2 Chronicles 32:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 And the LORD H3068 sent H7971 an angel, H4397 which cut off H3582 all the mighty men H1368 of valour, H2428 and the leaders H5057 and captains H8269 in the camp H4264 of the king H4428 of Assyria. H804 So he returned H7725 with shame H1322 of face H6440 to his own land. H776 And when he was come H935 into the house H1004 of his god, H430 they that came forth H3329 of his own bowels H4578 slew H5307 him there with the sword. H2719

Cross Reference

Isaiah 10:33-34 STRONG

Behold, the Lord, H113 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 shall lop H5586 the bough H6288 with terror: H4637 and the high ones H7311 of stature H6967 shall be hewn down, H1438 and the haughty H1364 shall be humbled. H8213 And he shall cut down H5362 the thickets H5442 of the forest H3293 with iron, H1270 and Lebanon H3844 shall fall H5307 by a mighty one. H117

Revelation 6:15-16 STRONG

And G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 the great men, G3175 and G2532 the rich men, G4145 and G2532 the chief captains, G5506 and G2532 the mighty men, G1415 and G2532 every G3956 bondman, G1401 and G2532 every G3956 free man, G1658 hid G2928 themselves G1438 in G1519 the dens G4693 and G2532 in G1519 the rocks G4073 of the mountains; G3735 And G2532 said G3004 to the mountains G3735 and G2532 rocks, G4073 Fall G4098 on G1909 us, G2248 and G2532 hide G2928 us G2248 from G575 the face G4383 of him that sitteth G2521 on G1909 the throne, G2362 and G2532 from G575 the wrath G3709 of the Lamb: G721

Acts 12:23 STRONG

And G1161 immediately G3916 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 smote G3960 him, G846 because G473 G3739 he gave G1325 not G3756 God G2316 the glory: G1391 and G2532 he was G1096 eaten of worms, G4662 and gave up the ghost. G1634

Matthew 13:49-50 STRONG

So G3779 shall it be G2071 at G1722 the end G4930 of the world: G165 the angels G32 shall come forth, G1831 and G2532 sever G873 the wicked G4190 from G1537 among G3319 the just, G1342 And G2532 shall cast G906 them G846 into G1519 the furnace G2575 of fire: G4442 there G1563 shall be G2071 wailing G2805 and G2532 gnashing G1030 of teeth. G3599

Daniel 6:22 STRONG

My God H426 hath sent H7972 his angel, H4398 and hath shut H5463 the lions' H744 mouths, H6433 that they have not H3809 hurt H2255 me: forasmuch as H3606 H6903 before H6925 him innocency H2136 was found H7912 in me; and also H638 before H6925 thee, O king, H4430 have I done H5648 no H3809 hurt. H2248

Daniel 3:28 STRONG

Then Nebuchadnezzar H5020 spake, H6032 and said, H560 Blessed H1289 be the God H426 of Shadrach, H7715 Meshach, H4336 and Abednego, H5665 who hath sent H7972 his angel, H4398 and delivered H7804 his servants H5649 that trusted H7365 in him, H5922 and have changed H8133 the king's H4430 word, H4406 and yielded H3052 their bodies, H1655 that they might not H3809 serve H6399 nor H3809 worship H5457 any H3606 god, H426 except H3861 their own God. H426

Isaiah 42:8 STRONG

I am the LORD: H3068 that is my name: H8034 and my glory H3519 will I not give H5414 to another, H312 neither my praise H8416 to graven images. H6456

Isaiah 37:36-38 STRONG

Then the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 went forth, H3318 and smote H5221 in the camp H4264 of the Assyrians H804 a hundred H3967 and fourscore H8084 and five H2568 thousand: H505 and when they arose early H7925 in the morning, H1242 behold, they were all dead H4191 corpses. H6297 So Sennacherib H5576 king H4428 of Assyria H804 departed, H5265 and went H3212 and returned, H7725 and dwelt H3427 at Nineveh. H5210 And it came to pass, as he was worshipping H7812 in the house H1004 of Nisroch H5268 his god, H430 that Adrammelech H152 and Sharezer H8272 his sons H1121 smote H5221 him with the sword; H2719 and they escaped H4422 into the land H776 of Armenia: H780 and Esarhaddon H634 his son H1121 reigned H4427 in his stead.

Isaiah 37:21 STRONG

Then Isaiah H3470 the son H1121 of Amoz H531 sent H7971 unto Hezekiah, H2396 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 Whereas thou hast prayed H6419 to me against Sennacherib H5576 king H4428 of Assyria: H804

Isaiah 36:9 STRONG

How then wilt thou turn away H7725 the face H6440 of one H259 captain H6346 of the least H6996 of my master's H113 servants, H5650 and put thy trust H982 on Egypt H4714 for chariots H7393 and for horsemen? H6571

Isaiah 33:10-12 STRONG

Now will I rise, H6965 saith H559 the LORD; H3068 now will I be exalted; H7426 now will I lift up H5375 myself. Ye shall conceive H2029 chaff, H2842 ye shall bring forth H3205 stubble: H7179 your breath, H7307 as fire, H784 shall devour H398 you. And the people H5971 shall be as the burnings H4955 of lime: H7875 as thorns H6975 cut up H3683 shall they be burned H3341 in the fire. H784

Isaiah 30:30-33 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 shall cause his glorious H1935 voice H6963 to be heard, H8085 and shall shew H7200 the lighting down H5183 of his arm, H2220 with the indignation H2197 of his anger, H639 and with the flame H3851 of a devouring H398 fire, H784 with scattering, H5311 and tempest, H2230 and hailstones. H68 H1259 For through the voice H6963 of the LORD H3068 shall the Assyrian H804 be beaten down, H2865 which smote H5221 with a rod. H7626 And in every place H3605 where the grounded H4145 staff H4294 shall pass, H4569 which the LORD H3068 shall lay H5117 upon him, it shall be with tabrets H8596 and harps: H3658 and in battles H4421 of shaking H8573 will he fight H3898 with it. For Tophet H8613 is ordained H6186 of old; H865 yea, for the king H4428 it is prepared; H3559 he hath made it deep H6009 and large: H7337 the pile H4071 thereof is fire H784 and much H7235 wood; H6086 the breath H5397 of the LORD, H3068 like a stream H5158 of brimstone, H1614 doth kindle H1197 it.

Isaiah 29:5-8 STRONG

Moreover the multitude H1995 of thy strangers H2114 shall be like small H1851 dust, H80 and the multitude H1995 of the terrible ones H6184 shall be as chaff H4671 that passeth away: H5674 yea, it shall be at an instant H6621 suddenly. H6597 Thou shalt be visited H6485 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 with thunder, H7482 and with earthquake, H7494 and great H1419 noise, H6963 with storm H5492 and tempest, H5591 and the flame H3851 of devouring H398 fire. H784 And the multitude H1995 of all the nations H1471 that fight H6633 against Ariel, H740 even all that fight H6638 against her and her munition, H4685 and that distress H6693 her, shall be as a dream H2472 of a night H3915 vision. H2377 It shall even be as when an hungry H7457 man dreameth, H2492 and, behold, he eateth; H398 but he awaketh, H6974 and his soul H5315 is empty: H7386 or as when H834 a thirsty man H6771 dreameth, H2492 and, behold, he drinketh; H8354 but he awaketh, H6974 and, behold, he is faint, H5889 and his soul H5315 hath appetite: H8264 so shall the multitude H1995 of all the nations H1471 be, that fight H6633 against mount H2022 Zion. H6726

Isaiah 17:12-14 STRONG

Woe H1945 to the multitude H1995 of many H7227 people, H5971 which make a noise H1993 like the noise H1993 of the seas; H3220 and to the rushing H7588 of nations, H3816 that make a rushing like the rushing H7582 of mighty H3524 waters! H4325 The nations H3816 shall rush H7582 like the rushing H7588 of many H7227 waters: H4325 but God shall rebuke H1605 them, and they shall flee H5127 far off, H4801 and shall be chased H7291 as the chaff H4671 of the mountains H2022 before H6440 the wind, H7307 and like a rolling thing H1534 before H6440 the whirlwind. H5492 And behold at eveningtide H6256 H6153 trouble; H1091 and before the morning H1242 he is not. This is the portion H2506 of them that spoil H8154 us, and the lot H1486 of them that rob H962 us.

Isaiah 10:16-19 STRONG

Therefore shall the Lord, H113 the Lord H136 H3068 of hosts, H6635 send H7971 among his fat ones H4924 leanness; H7332 and under his glory H3519 he shall kindle H3344 a burning H3350 like the burning of a fire. H784 And the light H216 of Israel H3478 shall be for a fire, H784 and his Holy One H6918 for a flame: H3852 and it shall burn H1197 and devour H398 his thorns H7898 and his briers H8068 in one H259 day; H3117 And shall consume H3615 the glory H3519 of his forest, H3293 and of his fruitful field, H3759 both soul H5315 and body: H1320 and they shall be as when a standardbearer H5263 fainteth. H4549 And the rest H7605 of the trees H6086 of his forest H3293 shall be few, H4557 that a child H5288 may write H3789 them.

Isaiah 10:8 STRONG

For he saith, H559 Are not my princes H8269 altogether H3162 kings? H4428

Proverbs 16:18 STRONG

Pride H1347 goeth before H6440 destruction, H7667 and an haughty H1363 spirit H7307 before H6440 a fall. H3783

Proverbs 11:2 STRONG

When pride H2087 cometh, H935 then cometh H935 shame: H7036 but with the lowly H6800 is wisdom. H2451

Psalms 132:18 STRONG

His enemies H341 will I clothe H3847 with shame: H1322 but upon himself shall his crown H5145 flourish. H6692

Psalms 76:12 STRONG

He shall cut off H1219 the spirit H7307 of princes: H5057 he is terrible H3372 to the kings H4428 of the earth. H776

Psalms 76:7 STRONG

Thou, even thou, art to be feared: H3372 and who may stand H5975 in thy sight H6440 when H227 once thou art angry? H639

Psalms 76:5 STRONG

The stouthearted H47 H3820 are spoiled, H7997 they have slept H5123 their sleep: H8142 and none of the men H582 of might H2428 have found H4672 their hands. H3027

Psalms 18:50 STRONG

Great H1431 deliverance H3444 giveth he to his king; H4428 and sheweth H6213 mercy H2617 to his anointed, H4899 to David, H1732 and to his seed H2233 for H5704 evermore. H5769

Job 9:4 STRONG

He is wise H2450 in heart, H3824 and mighty H533 in strength: H3581 who hath hardened H7185 himself against him, and hath prospered? H7999

2 Kings 19:35-37 STRONG

And it came to pass that night, H3915 that the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 went out, H3318 and smote H5221 in the camp H4264 of the Assyrians H804 an hundred H3967 fourscore H8084 and five H2568 thousand: H505 and when they arose early H7925 in the morning, H1242 behold, they were all dead H4191 corpses. H6297 So Sennacherib H5576 king H4428 of Assyria H804 departed, H5265 and went H3212 and returned, H7725 and dwelt H3427 at Nineveh. H5210 And it came to pass, as he was worshipping H7812 in the house H1004 of Nisroch H5268 his god, H430 that Adrammelech H152 and Sharezer H8272 his sons H1121 smote H5221 him with the sword: H2719 and they escaped H4422 into the land H776 of Armenia. H780 And Esarhaddon H634 his son H1121 reigned H4427 in his stead.

2 Kings 19:20 STRONG

Then Isaiah H3470 the son H1121 of Amoz H531 sent H7971 to Hezekiah, H2396 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel, H3478 That which thou hast prayed H6419 to me against Sennacherib H5576 king H4428 of Assyria H804 I have heard. H8085

2 Samuel 24:16 STRONG

And when the angel H4397 stretched out H7971 his hand H3027 upon Jerusalem H3389 to destroy H7843 it, the LORD H3068 repented H5162 him of the evil, H7451 and said H559 to the angel H4397 that destroyed H7843 the people, H5971 It is enough: H7227 stay H7503 now thine hand. H3027 And the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 was by the threshingplace H1637 of Araunah H728 the Jebusite. H2983

Revelation 19:17-18 STRONG

And G2532 I saw G1492 an G1520 angel G32 standing G2476 in G1722 the sun; G2246 and G2532 he cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying G3004 to all G3956 the fowls G3732 that fly G4072 in G1722 the midst of heaven, G3321 Come G1205 and G2532 gather yourselves together G4863 unto G1519 the supper G1173 of the great G3173 God; G2316 That G2443 ye may eat G5315 the flesh G4561 of kings, G935 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of captains, G5506 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of mighty men, G2478 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of horses, G2462 and G2532 of them that sit G2521 on G1909 them, G846 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of all G3956 men, both free G1658 and G2532 bond, G1401 both G2532 small G3398 and G2532 great. G3173

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 32:1-20. Sennacherib Invades Judah.

1. After these things, and the establishment thereof—that is, the restoration of the temple-worship. The precise date is given, 2Ki 18:13. Determined to recover the independence of his country, Hezekiah had decided to refuse to pay the tribute which his father had bound himself to pay to Assyria.

Sennacherib … entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities—The whole land was ravaged; the strong fortresses of Ashdod (Isa 20:1) and Lachish had fallen; the siege of Libnah had commenced, when the king of Judah, doubting his ability to resist, sent to acknowledge his fault, and offer terms of submission by paying the tribute. The commencement of this Assyrian war was disastrous to Hezekiah (2Ki 18:13). But the misfortunes of the early period of the war are here passed over, as the historian hastens to relate the remarkable deliverance which God wrought for His kingdom of Judah.

2-8. when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib … was purposed to fight against Jerusalem—An account of the means taken to fortify Jerusalem against the threatened siege is given only in this passage. The polluting or filling up of wells, and the altering of the course of rivers, is an old practice that still obtains in the wars of the East. Hezekiah's plan was to cover the fountain heads, so that they might not be discovered by the enemy, and to carry the water by subterranean channels or pipes into the city—a plan which, while it would secure a constant supply to the inhabitants, would distress the besiegers, as the country all around Jerusalem was very destitute of water.

4. So there was gathered much people … who stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the midst of the land—"Where these various fountains were, we have now no positive means of ascertaining; though En-rogel, and the spring now called the Virgin's Fount, may well be numbered among them. Josephus mentions the existence of various fountains without the city, but does not mention any of them in this connection but Siloam. 'The brook,' however, is located with sufficient precision to enable us to trace it very definitely. We are told that it 'ran through the midst of the land.' Now a stream running through either the Kedron or Hinnom Valley, could, in no proper sense, be said to run through the midst of the land, but one flowing through the true Gihon valley, and separating Akra and Zion from Bezetha, Moriah, and Ophel, as a stream once, doubtless, did, could, with peculiar propriety, be said to run through the midst of the land on which the [Holy] City was built. And that this is the correct meaning of the phrase is not only apparent from the force of circumstances, but is positively so declared in the Septuagint, where, moreover, it is called a 'river,' which, at least, implies a much larger stream than the Kedron, and comports well with the marginal reading, where it is said to overflow through the midst of the land. Previous to the interference of man, there was, no doubt, a very copious stream that gushed forth in the upper portion of that shallow, basin-like concavity north of Damascus Gate, which is unquestionably the upper extremity of the Gihon valley, and pursuing its meandering course through this valley, entered the Tyropœon at its great southern curve, down which it flowed into the valley of the Kedron" [Barclay, City of the Great King].

5, 6. he strengthened himself—He made a careful inspection of the city defenses for the purpose of repairing breaches in the wall here, renewing the masonry there, raising projecting machines to the towers, and especially fortifying the lower portion of Zion, that is, Millo, "(in) the original city of David." "In" is a supplement of our translators, and the text reads better without it, for it was not the whole city that was repaired, but only the lower portion of Zion, or the original "city of David."

6. he … gathered them together … in the street—that is, the large open space at the gate of Eastern cities. Having equipped his soldiers with a full suit of military accoutrements, he addressed them in an animated strain, dwelling on the motives they had to inspire courage and confidence of success, especially on their consciousness of the favor and helping power of God.

9-20. (See on 2Ki 18:17-35; also 2Ki 19:8-34).

18. they cried with a loud voice … unto the people of Jerusalem … on the wall—It appears that the wall on the west side of the city reached as far to the side of the uppermost pool of Gihon at that time as it does now, if not farther; and the wall was so close to that pool that those sent to negotiate with the Assyrian general answered him in their own tongue (see on 2Ki 18:27).

2Ch 32:21-23. An Angel Destroys the Assyrians.

21. an angel … cut off all the mighty men—(See on 2Ki 19:35-37).

2Ch 32:24-26. Hezekiah's Sickness and Recovery.

24. In those days Hezekiah was sick to the death—(See on 2Ki 20:1-11).

2Ch 32:27-33. His Riches and Works.

27-29. he had exceeding much riches and honour—(compare 2Ki 20:13; Isa 39:2). A great portion of his personal wealth, like that of David and Uzziah, consisted in immense possessions of agricultural and pastoral produce. Besides, he had accumulated large treasures in gold, silver, and precious things, which he had taken as spoils from the Philistines, and which he had received as presents from neighboring states, among which he was held in great honor as a king under the special protection of Heaven. Much of his great wealth he expended in improving his capital, erecting forts, and promoting the internal benefit of his kingdom.

30. stopped the … watercourse of Gihon, and brought it … to the west side of the city, &c.—(Compare 2Ki 20:20). Particular notice is here taken of the aqueduct, as among the greatest of Hezekiah's works. "In exploring the subterranean channel conveying the water from Virgin's Fount to Siloam, I discovered a similar channel entering from the north, a few yards from its commencement; and on tracing it up near the Mugrabin gate, where it became so choked with rubbish that it could be traversed no farther, I there found it turn to the west in the direction of the south end of the cleft, or saddle, of Zion, and if this channel was not constructed for the purpose of conveying the waters of Hezekiah's aqueduct, I am unable to suggest any purpose to which it could have been applied. Perhaps the reason why it was not brought down on the Zion side, was that Zion was already well-watered in its lower portion by the Great Pool, 'the lower pool of Gihon.' And accordingly Williams [Holy City] renders this passage, 'He stopped the upper outflow of the waters of Gihon, and led them down westward to the city'" [Barclay, City of the Great King]. The construction of this aqueduct required not only masonic but engineering skill; for the passage was bored through a continuous mass of rock. Hezekiah's pool or reservoir made to receive the water within the northwest part of the city still remains. It is an oblong quadrangular tank, two hundred forty feet in length, from one hundred forty-four to one hundred fifty in breadth, but, from recent excavations, appears to have extended somewhat farther towards the north.

31. in the business of the ambassadors who sent … to inquire of the wonder that was done in the land, &c.—They brought a present (2Ch 32:23; see on 2Ki 20:12, 13), and a letter of congratulation on his recovery, in which particular enquiries were made about the miracle of the sun's retrocession—a natural phenomenon that could not fail to excite great interest and curiosity at Babylon, where astronomy was so much studied. At the same time, there is reason to believe that they proposed a defensive league against the Assyrians.

God left him, to try him, &c.—Hezekiah's offense was not so much in the display of his military stores and treasures, as in not giving to God the glory both of the miracle and of his recovery, and thus leading those heathen ambassadors to know Him.