2 Chronicles 33:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 And prayed H6419 unto him: and he was intreated H6279 of him, and heard H8085 his supplication, H8467 and brought him again H7725 to Jerusalem H3389 into his kingdom. H4438 Then Manasseh H4519 knew H3045 that the LORD H3068 he was God. H430

Cross Reference

Ezra 8:23 STRONG

So we fasted H6684 and besought H1245 our God H430 for this: and he was intreated H6279 of us.

1 Chronicles 5:20 STRONG

And they were helped H5826 against them, and the Hagarites H1905 were delivered H5414 into their hand, H3027 and all that were with them: for they cried H2199 to God H430 in the battle, H4421 and he was intreated H6279 of them; because they put their trust H982 in him.

Daniel 4:25 STRONG

That they shall drive H2957 thee from H4481 men, H606 and thy dwelling H4070 shall be H1934 with H5974 the beasts H2423 of the field, H1251 and they shall make thee to eat H2939 grass H6211 as oxen, H8450 and they shall wet H6647 thee with the dew H2920 of heaven, H8065 and seven H7655 times H5732 shall pass H2499 over H5922 thee, till H5705 thou know H3046 that the most High H5943 ruleth H7990 in the kingdom H4437 of men, H606 and giveth H5415 it to whomsoever H4479 he will. H6634

Jeremiah 24:7 STRONG

And I will give H5414 them an heart H3820 to know H3045 me, that I am the LORD: H3068 and they shall be my people, H5971 and I will be their God: H430 for they shall return H7725 unto me with their whole heart. H3820

Hebrews 8:11 STRONG

And G2532 they shall G1321 not G3364 teach G1321 every man G1538 his G846 neighbour, G4139 and G2532 every man G1538 his G846 brother, G80 saying, G3004 Know G1097 the Lord: G2962 for G3754 all G3956 shall know G1492 me, G3165 from G575 the least G3398 G846 to G2193 the greatest. G3173 G846

John 17:3 STRONG

And G1161 this G3778 is G2076 life G2222 eternal, G166 that G2443 they might know G1097 thee G4571 the only G3441 true G228 God, G2316 and G2532 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 whom G3739 thou hast sent. G649

John 4:10 STRONG

Jesus G2424 answered G611 and G2532 said G2036 unto her, G846 If G1487 thou knewest G1492 the gift G1431 of God, G2316 and G2532 who G5101 it is G2076 that saith G3004 to thee, G4671 Give G1325 me G3427 to drink; G4095 thou G4771 wouldest G302 have asked G154 of him, G846 and G2532 he would G302 have given G1325 thee G4671 living G2198 water. G5204

Luke 23:42-43 STRONG

And G2532 he said G3004 unto Jesus, G2424 Lord, G2962 remember G3415 me G3450 when G3752 thou comest G2064 into G1722 thy G4675 kingdom. G932 And G2532 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto him, G846 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto thee, G4671 To day G4594 shalt thou be G2071 with G3326 me G1700 in G1722 paradise. G3857

Matthew 7:7-8 STRONG

Ask, G154 and G2532 it shall be given G1325 you; G5213 seek, G2212 and G2532 ye shall find; G2147 knock, G2925 and G2532 it shall be opened G455 unto you: G5213 For G1063 every one G3956 that asketh G154 receiveth; G2983 and G2532 he that seeketh G2212 findeth; G2147 and G2532 to him that knocketh G2925 it shall be opened. G455

Matthew 6:33 STRONG

But G1161 seek ye G2212 first G4412 the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 and G2532 his G846 righteousness; G1343 and G2532 all G3956 these things G5023 shall be added G4369 unto you. G5213

Daniel 4:34-35 STRONG

And at the end H7118 of the days H3118 I H576 Nebuchadnezzar H5020 lifted up H5191 mine eyes H5870 unto heaven, H8065 and mine understanding H4486 returned H8421 unto me, H5922 and I blessed H1289 the most High, H5943 and I praised H7624 and honoured H1922 him that liveth H2417 for ever, H5957 whose dominion H7985 is an everlasting H5957 dominion, H7985 and his kingdom H4437 is from H5974 generation H1859 to generation: H1859 And all H3606 the inhabitants H1753 of the earth H772 are reputed H2804 as nothing: H3809 and he doeth H5648 according to his will H6634 in the army H2429 of heaven, H8065 and among the inhabitants H1753 of the earth: H772 and none H3809 can H383 stay H4223 his hand, H3028 or say H560 unto him, What H4101 doest H5648 thou?

Jeremiah 29:12-13 STRONG

Then shall ye call H7121 upon me, and ye shall go H1980 and pray H6419 unto me, and I will hearken H8085 unto you. And ye shall seek H1245 me, and find H4672 me, when ye shall search H1875 for me with all your heart. H3824

Deuteronomy 29:6 STRONG

Ye have not eaten H398 bread, H3899 neither have ye drunk H8354 wine H3196 or strong drink: H7941 that ye might know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Isaiah 55:6-9 STRONG

Seek H1875 ye the LORD H3068 while he may be found, H4672 call H7121 ye upon him while he is near: H7138 Let the wicked H7563 forsake H5800 his way, H1870 and the unrighteous H205 man H376 his thoughts: H4284 and let him return H7725 unto the LORD, H3068 and he will have mercy H7355 upon him; and to our God, H430 for he will abundantly H7235 pardon. H5545 For my thoughts H4284 are not your thoughts, H4284 neither are your ways H1870 my ways, H1870 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 For as the heavens H8064 are higher H1361 than the earth, H776 so are my ways H1870 higher H1361 than your ways, H1870 and my thoughts H4284 than your thoughts. H4284

Proverbs 21:1 STRONG

The king's H4428 heart H3820 is in the hand H3027 of the LORD, H3068 as the rivers H6388 of water: H4325 he turneth H5186 it whithersoever he will. H2654

Proverbs 16:7 STRONG

When a man's H376 ways H1870 please H7521 the LORD, H3068 he maketh even his enemies H341 to be at peace H7999 with him.

Psalms 86:5 STRONG

For thou, Lord, H136 art good, H2896 and ready to forgive; H5546 and plenteous H7227 in mercy H2617 unto all them that call H7121 upon thee.

Psalms 46:10 STRONG

Be still, H7503 and know H3045 that I am God: H430 I will be exalted H7311 among the heathen, H1471 I will be exalted H7311 in the earth. H776

Psalms 32:3-5 STRONG

When I kept silence, H2790 my bones H6106 waxed old H1086 through my roaring H7581 all the day H3117 long. For day H3119 and night H3915 thy hand H3027 was heavy H3513 upon me: my moisture H3955 is turned H2015 into the drought H2725 of summer. H7019 Selah. H5542 I acknowledged H3045 my sin H2403 unto thee, and mine iniquity H5771 have I not hid. H3680 I said, H559 I will confess H3034 my transgressions H6588 unto the LORD; H3068 and thou forgavest H5375 the iniquity H5771 of my sin. H2403 Selah. H5542

Psalms 9:16 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is known H3045 by the judgment H4941 which he executeth: H6213 the wicked H7563 is snared H5367 in the work H6467 of his own hands. H3709 Higgaion. H1902 Selah. H5542

Job 33:16-30 STRONG

Then he openeth H1540 the ears H241 of men, H582 and sealeth H2856 their instruction, H4561 That he may withdraw H5493 man H120 from his purpose, H4639 and hide H3680 pride H1466 from man. H1397 He keepeth back H2820 his soul H5315 from the pit, H7845 and his life H2416 from perishing H5674 by the sword. H7973 He is chastened H3198 also with pain H4341 upon his bed, H4904 and the multitude H7230 H7379 of his bones H6106 with strong H386 pain: So that his life H2416 abhorreth H2092 bread, H3899 and his soul H5315 dainty H8378 meat. H3978 His flesh H1320 is consumed away, H3615 that it cannot be seen; H7210 and his bones H6106 that were not seen H7200 stick out. H8192 H8205 Yea, his soul H5315 draweth near H7126 unto the grave, H7845 and his life H2416 to the destroyers. H4191 If there H3426 be a messenger H4397 with him, an interpreter, H3887 one H259 among a thousand, H505 to shew H5046 unto man H120 his uprightness: H3476 Then he is gracious H2603 unto him, and saith, H559 Deliver H6308 him from going down H3381 to the pit: H7845 I have found H4672 a ransom. H3724 His flesh H1320 shall be fresher H7375 than a child's: H5290 he shall return H7725 to the days H3117 of his youth: H5934 He shall pray H6279 unto God, H433 and he will be favourable H7521 unto him: and he shall see H7200 his face H6440 with joy: H8643 for he will render H7725 unto man H582 his righteousness. H6666 He looketh H7789 upon men, H582 and if any say, H559 I have sinned, H2398 and perverted H5753 that which was right, H3477 and it profited H7737 me not; He will deliver H6299 his soul H5315 from going H5674 into the pit, H7845 and his life H2416 shall see H7200 the light. H216 Lo, all these things worketh H6466 God H410 oftentimes H6471 H7969 with man, H1397 To bring back H7725 his soul H5315 from the pit, H7845 to be enlightened H215 with the light H216 of the living. H2416

Job 22:27 STRONG

Thou shalt make thy prayer H6279 unto him, and he shall hear H8085 thee, and thou shalt pay H7999 thy vows. H5088

Job 22:23 STRONG

If thou return H7725 to the Almighty, H7706 thou shalt be built up, H1129 thou shalt put away H7368 iniquity H5766 far H7368 from thy tabernacles. H168

Ezra 7:27 STRONG

Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God H430 of our fathers, H1 which hath put H5414 such a thing as this in the king's H4428 heart, H3820 to beautify H6286 the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 which is in Jerusalem: H3389

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 33 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 33:1-10. Manasseh's Wicked Reign.

1, 2. Manasseh … did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord—(See on 2Ki 21:1-16).

2Ch 33:11-19. He Is Carried unto Babylon, Where He Humbles Himself before God, and Is Restored to His Kingdom.

11. the captains of the host of the king of Assyria—This king was Esar-haddon. After having devoted the first years of his reign to the consolidation of his government at home, he turned his attention to repair the loss of the tributary provinces west of the Euphrates, which, on the disaster and death of Sennacherib, had taken the opportunity of shaking off the Assyrian yoke. Having overrun Palestine and removed the remnant that were left in the kingdom of Israel, he despatched his generals, the chief of whom was Tartan (Isa 20:1), with a portion of his army for the reduction of Judah also. In a successful attack upon Jerusalem, they took multitudes of captives, and got a great prize, including the king himself, among the prisoners.

took Manasseh among the thorns—This may mean, as is commonly supposed, that he had hid himself among a thicket of briers and brambles. We know that the Hebrews sometimes took refuge from their enemies in thickets (1Sa 13:6). But, instead of the Hebrew, Bacochim, "among the thorns", some versions read Bechayim, "among the living", and so the passage would be "took him alive."

bound him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon—The Hebrew word rendered "fetters" denotes properly two chains of brass. The humiliating state in which Manasseh appeared before the Assyrian monarch may be judged of by a picture on a tablet in the Khorsabad palace, representing prisoners led bound into the king's presence. "The captives represented appear to be inhabitants of Palestine. Behind the prisoners stand four persons with inscriptions on the lower part of their tunics; the first two are bearded, and seem to be accusers; the remaining two are nearly defaced; but behind the last appears the eunuch, whose office it seems to be to usher into the presence of the king those who are permitted to appear before him. He is followed by another person of the same race as those under punishment; his hands are manacled, and on his ankles are strong rings fastened together by a heavy bar" [Nineveh and Its Palaces]. No name is given, and, therefore, no conclusion can be drawn that the figure represents Manasseh. But the people appear to be Hebrews, and this pictorial scene will enable us to imagine the manner in which the royal captive from Judah was received in the court of Babylon. Esar-haddon had established his residence there; for though from the many revolts that followed the death of his father, he succeeded at first only to the throne of Assyria, yet having some time previous to his conquest of Judah, recovered possession of Babylon, this enterprising king had united under his sway the two empires of Babylon and Chaldea and transferred the seat of his government to Babylon.

12, 13. when he was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God—In the solitude of exile or imprisonment, Manasseh had leisure for reflection. The calamities forced upon him a review of his past life, under a conviction that the miseries of his dethronement and captive condition were owing to his awful and unprecedented apostasy (2Ch 33:7) from the God of his fathers. He humbled himself, repented, and prayed for an opportunity of bringing forth the fruits of repentance. His prayer was heard; for his conqueror not only released him, but, after two years' exile, restored him, with honor and the full exercise of royal power, to a tributary and dependent kingdom. Some political motive, doubtless, prompted the Assyrian king to restore Manasseh, and that was most probably to have the kingdom of Judah as a barrier between Egypt and his Assyrian dominions. But God overruled this measure for higher purposes. Manasseh now showed himself, by the influence of sanctified affliction, a new and better man. He made a complete reversal of his former policy, by not only destroying all the idolatrous statues and altars he had formerly erected in Jerusalem, but displaying the most ardent zeal in restoring and encouraging the worship of God.

14. he built a wall without the city … on the west side of Gihon … even to the entering in at the fish gate—"The well-ascertained position of the fish gate, shows that the valley of Gihon could be no other than that leading northwest of Damascus gate, and gently descending southward, uniting with the Tyropœon at the northeast corner of Mount Zion, where the latter turns at right angles and runs towards Siloam. The wall thus built by Manasseh on the west side of the valley of Gihon, would extend from the vicinity of the northeast corner of the wall of Zion in a northerly direction, until it crossed over the valley to form a junction with the outer wall at the trench of Antonia, precisely in the quarter where the temple would be most easily assailed" [Barclay].

17. the people did sacrifice still in the high places, yet unto the Lord their God only—Here it appears that the worship on high places, though it originated in a great measure from the practice of heathenism, and too often led to it, did not necessarily imply idolatry.

2Ch 33:20-25. He Dies and Amon Succeeds Him.

20, 21. Manasseh slept with his fathers … Amon began to reign—(See on 2Ki 21:19).