On the construction זאת אשׁמתם , cf. Ew. §293, c , S. 740. Against this defection prophets whom the Lord sent did indeed lift up their testimony, but they would not hearken to them. Of these prophets, one, Zechariah the son of the high priest Jehoiada, is mentioned by name in 2 Chronicles 24:20., who, seized by the Spirit of the Lord, announced to the people divine punishment for their defection, and was thereupon, at the king's command, stoned in the court of the temple. With לבשׁה רוּח cf. 1 Chronicles 12:18, and the commentary on Judges 6:34. לעם מעל , above the people, viz., as we learn from 2 Chronicles 24:21, in the inner, higher-lying court, so that he was above the people who were in the outer court. “Why transgress ye the commandments of the Lord, and (why) will ye not prosper?” Fidelity to the Lord is the condition of prosperity. If Israel forsake the Lord, the Lord will also forsake it; cf. 2 Chronicles 12:5; 2 Chronicles 15:2.

Verse 21-22

And they (the princes and the people) conspired against him, and stoned him, at the command of the king, in the court of the temple. This זכריה is the Ζαχαρίας whose slaughter is mentioned by Christ in Matthew 23:36 and Luke 11:51 as the last prophet-murder narrated in the Old Testament, whose blood would come upon the people, although Matthew calls him υἱὸς Βαραχίου . According to these passages, he was slain between the temple and the altar of burnt-offering, consequently in the most sacred part of the court of the priests. That the king, Joash, could give the command for this murder, shows how his compliance with the princes' demands (2 Chronicles 24:17) had made him the slave of sin. Probably the idolatrous princes accused the witness for God of being a seditious person and a rebel against the majesty of the crown, and thereby extorted from the weak king the command for his death. For it is not said that Joash himself worshipped the idols; and even in 2 Chronicles 24:22 it is only the base ingratitude of which Joash had been guilty, in the slaughter of the son of his benefactor, which is adduced against him. But Zechariah at his death said, “May the Lord look upon it, and take vengeance” ( דּרשׁ , to seek or require a crime, i.e., punish it). This word became a prophecy, which soon began to be fulfilled, 2 Chronicles 24:23.

Verses 23-27

The punishment comes upon them. Joash afflicted by the invasion of Judah by Hazael the Syrian; and his death in consequence of a conspiracy against him . - These two events are narrated in 2 Kings 12:18-21 also, the progress of Hazael's invasion being more exactly traced; see the commentary on 2 Kings 12:18. The author of the Chronicle brings forward only those parts of it which show how God punished Joash for his defection from Him.

“At the revolution of a year,” i.e., scarcely a year after the murder of the prophet Zechariah, a Syrian army invaded Judah and advanced upon Jerusalem; “and they destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people,” i.e., they smote the army of Joash in a battle, in which the princes (the chief and leaders) were destroyed, i.e., partly slain, partly wounded. This punishment came upon the princes as the originators of the defection from the Lord, 2 Chronicles 24:17. “And they sent all their booty to the king (Hazael) to Damascus.” In this booty the treasures which Joash gave to the Syrians (2 Kings 12:19) to buy their withdrawal are also included. In order to show that this invasion of the Syrians was a divine judgment, it is remarked in 2 Chronicles 24:24 that the Syrians, with a small army, gained a victory over the very large army of Judah, and executed judgment upon Joash. שׁפטים עשׂה , as in Exodus 12:12; Numbers 33:4, frequently in Ezekiel, usually construed with בּ , here with את , analogous to the את טּוב עשׂה , e.g., 1 Samuel 24:19. These words refer to the wounding of Joash, and its results, 2 Chronicles 24:25. In the war Joash was badly wounded; the Syrians on their withdrawal had left him behind in many wounds ( מחליים only met with here, synonymous with תּחלאים , 2 Chronicles 21:19). Then his own servants, the court officials named in 2 Chronicles 24:26, conspired against him, and smote him upon his bed. In 2 Kings 12:21, the place where the king, lying sick upon his bed, was slain is stated. He met with his end thus, “because of the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest” which had been shed. The plural בּני is perhaps only an orthographical error for בּן , occasioned by the preceding דּמי (Berth.); but more probably it is, like בּנין , 2 Chronicles 28:3 and 2 Chronicles 33:6, a rhetorical plural, which says nothing as to the number, but only brings out that Joash had brought blood-guiltiness upon himself in respect of the children of his benefactor Jehoiada; see on 2 Chronicles 28:3. Upon the murdered king, moreover, the honour of being buried in the graves of the kings was not bestowed; cf. 2 Chronicles 21:20. On the names of the two conspirators, 2 Chronicles 24:26, see on 2 Kings 12:21. In 2 Chronicles 24:27 it is doubtful how ורב is to be read. The Keri demands ירב , which Berth. understands thus: And as regards his sons, may the utterance concerning him increase; which might signify, “May the wish of the dying Zechariah, 2 Chronicles 24:22, be fulfilled on them in a still greater degree than on their father.” But that is hardly the meaning of the Keri . The older theologians took ירב relatively: et quam creverit s. multiplicatum fuerit . Without doubt, the Keth. ורב or ורב is the correct reading. המּשּׂא , too, is variously interpreted. Vulg., Luther, and others take it to be synonymous with משׂאת , 2 Chronicles 24:6, 2 Chronicles 24:9, and understand it of the money derived from Moses' tax; but to that עליו is by no means suitable. Others (as Then.) think of the tribute laid upon him, 2 Kings 12:19, but very arbitrarily. On the other hand, Clericus and others rightly understand it of prophetic threatenings against him, corresponding to the statement in 2 Chronicles 24:19, that God sent prophets against him. As to the Midrash of the book of Kings, see the Introduction.