2 Chronicles 31:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Moreover he commanded H559 the people H5971 that dwelt H3427 in Jerusalem H3389 to give H5414 the portion H4521 of the priests H3548 and the Levites, H3881 that they might be encouraged H2388 in the law H8451 of the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Malachi 2:7 STRONG

For the priest's H3548 lips H8193 should keep H8104 knowledge, H1847 and they should seek H1245 the law H8451 at his mouth: H6310 for he is the messenger H4397 of the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Numbers 18:8-21 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Aaron, H175 Behold, I also have given H5414 thee the charge H4931 of mine heave offerings H8641 of all the hallowed things H6944 of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 unto thee have I given H5414 them by reason of the anointing, H4888 and to thy sons, H1121 by an ordinance H2706 for ever. H5769 This shall be thine of the most H6944 holy things, H6944 reserved from the fire: H784 every oblation H7133 of theirs, every meat offering H4503 of theirs, and every sin offering H2403 of theirs, and every trespass offering H817 of theirs, which they shall render H7725 unto me, shall be most H6944 holy H6944 for thee and for thy sons. H1121 In the most H6944 holy H6944 place shalt thou eat H398 it; every male H2145 shall eat H398 it: it shall be holy H6944 unto thee. And this is thine; the heave offering H8641 of their gift, H4976 with all the wave offerings H8573 of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 I have given H5414 them unto thee, and to thy sons H1121 and to thy daughters H1323 with thee, by a statute H2706 for ever: H5769 every one that is clean H2889 in thy house H1004 shall eat H398 of it. All the best H2459 of the oil, H3323 and all the best H2459 of the wine, H8492 and of the wheat, H1715 the firstfruits H7225 of them which they shall offer H5414 unto the LORD, H3068 them have I given H5414 thee. And whatsoever is first ripe H1061 in the land, H776 which they shall bring H935 unto the LORD, H3068 shall be thine; every one that is clean H2889 in thine house H1004 shall eat H398 of it. Every thing devoted H2764 in Israel H3478 shall be thine. Every thing that openeth H6363 the matrix H7358 in all flesh, H1320 which they bring H7126 unto the LORD, H3068 whether it be of men H120 or beasts, H929 shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn H1060 of man H120 shalt thou surely H6299 redeem, H6299 and the firstling H1060 of unclean H2931 beasts H929 shalt thou redeem. H6299 And those that are to be redeemed H6299 from a month H2320 old H1121 shalt thou redeem, H6299 according to thine estimation, H6187 for the money H3701 of five H2568 shekels, H8255 after the shekel H8255 of the sanctuary, H6944 which is twenty H6242 gerahs. H1626 But the firstling H1060 of a cow, H7794 or the firstling H1060 of a sheep, H3775 or the firstling H1060 of a goat, H5795 thou shalt not redeem; H6299 they are holy: H6944 thou shalt sprinkle H2236 their blood H1818 upon the altar, H4196 and shalt burn H6999 their fat H2459 for an offering made by fire, H801 for a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD. H3068 And the flesh H1320 of them shall be thine, as the wave H8573 breast H2373 and as the right H3225 shoulder H7785 are thine. All the heave offerings H8641 of the holy things, H6944 which the children H1121 of Israel H3478 offer H7311 unto the LORD, H3068 have I given H5414 thee, and thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 with thee, by a statute H2706 for ever: H5769 it is a covenant H1285 of salt H4417 for ever H5769 before H6440 the LORD H3068 unto thee and to thy seed H2233 with thee. And the LORD H3068 spake H559 unto Aaron, H175 Thou shalt have no inheritance H5157 in their land, H776 neither shalt thou have any part H2506 among H8432 them: I am thy part H2506 and thine inheritance H5159 among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 And, behold, I have given H5414 the children H1121 of Levi H3878 all the tenth H4643 in Israel H3478 for an inheritance, H5159 for H2500 their service H5656 which they serve, H5647 even the service H5656 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150

Galatians 6:6 STRONG

Let G1161 him that is taught G2727 in the word G3056 communicate G2841 unto him that teacheth G2727 in G1722 all G3956 good things. G18

Leviticus 27:30-33 STRONG

And all the tithe H4643 of the land, H776 whether of the seed H2233 of the land, H776 or of the fruit H6529 of the tree, H6086 is the LORD'S: H3068 it is holy H6944 unto the LORD. H3068 And if a man H376 will at all H1350 redeem H1350 ought of his tithes, H4643 he shall add H3254 thereto the fifth H2549 part thereof. And concerning the tithe H4643 of the herd, H1241 or of the flock, H6629 even of whatsoever passeth H5674 under the rod, H7626 the tenth H6224 shall be holy H6944 unto the LORD. H3068 He shall not search H1239 whether it be good H2896 or bad, H7451 neither shall he change H4171 it: and if he change H4171 it at all, H4171 then both it and the change H8545 thereof shall be holy; H6944 it shall not be redeemed. H1350

Numbers 18:26-28 STRONG

Thus speak H1696 unto the Levites, H3881 and say H559 unto them, When ye take H3947 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 the tithes H4643 which I have given H5414 you from them for your inheritance, H5159 then ye shall offer H7311 up an heave offering H8641 of it for the LORD, H3068 even a tenth H4643 part of the tithe. H4643 And this your heave offering H8641 shall be reckoned H2803 unto you, as though it were the corn H1715 of the threshingfloor, H1637 and as the fulness H4395 of the winepress. H3342 Thus ye also shall offer H7311 an heave offering H8641 unto the LORD H3068 of all your tithes, H4643 which ye receive H3947 of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 and ye shall give H5414 thereof the LORD'S H3068 heave offering H8641 to Aaron H175 the priest. H3548

2 Chronicles 31:16 STRONG

Beside their genealogy H3187 of males, H2145 from three H7969 years H8141 old H1121 and upward, H4605 even unto every one that entereth H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 his daily H3117 H3117 portion H1697 for their service H5656 in their charges H4931 according to their courses; H4256

Nehemiah 13:10-13 STRONG

And I perceived H3045 that the portions H4521 of the Levites H3881 had not been given H5414 them: for the Levites H3881 and the singers, H7891 that did H6213 the work, H4399 were fled H1272 every one H376 to his field. H7704 Then contended H7378 I with the rulers, H5461 and said, H559 Why is the house H1004 of God H430 forsaken? H5800 And I gathered them together, H6908 and set H5975 them in their place. H5977 Then brought H935 all Judah H3063 the tithe H4643 of the corn H1715 and the new wine H8492 and the oil H3323 unto the treasuries. H214 And I made treasurers H686 over the treasuries, H214 Shelemiah H8018 the priest, H3548 and Zadok H6659 the scribe, H5608 and of the Levites, H3881 Pedaiah: H6305 and next to them H3027 was Hanan H2605 the son H1121 of Zaccur, H2139 the son H1121 of Mattaniah: H4983 for they were counted H2803 faithful, H539 and their office was to distribute H2505 unto their brethren. H251

Malachi 3:8-10 STRONG

Will a man H120 rob H6906 God? H430 Yet ye have robbed H6906 me. But ye say, H559 Wherein have we robbed H6906 thee? In tithes H4643 and offerings. H8641 Ye are cursed H779 with a curse: H3994 for ye have robbed H6906 me, even this whole nation. H1471 Bring H935 ye all the tithes H4643 into the storehouse, H214 that there may be meat H2964 in mine house, H1004 and prove H974 me now herewith, H2063 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 if I will not open H6605 you the windows H699 of heaven, H8064 and pour you out H7324 a blessing, H1293 that there shall not be room enough H1767 to receive it.

1 Corinthians 9:9-14 STRONG

For G1063 it is written G1125 in G1722 the law G3551 of Moses, G3475 Thou shalt G5392 not G3756 muzzle G5392 the mouth of the ox G1016 that treadeth out the corn. G248 G3361 Doth G3199 God G2316 take care G3199 for oxen? G1016 Or G2228 saith he G3004 it altogether G3843 for G1223 our G2248 sakes? G1223 For G1223 our G2248 sakes, G1223 no doubt, G1063 this is written: G1125 that G3754 he that ploweth G722 should G3784 plow G722 in G1909 hope; G1680 and G2532 that he that thresheth G248 in hope G1680 should be partaker G3348 of G1909 his G846 hope. G1680 If G1487 we G2249 have sown G4687 unto you G5213 spiritual things, G4152 is it a great thing G3173 if G1487 we G2249 shall reap G2325 your G5216 carnal things? G4559 If G1487 others G243 be partakers G3348 of this power G1849 over you, G5216 are not G3756 we G2249 rather? G3123 Nevertheless G235 we have G5530 not G3756 used G5530 this G5026 power; G1849 but G235 suffer G4722 all things, G3956 lest G3363 we should G1325 G5100 hinder G1464 the gospel G2098 of Christ. G5547 Do ye G1492 not G3756 know G1492 that G3754 they which minister G2038 about holy things G2413 live G2068 of the things of G1537 the temple? G2411 and they which wait G4332 at the altar G2379 are partakers G4829 with the altar? G2379 Even G2532 so G3779 hath G1299 the Lord G2962 ordained G1299 that they which preach G2605 the gospel G2098 should live G2198 of G1537 the gospel. G2098

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 31 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 31:1-10. The People Forward in Destroying Idolatry.

1. all Israel … present went out to the cities of Judah—The solemnities of this paschal season left a deep and salutary impression on the minds of the assembled worshippers; attachment to the ancient institutions of their country was extensively revived; ardor in the service of God animated every bosom; and under the impulse of the devout feelings inspired by the occasion, they took measures at the close of the passover for extirpating idolatrous statues and altars out of every city, as at the beginning of the festival they had done in Jerusalem.

Judah and Benjamin—denote the southern kingdom.

Ephraim also and Manasseh—refer to the northern kingdom. This unsparing demolition of the monuments of idolatry would receive all encouragement from the king and public authorities of the former; and the force of the popular movement was sufficient to effect the same results among the tribes of Israel, whatever opposition the power of Hoshea or the invectives of some profane brethren might have made. Thus the reign of idolatry being completely overthrown and the pure worship of God re-established throughout the land, the people returned every one to his own home, in the confident expectation that, through the divine blessing, they would enjoy a happy future of national peace and prosperity.

2-5. Hezekiah appointed the courses of the priests, &c.—The king now turned his attention to provide for the orderly performance of the temple-worship—arranging the priests and Levites in their courses, assigning to every one his proper place and functions—and issuing edicts for the regular payment of those dues from which the revenues of the sanctuary were derived. To set a proper example to his subjects, his own proportion was announced in the first instance, for to the king it belonged, out of his privy purse, to defray the expenses of the altar, both stated and occasional (Nu 28:3, 4, 9, 11, 19); and in making this contribution from his own means, Hezekiah followed the course which David and Solomon had taken before him (see 2Ch 8:14; 1Ki 9:25). Afterwards he reappointed the people's dues to the temple; and from its being necessary to issue a royal mandate in reference to this matter, it appears that the sacred tribute had been either totally neglected, or (as the idolatrous princes were known to appropriate it to their own purposes) the people had in many cases refused or evaded the duty. But with the improved state of public feeling, Hezekiah's commandment was readily obeyed, and contributions of first-fruits and tithes were poured in with great liberality from all parts of Judah, as well as from Israel. The first-fruits, even of some articles of produce that were unfit for sacrifice (Le 2:11), such as honey (Margin, "dates"), were appropriated to the priests (Nu 18:12, 13; De 18:4). The tithes (Le 27:31) were intended for the support of the whole Levitical tribe (Nu 18:8, 20, 24).

6, 7. and laid them by heaps—The contributions began to be sent in shortly after the celebration of the passover, which had taken place in the middle of the second month. Some time would elapse before the king's order reached all parts of the kingdom. The wheat harvest occurred in the third month, so that the sheaves of that grain, being presented before any other, formed "the foundation," an under-layer in the corn stores of the temple. The first-fruits of their land produce which were successively sent in all the summer till the close of the fruit and vintage season, that is, the seventh month, continued to raise heap upon heap.

9. Hezekiah questioned with the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps—The object of his enquiries was to ascertain whether the supplies afforded the prospect of a sufficient maintenance for the members of the sacred order.

10. Azariah … answered … we have had enough—This is probably the person mentioned (2Ch 26:17), and his reply was to the following purport: There has been an abundant harvest, and a corresponding plenty in the incoming of first-fruits and tithes; the people have testified their gratitude to Him who has crowned the year with His goodness by their liberality towards His servants.

2Ch 31:11-19. Hezekiah Appoints Officers to Dispose of the Tithes.

11-18. Hezekiah commanded to prepare chambers in the house of the Lord—storehouses, granaries, or cellars; either the old ones, which had been allowed through neglect to fall into decay, were to be repaired, or additional ones built. Private individuals brought their own first-fruits to the temple; but the tithes were levied by the Levites, who kept a faithful account of them in their several places of abode and transmitted the allotted proportion to the priests. Officers were appointed to distribute equal rations to all in the cities of the priests who, from age or other reasons, could not repair to the temple. With the exception of children under three years of age—an exception made probably from their being considered too young to receive solid food—lists were kept of the number and age of every male; of priests according to their fathers' house, and Levites from twenty years (see Nu 4:3; 28:24; 1Ch 23:24). But, besides, provision was also made for their wives, daughters, and servants.

18. for in their set office they sanctified themselves—This is the reason assigned for providing for the wives and children out of the revenues of the sanctuary, that priests, withdrawing from those secular pursuits by which they might have maintained their households, devoted themselves entirely to the functions of the ministry.

2Ch 31:20, 21. His Sincerity of Heart.

20. Hezekiah … wrought that which was good and right—He displayed the qualities of a constitutional king, in restoring and upholding the ancient institutions of the kingdom; while his zealous and persevering efforts to promote the cause of true religion and the best interests of his subjects entitled him to be ranked with the most illustrious of his predecessors (2Ki 18:15).